ENTRY M0349 20240328 M130M034900000001 SUBENT M0349001 20240328 M130M034900100001 BIB 16 48 M034900100002 TITLE Photoneutron angular distributions from C-12. M034900100003 AUTHOR (J.W.Jury,J.S.Hewitt,K.G.McNeill) M034900100004 INSTITUTE (1CANTOR) M034900100005 REFERENCE (C,73PACIFI,1,157,1973) M034900100006 FACILITY (LINAC,1CANTOR) M034900100007 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M034900100008 SAMPLE As a target was a slab of natural carbon (graphite) M034900100009 of 3 mm thickness. M034900100010 METHOD (TOF) Flight path = 50 m. Diffrent angles were M034900100011 achieved by bending the electron beam relative to M034900100012 the fixed 50 m evacuated flight path. M034900100013 CORRECTION Data were corrected for (a) the dead-time and (b) the M034900100014 background. M034900100015 REL-REF (R,,J.S.Hewitt+,J,NIM,80,77,1970) The description of M034900100016 the experimental method. M034900100017 ANALYSIS The direct neutron detection. M034900100018 ERR-ANALYS No information. M034900100019 COMMENT The energies and angular distributions of M034900100020 photoneutrons from the reaction C-12(g,no)C-11 were M034900100021 measured. The data were obtained at bremsstrahlung M034900100022 end-point energy of 30.5 MeV for 7 angles from 50 to M034900100023 146 degrees. The results indicate the absence of M034900100024 significant E2 strength in the C-12 giant resonance M034900100025 and suggest that the main excitation mechanism is of M034900100026 a 1p3/2 to 1d5/2 E1 single-particle character. By M034900100027 the compiler: the neutron energy spectra data M034900100028 between E = 1.60 and 6.00 Mev were digitized with M034900100029 the constant step from experimental points have not M034900100030 been resolved. Main features of experimental neutron M034900100031 energy spectra were conserved. It was unable to M034900100032 convert the anisotropy coefficients from graphic M034900100033 form to numerical data. M034900100034 ADD-RES (ANGD) The values of the anisotropy coefficients in M034900100035 the series of the form M034900100036 (4*pi/sig)*(d-sig/d-omega)=1+sum(a(l)*p(l)) M034900100037 for the angular distributions of photoneutrons M034900100038 emitted in decays to the ground state are given. M034900100039 FLAG (1.) The data were digitized from the experimental M034900100040 points with 200 keV step by the compiler with M034900100041 conservation of main features of experimental M034900100042 results. M034900100043 HISTORY (19890905C) Data were compiled at SCJAD of Saratov M034900100044 State University. M034900100045 (20071012A) Data were corrected at the MSU SINP CDFE M034900100046 by V.Varlamov: REL-REF, dates, paragraph format, M034900100047 English, lowercase. M034900100048 (20240328A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: lowercase, M034900100049 REFERENCE, METHOD, REACTION, STATUS. M034900100050 ENDBIB 48 0 M034900100051 COMMON 1 3 M034900100052 EN-MAX M034900100053 MEV M034900100054 30.5 M034900100055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M034900100056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 M034900199999 SUBENT M0349002 20240328 M130M034900200001 BIB 3 5 M034900200002 REACTION (6-C-12(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL) M034900200003 