ENTRY M0273 20240810 M133M027300000001 SUBENT M0273001 20240810 M133M027300100001 BIB 10 44 M027300100002 TITLE The solution of x-ray activation curves for M027300100003 photonuclear cross sections. M027300100004 AUTHOR (L.Katz,A.G.W.Cameron) M027300100005 INSTITUTE (1CANSAS) M027300100006 REFERENCE (J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027300100007 (J,PR,80,1062,1950) M027300100008 63Cu,65Cu,121Sb,123Sb,181Ta(g,n) initial results. M027300100009 (J,PR,82,271,1951) M027300100010 54Fe,58Ni,64Zn(g,n) initial results. M027300100011 (J,PR,81,815,1951) M027300100012 31P(g,n) and 32S(g,d+np) initial results. M027300100013 METHOD (ACTIV) Activation curve measurement. M027300100014 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M027300100015 ANALYSIS (PHDIF) M027300100016 ERR-ANALYS No information given M027300100017 COMMENT A method is presented for the computation of M027300100018 photonuclear cross sections from their x-ray M027300100019 activation or yield curves. It is based on the photon M027300100020 differences between successive Schiff representations M027300100021 of bremsstrahlung spectra and assumes that the M027300100022 activation curves have smooth first and second M027300100023 derivatives. M027300100024 Artificially prepared activation curves have been M027300100025 satisfactorily solved by this method, and the M027300100026 published photonuclear activation curves determined M027300100027 in this laboratory have been reanalyzed. The resultingM027300100028 cross section curves are in essential agreement with M027300100029 those originally determined; however, the new values M027300100030 are believed to be more reliable. M027300100031 New constants for two proposed relationships between M027300100032 (g,n) 'resonance' peak energies and atomic mass numberM027300100033 have been determined. M027300100034 Appended to the paper are tables of the Schiff M027300100035 bremsstrahlung spectra for maximum photon energies M027300100036 between 8 and 28 MeV and also of special functions M027300100037 for cross section computations between the same M027300100038 energies. M027300100039 HISTORY (19880818C) M027300100040 (19910202A) Corrected by V.Varlamov, V.Mclane M027300100041 (20071005A) DATES and REACTIONS corrected, lowercase, M027300100042 V.Varlamov M027300100043 (20240810A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REFERENCE, M027300100044 FACILITY, METHOD, DETECTOR, ANALYSIS, DATA, STATUS, M027300100045 lowercase. M027300100046 ENDBIB 44 0 M027300100047 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027300100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 M027300199999 SUBENT M0273002 20240810 M133M027300200001 BIB 5 9 M027300200002 REACTION (6-C-12(G,N)6-C-11,,SIG,,BRS,DEROT) M027300200003 ANALYSIS Reaction cross-section was unfolded from the M027300200004 yield measured by Haslam et al in 1951. M027300200005 REL-REF (R,,R.N.H.Haslam+,J,PR,82,270,1951) M027300200006 Experimental data for yield of reaction. M027300200007 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027300200008 Data presented in Table II. M027300200009 HISTORY (20240810A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M027300200010 ANALYSIS, REL-REF, STATUS. M027300200011 ENDBIB 9 0 M027300200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027300200013 DATA 2 9 M027300200014 EN DATA M027300200015 MEV MB M027300200016 19. 0.05 M027300200017 20. 0.50 M027300200018 21. 2.30 M027300200019 22. 9.4 M027300200020 23. 13.1 M027300200021 24. 8.8 M027300200022 25. 5.2 M027300200023 26. 3.3 M027300200024 27. 1.9 M027300200025 ENDDATA 11 0 M027300200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 M027300299999 SUBENT M0273003 20240810 M133M027300300001 BIB 4 5 M027300300002 REACTION (15-P-31(G,N)15-P-30,,SIG,,BRS) M027300300003 FACILITY (BETAT,1CANSAS) 22-MeV betatron. M027300300004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027300300005 Data presented in Table II. M027300300006 HISTORY (20240810U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: FACILITY, STATUS. M027300300007 ENDBIB 5 0 M027300300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027300300009 DATA 2 13 M027300300010 EN DATA M027300300011 MEV MB M027300300012 13. 1.4 M027300300013 14. 3.2 M027300300014 15. 5.1 M027300300015 16. 7.6 M027300300016 17. 10.7 M027300300017 18. 14.4 M027300300018 19. 16.6 M027300300019 20. 16.4 M027300300020 21. 13.8 M027300300021 22. 10.6 M027300300022 23. 8.0 M027300300023 24. 6.0 M027300300024 25. 