ENTRY            L0281   20221004                             L051L028100000001 
SUBENT        L0281001   20221004                             L051L028100100001 
BIB                 11         34                                 L028100100002 
TITLE      Electron Scattering by Calcium at 250 MeV              L028100100003 
AUTHOR     (M.Croissiaux,R.Hofstadter,A.E.Walker,M.R.Yearian,     L028100100004 
           D.G.Ravenhall,B.C.Clark,R.Herman)                      L028100100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,137,B865,1965)                                   L028100100006 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.137.B865                          L028100100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USASTF,1USAUI)                                       L028100100008 
           (2ITYITY) Universita di Roma, Roma, Italy.             L028100100009 
           (1USAUSA) General Motors Corporation, Warren, Michigan.L028100100010 
FACILITY   (ACCEL,1USASTF)                                        L028100100011 
DETECTOR   (SPEC) The 72-in. spectrometer and ten-channel         L028100100012 
           counter were used in all the work.                     L028100100013 
SAMPLE     The target material was made of naturally occurring    L028100100014 
           samples of calcium metal. Since Ca40 is present        L028100100015 
           naturally to 96.97% and the remaining Ca isotopes are  L028100100016 
           expected to scatter in a manner similar to Ca40, we    L028100100017 
           do not make the small correction required for the      L028100100018 
           presence of other calcium isotopes.                    L028100100019 
METHOD     Scattered electrons pass through the spectrometer and  L028100100020 
           are detected in the ten-channel ladder. The relative   L028100100021 
           efficiencies of the different channels were measured   L028100100022 
           as usual by using a carbon target to provide a Rat     L028100100023 
           inelastic continuum over the energy interval           L028100100024 
           corresponding to the ten channels. As is usual with    L028100100025 
           such measurements, four or five energy settings of     L028100100026 
           the spectrometer are employed so that the peak         L028100100027 
           appears in a different channel in each setting. The    L028100100028 
           results are then combined by the computer program. In  L028100100029 
           this way the effects of changing relative              L028100100030 
           efficiencies can be averaged out.                      L028100100031 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The errors given are only statistical in       L028100100032 
           nature.                                                L028100100033 
CORRECTION Corrected for the channel efficiencies, radiative      L028100100034 
           corrections, spectrometer dispersion, etc.             L028100100035 
HISTORY    (20221004C) BP                                         L028100100036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 L028100100037 
COMMON               3          3                                 L028100100038 
EN         EN-ERR     ANG-RSL                                     L028100100039 
MEV        MEV        ARAD                                        L028100100040 
      250.0        1.5      0.033                                 L028100100041 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 L028100100042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 L028100199999 
SUBENT        L0281002   20221004                             L051L028100200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 L028100200002 
REACTION   (20-CA-40(E,EL)20-CA-40,,DA)                           L028100200003 
STATUS     (TABLE,,M.Croissiaux,J,PR,137,B865,1965) Table I       L028100200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 L028100200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L028100200006 
DATA                 3         26                                 L028100200007 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       L028100200008 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       L028100200009 
       32.0   7.48E-01   0.41E-01                                 L028100200010 
       35.0   2.18E-01   0.12E-01                                 L028100200011 
       40.0   5.16E-02   0.18E-02                                 L028100200012 
       43.0   2.30E-02   0.09E-02                                 L028100200013 
       45.0   1.16E-02   0.04E-02                                 L028100200014 
       47.0   5.09E-03   0.20E-03                                 L028100200015 
       50.0   1.62E-03   0.07E-03                                 L028100200016 
       52.0   7.85E-04   0.78E-04                                 L028100200017 
       53.0   8.22E-04   0.40E-04                                 L028100200018 
       54.0   5.46E-04   0.55E-04                                 L028100200019 
       55.0   5.46E-04   0.30E-04                                 L028100200020 
       56.0   5.42E-04   0.33E-04                                 L028100200021 
       57.0   4.37E-04   0.19E-04                                 L028100200022 
       58.0   5.46E-04   0.40E-04                                 L028100200023 
       60.0   4.97E-04   0.19E-04                                 L028100200024 
       65.0   4.28E-04   0.22E-04                                 L028100200025 
       70.0   3.07E-04   0.13E-04                                 L028100200026 
       75.0   1.55E-04   0.07E-04                                 L028100200027 
       78.0   7.76E-05   0.40E-05                                 L028100200028 
       85.0   2.26E-05   0.13E-05                                 L028100200029 
       90.0   7.46E-06   0.30E-06                                 L028100200030 
       95.0   1.66E-06   0.21E-06                                 L028100200031 
      100.0   1.70E-07   0.57E-07                                 L028100200032 
      105.0   3.58E-07   0.60E-07                                 L028100200033 
      115.0   4.44E-07   1.00E-07                                 L028100200034 
      125.0   2.93E-07   0.80E-07                                 L028100200035 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 L028100200036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 L028100299999 
SUBENT        L0281003   20221004                             L051L028100300001 
BIB                  2          2                                 L028100300002 
REACTION   (20-CA-40(E,INL)20-CA-40,PAR,DA)                       L028100300003 
STATUS     (TABLE,,M.Croissiaux,J,PR,137,B865,1965) Table II      L028100300004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 L028100300005 
COMMON               4          3                                 L028100300006 
E-LVL      E-LVL      E-LVL      E-LVL                            L028100300007 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV                              L028100300008 
       3.35       3.73        3.9       4.48                      L028100300009 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 L028100300010 
DATA                 4         22                                 L028100300011 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S      DATA-APRX                        L028100300012 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR      MB/SR                            L028100300013 
       32.0                              0.0                      L028100300014 
       35.0   17.6E-04   17.0E-04                                 L028100300015 
       40.0  70.00E-04  20.00E-04                                 L028100300016 
       43.0  58.66E-04   8.40E-04                                 L028100300017 
       45.0  52.97E-04   5.30E-04                                 L028100300018 
       47.0  43.21E-04   2.70E-04                                 L028100300019 
       50.0  37.00E-04   1.60E-04                                 L028100300020 
       53.0  21.15E-04   0.80E-04                                 L028100300021 
       55.0  23.42E-04   0.80E-04                                 L028100300022 
       57.0  13.16E-04   0.36E-04                                 L028100300023 
       60.0  10.00E-04   0.35E-04                                 L028100300024 
       65.0   5.17E-04   0.36E-04                                 L028100300025 
       70.0   2.92E-04   0.30E-04                                 L028100300026 
       75.0   1.49E-04   0.15E-04                                 L028100300027 
       78.0   9.65E-05   1.00E-05                                 L028100300028 
       85.0   4.02E-05   0.50E-05                                 L028100300029 
       90.0   2.58E-05   0.02E-05                                 L028100300030 
       95.0   1.86E-05   0.40E-05                                 L028100300031 
      100.0   8.80E-06   4.00E-06                                 L028100300032 
      105.0   5.14E-06   0.35E-06                                 L028100300033 
      115.0   2.75E-06   0.27E-06                                 L028100300034 
      125.0   8.94E-07   2.00E-07                                 L028100300035 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 L028100300036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 L028100399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 L028199999999