ENTRY            M0317   20180316                             M095M031700000001 
SUBENT        M0317001   20180316                             M095M031700100001 
BIB                 15         30                                 M031700100002 
TITLE      Energy distributions of photoneutrons from holmium.    M031700100003 
AUTHOR     (L.T.Kuz'mina,A.I.Lepestkin,V.A.Seliverstov,           M031700100004 
           V.I.Sidorov)                                           M031700100005 
REFERENCE  (J,VTYF,11,103,1987)                                   M031700100006 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSSGU)                                              M031700100007 
FACILITY   (BETAT,4RUSSGU)                                        M031700100008 
INC-SOURCE (BRST)                                                 M031700100009 
METHOD     (REC)                                                  M031700100010 
DETECTOR   (PLATE) 400 mu thick NIKFI JA-2 emulsions of 5 cm * 3  M031700100011 
            cm size.                                              M031700100012 
SAMPLE     A cylinder  of  metallic  holmium  (diameter = 22 mm,  M031700100013 
            hight = 15 mm) with the axis  perpendicular  to  the  M031700100014 
            beam.                                                 M031700100015 
CORRECTION The data were corrected for:                           M031700100016 
            a) the variation of nuclear emulsion thickness,       M031700100017 
            b) the dependence of n-p cross section on neutron     M031700100018 
               energy,                                            M031700100019 
            c) the tracks which leave the emulsion,               M031700100020 
            d) the background.                                    M031700100021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties are presented.       M031700100022 
ADD-RES    (THEO,COMP) A  hybrid  model of pre-equilibrium decay  M031700100023 
            and evaporation model were used.                      M031700100024 
COMMENT    The part  of  non-equilibrium  neutrons is 24.5%  for  M031700100025 
            neutron energy > 1 MeV.                               M031700100026 
STATUS     (APRVD) By V.I.Sidorov.                                M031700100027 
HISTORY    (19881227C)                                            M031700100028 
           (19910202A) Corrected by V.Varlamov, V.Mclane.         M031700100029 
           (20180316U) Corrected by VV and SD: dates, lowercase,  M031700100030 
            INSTITUTE, FACILITY, ERR-ANALYS, PART-DET deleted,    M031700100031 
            REACTION, STATUS.                                     M031700100032 
ENDBIB              30          0                                 M031700100033 
COMMON               1          3                                 M031700100034 
EN-MAX                                                            M031700100035 
MEV                                                               M031700100036 
18.0                                                              M031700100037 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M031700100038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 M031700199999 
SUBENT        M0317002   20180316                             M095M031700200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 M031700200002 
REACTION   (67-HO-165(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL)                 M031700200003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data are presented in Figure on page 105.      M031700200004 
HISTORY    (20180316U) Corrected by VV and SD: STATUS, ERR-S,     M031700200005 
            REACTION: BRS -> BRA.                                 M031700200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 M031700200007 
COMMON               1          3                                 M031700200008 
ANG                                                               M031700200009 
ADEG                                                              M031700200010 
60.                                                               M031700200011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M031700200012 
DATA                 4         14                                 M031700200013 
E          E-ERR      DATA       ERR-S                            M031700200014 
MEV        MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        M031700200015 
 0.75       0.25      581.1       66.7                            M031700200016 
 1.25       0.25      469.1      140.0                            M031700200017 
 1.75       0.25      177.3       56.1                            M031700200018 
 2.25       0.25       86.0       18.7                            M031700200019 
 2.75       0.25       79.5       13.4                            M031700200020 
 3.25       0.25       73.1       14.1                            M031700200021 
 3.75       0.25       28.1       12.8                            M031700200022 
 4.50       0.50       29.3        6.8                            M031700200023 
 5.50       0.50       32.1        7.9                            M031700200024 
 6.50       0.50       17.7        6.2                            M031700200025 
 7.50       0.50       13.1        5.9                            M031700200026 
 8.50       0.50       10.2        6.6                            M031700200027 
 9.50       0.50        6.7        4.8                            M031700200028 
10.50       0.50        3.9        3.9                            M031700200029 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 M031700200030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 M031700299999 
SUBENT        M0317003   20180316                             M095M031700300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 M031700300002 
REACTION   (67-HO-165(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL)                 M031700300003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data are presented in Figure on page 105.      M031700300004 
HISTORY    (20180316U) Corrected by VV and SD: STATUS, ERR-S,     M031700300005 
            REACTION: BRS -> BRA.                                 M031700300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 M031700300007 
COMMON               1          3                                 M031700300008 
ANG                                                               M031700300009 
ADEG                                                              M031700300010 
120.                                                              M031700300011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M031700300012 
DATA                 4         13                                 M031700300013 
E          E-ERR      DATA       ERR-S                            M031700300014 
MEV        MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        M031700300015 
 0.75       0.25      279.9       62.9                            M031700300016 
 1.25       0.25      580.6      137.2                            M031700300017 
 1.75       0.25      341.6      106.0                            M031700300018 
 2.25       0.25      122.3       16.4                            M031700300019 
 2.75       0.25      105.8       16.5                            M031700300020 
 3.25       0.25       37.0        9.3                            M031700300021 
 3.75       0.25       23.2        7.7                            M031700300022 
 4.50       0.50       19.2        6.2                            M031700300023 
 5.50       0.50       30.2        7.2                            M031700300024 
 6.50       0.50       17.8        5.9                            M031700300025 
 7.50       0.50       12.1        5.4                            M031700300026 
 8.50       0.50       10.7        5.4                            M031700300027 
 9.50       0.50        3.0        3.0                            M031700300028 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 M031700300029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 M031700399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 M031799999999