ENTRY M0347 20250117 M135M0347 0 1 SUBENT M0347001 20250117 M135M0347 1 1 BIB 9 18 M0347 1 2 TITLE Photodisintegration of copper. M0347 1 3 AUTHOR (P.R.Byerly Jr,W.E.Stephens) M0347 1 4 REFERENCE (J,PR,83,54,1951) M0347 1 5 INSTITUTE (1USAPEN) M0347 1 6 FACILITY (BETAT,1USAPEN) M0347 1 7 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M0347 1 8 SAMPLE A 0.0004 in. thick copper foil was used. M0347 1 9 REL-REF (M,,M.E.Toms+,J,PR,82,709,1951). M0347 1 10 The description of the setup. M0347 1 11 HISTORY (19870828C) Data were compiled in SCJAD of Saratov M0347 1 12 State University. M0347 1 13 (20180218U) Corrected by SD and VV: Updated to new M0347 1 14 date formats, lower case, REACTION, STATUS M0347 1 15 updated in all SUBENTs, SUBENTs 006 and 007 deleted M0347 1 16 because a single data point in arb. units. M0347 1 17 (20250117A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REFERENCE, M0347 1 18 COMMENT, METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, PART-DET in SUBENT 005, M0347 1 19 DATA in SUBENT 008, STATUS. M0347 1 20 ENDBIB 18 0 M0347 1 21 NOCOMMON 0 0 M0347 1 22 ENDSUBENT 21 0 M0347 199999 SUBENT M0347002 20250117 M135M0347 2 1 BIB 9 17 M0347 2 2 REACTION (29-CU-0(G,X)1-H-2,,DE,,BRA/REL) M0347 2 3 DETECTOR (PLATE) The 100 mu thick Ilford C-2 emulsions (1/2 M0347 2 4 in. x 1 in.) were used. M0347 2 5 METHOD (REC) Photoparticles recoiled in nuclear emulsions. M0347 2 6 ERR-ANALYS No information about sources of data uncertainties. M0347 2 7 CORRECTION The energy spectrum was corrected for the probability M0347 2 8 that deuteron tracks end outside the emulsion. M0347 2 9 ADD-RES (COMP) The evaporation model was used. M0347 2 10 COMMENT It was noted that the large number of observed M0347 2 11 deuterons cannot be explained within the evaporation M0347 2 12 model. M0347 2 13 STATUS (CURVE,,P.R.Byerly+,J,PR,83,54,1951) M0347 2 14 Data from Fig. 5. M0347 2 15 HISTORY (20180218A) Corrected by SD and VV: PART-DET deleted, M0347 2 16 REACTION, STATUS. M0347 2 17 (20250117A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: COMMENT, M0347 2 18 METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, STATUS. M0347 2 19 ENDBIB 17 0 M0347 2 20 COMMON 2 3 M0347 2 21 EN-MAX E-RSL-HW M0347 2 22 MEV MEV M0347 2 23 24. 0.25 M0347 2 24 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M0347 2 25 DATA 2 9 M0347 2 26 E DATA M0347 2 27 MEV ARB-UNITS M0347 2 28 2.75 5. M0347 2 29 3.25 9. M0347 2 30 3.75 17. M0347 2 31 4.25 4. M0347 2 32 4.75 7. M0347 2 33 5.25 2. M0347 2 34 5.75 1. M0347 2 35 6.25 0. M0347 2 36 6.75 1. M0347 2 37 ENDDATA 11 0 M0347 2 38 ENDSUBENT 37 0 M0347 299999 SUBENT M0347003 20250117 M135M0347 3 1 BIB 9 16 M0347 3 2 REACTION (29-CU-0(G,X)1-H-1,,DE,,BRA/REL) M0347 3 3 DETECTOR (PLATE) The 200 mu thick Ilford C-2 emulsions (1/2 M0347 3 4 in. x 1 in.) were used. M0347 3 5 METHOD (REC) Photoparticles recoiled in nuclear emulsions. M0347 3 6 ERR-ANALYS No information about sources of data uncertainties. M0347 3 7 CORRECTION The energy spectrum was corrected for the probability M0347 3 8 that proton tracks end outside the emulsion. M0347 3 9 ADD-RES (COMP) The evaporation model was used. M0347 3 10 COMMENT The part of the 'direct' protons was equal to about M0347 3 11 10%. M0347 3 12 STATUS (CURVE,,P.R.Byerly+,J,PR,83,54,1951) M0347 3 13 Data from Fig. 7. M0347 3 14 HISTORY (20180218A) Corrected by SD and VV: PART-DET deleted, M0347 3 15 REACTION, STATUS. M0347 3 16 (20250117A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: METHOD, COMMENT, M0347 3 17 ERR-ANALYS, STATUS. M0347 3 18 ENDBIB 16 0 M0347 3 19 COMMON 2 3 M0347 3 20 EN-MAX E-RSL-HW M0347 3 21 MEV MEV M0347 3 22 24. 