ENTRY            M0499   20220130                             M119M049900000001 
SUBENT        M0499001   20220130                             M119M049900100001 
BIB                 13         66                                 M049900100002 
TITLE      Photoneutron cross sections in Li-7.                   M049900100003 
AUTHOR     (H.Ferdinande,N.K.Sherman,K.H.Lokan,C.K.Ross)          M049900100004 
REFERENCE  (J,CJP,55,428,1977)                                    M049900100005 
INSTITUTE  (1CANOTC)                                              M049900100006 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1CANOTC)                                        M049900100007 
INC-SOURCE (BRST)                                                 M049900100008 
SAMPLE     500 g cylindrical target enriched to 99.9%  Li-7. The  M049900100009 
            target was wrapped in transparent tape to protect it  M049900100010 
            from the atmosphere.                                  M049900100011 
METHOD     (TOF) Photoneutrons were detected at an angle  of  90  M049900100012 
            degrees  with  respect  to  the  photon  beam  by  a  M049900100013 
            conventional time-of-flight system having  a  flight  M049900100014 
            path of 32 m and a resolution of 0.4 ns/m.            M049900100015 
DETECTOR   (SCIN)                                                 M049900100016 
ANALYSIS   (UNFLD) The  bremsstrahlung  end-point   energy   was  M049900100017 
            increased in 2 MeV steps from 13 to 25 MeV.  At each  M049900100018 
            energy, photoneutron T-O-F spectra were measured from M049900100019 
            Li-7  and  from  (H-2)O  and  (D-2)O  targets.  This  M049900100020 
            provided  a  ratio  measurement  of  the  90-degrees  M049900100021 
            differential  ground-state  cross  section  for  the  M049900100022 
            Li-7(g,n0)Li-6   reaction   relative   to   H-2(g,n)  M049900100023 
            differential   cross   section.   Near  14.3  MeV  a  M049900100024 
            ground-state neutron from Li-7 has the  same  energy  M049900100025 
            (7  MeV) as a deuterium photoneutron (Sherman 1970).  M049900100026 
            Each time-of-flight  spectrum  was  converted  to  a  M049900100027 
            neutron  energy distribution.  Using the information  M049900100028 
            about photon  spectrum  these  energy  distributions  M049900100029 
            were converted into cross section. At each end-point  M049900100030 
            energy the photon spectrum  was  measured  from  the  M049900100031 
            difference    between    photoneutron   spectra   of  M049900100032 
            geometrically identical targets of  heavy  and light  M049900100033 
            water.  Because  the  first  excited  state in final  M049900100034 
            nucleus Li-6 lies at energy 2.185 MeV those neutrons  M049900100035 
            resulting  from  photons  within  2.185  MeV  of the  M049900100036 
            end-point  energy   can   only   result   from   the  M049900100037 
            transitions  to  the ground state of Li-6.  Although  M049900100038 
            the 1.377 MeV  gap  between  the  first  and  second  M049900100039 
            excited  states in Li-6 is less than 2 MeV end-point  M049900100040 
            steps used an approximate first-excited-state  cross  M049900100041 
            section    was   extracted   by   substracting   the  M049900100042 
            groundstate   component   from   the    experimental  M049900100043 
            photoneutron  spectrum for each run.  This component  M049900100044 
            was obtained by folding  the  measured  ground-state  M049900100045 
            cross  section  with the fitted photon distribution,  M049900100046 
            to obtain the  ground-state  neutron  component  for  M049900100047 
            this  end-point  energy.  The ground-state component  M049900100048 
            was substracted and the  residual  neutron  spectrum  M049900100049 
            was converted back to a cross section by dividing by  M049900100050 
            the calculated bremsstrahlung spectrum.               M049900100051 
CORRECTION Corrections  were  used  for  detector dead time  and  M049900100052 
            detector efficiency.                                  M049900100053 
COMMENT    Photoneutron energy  spectra  from  Li-7  have   been  M049900100054 
            measured     by     time-of-flight    method,    for  M049900100055 
            bremsstrahlung end-point energies  increasing  in  2  M049900100056 
            mev  steps  from 13 to 25 MeV.  The ground-state and  M049900100057 
            approximate  firstexcited-state  differential  cross  M049900100058 
            sections  at  90 degrees have been obtained from 8.5  M049900100059 
            to 23 MeV.  No pronounced fine  structure  has  been  M049900100060 
            observed.  The  integrated  cross section values for  M049900100061 
            both cross sections were  obtained  also.             M049900100062 
HISTORY    (19910218C)                                            M049900100063 
           (20130627A) Corrected    by   V.Varlamov:   REACTION,  M049900100064 
            STATUS, dates, lowercase.                             M049900100065 
           (20220130A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: MONITOR, PART-DET,M049900100066 
            COMMON, STATUS, EN-SEC in SUBENTs 002 - 005, INT,,BRA M049900100067 
            -> INT,,BRS in REACTION of SUBENTs 004,005.           M049900100068 
ENDBIB              66          0                                 M049900100069 
COMMON               1          3                                 M049900100070 
ANG                                                               M049900100071 
ADEG                                                              M049900100072 
  90.                                                             M049900100073 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M049900100074 
ENDSUBENT           73          0                                 M049900199999 
SUBENT        M0499002   20220130                             M119M049900200001 
BIB                  4          9                                 M049900200002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(G,N)3-LI-6,PAR,DA,,BRS)                        M049900200003 
ERR-ANALYS No information.                                        M049900200004 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data presented on Fig. 4                       M049900200005 
            of Can.J.Phys.,55(1977)428.                           M049900200006 