STATUS (CURVE,,J.W.Jury+,C,73PACIFI,1,157,1973) M034900200004 Data from Fig. 2. M034900200005 HISTORY (20240328A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M034900200006 STATUS. M034900200007 ENDBIB 5 0 M034900200008 COMMON 1 3 M034900200009 ANG M034900200010 ADEG M034900200011 50. M034900200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M034900200013 DATA 3 64 M034900200014 E DATA FLAG M034900200015 MEV ARB-UNITS NO-DIM M034900200016 1.80 0.28 1.00 M034900200017 2.00 0.50 1.00 M034900200018 2.20 0.56 1.00 M034900200019 2.40 1.00 1.00 M034900200020 2.60 1.19 1.00 M034900200021 2.80 1.56 1.00 M034900200022 3.00 1.83 1.00 M034900200023 3.20 2.22 1.00 M034900200024 3.40 1.72 1.00 M034900200025 3.60 1.67 1.00 M034900200026 3.80 1.94 1.00 M034900200027 4.00 1.89 1.00 M034900200028 4.20 1.81 1.00 M034900200029 4.40 1.94 1.00 M034900200030 4.60 1.61 1.00 M034900200031 4.80 1.08 1.00 M034900200032 5.00 1.08 1.00 M034900200033 5.20 0.69 1.00 M034900200034 5.40 0.58 1.00 M034900200035 5.60 0.72 1.00 M034900200036 5.80 0.78 1.00 M034900200037 6.00 0.72 1.00 M034900200038 6.14 0.72 M034900200039 6.23 0.75 M034900200040 6.32 0.75 M034900200041 6.40 0.64 M034900200042 6.52 0.53 M034900200043 6.61 0.53 M034900200044 6.69 0.44 M034900200045 6.78 0.44 M034900200046 6.92 0.47 M034900200047 6.98 0.39 M034900200048 7.10 0.33 M034900200049 7.21 0.25 M034900200050 7.30 0.31 M034900200051 7.41 0.33 M034900200052 7.53 0.31 M034900200053 7.64 0.28 M034900200054 7.76 0.33 M034900200055 7.88 0.33 M034900200056 7.99 0.31 M034900200057 8.11 0.28 M034900200058 8.25 0.22 M034900200059 8.39 0.22 M034900200060 8.57 0.20 M034900200061 8.97 0.17 M034900200062 9.14 0.17 M034900200063 9.32 0.17 M034900200064 9.46 0.14 M034900200065 9.64 0.17 M034900200066 9.81 0.17 M034900200067 9.98 0.14 M034900200068 10.12 0.14 M034900200069 10.33 0.14 M034900200070 10.50 0.14 M034900200071 10.70 0.11 M034900200072 10.90 0.15 M034900200073 11.12 0.14 M034900200074 11.34 0.14 M034900200075 11.54 0.14 M034900200076 11.74 0.17 M034900200077 11.97 0.18 M034900200078 12.17 0.18 M034900200079 12.43 0.18 M034900200080 ENDDATA 66 0 M034900200081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 M034900299999 SUBENT M0349003 20240328 M130M034900300001 BIB 3 5 M034900300002 REACTION (6-C-12(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL) M034900300003 STATUS (CURVE,,J.W.Jury+,C,73PACIFI,1,157,1973) M034900300004 Data from Fig. 2. M034900300005 HISTORY (20240328A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M034900300006 STATUS. M034900300007 ENDBIB 5 0 M034900300008 COMMON 1 3 M034900300009 ANG M034900300010 ADEG M034900300011 66. M034900300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M034900300013 DATA 3 66 M034900300014 E DATA FLAG M034900300015 MEV ARB-UNITS NO-DIM M034900300016 1.80 0.39 1.00 M034900300017 2.00 0.83 1.00 M034900300018 2.20 1.11 1.00 M034900300019 2.40 1.39 1.00 M034900300020 2.60 1.56 1.00 M034900300021 2.80 1.67 1.00 M034900300022 3.00 1.78 1.00 M034900300023 3.20 2.22 1.00 M034900300024 3.40 1.97 1.00 M034900300025 3.60 1.81 1.00 M034900300026 3.80 1.83 1.00 M034900300027 4.00 2.00 1.00 M034900300028 4.20 2.17 1.00 M034900300029 4.40 2.00 1.00 M034900300030 4.60 1.83 1.00 M034900300031 