0.25 M0347 3 23 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M0347 3 24 DATA 2 28 M0347 3 25 E DATA M0347 3 26 MEV ARB-UNITS M0347 3 27 2.75 17. M0347 3 28 3.25 41. M0347 3 29 3.75 70. M0347 3 30 4.25 103. M0347 3 31 4.75 141. M0347 3 32 5.25 163. M0347 3 33 5.75 135. M0347 3 34 6.25 119. M0347 3 35 6.75 125. M0347 3 36 7.25 76. M0347 3 37 7.75 67. M0347 3 38 8.25 65. M0347 3 39 8.75 59. M0347 3 40 9.25 46. M0347 3 41 9.75 29. M0347 3 42 10.25 25. M0347 3 43 10.75 17. M0347 3 44 11.25 9. M0347 3 45 11.75 13. M0347 3 46 12.25 7. M0347 3 47 12.75 5. M0347 3 48 13.25 1. M0347 3 49 13.75 3. M0347 3 50 14.25 3. M0347 3 51 14.75 1. M0347 3 52 15.25 2. M0347 3 53 15.75 0. M0347 3 54 16.25 1. M0347 3 55 ENDDATA 30 0 M0347 3 56 ENDSUBENT 55 0 M0347 399999 SUBENT M0347004 20250117 M135M0347 4 1 BIB 9 20 M0347 4 2 REACTION (29-CU-0(G,X)0-NN-1,,DE,,BRA/REL) M0347 4 3 METHOD (REC) Photoparticles recoiled in nuclear emulsions. M0347 4 4 ERR-ANALYS No information about sources of data uncertainties. M0347 4 5 DETECTOR (PLATE) The 100 mu thick Ilford C-2 emulsions (1 in. M0347 4 6 x 3 in.) were used. M0347 4 7 CORRECTION The energy spectrum was corrected for M0347 4 8 (a) the dependence of the (n,p) cross section on M0347 4 9 neutron energy, M0347 4 10 (b) the probability that proton tracks end outside M0347 4 11 the emulsion, M0347 4 12 (c) the background. M0347 4 13 ADD-RES (COMP) The evaporation model was used. M0347 4 14 COMMENT The part of the 'direct' neutrons was equal to about M0347 4 15 10%. M0347 4 16 STATUS (CURVE,,P.R.Byerly+,J,PR,83,54,1951) M0347 4 17 Data from Fig. 10. M0347 4 18 HISTORY (20180218A) Corrected by SD and VV: PART-DET deleted, M0347 4 19 REACTION, STATUS. M0347 4 20 (20250117A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: COMMENT, M0347 4 21 ERR-ANALYS, STATUS. M0347 4 22 ENDBIB 20 0 M0347 4 23 COMMON 2 3 M0347 4 24 EN-MAX E-RSL-HW M0347 4 25 MEV MEV M0347 4 26 24. 0.25 M0347 4 27 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M0347 4 28 DATA 2 21 M0347 4 29 E DATA M0347 4 30 MEV ARB-UNITS M0347 4 31 0.75 34.0 M0347 4 32 1.25 59.6 M0347 4 33 1.75 41.9 M0347 4 34 2.25 29.9 M0347 4 35 2.75 32.0 M0347 4 36 3.25 20.0 M0347 4 37 3.75 16.0 M0347 4 38 4.25 6.0 M0347 4 39 4.75 4.9 M0347 4 40 5.25 10.0 M0347 4 41 5.75 6.4 M0347 4 42 6.25 6.8 M0347 4 43 6.75 5.3 M0347 4 44 7.25 2.9 M0347 4 45 7.75 0.0 M0347 4 46 8.25 0.0 M0347 4 47 8.75 0.8 M0347 4 48 9.25 1.1 M0347 4 49 9.75 0.0 M0347 4 50 10.25 0.0 M0347 4 51 10.75 1.1 M0347 4 52 ENDDATA 23 0 M0347 4 53 ENDSUBENT 52 0 M0347 499999 SUBENT M0347005 20250117 M135M0347 5 1 BIB 8 13 M0347 5 2 REACTION (29-CU-0(G,X)2-HE-4,,DE,,BRA/REL) M0347 5 3 METHOD (REC) Photoparticles recoiled in nuclear emulsions. M0347 5 4 ERR-ANALYS No information about sources of uncertainties. M0347 5 5 DETECTOR (PLATE) The 200 mu thick Ilford C-2 emulsions (1/2 M0347 5 6 in. x 1 in.) were used. M0347 5 7 CORRECTION The energy spectrum was corrected for the probability M0347 5 8 that alpha-particle tracks end outside the emulsion. M0347 5 9 ADD-RES (COMP) The evaporation model was used. M0347 5 10 STATUS (CURVE,,P.R.Byerly+,J,PR,83,54,1951) M0347 5 11 Data from Fig. 9. M0347 5 12 HISTORY (20180218U) Corrected by SD and VV: REACTION, STATUS. M0347 5 13 (20250117A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: PART-DET, M0347 5 14 COMMENT, ERR-ANALYS, STATUS. M0347 5 15 ENDBIB 13 0 M0347 5 16 COMMON 2 3 M0347 5 17 EN-MAX E-RSL-HW M0347 5 18 MEV MEV M0347 5 19 24. 