4.3 M027300300025 ENDDATA 15 0 M027300300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 M027300399999 SUBENT M0273004 20240810 M133M027300400001 BIB 4 5 M027300400002 REACTION (26-FE-54(G,N)26-FE-53,,SIG,,BRS) M027300400003 FACILITY (BETAT,1CANSAS) 22-MeV betatron. M027300400004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027300400005 Data presented in Table II. M027300400006 HISTORY (20240810U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: FACILITY, STATUS. M027300400007 ENDBIB 5 0 M027300400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027300400009 DATA 2 11 M027300400010 EN DATA M027300400011 MEV MB M027300400012 14. 1.4 M027300400013 15. 11.1 M027300400014 16. 25. M027300400015 17. 42. M027300400016 18. 62. M027300400017 19. 67. M027300400018 20. 60. M027300400019 21. 49. M027300400020 22. 40. M027300400021 23. 32. M027300400022 24. 25. M027300400023 ENDDATA 13 0 M027300400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 M027300499999 SUBENT M0273005 20240810 M133M027300500001 BIB 4 5 M027300500002 REACTION (28-NI-58(G,N)28-NI-57,,SIG,,BRS) M027300500003 FACILITY (BETAT,1CANSAS) 22-MeV betatron. M027300500004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027300500005 Data presented in Table II. M027300500006 HISTORY (20240810U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: FACILITY, STATUS. M027300500007 ENDBIB 5 0 M027300500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027300500009 DATA 2 10 M027300500010 EN DATA M027300500011 MEV MB M027300500012 13. 11. M027300500013 14. 15. M027300500014 15. 23. M027300500015 16. 33. M027300500016 17. 46. M027300500017 18. 53. M027300500018 19. 54. M027300500019 20. 45. M027300500020 21. 28. M027300500021 22. 16. M027300500022 ENDDATA 12 0 M027300500023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 M027300599999 SUBENT M0273006 20240810 M133M027300600001 BIB 4 5 M027300600002 REACTION (29-CU-63(G,N)29-CU-62,,SIG,,BRS) M027300600003 FACILITY (BETAT,1CANSAS) 22-MeV betatron. M027300600004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027300600005 Data presented in Table II. M027300600006 HISTORY (20240810U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: FACILITY, STATUS. M027300600007 ENDBIB 5 0 M027300600008 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027300600009 DATA 2 11 M027300600010 EN DATA M027300600011 MEV MB M027300600012 11. 2. M027300600013 12. 13. M027300600014 13. 23. M027300600015 14. 40. M027300600016 15. 64. M027300600017 16. 86. M027300600018 17. 99. M027300600019 18. 104. M027300600020 19. 97. M027300600021 20. 72. M027300600022 21. 39. M027300600023 ENDDATA 13 0 M027300600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 M027300699999 SUBENT M0273007 20240810 M133M027300700001 BIB 4 5 M027300700002 REACTION (29-CU-65(G,N)29-CU-64,,SIG,,BRS) M027300700003 FACILITY (BETAT,1CANSAS) 22-MeV betatron. M027300700004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027300700005 Data presented in Table II. M027300700006 HISTORY (20240810U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: FACILITY, STATUS. M027300700007 ENDBIB 5 0 M027300700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027300700009 DATA 2 12 M027300700010 EN DATA M027300700011 MEV MB M027300700012 11. 18. M027300700013 12. 32. M027300700014 13. 51. M027300700015 14. 73. M027300700016 15. 96. M027300700017 16. 119. M027300700018 17. 138. M027300700019 18. 150. M027300700020 19. 149. M027300700021 20. 130. M027300700022 21. 81. M027300700023 22. 34. M027300700024 ENDDATA 14 0 M027300700025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 M027300799999 SUBENT M0273008 20240810 M133M027300800001 BIB 4 5 M027300800002 REACTION (30-ZN-64(G,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG,,BRS) M027300800003 FACILITY (BETAT,1CANSAS) 22-MeV betatron. M027300800004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027300800005 Data presented in Table III. M027300800006 HISTORY (20240810U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: FACILITY, STATUS. M027300800007 ENDBIB 5 0 M027300800008 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027300800009 DATA 2 13 M027300800010 EN DATA M027300800011 MEV MB M027300800012 11. 4. M027300800013 12. 18. M027300800014 13. 39. M027300800015 14. 63. M027300800016 15. 88. M027300800017 16. 108. M027300800018 17. 121. M027300800019 18. 123. M027300800020 19. 116. M027300800021 20. 100. M027300800022 21. 79. M027300800023 22. 56. M027300800024 23. 