4.80 1.56 1.00 M034900300032 5.00 1.17 1.00 M034900300033 5.20 0.89 1.00 M034900300034 5.40 0.61 1.00 M034900300035 5.60 0.75 1.00 M034900300036 5.80 0.81 1.00 M034900300037 6.00 0.83 1.00 M034900300038 6.14 0.91 M034900300039 6.23 0.87 M034900300040 6.32 0.75 M034900300041 6.40 0.69 M034900300042 6.52 0.64 M034900300043 6.61 0.58 M034900300044 6.66 0.61 M034900300045 6.72 0.56 M034900300046 6.89 0.47 M034900300047 6.95 0.47 M034900300048 7.07 0.44 M034900300049 7.18 0.56 M034900300050 7.30 0.42 M034900300051 7.41 0.39 M034900300052 7.50 0.33 M034900300053 7.64 0.31 M034900300054 7.76 0.33 M034900300055 7.87 0.36 M034900300056 8.02 0.31 M034900300057 8.13 0.31 M034900300058 8.28 0.28 M034900300059 8.39 0.25 M034900300060 8.54 0.25 M034900300061 8.65 0.22 M034900300062 8.83 0.20 M034900300063 9.00 0.14 M034900300064 9.17 0.11 M034900300065 9.26 0.17 M034900300066 9.46 0.17 M034900300067 9.63 0.14 M034900300068 9.78 0.14 M034900300069 9.98 0.14 M034900300070 10.12 0.11 M034900300071 10.30 0.06 M034900300072 10.50 0.06 M034900300073 10.70 0.06 M034900300074 10.90 0.08 M034900300075 11.01 0.06 M034900300076 11.34 0.08 M034900300077 11.54 0.08 M034900300078 11.77 0.08 M034900300079 12.03 0.11 M034900300080 12.26 0.11 M034900300081 12.49 0.11 M034900300082 ENDDATA 68 0 M034900300083 ENDSUBENT 82 0 M034900399999 SUBENT M0349004 20240328 M130M034900400001 BIB 3 5 M034900400002 REACTION (6-C-12(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL) M034900400003 STATUS (CURVE,,J.W.Jury+,C,73PACIFI,1,157,1973) M034900400004 Data from Fig. 2. M034900400005 HISTORY (20240328A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M034900400006 STATUS. M034900400007 ENDBIB 5 0 M034900400008 COMMON 1 3 M034900400009 ANG M034900400010 ADEG M034900400011 82. M034900400012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M034900400013 DATA 3 59 M034900400014 E DATA FLAG M034900400015 MEV ARB-UNITS NO-DIM M034900400016 1.80 0.33 1.00 M034900400017 2.00 0.56 1.00 M034900400018 2.20 0.97 1.00 M034900400019 2.40 1.22 1.00 M034900400020 2.60 1.67 1.00 M034900400021 2.80 2.19 1.00 M034900400022 3.00 2.33 1.00 M034900400023 3.20 2.56 1.00 M034900400024 3.40 2.44 1.00 M034900400025 3.60 2.33 1.00 M034900400026 3.80 2.42 1.00 M034900400027 4.00 2.38 1.00 M034900400028 4.20 2.61 1.00 M034900400029 4.40 2.42 1.00 M034900400030 4.60 2.50 1.00 M034900400031 4.80 2.06 1.00 M034900400032 5.00 1.64 1.00 M034900400033 5.20 1.39 1.00 M034900400034 5.40 0.83 1.00 M034900400035 5.60 0.78 1.00 M034900400036 5.80 0.89 1.00 M034900400037 6.00 1.03 1.00 M034900400038 6.06 1.00 M034900400039 6.12 0.94 M034900400040 6.20 0.97 M034900400041 6.26 0.94 M034900400042 6.37 0.92 M034900400043 6.46 0.89 M034900400044 6.58 0.92 M034900400045 6.66 0.83 M034900400046 6.72 0.69 M034900400047 6.84 0.67 M034900400048 6.95 0.67 M034900400049 7.10 0.67 M034900400050 7.15 0.67 M034900400051 7.24 0.53 M034900400052 7.38 0.50 M034900400053 7.50 0.53 M034900400054 7.56 0.39 M034900400055 7.67 0.28 M034900400056 7.79 0.36 M034900400057 7.96 0.36 M034900400058 8.05 0.36 M034900400059 8.16 0.28 M034900400060 8.31 0.25 M034900400061 8.45 0.25 M034900400062 8.59 0.20 M034900400063 8.71 0.14 M034900400064 8.80 0.11 M034900400065 9.00 0.11 M034900400066 9.17 