ENTRY L0288 20240523 L053L028800000001 SUBENT L0288001 20240523 L053L028800100001 BIB 10 48 L028800100002 TITLE Short-lived photofission product yields from 238U and L028800100003 232Th at Bremsstrahlung X-ray endpoint energies of 8, L028800100004 14, and 20 MeV for nuclear forensics isotope L028800100005 production applications L028800100006 AUTHOR (A.Foley, H.Yang) L028800100007 INSTITUTE (1USAINL,1USAOSU) L028800100008 REFERENCE (J,NIM/A,1013,165621,2021) L028800100009 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAISU) S-band electron linear accelerator at L028800100010 the at Idaho State University Accelerator Center L028800100011 INC-SOURCE (BRST) Electrons impinged upon a 4.9 g/cm2 W radiator L028800100012 (6 cm from the linac exit window) followed by Al L028800100013 (13.7 g/cm2) to minimize the number of high-energy L028800100014 electrons. L028800100015 Targets were irradiated with the pulsed bremsstrahlung L028800100016 X-ray beam for 30 s with linac repetition rates L028800100017 ranging from 2 to 200 Hz. L028800100018 DETECTOR (HPGE) Heavily lead and polyethylene shielded L028800100019 high-purity germanium detector with 40% relative L028800100020 efficiency and resolution of 1.6 keV at 1.33 MeV L028800100021 DECAY-DATA ((1.)35-BR-88,16.34SEC,DG,775.28) L028800100022 ((2.)36-KR-90,32.32SEC,DG,1118.69) L028800100023 ((3.)37-RB-93,5.84SEC,DG,432.61) L028800100024 ((4.)37-RB-94,2.702SEC,DG,836.9) L028800100025 ((5.)38-SR-94,75.3SEC,DG,1427.7) L028800100026 ((6.)38-SR-95,23.9SEC,DG,685.6) L028800100027 ((7.)38-SR-96,1.07SEC,DG,809.4) L028800100028 ((8.)39-Y-97-M1,1.17SEC,DG,1103.3) L028800100029 ((9.)41-NB-103,1.5SEC,DG,102.561) L028800100030 ((10.)43-TC-106,35.6SEC,DG,270.096) L028800100031 ((11.)52-TE-135,19.SEC,DG,603.70) L028800100032 ((12.)52-TE-136,17.63SEC,DG,578.75) L028800100033 ((13.)53-I-138,6.26SEC,DG,588.825) L028800100034 ((14.)54-XE-139,39.68SEC,DG,296.53) L028800100035 ((15.)54-XE-140,13.6SEC,DG,805.52) L028800100036 ((16.)55-CS-142,1.684SEC,DG,1326.46) L028800100037 ((17.)56-BA-143,14.5SEC,DG,798.79) L028800100038 ((18.)56-BA-144,11.5SEC,DG,430.48) L028800100039 ((19.)57-LA-144,40.8SEC,DG,397.44) L028800100040 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) one standard deviation propagated from the L028800100041 uncertainties in L028800100042 . half-life L028800100043 . gamma-ray emission intensity L028800100044 . detector efficiency L028800100045 . target thickness L028800100046 . counting efficiency L028800100047 . number of photofissions per linac pulse L028800100048 HISTORY (20230307C) Compiled by S.H. L028800100049 (20240523A) On. 003 added. L028800100050 ENDBIB 48 0 L028800100051 NOCOMMON 0 0 L028800100052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 L028800199999 SUBENT L0288002 20240523 L053L028800200001 BIB 3 9 L028800200002 REACTION (92-U-235(G,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,BRA) L028800200003 SAMPLE 0.1445 +/- 0.0013 mm L028800200004 113.3 +/- 0.1 mg at E0=20 MeV, L028800200005 111.3 +/- 0.1 mg at E0-14 MeV, L028800200006 117.2 +/- 0.1 mg at E0= 8 MeV L028800200007 (92-U-234,NAT=0.000054) L028800200008 (92-U-235,NAT=0.00736) L028800200009 (92-U-238,NAT=0.9926) L028800200010 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Foley+,J,NIM/A,1013,165621,2021) Table 6 L028800200011 ENDBIB 9 0 L028800200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 L028800200013 DATA 8 57 L028800200014 EN-MAX ELEMENT MASS ISOMER ISOMER DATA L028800200015 DATA-ERR DECAY-FLAG L028800200016 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS L028800200017 PC/FIS NO-DIM L028800200018 20. 