ENTRY            M0280   20110325                             M058M028000000001 
SUBENT        M0280001   20110325                             M058M028000100001 
BIB                 17         43                                 M028000100002 
TITLE      Energy distribution of photoneutrons from Bi and Pb.   M028000100003 
AUTHOR     (A.De Marco,R.Garfagnini,G.Piragino)                   M028000100004 
INSTITUTE  (2ITYTUR)                                              M028000100005 
REFERENCE  (J,NC/B,44,(1),172,1966)                               M028000100006 
FACILITY   (SYNCH,2ITYTUR)                                        M028000100007 
INC-SOURCE (BRST)                                                 M028000100008 
REL-REF    (I,,K.J.LE COUTEUR+,J,NP,13,32,1959)  The   technical  M028000100009 
            details of the experimental arrangement.              M028000100010 
           (N,,A.DE MARCO+,J,AAF,99,445,1965)        Theoretical  M028000100011 
            formula  used  in  analysis  of   the   experimental  M028000100012 
            spectra.                                              M028000100013 
METHOD     (REC)                                                  M028000100014 
SAMPLE     Bi and Pb,  5*4*1 cm**3.  the 5 cm side parallel  and  M028000100015 
            the  1  cm,  4  cm  sides  perpendicular to the beam  M028000100016 
            direction.                                            M028000100017 
DETECTOR   (TRD) The helium gas-methyl  alcohol  vapors  of  the  M028000100018 
            diffusion  cloud  chamber at  3  absolute atmosphere  M028000100019 
            pressure.                                             M028000100020 
PART-DET   (A)                                                    M028000100021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors are presented.              M028000100022 
           (E-ERR) The error of E is determined  essentially  by  M028000100023 
            the  error  of  the order of 2 %  connected with the  M028000100024 
            spatial reconstruction, taking into account also the  M028000100025 
            finite  dimension  of  the  target,   and   by   the  M028000100026 
            range-energy relation. The error in the range-energy  M028000100027 
            relation is assumed to be 3 %.                        M028000100028 
CORRECTION Corrected for:                                         M028000100029 
            i) tracks ending outside  the  sensitive  volume  of  M028000100030 
              chamber,                                            M028000100031 
            ii) the energy dependence of (n,alpha) elastic cross  M028000100032 
              section.                                            M028000100033 
ADD-RES    The neutron fraction for E > 2 MeV  turns out  to  be  M028000100034 
            0.03 with error 0.02 for Pb and 0.09 with error 0.03  M028000100035 
            for Bi.                                               M028000100036 
ANALYSIS   The experimental  energy  spectra  were analysed with  M028000100037 
            the formula given by Le Couteur  and  Lang  for  the  M028000100038 
            evaporative processes at high excitation energies.    M028000100039 
STATUS     (CURVE)                                                M028000100040 
HISTORY    (19860721C) Data  were  compiled  at  the  SCJAD   of  M028000100041 
            Saratov State University.                             M028000100042 
           (19910202A) Corrected by V.Varlamov, V.Mclane.         M028000100043 
           (20110325A) Corrected   by   V.Varlamov:   REFERENCE,  M028000100044 
            REL-REF, dates, lowercase.                            M028000100045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 M028000100046 
COMMON               4          3                                 M028000100047 
EN-MAX     ANG        ANG-ERR    E-ERR                            M028000100048 
MEV        ADEG       ADEG       MEV                              M028000100049 
80.        135.       7.         0.2                              M028000100050 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M028000100051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 M028000199999 
SUBENT        M0280002   19910206                             0000M028000200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 M028000200002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRS/REL)                 M028000200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 M028000200004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M028000200005 
DATA                 3         31                                 M028000200006 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       M028000200007 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                                   M028000200008 
1.4        147.5      9.5                                         M028000200009 
1.8        152.       12.3                                        M028000200010 
2.2        102.5      10.5                                        M028000200011 
2.6        91.5       10.                                         M028000200012 
3.         75.5       8.5                                         M028000200013 
3.4        59.        8.5                                         M028000200014 
3.8        36.        7.                                          M028000200015 
4.2        32.        6.                                          M028000200016 
4.6        19.        4.5                                         M028000200017 
5.         10.5       3.5                                         M028000200018 
5.4        11.5       4.5                                         M028000200019 
5.8        16.3       4.3                                         M028000200020 
6.2        7.         3.6                                         M028000200021 
6.6        10.5       3.5                                         M028000200022 
7.         8.         3.7                                         M028000200023 
7.4        4.         2.                                          M028000200024 
7.8        10.5       4.2                                         M028000200025 
8.2        10.        4.2                                         M028000200026 
8.6        3.6        2.6                                         M028000200027 
9.         4.5        2.5                                         M028000200028 
9.4        3.5        2.                                          M028000200029 
9.8        5.         3.                                          M028000200030 
10.2       2.         1.5                                         M028000200031 
10.6       0.         0.                                          M028000200032 
11.        2.8        2.                                          M028000200033 
11.8       5.5        3.2                                         M028000200034 
12.2       9.5        4.5                                         M028000200035 
13.        2.         1.8                                         M028000200036 
13.4       2.         2.                                          M028000200037 
13.8       2.         2.                                          M028000200038 
15.4       5.5        3.5                                         M028000200039 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 M028000200040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 M028000299999 
SUBENT        M0280003   19910206                             0000M028000300001 
BIB                  1          1                                 M028000300002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRS/REL)                   M028000300003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 M028000300004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M028000300005 
DATA                 3         20                                 M028000300006 
E          DATA       ERR-S                                       M028000300007 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                                   M028000300008 
1.4        151.5      14.                                         M028000300009 
1.8        181.5      19.                                         M028000300010 
2.2        124.       15.5                                        M028000300011 
2.6        110.5      14.5                                        M028000300012 
3.         74.5       12.                                         M028000300013 
3.4        39.5       13.8                                        M028000300014 
3.8        30.        8.5                                         M028000300015 
4.2        19.        7.                                          M028000300016 
4.6        17.        6.                                          M028000300017 
5.         10.        5.                                          M028000300018 
5.4        7.         4.5                                         M028000300019 
5.8        2.         2.                                          M028000300020 
6.2        3.         3.                                          M028000300021 
6.6        5.         3.5                                         M028000300022 
7.         2.3        2.3                                         M028000300023 
7.4        0.         0.                                          M028000300024 
7.8        9.5        7.                                          M028000300025 
8.2        3.3        3.3                                         M028000300026 
10.2       2.5        2.5                                         M028000300027 
15.        5.         5.                                          M028000300028 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 M028000300029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 M028000399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 M028099999999