0.08 M034900400067 9.29 0.08 M034900400068 9.46 0.06 M034900400069 9.64 0.06 M034900400070 9.81 0.08 M034900400071 9.98 0.06 M034900400072 10.15 0.03 M034900400073 10.36 0.03 M034900400074 10.53 0.03 M034900400075 ENDDATA 61 0 M034900400076 ENDSUBENT 75 0 M034900499999 SUBENT M0349005 20240328 M130M034900500001 BIB 3 5 M034900500002 REACTION (6-C-12(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL) M034900500003 STATUS (CURVE,,J.W.Jury+,C,73PACIFI,1,157,1973) M034900500004 Data from Fig. 2. M034900500005 HISTORY (20240328A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M034900500006 STATUS. M034900500007 ENDBIB 5 0 M034900500008 COMMON 1 3 M034900500009 ANG M034900500010 ADEG M034900500011 98. M034900500012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M034900500013 DATA 3 67 M034900500014 E DATA FLAG M034900500015 MEV ARB-UNITS NO-DIM M034900500016 1.60 0.42 1.00 M034900500017 1.80 0.72 1.00 M034900500018 2.00 1.14 1.00 M034900500019 2.20 1.33 1.00 M034900500020 2.40 1.42 1.00 M034900500021 2.60 1.92 1.00 M034900500022 2.80 2.08 1.00 M034900500023 3.00 2.67 1.00 M034900500024 3.20 2.78 1.00 M034900500025 3.40 2.81 1.00 M034900500026 3.60 2.42 1.00 M034900500027 3.80 2.56 1.00 M034900500028 4.00 2.58 1.00 M034900500029 4.20 2.78 1.00 M034900500030 4.40 2.83 1.00 M034900500031 4.60 2.75 1.00 M034900500032 4.80 2.42 1.00 M034900500033 5.00 1.89 1.00 M034900500034 5.20 1.53 1.00 M034900500035 5.40 1.06 1.00 M034900500036 5.60 1.08 1.00 M034900500037 5.80 1.19 1.00 M034900500038 6.00 1.22 1.00 M034900500039 6.06 1.24 M034900500040 6.12 1.23 M034900500041 6.20 1.13 M034900500042 6.26 1.13 M034900500043 6.37 1.12 M034900500044 6.46 1.08 M034900500045 6.61 1.03 M034900500046 6.72 0.89 M034900500047 6.84 0.89 M034900500048 6.95 0.86 M034900500049 7.07 0.83 M034900500050 7.18 0.83 M034900500051 7.27 0.69 M034900500052 7.38 0.75 M034900500053 7.50 0.64 M034900500054 7.59 0.69 M034900500055 7.70 0.58 M034900500056 7.82 0.61 M034900500057 7.93 0.53 M034900500058 8.08 0.61 M034900500059 8.19 0.56 M034900500060 8.34 0.50 M034900500061 8.48 0.39 M034900500062 8.62 0.44 M034900500063 8.74 0.36 M034900500064 9.03 0.36 M034900500065 9.17 0.39 M034900500066 9.35 0.33 M034900500067 9.52 0.33 M034900500068 9.69 0.33 M034900500069 9.86 0.31 M034900500070 10.04 0.31 M034900500071 10.21 0.25 M034900500072 10.41 0.17 M034900500073 10.59 0.17 M034900500074 10.79 0.14 M034900500075 10.96 0.14 M034900500076 11.16 0.14 M034900500077 11.39 0.14 M034900500078 11.62 0.08 M034900500079 11.86 0.14 M034900500080 12.09 0.11 M034900500081 12.32 0.13 M034900500082 12.58 0.11 M034900500083 ENDDATA 69 0 M034900500084 ENDSUBENT 83 0 M034900599999 SUBENT M0349006 20240328 M130M034900600001 BIB 3 5 M034900600002 REACTION (6-C-12(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL) M034900600003 STATUS (CURVE,,J.W.Jury+,C,73PACIFI,1,157,1973) M034900600004 Data from Fig. 2. M034900600005 HISTORY (20240328A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M034900600006 STATUS. M034900600007 ENDBIB 5 0 M034900600008 COMMON 1 3 M034900600009 ANG M034900600010 ADEG M034900600011 114. M034900600012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M034900600013 DATA 3 69 M034900600014 E DATA FLAG M034900600015 MEV