ENTRY            M0302   20160224                             M082M030200000001 
SUBENT        M0302001   20160224                             M082M030200100001 
BIB                 17         46                                 M030200100002 
TITLE      Photoneutrons from K and Ca.                           M030200100003 
AUTHOR     (V.Emma,C.Milone,R.Rinzivillo)                         M030200100004 
INSTITUTE  (2ITYCAT)                                              M030200100005 
REFERENCE  (J,NC,14,(5),1149,1959)                                M030200100006 
FACILITY   (BETAT,2ITYTUR)                                        M030200100007 
INC-SOURCE (BRST)                                                 M030200100008 
INC-SPECT  The diameter of the gamma beam at the  place  of  the  M030200100009 
            targets  was  35 mm.  The doses of gamma-irradiation  M030200100010 
            were 3690 roentgen for Ca and 6027 roentgen for K.    M030200100011 
SAMPLE     A cylinder  of natural Ca (hight = 20 mm,  diameter =  M030200100012 
            29 mm,  weght = 19 g)  and  a  spherical  target  of  M030200100013 
            natural K (diameter = 30 mm, weght = 12 g).           M030200100014 
METHOD     (REC)                                                  M030200100015 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    M030200100016 
DETECTOR   (PLATE) Ilford L4 emulsion (thickness = 400 mu,  area  M030200100017 
            = 1 x 3 inches). The nuclear plates were screened by  M030200100018 
            3 mm thick Pb foils against the low  energy  photons  M030200100019 
            diffused by the target.                               M030200100020 
CORRECTION A) for the probability of  escape  of  recoil  proton  M030200100021 
            tracks from the emulsion,                             M030200100022 
           B) for the neutron absorption in the target,  in  the  M030200100023 
            window  of the vessel containing the K target and in  M030200100024 
            Pb foils.                                             M030200100025 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors are presented.              M030200100026 
ADD-RES    (COMP) The evaporation theory was used.  The fraction  M030200100027 
            of neutrons exceeding the theoretical values at high  M030200100028 
            neutron energies is reported.                         M030200100029 
COMMENT    The spectra  show  that at least 50%  of the neutrons  M030200100030 
            above 2 MeV are due to direct process.  For  Ca  and  M030200100031 
            also  for  K a second resonance seems to exist about  M030200100032 
            10 MeV above the threshold.  At 31 MeV  photoneutron  M030200100033 
            yields  for Ca and K at angle = 90 degrees for E > 2  M030200100034 
            MeV are about the same.                               M030200100035 
REL-REF    (M,M0310001,G.Cortini+,J,NC,9,85,1958)    Description  M030200100036 
            of method by means of which the plates were  scanned  M030200100037 
            and the proton recoil tracks were analysed.           M030200100038 
           (O,M0356001,A.Agodi+,C,58PARIS,625,1958) The    first  M030200100039 
            results  on  the energy spectrum of photoneutrons of  M030200100040 
            Ca.                                                   M030200100041 
           (M,M0289001,G.Cortini+,J,NC,14,54,1959).  Description  M030200100042 
            of the method of theoretical calculations.            M030200100043 
HISTORY    (19881227C) Data  were  compiled  at SCJAD of Saratov  M030200100044 
            State University.                                     M030200100045 
           (19910202A) Corrected by V.Varlamov, V.Mclane.         M030200100046 
           (20160224A) Corrected by SD and VV: dates, STATUS,     M030200100047 
            REACTION, lowercase.                                  M030200100048 
ENDBIB              46          0                                 M030200100049 
COMMON               1          3                                 M030200100050 
EN-MAX                                                            M030200100051 
MEV                                                               M030200100052 
31.0                                                              M030200100053 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M030200100054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 M030200199999 
SUBENT        M0302002   20160224                             M082M030200200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 M030200200002 
REACTION   (20-CA-0(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL)                   M030200200003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.3 from NC,14,(5),1149,1959.                M030200200004 
HISTORY    (20160224A) Corrected by SD and VV: REACTION, BRS ->   M030200200005 
            BRA, STATUS.                                          M030200200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 M030200200007 
COMMON               1          3                                 M030200200008 
ANG                                                               M030200200009 
ADEG                                                              M030200200010 
90.0                                                              M030200200011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M030200200012 
DATA                 4         21                                 M030200200013 
E          E-ERR      DATA       ERR-S                            M030200200014 
MEV        MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        M030200200015 
 1.75       0.25      35.4        2.7                             M030200200016 
 2.25       0.25      34.8        2.7                             M030200200017 
 2.75       0.25      26.4        2.5                             M030200200018 
 3.25       0.25      33.8        2.6                             M030200200019 
 3.75       0.25      27.9        2.5                             M030200200020 
 4.25       0.25      24.8        2.5                             M030200200021 
 4.75       0.25      17.3        1.5                             M030200200022 
 5.25       0.25      14.1        1.4                             M030200200023 
 5.75       0.25      11.5        1.3                             M030200200024 
 6.25       0.25      10.5        1.4                             M030200200025 
 6.75       0.25       7.0        1.2                             M030200200026 
 7.25       0.25       4.9        0.8                             M030200200027 
 7.75       0.25       6.5        1.2                             M030200200028 
 8.25       0.25       6.7        1.2                             M030200200029 
 8.75       0.25       5.5        1.1                             M030200200030 
 9.25       0.25       5.7        1.4                             M030200200031 
 9.75       0.25       7.4        1.9                             M030200200032 
10.50       0.50       3.0        1.4                             M030200200033 
11.50       0.50       1.1        0.9                             M030200200034 
12.50       0.50       0.9        0.9                             M030200200035 
13.50       0.50       1.3        0.8                             M030200200036 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 M030200200037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 M030200299999 
