ENTRY M0089 20240226 M129M008900000001 SUBENT M0089001 20240226 M129M008900100001 BIB 12 24 M008900100002 TITLE Yields of the photofission products of Np-237 M008900100003 AUTHOR (M.Ya.Kondrat'ko,A.V.Mosesov,K.A.Petrzhak, M008900100004 O.A.Teodorovich) M008900100005 INSTITUTE (4RUSTIL) M008900100006 REFERENCE (J,SJA,53,629,1982) M008900100007 English translation of AE,53,164,1982. M008900100008 (J,AE,53,164,1982) M008900100009 (C,83KIEV,2,47,1983) Same data for 237Np on fig. M008900100010 FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSTIL) M008900100011 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M008900100012 METHOD (REC,STTA) M008900100013 PART-DET (DG,B) M008900100014 DETECTOR (GELI) M008900100015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information. M008900100016 COMMENT Mass distributions of the Np-237 fission fragments at M008900100017 the bremsstrahlung beam end-points energies 22, 25 M008900100018 and 28 MeV were measured. M008900100019 HISTORY (19830512C) M008900100020 (19910202A) Corrected by V.Varlamov, V.McLane M008900100021 (20110531A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REFERENCE, M008900100022 INSTITUTE, FACILITY, ELEMENT, PC/FIS, BRS -> BRA, M008900100023 dates, lowercase. M008900100024 (20240226A) Corrected by SD and VV: TITLE, REFERENCE, M008900100025 PART-DET, STATUS, SUBENTS 002-004 mearged. M008900100026 ENDBIB 24 0 M008900100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 M008900100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 M008900199999 SUBENT M0089002 20240226 M129M008900200001 BIB 3 4 M008900200002 REACTION (93-NP-237(G,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,BRA) M008900200003 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Ya.Kondrat'ko+,J,SJA,53,629,1982) Table 1. M008900200004 HISTORY (20240226A) Corrected by SD and VV: DATA substituted, M008900200005 STATUS. M008900200006 ENDBIB 4 0 M008900200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 M008900200008 DATA 6 63 M008900200009 EN-MAX ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA DATA-ERR M008900200010 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS M008900200011 22. 47. 111. .594 .036 M008900200012 22. 47. 112. .492 .019 M008900200013 22. 48. 115. .319 .017 M008900200014 22. 48. 117. 1. .096 .005 M008900200015 22. 48. 117. .211 .018 M008900200016 22. 57. 140. 4.90 .18 M008900200017 25. 36. 85. 1. 1.02 .06 M008900200018 25. 36. 88. 2.41 .25 M008900200019 25. 38. 91. 4.07 .22 M008900200020 25. 39. 92. 4.45 .18 M008900200021 25. 39. 93. 4.81 .17 M008900200022 25. 40. 95. 5.31 .21 M008900200023 25. 40. 97. 5.45 .16 M008900200024 25. 42. 99. 5.89 .21 M008900200025 25. 44. 103. 4.47 .28 M008900200026 25. 45. 105. 2.39 .21 M008900200027 25. 46. 109. .91 .06 M008900200028 25. 47. 111. .701 .056 M008900200029 25. 47. 112. .492 .042 M008900200030 25. 51. 127. 1.44 .10 M008900200031 25. 51. 129. 1.95 1.14 M008900200032 25. 53. 131. 4.41 .15 M008900200033 25. 53. 132. 0. 4.72 .13 M008900200034 25. 53. 133. 5.57 .25 M008900200035 25. 54. 135. 6.57 .19 M008900200036 25. 55. 136. .507 .065 M008900200037 25. 57. 140. 4.88 .17 M008900200038 25. 58. 143. 3.66 .14 M008900200039 28. 36. 85. 1. 1.15 .11 M008900200040 28. 36. 88. 2.20 .24 M008900200041 28. 38. 91. 4.02 .21 M008900200042 28. 39. 92. 4.03 .32 M008900200043 28. 39. 93. 4.59 .21 M008900200044 28. 40. 95. 5.26 .15 M008900200045 28. 40. 97. 5.54 .16 M008900200046 28. 42. 99. 5.90 .23 M008900200047 28. 44. 103. 4.39 .17 M008900200048 28. 44. 106. 2.56 .23 M008900200049 28. 45. 105. 2.66 .12 M008900200050 28. 46. 111. .665 .040 M008900200051 28. 46. 112. .575 .033 M008900200052 28. 48. 115. .46 .028 M008900200053 28. 48. 117. 1. .124 .007 M008900200054 28. 48. 117. 0. .271 .021 M008900200055 28. 51. 127. 1.49 .06 M008900200056 28. 51. 129. 1.97 .12 M008900200057 28. 53. 131. 4.53 .14 M008900200058 28. 53. 132. 1. .20 .13 M008900200059 28. 53. 132. 0. 4.66 .12 M008900200060 28. 53. 133. 5.49 .20 M008900200061 28. 54. 135. 6.28 .18 M008900200062 28. 55. 136. .538 .021 M008900200063 28. 57. 140. 4.87 .14 M008900200064 28. 58. 141. 4.59 .26 M008900200065 28. 58. 143. 3.73 .13 M008900200066 28. 58. 144. 3.31 .19 M008900200067 28. 59. 145. 2.87 .17 M008900200068 28. 60. 147. 1.864 .059 M008900200069 28. 61. 149. 1.496 .096 M008900200070 28. 61. 151. .722 .045 M008900200071 28. 62. 153. .38 .022 M008900200072 28. 62. 156. .115 .013 M008900200073 28. 63. 157. .068 .010 M008900200074 ENDDATA 65 0 M008900200075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 M008900299999 NOSUBENT M0089003 20240226 M129M008900300001 NOSUBENT M0089004 20240226 M129M008900400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 M008999999999