ENTRY M0076 20240226 M129M007600000001 SUBENT M0076001 20240226 M129M007600100001 BIB 12 34 M007600100002 TITLE Yields of products of the photofission of Pu-239 M007600100003 AUTHOR (M.Ya.Kondrat'ko,A.V.Mosesov,K.A.Petrzhak, M007600100004 O.A.Teodorovich) M007600100005 INSTITUTE (4RUSTIL) M007600100006 REFERENCE (J,SJA,50,41,1981) M007600100007 English translation of AE,50,34,1981. M007600100008 (J,AE,50,34,1981) M007600100009 (C,80KIEV,3,148,1980) M007600100010 (C,83KIEV,2,47,1983) Same data for 239Pu on fig. M007600100011 FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSTIL) M007600100012 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M007600100013 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) M007600100014 DETECTOR (GELI) M007600100015 PART-DET (DG,B) M007600100016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Propagated from statistics, spread of M007600100017 individual experiments, efficiency and gamma M007600100018 intensity. M007600100019 COMMENT In order to obtain data on the mass and charge M007600100020 distributions of the products of photofission of M007600100021 the Pu-239 nucleus, determination of the independent M007600100022 yields of photofission product was made for M007600100023 bremsstrahlung with end-point energy 28 MeV. The M007600100024 information about the radioactive products of the M007600100025 Pu-239(g,f) reaction was obtained from the spectra M007600100026 of g-quanta emitted by the fragments. M007600100027 HISTORY (19830329C) M007600100028 (19910202A) Corrected by V.Varlamov, V.McLane. M007600100029 (20110530A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REFERENCE, M007600100030 INSTITUTE, FACILITY, BRS -> BRA, ELEMENT, dates, M007600100031 lowercase. M007600100032 (20191001A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REFERENCE, M007600100033 PART-DET, STATUS, SUBENT 003 added. M007600100034 (20240226A) Corrected by SD and VV: TITLE, REFERENCE, M007600100035 STATUS. M007600100036 ENDBIB 34 0 M007600100037 NOCOMMON 0 0 M007600100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 M007600199999 SUBENT M0076002 20240226 M129M007600200001 BIB 3 4 M007600200002 REACTION (94-PU-239(G,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,BRA) M007600200003 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Ya.Kondrat'ko+,J,SJA,50,41,1981) Table. 1. M007600200004 HISTORY (20191001A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M007600200005 (20240226U) Corrected by SD and VV:: STATUS updated. M007600200006 ENDBIB 4 0 M007600200007 COMMON 1 3 M007600200008 EN-MAX M007600200009 MEV M007600200010 28. M007600200011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M007600200012 DATA 5 33 M007600200013 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA DATA-ERR M007600200014 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS M007600200015 36. 85. 1. .851 .068 M007600200016 36. 88. 1.62 .21 M007600200017 38. 91. 2.89 .23 M007600200018 39. 92. 3.20 .16 M007600200019 39. 93. 4.02 .20 M007600200020 40. 95. 4.39 .13 M007600200021 40. 97. 4.63 .17 M007600200022 42. 99. 5.76 .22 M007600200023 44. 103. 5.55 .28 M007600200024 44. 105. 3.96 .20 M007600200025 44. 106. 3.70 .26 M007600200026 47. 111. 1.242 .075 M007600200027 47. 112. .955 .057 M007600200028 47. 113. .710 .069 M007600200029 48. 115. 0. .394 .027 M007600200030 48. 117. 1. .165 .017 M007600200031 48. 117. 0. .227 .016 M007600200032 51. 127. 1.43 .15 M007600200033 53. 131. 4.67 .15 M007600200034 53. 132. 4.96 .16 M007600200035 53. 133. 5.43 .21 M007600200036 54. 135. 6.32 .26 M007600200037 56. 139. 5.18 .26 M007600200038 57. 140. 4.55 .18 M007600200039 58. 141. 4.23 .14 M007600200040 58. 143. 3.26 .13 M007600200041 58. 144. 2.83 .11 M007600200042 59. 145. 2.33 .15 M007600200043 60. 147. 1.642 .064 M007600200044 61. 151. .745 .074 M007600200045 62. 153. .385 .027 M007600200046 62. 156. .161 .018 M007600200047 63. 157. .098 .015 M007600200048 ENDDATA 35 0 M007600200049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 M007600299999 SUBENT M0076003 20240226 M129M007600300001 BIB 3 4 M007600300002 REACTION (94-PU-239(G,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY,,FRC/BRA) M007600300003 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Ya.Kondrat'ko+,J,SJA,50,41,1981) Table. 2. M007600300004 HISTORY (20191001A) Compiled by V.Varlamov. M007600300005 (20240226U) Corrected by SD and VV:: STATUS updated. M007600300006 ENDBIB 4 0 M007600300007 COMMON 1 3 M007600300008 EN-MAX M007600300009 MEV M007600300010 28. M007600300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M007600300012 DATA 4 5 M007600300013 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR M007600300014 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM M007600300015 41. 96. .011 .002 M007600300016 53. 132. .217 .044 M007600300017 54. 135. .412 .025 M007600300018 55. 136. .123 .009 M007600300019 57. 140. .032 .006 M007600300020 ENDDATA 7 0 M007600300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 M007600399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 M007699999999