ENTRY M0154 20240118 M128M015400000001 SUBENT M0154001 20240118 M128M015400100001 BIB 12 38 M015400100002 INSTITUTE (4RUSMOS) M015400100003 REFERENCE (J,SNP,44,361,1986) - Eng. trans. of YF,44,561,1986. M015400100004 (J,YF,44,561,1986) M015400100005 AUTHOR (A.S.Alimov,M.Kh.Zhalilov,K.M.Irgashev,E.V.Lazutin, M015400100006 M.Yu.Nikol'skiy,I.M.Piskarev,V.M.Sorvin, M015400100007 F.Sh.Khamraev) M015400100008 TITLE Study of the mechanism of B-11(gamma,tgamma') M015400100009 reaction. M015400100010 FACILITY (BETAT,4RUSMOS) M015400100011 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M015400100012 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) M015400100013 DETECTOR (GELI) Germanium detector DGDK-80. M015400100014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M015400100015 COMMENT The energy spectra of photons from the reaction M015400100016 B-11(gamma,xgamma') have been studied at M015400100017 bremsstrahlung end-point energies Eg-max = 20 and M015400100018 32 MeV. M015400100019 The 1.5-10.0 MeV secondary photons were detected at M015400100020 135.0 degree relative to the incident beam. M015400100021 In the spectrum a line has been observed at Eg-max = M015400100022 32 MeV which corresponds to 8.47 MeV total binding M015400100023 energy of the H3 nucleus produced in the reaction M015400100024 B11(gamma,t+gamma'). The absence of the 8.47 MeV M015400100025 line in the spectrum of possible final nuclei states M015400100026 gives rise to the suggestion that this line is M015400100027 associated with the reaction mechanism. M015400100028 STATUS (APRVD) by A.S.Alimov. M015400100029 HISTORY (19870227C) M015400100030 (19910202A) Corrected by V.Varlamov, V.Mclane M015400100031 (20121102A) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.M015400100032 Corrected according last EXFOR rules and Dict. M015400100033 Ref. on transl. was added. M015400100034 VV: STATUS, EN-SEC, REACTION code in M015400100035 SUBENT 002 was corrected. M015400100036 (20220131A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: AUTHOR M015400100037 (M.Kh.Zhalilov), STATUS. M015400100038 (20240118A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REFERENCE, free M015400100039 text in COMMENT, STATUS. M015400100040 ENDBIB 38 0 M015400100041 COMMON 1 3 M015400100042 ANG M015400100043 ADEG M015400100044 135. M015400100045 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M015400100046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 M015400199999 SUBENT M0154002 20240118 M128M015400200001 BIB 5 11 M015400200002 REACTION (5-B-11(G,P)4-BE-10,PAR,INT/DA,G,4PI/BRA) M015400200003 ANALYSIS Gamma production is related with M015400200004 11B(g,pg')10Be (2+ -> 0+). M015400200005 PART-DET (G) Determined by gamma detection at 140 deg. M015400200006 STATUS (TABLE,,A.S.Alimov+,J,SNP,44,361,1986) M015400200007 Data from authors presented in table. M015400200008 HISTORY (20121029A) VV: REACTION code: BRS -> BRA. M015400200009 (20220131A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M015400200010 ANALYSIS, PART-DET, EN-SEC, DATA (E-LVL -> E), M015400200011 DATA-UNITS, STATUS. M015400200012 (20240118U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M015400200013 ENDBIB 11 0 M015400200014 COMMON 1 3 M015400200015 EN-MAX M015400200016 MEV M015400200017 32. M015400200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M015400200019 DATA 3 1 M015400200020 E DATA ERR-S M015400200021 MEV MB*MEV MB*MEV M015400200022 3.37 18. 4.0 M015400200023 ENDDATA 3 0 M015400200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 M015400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M015499999999