35. 88. 0.01149 L028800200019 0.0021 1. L028800200020 20. 36. 90. 0.02337 L028800200021 0.0011 2. L028800200022 20. 37. 93. 0.03870 L028800200023 0.0018 3. L028800200024 20. 37. 94. 0.02736 L028800200025 0.0013 4. L028800200026 20. 38. 94. 0.03652 L028800200027 0.0017 5. L028800200028 20. 38. 95. 0.04136 L028800200029 0.0024 6. L028800200030 20. 38. 96. 0.04045 L028800200031 0.0015 7. L028800200032 20. 39. 97. 1. 2. 0.02054 L028800200033 0.0041 8. L028800200034 20. 41. 103. 0.01594 L028800200035 0.0070 9. L028800200036 20. 43. 106. 0.02175 L028800200037 0.0010 10. L028800200038 20. 52. 135. 0.03172 L028800200039 0.0015 11. L028800200040 20. 52. 136. 0.03610 L028800200041 0.0017 12. L028800200042 20. 53. 138. 0.02374 L028800200043 0.0052 13. L028800200044 20. 54. 139. 0.03989 L028800200045 0.0024 14. L028800200046 20. 54. 140. 0.03206 L028800200047 0.0042 15. L028800200048 20. 55. 142. 0.03157 L028800200049 0.0011 16. L028800200050 20. 56. 143. 0.03599 L028800200051 0.0030 17. L028800200052 20. 56. 144. 0.02925 L028800200053 0.0079 18. L028800200054 20. 57. 144. 0.03384 L028800200055 0.0016 19. L028800200056 14. 35. 88. 0.01762 L028800200057 0.0043 1. L028800200058 14. 36. 90. 0.02536 L028800200059 0.0007 2. L028800200060 14. 37. 93. 0.03980 L028800200061 0.0011 3. L028800200062 14. 37. 94. 0.02893 L028800200063 0.0070 4. L028800200064 14. 38. 94. 0.04522 L028800200065 0.0012 5. L028800200066 14. 38. 95. 0.05361 L028800200067 0.0031 6. L028800200068 14. 38. 96. 0.04499 L028800200069 0.0008 7. L028800200070 14. 39. 97. 1. 2. 0.02226 L028800200071 0.0064 9. L028800200072 14. 41. 103. 0.01329 L028800200073 0.0003 8. L028800200074 14. 43. 106. 0.02951 L028800200075 0.0008 10. L028800200076 14. 52. 135. 0.04621 L028800200077 0.0013 11. L028800200078 14. 52. 136. 0.03350 L028800200079 0.0009 12. L028800200080 14. 53. 138. 0.03561 L028800200081 0.0092 13. L028800200082 14. 54. 139. 0.04667 L028800200083 0.0042 14. L028800200084 14. 54. 140. 0.04115 L028800200085 0.0078 15. L028800200086 14. 55. 142. 0.03509 L028800200087 0.0008 16. L028800200088 14. 56. 143. 0.04390 L028800200089 0.0030 17. L028800200090 14. 56. 144. 0.03547 L028800200091 0.0058 18. L028800200092 14. 57. 144. 0.04368 L028800200093 0.0020 19. L028800200094 8. 35. 88. 0.02193 L028800200095 0.0025 1. L028800200096 8. 36. 90. 0.04817 L028800200097 0.0012 2. L028800200098 8. 37. 93. 0.04679 L028800200099 0.0011 3. L028800200100 8. 37. 94. 0.03802 L028800200101 0.0090 4. L028800200102 8. 38. 94. 0.05983 L028800200103 0.0018 5. L028800200104 8. 38. 95. 0.06717 L028800200105 0.0040 6. L028800200106 8. 38. 96. 0.05647 L028800200107 0.0073 7. L028800200108 8. 39. 97. 1. 2. 0.05840 L028800200109 0.0014 9. L028800200110 8. 41. 103. 0.04790 L028800200111 0.0003 8. L028800200112 8. 43. 106. 0.03904 L028800200113 0.0010 10. L028800200114 8. 52. 135. 0.06645 L028800200115 0.0017 11. L028800200116 8. 52. 136. 0.04236 L028800200117 0.0070 12. L028800200118 8. 53. 138. 0.06232 L028800200119 0.0048 13. L028800200120 8. 54. 139. 