ENTRY M0383 20231129 M127M038300000001 SUBENT M0383001 20231129 M127M038300100001 BIB 14 53 M038300100002 TITLE Measurement of differential cross sections of deuteron M038300100003 photodisintegration in the photon energy range 250 - M038300100004 500 MeV. M038300100005 AUTHOR (V.B.Ganenko,V.A.Gushchin,Ju.V.Zhebrovskij, M038300100006 L.Ja.Kolesnikov,A.L.Rubashkin,P.V.Sorokin) M038300100007 REFERENCE (J,SNP,55,1280,1992) M038300100008 English translation of YF,55,(9),2311,1992. M038300100009 (J,YF,55,2311,1992) M038300100010 INSTITUTE (4UKRKFT) M038300100011 FACILITY (LINAC,4UKRKFT) LU-2 linear accelerator of the Kharkov M038300100012 Physicotechnical Institute. M038300100013 INC-SOURCE (BRST,KINDT) M038300100014 DETECTOR (MAGSP) 4-channel scintillation telescope placed in M038300100015 the focal plane of magnetic-spectrometer SP-02. M038300100016 METHOD (EXTB) M038300100017 PART-DET (P) M038300100018 SAMPLE The liquid-deuterium low-temperature target. M038300100019 ANALYSIS The direct registration of protons. M038300100020 The differential cross sections of the reaction M038300100021 gd -> pn were calculated using the relation (2) of M038300100022 the article: dSIG/dOMEGA = (A/NP)(C/J) where M038300100023 N is the Avogadro number, A and p are atomic weight M038300100024 and density of the target, C is the yield of the M038300100025 reaction, and J is the integral over the angular and M038300100026 energy acceptance of the experimental arrangement M038300100027 and the effective volume of the target formed by the M038300100028 intersection of the incident photons with the M038300100029 deuterium target. The integral was calculated by the M038300100030 Monte Carlo method. M038300100031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The mean-root-square errors are given. M038300100032 (ERR-SYS) The systematic ones were estimated to be M038300100033 about 4.4 % as determined by the following factors: M038300100034 the photon-beam monitoring (1.5%), the number of M038300100035 atoms in the deuterium target (1%), and the geometry M038300100036 of the experiment (the size of the beam on the M038300100037 target, the size of the entrance collimator of the M038300100038 spectrometer, the coplanarity of the reaction plane M038300100039 with the the horizontal plane of the spectrometer, M038300100040 etc.) in the calculation of the integral (4%). M038300100041 COMMENT The deuteron photodisintegration cross sections have M038300100042 been measured at c.m.s. angles of 90, 105, 120, and M038300100043 135 degree and in the energy range 250 - 500 MeV. The M038300100044 experimental data are compared with theoretical M038300100045 calculations which take into account the excitation M038300100046 of the dibarion resonances. M038300100047 HISTORY (19960226C) M038300100048 (19960313U) M038300100049 (20061025A) REFERENCE and DATES corrected at MSU CDFE, M038300100050 lowercase. M038300100051 (20231129A) Corrected by V. Varlamov: lowercase, M038300100052 TITLE, REFERENCE, INSTITUTE, FACILITY, DETECTOR, M038300100053 INC-SOURCE, METHOD, ANALYSIS, ERR-ANALYS, SAMPLE, M038300100054 REACTION, STATUS, COMMON, SUBENTS 002-005 merged. M038300100055 ENDBIB 53 0 M038300100056 COMMON 1 3 M038300100057 ERR-SYS M038300100058 PER-CENT M038300100059 4.4 M038300100060 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M038300100061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 