ENTRY M0276 20250108 M135M0276 0 1 SUBENT M0276001 20250108 M135M0276 1 1 BIB 13 34 M0276 1 2 TITLE The photoneutron cross section of Li-7. M0276 1 3 AUTHOR (S.A.Siddiqui,N.Dytlewski,H.H.Thies) M0276 1 4 INSTITUTE (3AULUWA) M0276 1 5 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,458,387,1986) M0276 1 6 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(86)90041-2 M0276 1 7 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M0276 1 8 FACILITY (SYNCH,3AULUWA) Bremsstrahlung from an electron M0276 1 9 synchrotron. The accelerator was operated using M0276 1 10 yield scanning techniques. M0276 1 11 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) M0276 1 12 SAMPLE (3-LI-7,ENR=0.9998) The target consisted of 0.92 kg of M0276 1 13 natural lithium of purity 99.98%, in the form of a M0276 1 14 cylinder, 9 cm in diameter and 27.5 cm long. M0276 1 15 DETECTOR (BF3) The detector consists of a central cylindrical M0276 1 16 heavy-water and graphite moderator core which is M0276 1 17 surrounded by 48 large BF3 proportional neutron M0276 1 18 counters, and located within a paraffin housing of M0276 1 19 1.2 m side-length. M0276 1 20 ANALYSIS (THIES) M0276 1 21 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Root-mean-squared errors. M0276 1 22 COMMENT The Li-7 photoneutron cross section was measured from M0276 1 23 threshold to 19.5 MeV using bremsstrahlung from an M0276 1 24 electron synchrotron. M0276 1 25 The cross section shows one major maximum at 17 MeV, M0276 1 26 and some less prominent structure at 13.75 MeV and M0276 1 27 14.65 MeV. A small resonance was observed at 7.46 M0276 1 28 MeV which can be attributed to an M1 transition to M0276 1 29 the known 7.456 MeV, 2.5**(-1) state in Li-7. M0276 1 30 HISTORY (19870622C) M0276 1 31 (19910202A) Corrected by V.Varlamov, V.Mclane. M0276 1 32 (20130613A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M0276 1 33 ANALYSIS, ERR-ANALYS, dates, lowercase. M0276 1 34 (20250108A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DOI, SAMPLE, M0276 1 35 DETECTOR, COMMENT, STATUS. M0276 1 36 ENDBIB 34 0 M0276 1 37 NOCOMMON 0 0 M0276 1 38 ENDSUBENT 37 0 M0276 199999 SUBENT M0276002 20250108 M135M0276 2 1 BIB 3 5 M0276 2 2 REACTION (3-LI-7(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG,,BRS) M0276 2 3 STATUS (CURVE,,S.A.Siddiqui+,J,NP/A,458,387,1986) M0276 2 4 Data from Fig. 2a. M0276 2 5 HISTORY (20130613A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: BRA -> BRS. M0276 2 6 (20250108U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M0276 2 7 ENDBIB 5 0 M0276 2 8 NOCOMMON 0 0 M0276 2 9 DATA 3 147 M0276 2 10 EN DATA DATA-ERR M0276 2 11 MEV MB MB M0276 2 12 7.29 0.0055 0.0002 M0276 2 13 7.32 0.0110 0.0002 M0276 2 14 7.36 0.0170 0.0004 M0276 2 15 7.4 0.0200 0.0008 M0276 2 16 7.43 0.0230 0.0008 M0276 2 17 7.47 0.0250 0.0012 M0276 2 18 7.505 0.0220 0.0012 M0276 2 19 7.54 0.0170 0.0016 M0276 2 20 7.58 0.0180 0.0016 M0276 2 21 7.62 0.0150 0.0021 M0276 2 22 7.65 0.0160 0.0021 M0276 2 23 7.695 0.0160 0.0021 M0276 2 24 7.73 0.0160 0.0021 M0276 2 25 7.765 0.0170 0.0025 M0276 2 26 7.8 0.0170 0.0025 M0276 2 27 7.845 0.0160 0.0029 M0276 2 28 7.87 0.0180 0.0029 M0276 2 29 7.915 0.0190 0.0033 M0276 2 30 7.95 0.0190 0.0033 M0276 2 31 7.98 0.0185 0.0037 M0276 2 32 8.025 0.0215 0.0037 M0276 2 33 8.05 0.0228 0.0037 M0276 2 34 8.1 0.040 0.005 M0276 2 35 8.2 0.050 0.005 M0276 2 36 8.3 0.050 0.005 M0276 2 37 8.4 0.060 0.005 M0276 2 38 8.5 0.070 0.005 M0276 2 39 8.6 0.070 0.005 M0276 2 40 8.7 0.070 0.005 M0276 2 41 8.8 0.080 0.005 M0276 2 42 8.9 0.080 0.005 M0276 2 43 9. 