34. M027300800025 ENDDATA 15 0 M027300800026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 M027300899999 SUBENT M0273009 20240810 M133M027300900001 BIB 4 5 M027300900002 REACTION (51-SB-121(G,N)51-SB-120,,SIG,,BRS) M027300900003 FACILITY (BETAT,1CANSAS) 22-MeV betatron. M027300900004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027300900005 Data presented in Table III. M027300900006 HISTORY (20240810U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: FACILITY, STATUS. M027300900007 ENDBIB 5 0 M027300900008 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027300900009 DATA 2 9 M027300900010 EN DATA M027300900011 MEV MB M027300900012 10. 57. M027300900013 11. 130. M027300900014 12. 264. M027300900015 13. 470. M027300900016 14. 658. M027300900017 15. 665. M027300900018 16. 591. M027300900019 17. 386. M027300900020 18. 189. M027300900021 ENDDATA 11 0 M027300900022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 M027300999999 SUBENT M0273010 20240810 M133M027301000001 BIB 4 5 M027301000002 REACTION (51-SB-123(G,N)51-SB-122,,SIG,,BRS) M027301000003 FACILITY (BETAT,1CANSAS) 22-MeV betatron. M027301000004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027301000005 Data presented in Table III. M027301000006 HISTORY (20240810U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: FACILITY, STATUS. M027301000007 ENDBIB 5 0 M027301000008 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027301000009 DATA 2 9 M027301000010 EN DATA M027301000011 MEV MB M027301000012 10. 30. M027301000013 11. 69. M027301000014 12. 140. M027301000015 13. 249. M027301000016 14. 348. M027301000017 15. 362. M027301000018 16. 313. M027301000019 17. 204. M027301000020 18. 100. M027301000021 ENDDATA 11 0 M027301000022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 M027301099999 SUBENT M0273011 20240810 M133M027301100001 BIB 4 5 M027301100002 REACTION (73-TA-181(G,N)73-TA-180,,SIG,,BRS) M027301100003 FACILITY (BETAT,1CANSAS) 22-MeV betatron. M027301100004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027301100005 Data presented in Table III. M027301100006 HISTORY (20240810U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: FACILITY, STATUS. M027301100007 ENDBIB 5 0 M027301100008 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027301100009 DATA 2 10 M027301100010 EN DATA M027301100011 MEV MB M027301100012 9. 6. M027301100013 10. 15. M027301100014 11. 30. M027301100015 12. 51. M027301100016 13. 73. M027301100017 14. 80. M027301100018 15. 72. M027301100019 16. 42. M027301100020 17. 23. M027301100021 18. 15. M027301100022 ENDDATA 12 0 M027301100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 M027301199999 SUBENT M0273012 20240810 M133M027301200001 BIB 4 6 M027301200002 REACTION (16-S-32(G,X)15-P-30,,SIG,,BRS) M027301200003 FACILITY (BETAT,1CANSAS) 22-MeV betatron. M027301200004 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027301200005 Data presented in Table III. M027301200006 HISTORY (20240810A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M027301200007 FACILITY, STATUS. M027301200008 ENDBIB 6 0 M027301200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027301200010 DATA 2 8 M027301200011 EN DATA M027301200012 MEV MB M027301200013 20. 0.0185 M027301200014 21. 0.048 M027301200015 22. 0.29 M027301200016 23. 1.62 M027301200017 24. 2.35 M027301200018 25. 3.63 M027301200019 26. 6.0 M027301200020 27. 2.0 M027301200021 ENDDATA 10 0 M027301200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 M027301299999 SUBENT M0273013 20240810 M133M027301300001 BIB 5 9 M027301300002 REACTION (37-RB-87(G,A)35-BR-83,,SIG,,BRS,DEROT) M027301300003 ANALYSIS Reaction cross-section was unfolded from the M027301300004 yield measured by Haslam et al in 1951. M027301300005 REL-REF (R,,R.N.H.Haslam+,J,PR,81,479,1951) M027301300006 Experimental data for yield of reaction. M027301300007 STATUS (TABLE,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,29,518,1951) M027301300008 Data presented in Table III. M027301300009 HISTORY (20240810A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M027301300010 ANALYSIS, REL-REF, STATUS. M027301300011 ENDBIB 9 0 M027301300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 M027301300013 DATA 2 13 M027301300014 EN DATA M027301300015 MEV MB M027301300016 15. 0.002 M027301300017 16. 0.005 M027301300018 17. 0.015 M027301300019 18. 0.027 M027301300020 19. 0.040 M027301300021 20. 0.052 M027301300022 21. 0.062 M027301300023 22. 0.071 M027301300024 23. 0.075 M027301300025 24. 0.075 M027301300026 25. 0.068 M027301300027 26. 0.050 M027301300028 27. 0.030 M027301300029 ENDDATA 15 0 M027301300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 M027301399999 ENDENTRY 13 0 M027399999999