M038300199999 SUBENT M0383002 20231129 M127M038300200001 BIB 3 5 M038300200002 REACTION (1-H-2(G,N)1-H-1,,DA) M038300200003 STATUS (TABLE) The data from table 1 M038300200004 of Journ.Sov.Nucl.Phys.55,1280,1992. M038300200005 HISTORY (20231129A) Corrected by V. Varlamov: REACTION, M038300200006 STATUS, NOCOMMON, DATA substituted. M038300200007 ENDBIB 5 0 M038300200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 M038300200009 DATA 4 79 M038300200010 ANG-CM EN DATA DATA-ERR M038300200011 ADEG MEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR M038300200012 90. 270. 5.88 .08 M038300200013 90. 298. 5.76 .09 M038300200014 90. 309. 4.83 .07 M038300200015 90. 318. 4.59 .08 M038300200016 90. 325. 4.41 .08 M038300200017 90. 347. 4.02 .06 M038300200018 90. 360. 3.19 .05 M038300200019 90. 370. 2.81 .05 M038300200020 90. 378. 2.60 .06 M038300200021 90. 399. 1.93 .04 M038300200022 90. 416. 1.49 .04 M038300200023 90. 428. 1.36 .03 M038300200024 90. 436. 1.24 .04 M038300200025 90. 449. 1.12 .04 M038300200026 90. 463. .89 .03 M038300200027 90. 475. .86 .03 M038300200028 90. 485. .87 .03 M038300200029 90. 499. .80 .03 M038300200030 90. 510. .67 .02 M038300200031 90. 522. .68 .03 M038300200032 90. 532. .71 .03 M038300200033 90. 540. .75 .03 M038300200034 90. 551. .58 .03 M038300200035 105. 272. 4.82 .10 M038300200036 105. 299. 5.51 .16 M038300200037 105. 310. 4.50 .12 M038300200038 105. 319. 4.20 .13 M038300200039 105. 326. 4.11 .14 M038300200040 105. 348. 3.22 .13 M038300200041 105. 361. 2.46 .11 M038300200042 105. 372. 1.99 .10 M038300200043 105. 381. 1.80 .10 M038300200044 105. 401. 1.72 .05 M038300200045 105. 419. 1.35 .04 M038300200046 105. 431. 1.12 .04 M038300200047 105. 439. 1.09 .04 M038300200048 105. 449. .96 .06 M038300200049 105. 472. .81 .06 M038300200050 105. 486. .77 .06 M038300200051 105. 495. .75 .06 M038300200052 120. 231. 4.42 .06 M038300200053 120. 272. 4.60 .07 M038300200054 120. 305. 4.53 .15 M038300200055 120. 316. 3.75 .12 M038300200056 120. 327. 3.44 .13 M038300200057 120. 336. 3.28 .13 M038300200058 120. 348. 2.80 .07 M038300200059 120. 362. 2.01 .06 M038300200060 120. 375. 1.74 .07 M038300200061 120. 384. 1.50 .07 M038300200062 120. 402. 1.41 .04 M038300200063 120. 422. 1.19 .03 M038300200064 120. 435. .97 .03 M038300200065 120. 446. .84 .02 M038300200066 120. 469. .69 .04 M038300200067 120. 484. .60 .03 M038300200068 120. 494. .57 .03 M038300200069 120. 506. .48 .03 M038300200070 120. 523. .51 .05 M038300200071 120. 536. .57 .05 M038300200072 135. 192. 3.78 .05 M038300200073 135. 232. 4.33 .06 M038300200074 135. 273. 4.18 .07 M038300200075 135. 296. 3.90 .15 M038300200076 135. 310. 3.51 .12 M038300200077 135. 322. 3.04 .13 M038300200078 135. 330. 2.69 .13 M038300200079 135. 345. 2.35 .07 M038300200080 135. 363. 1.77 .06 M038300200081 135. 375. 1.33 .07 M038300200082 135. 386. 1.18 .07 M038300200083 135. 394. 1.13 .04 M038300200084 135. 415. .98 .03 M038300200085 135. 431. .74 .03 M038300200086 135. 444. .68 .02 M038300200087 135. 472. .62 .04 M038300200088 135. 486. .57 .03 M038300200089 135. 503. .52 .03 M038300200090 135. 518. .56 .03 M038300200091 ENDDATA 81 0 M038300200092 ENDSUBENT 91 0 M038300299999 NOSUBENT M0383003 20231129 M127M038300300001 NOSUBENT M0383004 20231129 M127M038300400001 NOSUBENT M0383005 20231129 M127M038300500001 ENDENTRY 5 0 M038399999999