SUBENT        M0302003   20160224                             M082M030200300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 M030200300002 
REACTION   (19-K-0(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL)                    M030200300003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.4 from NC,14,(5),1149,1959.                M030200300004 
HISTORY    (20160224A) Corrected by SD and VV: REACTION, BRS ->   M030200300005 
            BRA, STATUS.                                          M030200300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 M030200300007 
COMMON               1          3                                 M030200300008 
ANG                                                               M030200300009 
ADEG                                                              M030200300010 
90.0                                                              M030200300011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M030200300012 
DATA                 4         21                                 M030200300013 
E          E-ERR      DATA       ERR-S                            M030200300014 
MEV        MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        M030200300015 
 1.75       0.25      28.3        2.5                             M030200300016 
 2.25       0.25      32.7        3.1                             M030200300017 
 2.75       0.25      29.4        2.9                             M030200300018 
 3.25       0.25      21.7        2.8                             M030200300019 
 3.75       0.25      26.1        3.0                             M030200300020 
 4.25       0.25      22.9        3.3                             M030200300021 
 4.75       0.25      18.9        3.0                             M030200300022 
 5.25       0.25      14.9        2.0                             M030200300023 
 5.75       0.25      15.5        2.0                             M030200300024 
 6.25       0.25       8.6        1.5                             M030200300025 
 6.75       0.25       8.0        1.5                             M030200300026 
 7.25       0.25      11.4        1.7                             M030200300027 
 7.75       0.25       7.0        1.4                             M030200300028 
 8.25       0.25       5.1        1.5                             M030200300029 
 8.75       0.25       2.5        1.1                             M030200300030 
 9.25       0.25       3.3        1.2                             M030200300031 
 9.75       0.25       4.3        1.4                             M030200300032 
10.50       0.50       2.9        0.9                             M030200300033 
11.50       0.50       1.2        0.7                             M030200300034 
12.50       0.50       0.8        0.8                             M030200300035 
13.50       0.50       0.5        0.6                             M030200300036 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 M030200300037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 M030200399999 
SUBENT        M0302004   20160224                             M082M030200400001 
BIB                  3          4                                 M030200400002 
REACTION   (19-K-0(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL)                    M030200400003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.5 from NC,14,(5),1149,1959.                M030200400004 
HISTORY    (20160224A) Corrected by SD and VV: REACTION, BRS ->   M030200400005 
            BRA, STATUS.                                          M030200400006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 M030200400007 
COMMON               1          3                                 M030200400008 
ANG                                                               M030200400009 
ADEG                                                              M030200400010 
60.0                                                              M030200400011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M030200400012 
DATA                 4         10                                 M030200400013 
E          E-ERR      DATA       ERR-S                            M030200400014 
MEV        MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        M030200400015 
 2.5        0.5       30.7        3.7                             M030200400016 
 3.5        0.5       23.8        3.5                             M030200400017 
 4.5        0.5       20.5        3.5                             M030200400018 
 5.5        0.5       18.1        3.5                             M030200400019 
 6.5        0.5       12.0        2.9                             M030200400020 
 7.5        0.5        9.7        2.7                             M030200400021 
 8.5        0.5        8.5        2.7                             M030200400022 
 9.5        0.5        2.3        1.2                             M030200400023 
11.0        1.0        2.5        0.8                             M030200400024 
13.0        1.0        1.5        0.7                             M030200400025 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 M030200400026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 M030200499999 
SUBENT        M0302005   20160224                             M082M030200500001 
BIB                  3          4                                 M030200500002 
REACTION   (19-K-0(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL)                    M030200500003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.6 from NC,14,(5),1149,1959.                M030200500004 
HISTORY    (20160224A) Corrected by SD and VV: REACTION, BRS ->   M030200500005 
            BRA, STATUS.                                          M030200500006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 M030200500007 
COMMON               1          3                                 M030200500008 
ANG                                                               M030200500009 
ADEG                                                              M030200500010 
120.0                                                             M030200500011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M030200500012 
DATA                 4         10                                 M030200500013 
E          E-ERR      DATA       ERR-S                            M030200500014 
MEV        MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        M030200500015 
 2.5        0.5       29.6        4.4                             M030200500016 
 3.5        0.5       29.4        4.8                             M030200500017 
 4.5        0.5       19.7        4.3                             M030200500018 
 5.5        0.5       15.0        4.0                             M030200500019 
 6.5        0.5        7.6        2.5                             M030200500020 
 7.5        0.5        7.1        3.2                             M030200500021 
 8.5        0.5        5.1        3.0                             M030200500022 
 9.5        0.5        7.2        3.8                             M030200500023 
11.0        1.0        3.1        1.3                             M030200500024 
13.0        1.0        2.7        1.3                             M030200500025 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 M030200500026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 M030200599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 M030299999999