ARB-UNITS NO-DIM M034900600016 1.60 0.56 1.00 M034900600017 1.80 0.97 1.00 M034900600018 2.00 0.97 1.00 M034900600019 2.20 1.11 1.00 M034900600020 2.40 1.39 1.00 M034900600021 2.60 1.56 1.00 M034900600022 2.80 1.94 1.00 M034900600023 3.00 2.06 1.00 M034900600024 3.20 2.50 1.00 M034900600025 3.40 2.22 1.00 M034900600026 3.60 2.17 1.00 M034900600027 3.80 2.08 1.00 M034900600028 4.00 2.19 1.00 M034900600029 4.20 2.11 1.00 M034900600030 4.40 2.33 1.00 M034900600031 4.60 1.83 1.00 M034900600032 4.80 1.97 1.00 M034900600033 5.00 1.53 1.00 M034900600034 5.20 1.22 1.00 M034900600035 5.40 0.92 1.00 M034900600036 5.60 0.92 1.00 M034900600037 5.80 1.00 1.00 M034900600038 6.00 1.06 1.00 M034900600039 6.06 1.04 M034900600040 6.12 1.02 M034900600041 6.20 0.98 M034900600042 6.26 0.92 M034900600043 6.37 0.89 M034900600044 6.46 0.92 M034900600045 6.55 0.94 M034900600046 6.64 0.97 M034900600047 6.72 0.89 M034900600048 6.81 0.89 M034900600049 6.92 0.86 M034900600050 7.01 0.86 M034900600051 7.12 0.78 M034900600052 7.24 0.78 M034900600053 7.33 0.72 M034900600054 7.47 0.72 M034900600055 7.59 0.64 M034900600056 7.70 0.64 M034900600057 7.82 0.47 M034900600058 7.93 0.58 M034900600059 8.08 0.50 M034900600060 8.16 0.56 M034900600061 8.34 0.50 M034900600062 8.45 0.39 M034900600063 8.60 0.42 M034900600064 8.74 0.36 M034900600065 8.88 0.33 M034900600066 9.03 0.33 M034900600067 9.20 0.31 M034900600068 9.35 0.31 M034900600069 9.52 0.28 M034900600070 9.69 0.28 M034900600071 9.86 0.33 M034900600072 10.07 0.28 M034900600073 10.24 0.28 M034900600074 10.41 0.22 M034900600075 10.61 0.22 M034900600076 10.82 0.20 M034900600077 11.02 0.20 M034900600078 11.22 0.14 M034900600079 11.42 0.14 M034900600080 11.65 0.14 M034900600081 11.88 0.11 M034900600082 12.11 0.17 M034900600083 12.35 0.14 M034900600084 12.61 0.14 M034900600085 ENDDATA 71 0 M034900600086 ENDSUBENT 85 0 M034900699999 SUBENT M0349007 20240328 M130M034900700001 BIB 3 5 M034900700002 REACTION (6-C-12(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL) M034900700003 STATUS (CURVE,,J.W.Jury+,C,73PACIFI,1,157,1973) M034900700004 Data from Fig. 2. M034900700005 HISTORY (20240328A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M034900700006 STATUS. M034900700007 ENDBIB 5 0 M034900700008 COMMON 1 3 M034900700009 ANG M034900700010 ADEG M034900700011 130. M034900700012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M034900700013 DATA 3 57 M034900700014 E DATA FLAG M034900700015 MEV ARB-UNITS NO-DIM M034900700016 1.80 0.28 1.00 M034900700017 2.00 0.58 1.00 M034900700018 2.20 0.86 1.00 M034900700019 2.40 1.00 1.00 M034900700020 2.60 1.39 1.00 M034900700021 2.80 1.64 1.00 M034900700022 3.00 1.89 1.00 M034900700023 3.20 1.89 1.00 M034900700024 3.40 1.94 1.00 M034900700025 3.60 2.23 1.00 M034900700026 3.80 1.81 1.00 M034900700027 4.00 1.94 1.00 M034900700028 4.20 1.81 1.00 M034900700029 4.40 2.03 1.00 M034900700030 4.60 1.81 1.00 M034900700031 4.80 1.56 1.00 M034900700032 5.00 1.42 1.00 M034900700033 5.20 0.94 1.00 M034900700034 5.40 0.67 1.00 M034900700035 5.60 0.72 1.00 M034900700036 5.80 0.72 1.00 M034900700037 6.00 0.83 1.00 M034900700038 6.03 0.85 M034900700039 6.15 0.83 M034900700040 6.23 0.72 M034900700041 6.37 0.72 M034900700042 6.46 0.75 M034900700043 6.55 0.67 M034900700044 