ENTRY            M0436   20160906                             M084M043600000001 
SUBENT        M0436001   20160906                             M084M043600100001 
BIB                 16         49                                 M043600100002 
TITLE      Angular distributions  and  cross  sections  of   the  M043600100003 
            photoneutron  reaction  in Be-9 in the photon energy  M043600100004 
            region 18 - 26 MeV.                                   M043600100005 
AUTHOR     (A.Buchnea,R.G.Johnson,K.G.Mcneill)                    M043600100006 
REFERENCE  (J,CJP,55,364,1977)                                    M043600100007 
INSTITUTE  (1CANTOR)                                              M043600100008 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1CANTOR)                                        M043600100009 
INC-SOURCE (QMPH,THRDT) Threshold technique determined energy of  M043600100010 
            incident bremsstrahlung photon.                       M043600100011 
METHOD     (TOF)                                                  M043600100012 
SAMPLE     The targets used were 0.3 cm thick  beryllium  metal,  M043600100013 
            and  (D-2)O,  (H-2)O,  and dummy targets of the same  M043600100014 
            thickness.                                            M043600100015 
PART-DET   (N)                                                    M043600100016 
ANALYSIS   (INTED) Measurements of neutron spectra were made  at  M043600100017 
            five  angles between 50 and 146 degrees.  Because of  M043600100018 
            the 2.9 MeV separation between the ground state  and  M043600100019 
            first  excited  state of Be-8,  kinematics enables a  M043600100020 
            reasonably unambiguous identification to be made  of  M043600100021 
            neutrons  in  the  highest  2  MeV  of  each neutron  M043600100022 
            spectrum at each end-point energy.  Correspondingly,  M043600100023 
            the  8.5  MeV  separation  between the first excited  M043600100024 
            state  and  second  excited  state  of  Be-8   makes  M043600100025 
            possible  the  fairly  unambiguous identification of  M043600100026 
            first excited state in the highest  6  MeV  of  each  M043600100027 
            neutron  spectrum  once  the  ground  state  neutron  M043600100028 
            contribution has  been  substracted.  By  comparison  M043600100029 
            with  the  photoneutron  spectra  from the deuterium  M043600100030 
            photodisintegration  and  use  of   Partovi's  cross  M043600100031 
            section for deuterium, differential  cross  sections  M043600100032 
            for beryllium were obtained.                          M043600100033 
MONITOR    (1-H-2(G,N)1-H-1,,DA)                                  M043600100034 
MONIT-REF  (,F.Partovi,J,AP,27,79,1964)                           M043600100035 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The errors are statistical.                    M043600100036 
COMMENT    The Be-9(g,n-0)Be-8  and  Be-9(g,n-1)Be-8   reactions  M043600100037 
            were  studied  in  the  photon energy region 18 - 26  M043600100038 
            MeV.  The  integrated  cross  section   of   (g,n-0)  M043600100039 
            reaction  was  found  to  be less than 0.1 MeV*mb in  M043600100040 
            this energy region. The integrated cross section for  M043600100041 
            the (g,n-1) reaction in the energy region studied is  M043600100042 
            2.4(0.4) MeV*mb,  which is 10 to 15%  of  the  total  M043600100043 
            photoneutron  cross  section.  The  measured angular  M043600100044 
            distributions   for   the   (g,n-1)   reaction   are  M043600100045 
            consistent  with  the  population  of  3/2+ and 5/2+  M043600100046 
            states of Be-9.                                       M043600100047 
STATUS     (CURVE)                                                M043600100048 
HISTORY    (19910218C)                                            M043600100049 
           (20160906A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: ERR-ANALYS,       M043600100050 
            STATUS, dates, lowercase.                             M043600100051 
ENDBIB              49          0                                 M043600100052 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M043600100053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 M043600199999 
SUBENT        M0436002   20160906                             M084M043600200001 
BIB                  4          4                                 M043600200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(G,N)4-BE-8,PAR,DA,,4PI)                        M043600200003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,4-BE-8)                                         M043600200004 
MISC-COL   (MISC) End point energy of bremsstrahlung spectrum.    M043600200005 
HISTORY    (20160906A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: ERR-S.            M043600200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 M043600200007 
COMMON               3          3                                 M043600200008 
ANG-MIN    ANG-MAX    E-LVL                                       M043600200009 
ADEG       ADEG       MEV                                         M043600200010 
  50.       146.        2.9                                       M043600200011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M043600200012 
DATA                 4         16                                 M043600200013 
EN         DATA       ERR-S      MISC                             M043600200014 
MEV        MB         MB         MEV                              M043600200015 
  17.        .58        .06        22.5                           M043600200016 
  18.        .495       .055       22.5                           M043600200017 
  19.        .425       .050       22.5                           M043600200018 
  19.        .495       .085       24.5                           M043600200019 
  20.        .42        .05        22.5                           M043600200020 
  20.        .48        .07        24.5                           M043600200021 
  21.        .44        .06        24.5                           M043600200022 
  21.        .351       .049       26.5                           M043600200023 
  22.        .385       .055       24.5                           M043600200024 
  22.        .275       .050       26.5                           M043600200025 
  23.        .245       .050       26.5                           M043600200026 
  23.        .155       .025       28.5                           M043600200027 
  24.        .235       .045       26.5                           M043600200028 
  24.        .145       .025       28.5                           M043600200029 
  25.        .140       .025       28.5                           M043600200030 
  26.        .140       .025       28.5                           M043600200031 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 M043600200032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 M043600299999 
SUBENT        M0436003   20160906                             M084M043600300001 
BIB                  4          4                                 M043600300002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(G,N)4-BE-8,PAR,INT)                            M043600300003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,4-BE-8)                                         M043600300004 
STATUS     (DEP,M0456002) Reaction cross section.                 M043600300005 
HISTORY    (20160906A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: ERR-S.            M043600300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 M043600300007 
COMMON               2          3                                 M043600300008 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX                                                 M043600300009 
MEV        MEV                                                    M043600300010 
  18.        26.                                                  M043600300011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M043600300012 
DATA                 4          2                                 M043600300013 
E-LVL      DATA       ERR-S      DATA-MAX                         M043600300014 
MEV        MB*MEV     MB*MEV     MB*MEV                           M043600300015 
 0.0                               .1                             M043600300016 
 2.9        2.4         .4                                        M043600300017 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M043600300018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 M043600399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 M043699999999