0.100 0.005 M0276 2 44 9.1 0.090 0.005 M0276 2 45 9.2 0.080 0.005 M0276 2 46 9.3 0.090 0.005 M0276 2 47 9.4 0.120 0.005 M0276 2 48 9.5 0.13 0.01 M0276 2 49 9.6 0.17 0.01 M0276 2 50 9.7 0.23 0.01 M0276 2 51 9.8 0.27 0.01 M0276 2 52 9.9 0.27 0.01 M0276 2 53 10. 0.35 0.01 M0276 2 54 10.09 0.40 0.01 M0276 2 55 10.12 0.43 0.01 M0276 2 56 10.2 0.49 0.01 M0276 2 57 10.3 0.48 0.01 M0276 2 58 10.38 0.50 0.01 M0276 2 59 10.4 0.51 0.01 M0276 2 60 10.5 0.52 0.01 M0276 2 61 10.6 0.52 0.01 M0276 2 62 10.8 0.54 0.01 M0276 2 63 10.9 0.56 0.01 M0276 2 64 11. 0.55 0.01 M0276 2 65 11.1 0.56 0.01 M0276 2 66 11.2 0.64 0.01 M0276 2 67 11.22 0.63 0.01 M0276 2 68 11.32 0.67 0.01 M0276 2 69 11.4 0.67 0.01 M0276 2 70 11.5 0.72 0.01 M0276 2 71 11.6 0.72 0.01 M0276 2 72 11.7 0.78 0.01 M0276 2 73 11.8 0.78 0.01 M0276 2 74 11.9 0.85 0.02 M0276 2 75 12. 0.87 0.02 M0276 2 76 12.1 0.87 0.02 M0276 2 77 12.15 0.92 0.02 M0276 2 78 12.2 0.91 0.02 M0276 2 79 12.3 0.97 0.02 M0276 2 80 12.4 1.03 0.02 M0276 2 81 12.5 1.09 0.02 M0276 2 82 12.6 1.10 0.02 M0276 2 83 12.7 1.18 0.02 M0276 2 84 12.75 1.15 0.02 M0276 2 85 12.85 1.25 0.02 M0276 2 86 12.95 1.20 0.02 M0276 2 87 13.05 1.28 0.02 M0276 2 88 13.15 1.35 0.02 M0276 2 89 13.25 1.35 0.02 M0276 2 90 13.3 1.50 0.02 M0276 2 91 13.4 1.45 0.02 M0276 2 92 13.5 1.50 0.02 M0276 2 93 13.6 1.57 0.02 M0276 2 94 13.7 1.70 0.02 M0276 2 95 13.75 1.75 0.02 M0276 2 96 13.85 1.74 0.02 M0276 2 97 13.95 1.65 0.02 M0276 2 98 14.1 1.60 0.02 M0276 2 99 14.2 1.65 0.02 M0276 2 100 14.25 1.75 0.03 M0276 2 101 14.35 1.85 0.04 M0276 2 102 14.45 1.90 0.03 M0276 2 103 14.55 1.93 0.03 M0276 2 104 14.6 1.57 0.03 M0276 2 105 14.7 1.97 0.03 M0276 2 106 14.8 1.92 0.04 M0276 2 107 14.9 1.90 0.04 M0276 2 108 15. 1.80 0.04 M0276 2 109 15.1 1.82 0.04 M0276 2 110 15.15 1.87 0.04 M0276 2 111 15.2 2.00 0.06 M0276 2 112 15.3 2.03 0.06 M0276 2 113 15.4 2.03 0.05 M0276 2 114 15.5 2.21 0.05 M0276 2 115 15.6 2.05 0.04 M0276 2 116 15.7 2.10 0.05 M0276 2 117 15.8 2.20 0.05 M0276 2 118 15.9 2.03 0.05 M0276 2 119 16. 2.14 0.05 M0276 2 120 16.05 2.19 0.04 M0276 2 121 16.15 2.20 0.04 M0276 2 122 16.2 2.27 0.06 M0276 2 123 16.3 2.38 0.05 M0276 2 124 16.4 2.45 0.05 M0276 2 125 16.5 2.39 0.04 M0276 2 126 16.6 2.4 0.05 M0276 2 127 16.7 2.49 0.05 M0276 2 128 16.75 2.62 0.05 M0276 2 129 16.8 2.56 0.06 M0276 2 130 16.9 2.64 0.07 M0276 2 131 17. 2.63 0.06 M0276 2 132 17.1 2.42 0.06 M0276 2 133 17.2 2.49 0.05 M0276 2 134 17.3 2.36 0.07 M0276 2 135 17.4 2.36 0.06 M0276 2 136 17.5 2.29 0.05 M0276 2 137 17.6 2.43 0.07 M0276 2 138 17.7 2.43 0.07 M0276 2 139 17.8 2.23 0.06 M0276 2 140 17.9 2.29 0.05 M0276 2 141 18. 2.30 0.06 M0276 2 142 18.1 2.27 0.07 M0276 2 143 18.2 2.27 0.05 M0276 2 144 18.3 2.21 0.07 M0276 2 145 18.35 2.29 0.07 M0276 2 146 18.4 2.29 0.06 M0276 2 147 18.5 2.16 0.06 M0276 2 148 18.6 2.40 0.05 M0276 2 149 18.7 2.20 0.07 M0276 2 150 18.8 2.12 0.07 M0276 2 151 18.9 2.30 0.07 M0276 2 152 19. 1.96 0.06 M0276 2 153 19.08 1.87 0.07 M0276 2 154 19.15 2.17 0.06 M0276 2 155 19.2 2.01 0.08 M0276 2 156 19.3 2.11 0.07 M0276 2 157 19.4 2.15 0.07 M0276 2 158 19.5 2.12 0.07 M0276 2 159 ENDDATA 149 0 M0276 2 160 ENDSUBENT 159 0 M0276 299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M027699999999