ENTRY M0122 20250117 M135M0122 0 1 SUBENT M0122001 20250117 M135M0122 1 1 BIB 11 41 M0122 1 2 TITLE Mechanism of reaction Li-6(gamma,p+d+t). M0122 1 3 AUTHOR (E.A.Kotikov,E.D.Makhnovskiy) M0122 1 4 INSTITUTE (4RUSFTI) M0122 1 5 REFERENCE (J,SNP,41,183,1985) M0122 1 6 English translation of YF,41,289,1985 M0122 1 7 (J,YF,41,289,1985) M0122 1 8 FACILITY (SYNCH,4RUSFTI) M0122 1 9 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M0122 1 10 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) M0122 1 11 DETECTOR (PLATE) M0122 1 12 COMMENT Absolute measurements of the cross section have been M0122 1 13 performed for the reaction gamma+(Li-6) -> p+d+t - M0122 1 14 21.29 MeV at energies Eg <= 30 MeV. The measurements M0122 1 15 were carried out by means of selection of M0122 1 16 corresponding three-prong stars in nuclear emulsion M0122 1 17 loaded with Li-6 isotope. An intensitive maximum has M0122 1 18 been observed in the obtained excitation function M0122 1 19 sigma(Eg) at an energy Eg=23.7(0.1) MeV; the total M0122 1 20 width at half-maximum is about 1.7 MeV. The integral M0122 1 21 reaction cross section for the gamma-ray energy M0122 1 22 interval from 22 up to 30 MeV amounts to 6.6(0.7) M0122 1 23 MeV*mb. The totality of the data obtained and their M0122 1 24 analysis indicate that the absorption of g-quanta M0122 1 25 with energies below 30 MeV by Li-6 nucleus leading M0122 1 26 to production of proton, deuteron and triton is M0122 1 27 explained mainly in terms of triangular Feynman M0122 1 28 graphs with rearrangement of the nuclei at vertices M0122 1 29 including the virtual processes gamma+(H-3) -> n+(H- M0122 1 30 2), or gamma+(H-3) -> -> (He-3)+(H-2) and n+(He-3) M0122 1 31 -> p+(H-3). A suppression of symmetric channel into M0122 1 32 (n+d+He-3) is shown. M0122 1 33 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors only. M0122 1 34 HISTORY (19860302C) M0122 1 35 (19910202A) Corrected by V.Varlamov, V.Mclane M0122 1 36 (20121101A) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.M0122 1 37 Corrected according last EXFOR rules and Dict. M0122 1 38 Ref. on transl. was added. M0122 1 39 VV: STATUS, EN-ERR, COMMON in SUBENT 002, M0122 1 40 REACTION code in SUBENTs 002 - 004 was corrected. M0122 1 41 (20250117A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REFERENCE, M0122 1 42 COMMENT, STATUS. M0122 1 43 ENDBIB 41 0 M0122 1 44 NOCOMMON 0 0 M0122 1 45 ENDSUBENT 44 0 M0122 199999 SUBENT M0122002 20250117 M135M0122 2 1 BIB 3 5 M0122 2 2 REACTION (3-LI-6(G,P+D)1-H-3,,DA,P,4PI/BRS) M0122 2 3 STATUS (CURVE,,E.A.Kotikov+,J,SNP,41,183,1985) M0122 2 4 Data from Fig. 1. M0122 2 5 HISTORY (20121029A) VV: REACTION code: BRA -> BRS, COMMON. M0122 2 6 (20250117U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M0122 2 7 ENDBIB 5 0 M0122 2 8 COMMON 2 3 M0122 2 9 ANG EN-ERR M0122 2 10 ADEG MEV M0122 2 11 90. .5 M0122 2 12 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M0122 2 13 DATA 3 8 M0122 2 14 EN DATA ERR-S M0122 2 15 MEV MB MB M0122 2 16 22.5 0.47 0.14 M0122 2 17 23.5 2.53 0.38 M0122 2 18 24.5 1.60 0.33 M0122 2 19 25.5 0.69 0.19 M0122 2 20 26.5 0.08 0.26 M0122 2 21 27.5 0.45 0.25 M0122 2 22 28.5 0.43 0.18 M0122 2 23 29.5 0.25 0.18 M0122 2 24 ENDDATA 10 0 M0122 2 25 ENDSUBENT 24 0 M0122 299999 SUBENT M0122003 20250117 M135M0122 3 1 BIB 3 5 M0122 3 2 REACTION (3-LI-6(G,X)1-H-2,,DA,,BRA/REL) M0122 3 3 STATUS (CURVE,,E.A.Kotikov+,J,SNP,41,183,1985) M0122 3 4 Data from Fig. 5. M0122 3 5 HISTORY (20121029A) VV: REACTION code: BRS -> BRA. M0122 3 6 (20250117U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M0122 3 7 ENDBIB 5 0 M0122 3 8 COMMON 1 3 M0122 3 9 ANG M0122 3 10 ADEG M0122 3 11 90. M0122 3 12 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M0122 3 13 DATA 3 6 M0122 3 14 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S M0122 3 15 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS M0122 3 16 0.3 0.0862 0.0130 M0122 3 17 0.7 0.1342 0.0170 M0122 3 18 1.1 0.143 0.018 M0122 3 19 1.5 0.082 0.017 M0122 3 20 1.9 0.039 0.012 M0122 3 21 2.3 0.023 0.009 M0122 3 22 ENDDATA 8 0 M0122 3 23 ENDSUBENT 22 0 M0122 399999 SUBENT M0122004 20250117 M135M0122 4 1 BIB 3 7 M0122 4 2 REACTION (3-LI-6(G,N+D)2-HE-3,,DA,D,BRA/REL) M0122 4 3 Angular distribution was measured in the system M0122 4 4 of the centre of mass of the (d+(He-3)) particles. M0122 4 5 STATUS (CURVE,,E.A.Kotikov+,J,SNP,41,183,1985) M0122 4 6 Data from Fig. 6. M0122 4 7 HISTORY (20121029A) VV: REACTION code: BRS -> BRA. M0122 4 8 (20250117U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M0122 4 9 ENDBIB 7 0 M0122 4 10 COMMON 1 3 M0122 4 11 EN-MAX M0122 4 12 MEV M0122 4 13 46. M0122 4 14 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M0122 4 15 DATA 3 9 M0122 4 16 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S M0122 4 17 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS M0122 4 18 10. 0.042 0.012 M0122 4 19 30. 0.081 0.017 M0122 4 20 50. 0.131 0.019 M0122 4 21 70. 0.171 0.021 M0122 4 22 90. 0.193 0.020 M0122 4 23 110. 0.178 0.020 M0122 4 24 130. 0.118 0.018 M0122 4 25 150. 0.060 0.015 M0122 4 26 170. 0.019 0.011 M0122 4 27 ENDDATA 11 0 M0122 4 28 ENDSUBENT 27 0 M0122 499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 M012299999999