6.66 0.64 M034900700045 6.75 0.64 M034900700046 6.84 0.61 M034900700047 6.95 0.56 M034900700048 7.07 0.56 M034900700049 7.18 0.50 M034900700050 7.30 0.53 M034900700051 7.41 0.47 M034900700052 7.50 0.42 M034900700053 7.64 0.31 M034900700054 7.70 0.37 M034900700055 7.85 0.33 M034900700056 7.99 0.28 M034900700057 8.11 0.33 M034900700058 8.22 0.25 M034900700059 8.36 0.33 M034900700060 8.51 0.28 M034900700061 8.65 0.28 M034900700062 8.80 0.28 M034900700063 8.94 0.17 M034900700064 9.09 0.17 M034900700065 9.26 0.14 M034900700066 9.40 0.11 M034900700067 9.58 0.11 M034900700068 9.78 0.14 M034900700069 9.92 0.17 M034900700070 10.10 0.11 M034900700071 10.27 0.06 M034900700072 10.47 0.06 M034900700073 ENDDATA 59 0 M034900700074 ENDSUBENT 73 0 M034900799999 SUBENT M0349008 20240328 M130M034900800001 BIB 3 5 M034900800002 REACTION (6-C-12(G,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,BRA/REL) M034900800003 STATUS (CURVE,,J.W.Jury+,C,73PACIFI,1,157,1973) M034900800004 Data from Fig. 2. M034900800005 HISTORY (20240328A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M034900800006 STATUS. M034900800007 ENDBIB 5 0 M034900800008 COMMON 1 3 M034900800009 ANG M034900800010 ADEG M034900800011 146. M034900800012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M034900800013 DATA 3 68 M034900800014 E DATA FLAG M034900800015 MEV ARB-UNITS NO-DIM M034900800016 1.60 0.72 1.00 M034900800017 1.80 1.14 1.00 M034900800018 2.00 0.83 1.00 M034900800019 2.20 1.17 1.00 M034900800020 2.40 1.47 1.00 M034900800021 2.60 1.56 1.00 M034900800022 2.80 1.61 1.00 M034900800023 3.00 2.17 1.00 M034900800024 3.20 2.33 1.00 M034900800025 3.40 1.89 1.00 M034900800026 3.60 1.53 1.00 M034900800027 3.80 1.81 1.00 M034900800028 4.00 1.53 1.00 M034900800029 4.20 1.61 1.00 M034900800030 4.40 1.67 1.00 M034900800031 4.60 1.33 1.00 M034900800032 4.80 1.28 1.00 M034900800033 5.00 0.86 1.00 M034900800034 5.20 0.72 1.00 M034900800035 5.40 0.44 1.00 M034900800036 5.60 0.50 1.00 M034900800037 5.80 0.58 1.00 M034900800038 6.00 0.61 1.00 M034900800039 6.06 0.69 M034900800040 6.12 0.78 M034900800041 6.20 0.58 M034900800042 6.29 0.54 M034900800043 6.40 0.50 M034900800044 6.49 0.44 M034900800045 6.58 0.46 M034900800046 6.66 0.47 M034900800047 6.78 0.44 M034900800048 6.89 0.36 M034900800049 6.95 0.42 M034900800050 7.04 0.39 M034900800051 7.21 0.33 M034900800052 7.30 0.28 M034900800053 7.44 0.28 M034900800054 7.64 0.28 M034900800055 7.70 0.28 M034900800056 7.90 0.31 M034900800057 7.99 0.28 M034900800058 8.13 0.25 M034900800059 8.22 0.20 M034900800060 8.39 0.20 M034900800061 8.57 0.20 M034900800062 8.65 0.14 M034900800063 8.83 0.06 M034900800064 8.97 0.06 M034900800065 9.12 0.06 M034900800066 9.29 0.06 M034900800067 9.46 0.06 M034900800068 9.63 0.06 M034900800069 9.81 0.06 M034900800070 9.92 0.06 M034900800071 10.10 0.06 M034900800072 10.30 0.06 M034900800073 10.50 0.06 M034900800074 10.70 0.06 M034900800075 10.90 0.06 M034900800076 11.08 0.03 M034900800077 11.31 0.03 M034900800078 11.54 0.03 M034900800079 11.71 0.03 M034900800080 11.94 0.03 M034900800081 12.11 0.03 M034900800082 12.40 0.03 M034900800083 12.73 0.03 M034900800084 ENDDATA 70 0 M034900800085 ENDSUBENT 84 0 M034900899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 M034999999999