0.25 M0347 5 20 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M0347 5 21 DATA 2 9 M0347 5 22 E DATA M0347 5 23 MEV ARB-UNITS M0347 5 24 5.75 2.3 M0347 5 25 6.25 6.9 M0347 5 26 6.75 2.3 M0347 5 27 7.25 8.9 M0347 5 28 7.75 6.6 M0347 5 29 8.25 10.3 M0347 5 30 8.75 5.1 M0347 5 31 9.25 2.9 M0347 5 32 9.75 2.4 M0347 5 33 ENDDATA 11 0 M0347 5 34 ENDSUBENT 33 0 M0347 599999 NOSUBENT M0347006 20180218 M095M034700600001 NOSUBENT M0347007 20180218 M095M034700700001 SUBENT M0347008 20250117 M135M0347 8 1 BIB 7 12 M0347 8 2 REACTION (29-CU-0(G,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG,,BRA/REL) M0347 8 3 COMMENT Arb. units = 10**6 particles/mole/roentgen. M0347 8 4 METHOD (REC) The yield was determined from the solid M0347 8 5 angles of observed tracks. M0347 8 6 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. M0347 8 7 STATUS (TABLE,,P.R.Byerly+,J,PR,83,54,1951) M0347 8 8 Data from the text on page 59. M0347 8 9 CRITIQUE Data for recoils 4.2x10**6 particles is absent in M0347 8 10 Abstract M0347 8 11 HISTORY (20180218U) Corrected by SD and VV: REACTION, STATUS. M0347 8 12 (20250117A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: COMMENT, M0347 8 13 METHOD, ERR-ANALYS, DATA, STATUS. M0347 8 14 ENDBIB 12 0 M0347 8 15 COMMON 2 3 M0347 8 16 EN-MAX DATA-ERR M0347 8 17 MEV PER-CENT M0347 8 18 24. 50. M0347 8 19 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M0347 8 20 DATA 3 4 M0347 8 21 ELEMENT MASS DATA M0347 8 22 NO-DIM NO-DIM ARB-UNITS M0347 8 23 0. 1. 4.2 M0347 8 24 1. 1. 1.07 M0347 8 25 1. 2. 0.34 M0347 8 26 2. 4. 0.04 M0347 8 27 ENDDATA 6 0 M0347 8 28 ENDSUBENT 27 0 M0347 899999 SUBENT M0347009 20250117 M135M0347 9 1 BIB 7 16 M0347 9 2 REACTION (29-CU-63(G,N)29-CU-62,,SIG,,BRS) M0347 9 3 METHOD (ACTIV) M0347 9 4 ANALYSIS The excitation curve of Cu-62 was taken by varying M0347 9 5 the produced radioactivity.The cross-section curve M0347 9 6 was calculated from this excitation curve and the M0347 9 7 X-ray photon energy distribution. M0347 9 8 ERR-ANALYS No information on source of uncertasinties. M0347 9 9 REL-REF (M,,H.E.Johns+,J,PR,80,1062,1950) M0347 9 10 The description of the method of the cross-section M0347 9 11 calculation. M0347 9 12 STATUS (CURVE,,P.R.Byerly+,J,PR,83,54,1951) M0347 9 13 Data from Fig. 11. M0347 9 14 HISTORY (20180218A) Corrected by SD and VV: SF9 = EXP deleted M0347 9 15 from REACTION, STATUS. M0347 9 16 (20250117A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: ERR-ANALYS, M0347 9 17 STATUS. M0347 9 18 ENDBIB 16 0 M0347 9 19 NOCOMMON 0 0 M0347 9 20 DATA 2 13 M0347 9 21 EN DATA M0347 9 22 MEV B M0347 9 23 12. 0.008 M0347 9 24 13. 0.017 M0347 9 25 14. 0.032 M0347 9 26 15. 0.046 M0347 9 27 16. 0.069 M0347 9 28 17. 0.095 M0347 9 29 18. 0.091 M0347 9 30 19. 0.087 M0347 9 31 20. 0.065 M0347 9 32 21. 0.021 M0347 9 33 22. 0.037 M0347 9 34 23. 0.008 M0347 9 35 24. 0.030 M0347 9 36 ENDDATA 15 0 M0347 9 37 ENDSUBENT 36 0 M0347 999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 M034799999999