ENTRY            M0211   20130606                             M067M021100000001 
SUBENT        M0211001   20130606                             M067M021100100001 
BIB                 12         19                                 M021100100002 
TITLE      Photoneutron reactions in lithium.                     M021100100003 
AUTHOR     (T.W.Rybka,L.Katz)                                     M021100100004 
INSTITUTE  (1CANSAS)                                              M021100100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,110,(5),1123,1958)                               M021100100006 
FACILITY   (BETAT,1CANSAS)                                        M021100100007 
INC-SOURCE (BRST)                                                 M021100100008 
METHOD     (EXTB,SITA)                                            M021100100009 
DETECTOR   (BF3)                                                  M021100100010 
PART-DET   (N)                                                    M021100100011 
COMMENT    The photoneutron cross section for the (g,n) reaction  M021100100012 
            in natural lithium was measured and  found  to  have  M021100100013 
            its maximum at 16.8 MeV, a peak value of 2.3 mb, and  M021100100014 
            a width at half maximum of 9.3 MeV.  Fine  structure  M021100100015 
            in the region to 10 MeV was resolved.                 M021100100016 
STATUS     (CURVE)                                                M021100100017 
HISTORY    (19880629C)                                            M021100100018 
           (19910202A) Corrected by V.Varlamov, V.Mclane.         M021100100019 
           (20130606A) Corrected   by   V.Varlamov:    REACTION,  M021100100020 
            STATUS, ANALYSIS, dates, lowercase.                   M021100100021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 M021100100022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M021100100023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 M021100199999 
SUBENT        M0211002   20130606                             M067M021100200001 
BIB                  4          4                                 M021100200002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG,,BRA/REL)                      M021100200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors are presented.              M021100200004 
STATUS     Data from Fig. 1.                                      M021100200005 
HISTORY    (20130604A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: BRS -> BRA.       M021100200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 M021100200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M021100200008 
DATA                 3         34                                 M021100200009 
EN-MAX     DATA       ERR-S                                       M021100200010 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                                   M021100200011 
     7.0        0.007                                             M021100200012 
     7.5        0.010                                             M021100200013 
     8.0        0.014                                             M021100200014 
     8.5        0.031                                             M021100200015 
     9.0        0.041                                             M021100200016 
     9.5        0.054                                             M021100200017 
    10.0        0.075                                             M021100200018 
    10.5        0.095                                             M021100200019 
    11.0        0.126                                             M021100200020 
    11.5        0.156                                             M021100200021 
    12.         0.194                                             M021100200022 
    12.5        0.237                                             M021100200023 
    13.         0.272                                             M021100200024 
    13.5        0.327                                             M021100200025 
    14.0        0.378                                             M021100200026 
    14.5        0.435                                             M021100200027 
    15.0        0.493                                             M021100200028 
    15.5        0.558                                             M021100200029 
    16.0        0.619                                             M021100200030 
    16.5        0.690                                             M021100200031 
    17.0        0.769                                             M021100200032 
    17.5        0.820                                             M021100200033 
    18.0        0.891                                             M021100200034 
    18.5        0.946                                             M021100200035 
    19.0        1.                                                M021100200036 
    19.5        1.065                                             M021100200037 
    20.0        1.119                                             M021100200038 
    20.5        1.167                                             M021100200039 
    21.0        1.211                                             M021100200040 
    21.5        1.256                                             M021100200041 
    22.         1.3        0.13                                   M021100200042 
    22.5        1.316                                             M021100200043 
    23.         1.326                                             M021100200044 
    23.5        1.347                                             M021100200045 
ENDDATA             36          0                                 M021100200046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 M021100299999 
SUBENT        M0211003   20130606                             M067M021100300001 
BIB                  5          5                                 M021100300002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG,,BRS)                          M021100300003 
ANALYSIS   (UNFLD)                                                M021100300004 
ERR-ANALYS No information.                                        M021100300005 
STATUS     Data from Fig. 2.                                      M021100300006 
HISTORY    (20130604A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: BRA -> BRS.       M021100300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 M021100300008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M021100300009 
DATA                 2         27                                 M021100300010 
EN         DATA                                                   M021100300011 
MEV        MB                                                     M021100300012 
     5.41       0.01                                              M021100300013 
     6.51       0.05                                              M021100300014 
     8.16       0.15                                              M021100300015 
     9.83       0.39                                              M021100300016 
    10.78       0.64                                              M021100300017 
    11.51       0.87                                              M021100300018 
    12.15       1.1                                               M021100300019 
    12.68       1.33                                              M021100300020 
    13.25       1.55                                              M021100300021 
    13.85       1.76                                              M021100300022 
    14.54       1.99                                              M021100300023 
    15.31       2.17                                              M021100300024 
    16.36       2.28                                              M021100300025 
    16.8        2.3                                               M021100300026 
    17.09       2.29                                              M021100300027 
    17.75       2.26                                              M021100300028 
    18.57       2.14                                              M021100300029 
    19.2        2.01                                              M021100300030 
    19.69       1.88                                              M021100300031 
    20.31       1.68                                              M021100300032 
    20.93       1.4                                               M021100300033 
    21.45       1.14                                              M021100300034 
    22.0        0.83                                              M021100300035 
    22.48       0.57                                              M021100300036 
    22.98       0.29                                              M021100300037 
    23.44       0.05                                              M021100300038 
    23.51       0.00                                              M021100300039 
ENDDATA             29          0                                 M021100300040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 M021100399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 M021199999999