0.06956 L028800200121 0.0044 14. L028800200122 8. 54. 140. 0.06835 L028800200123 0.0099 15. L028800200124 8. 55. 142. 0.04304 L028800200125 0.0005 16. L028800200126 8. 56. 143. 0.05550 L028800200127 0.0123 17. L028800200128 8. 56. 144. 0.04304 L028800200129 0.0005 18. L028800200130 8. 57. 144. 0.06226 L028800200131 0.0036 19. L028800200132 ENDDATA 118 0 L028800200133 ENDSUBENT 132 0 L028800299999 SUBENT L0288003 20240523 L053L028800300001 BIB 4 7 L028800300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(G,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,BRA) L028800300003 SAMPLE 0.0567 +/- 0.0009 mm L028800300004 99.0 +/- 0.1 mg at E0=20 MeV, L028800300005 110.0 +/- 0.1 mg at E0=14 MeV, L028800300006 100.4 +/- 0.1 mg at E0= 8 MeV, L028800300007 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Foley+,J,NIM/A,1013,165621,2021) Table 7 L028800300008 HISTORY (20240523C) On L028800300009 ENDBIB 7 0 L028800300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 L028800300011 DATA 6 45 L028800300012 EN-MAX ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR DECAY-FLAG L028800300013 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM L028800300014 20. 35. 88. 0.03236 0.0023 1. L028800300015 20. 36. 90. 0.04936 0.0028 2. L028800300016 20. 37. 93. 0.03894 0.0015 3. L028800300017 20. 37. 94. 0.02028 0.0018 4. L028800300018 20. 38. 94. 0.03705 0.0017 5. L028800300019 20. 38. 95. 0.04683 0.0042 6. L028800300020 20. 38. 96. 0.01778 0.0081 7. L028800300021 20. 43. 106. 0.01126 0.0015 10. L028800300022 20. 52. 135. 0.03836 0.0015 11. L028800300023 20. 52. 136. 0.02513 0.0075 12. L028800300024 20. 53. 138. 0.02074 0.0020 13. L028800300025 20. 54. 139. 0.05088 0.0094 14. L028800300026 20. 54. 140. 0.02467 0.0075 15. L028800300027 20. 56. 143. 0.03054 0.0043 17. L028800300028 20. 56. 144. 0.03785 0.0104 18. L028800300029 20. 57. 144. 0.03682 0.0027 19. L028800300030 14. 35. 88. 0.04337 0.0028 1. L028800300031 14. 36. 90. 0.06570 0.0035 2. L028800300032 14. 37. 93. 0.04925 0.0015 3. L028800300033 14. 37. 94. 0.02067 0.0025 4. L028800300034 14. 38. 94. 0.04622 0.0019 5. L028800300035 14. 38. 95. 0.05698 0.0043 6. L028800300036 14. 38. 96. 0.01128 0.0046 7. L028800300037 14. 52. 136. 0.02332 0.0039 12. L028800300038 14. 53. 138. 0.02810 0.0024 13. L028800300039 14. 54. 139. 0.07762 0.0081 14. L028800300040 14. 54. 140. 0.04399 0.0119 15. L028800300041 14. 56. 143. 0.03704 0.0076 17. L028800300042 14. 56. 144. 0.05370 0.0052 18. L028800300043 14. 57. 144. 0.07199 0.0041 19. L028800300044 8. 35. 88. 0.06395 0.0044 1. L028800300045 8. 36. 90. 0.86600 0.0047 2. L028800300046 8. 37. 93. 0.05225 0.0013 3. L028800300047 8. 37. 94. 0.02579 0.0021 4. L028800300048 8. 38. 94. 0.05344 0.0025 5. L028800300049 8. 38. 95. 0.07190 0.0049 6. L028800300050 8. 38. 96. 0.02163 0.0073 7. L028800300051 8. 52. 135. 0.04288 0.0011 11. L028800300052 8. 52. 136. 0.01948 0.0062 12. L028800300053 8. 53. 138. 0.03552 0.0040 13. L028800300054 8. 54. 139. 0.08452 0.0058 14. L028800300055 8. 54. 140. 0.05993 0.0140 15. L028800300056 8. 56. 143. 0.08972 0.0091 17. L028800300057 8. 56. 144. 0.09596 0.0086 18. L028800300058 8. 57. 144. 0.10232 0.0059 19. L028800300059 ENDDATA 47 0 L028800300060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 L028800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 L028899999999