            The USA NIST digitizing.                              M049900200007 
HISTORY    (20130627A) Corrected  by  V.Varlamov:  BRA -> BRS,    M049900200008 
            ERR-ANALYS.                                           M049900200009 
           (20220130A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: EN-SEC, COMMON,   M049900200010 
            DATA (SUBENTs 002 and 003 merged), STATUS.            M049900200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 M049900200012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M049900200013 
DATA                 3        183                                 M049900200014 
E-LVL      EN         DATA                                        M049900200015 
MEV        MEV        MU-B/SR                                     M049900200016 
   0.0       8.4       1.54                                       M049900200017 
   0.0       8.63      2.93                                       M049900200018 
   0.0       8.64       .21                                       M049900200019 
   0.0       8.77      1.93                                       M049900200020 
   0.0       8.85      7.04                                       M049900200021 
   0.0       8.95      5.7                                        M049900200022 
   0.0       9.13      7.42                                       M049900200023 
   0.0       9.27      8.8                                        M049900200024 
   0.0       9.36      9.83                                       M049900200025 
   0.0       9.45     10.18                                       M049900200026 
   0.0       9.6       7.48                                       M049900200027 
   0.0       9.73     10.56                                       M049900200028 
   0.0       9.87     12.96                                       M049900200029 
   0.0       9.9      18.4                                        M049900200030 
   0.0      10.06     26.93                                       M049900200031 
   0.0      10.16     25.92                                       M049900200032 
   0.0      10.3      24.92                                       M049900200033 
   0.0      10.35     26.97                                       M049900200034 
   0.0      10.44     27.66                                       M049900200035 
   0.0      10.53     28.69                                       M049900200036 
   0.0      10.63     25.64                                       M049900200037 
   0.0      10.76     28.72                                       M049900200038 
   0.0      10.9      29.08                                       M049900200039 
   0.0      11.04     27.4                                        M049900200040 
   0.0      11.17     31.83                                       M049900200041 
   0.0      11.31     34.57                                       M049900200042 
   0.0      11.4      35.27                                       M049900200043 
   0.0      11.54     33.92                                       M049900200044 
   0.0      11.59     35.29                                       M049900200045 
   0.0      11.68     36.66                                       M049900200046 
   0.0      11.69     35.3                                        M049900200047 
   0.0      11.87     33.97                                       M049900200048 
   0.0      11.91     35.33                                       M049900200049 
   0.0      12.09     37.74                                       M049900200050 
   0.0      12.19     35.71                                       M049900200051 
   0.0      12.29     36.06                                       M049900200052 
   0.0      12.38     36.41                                       M049900200053 
   0.0      12.61     37.8                                        M049900200054 
   0.0      12.7      36.46                                       M049900200055 
   0.0      12.84     37.15                                       M049900200056 
   0.0      12.94     37.51                                       M049900200057 
   0.0      13.03     38.54                                       M049900200058 
   0.0      13.11     41.95                                       M049900200059 
   0.0      13.26     39.59                                       M049900200060 
   0.0      13.35     41.30                                       M049900200061 
   0.0      13.58     42.01                                       M049900200062 
   0.0      13.72     40.67                                       M049900200063 
   0.0      13.86     42.39                                       M049900200064 
   0.0      13.95     43.42                                       M049900200065 
   0.0      14.08     47.52                                       M049900200066 
   0.0      14.22     47.88                                       M049900200067 
   0.0      14.37     45.17                                       M049900200068 
   0.0      14.45     48.25                                       M049900200069 
   0.0      14.6      45.55                                       M049900200070 
   0.0      14.73     47.94                                       M049900200071 
   0.0      14.83     45.24                                       M049900200072 
   0.0      14.97     45.93                                       M049900200073 
   0.0      14.98     44.23                                       M049900200074 
   0.0      15.22     40.86                                       M049900200075 
   0.0      15.3      45.98                                       M049900200076 
   0.0      15.31     42.92                                       M049900200077 
   0.0      15.43     49.39                                       M049900200078 
   0.0      15.62     47.72                                       M049900200079 
   0.0      15.81     48.42                                       M049900200080 
   0.0      15.9      49.8                                        M049900200081 
   0.0      15.96     44.7                                        M049900200082 
   0.0      16.04     49.13                                       M049900200083 
   0.0      16.1      42.34                                       M049900200084 
   0.0      16.19     44.05                                       M049900200085 
   0.0      16.28     46.1                                        M049900200086 
   0.0      16.38     42.72                                       M049900200087 
   0.0      16.42     45.78                                       M049900200088 
   0.0      16.57     42.4                                        M049900200089 
   0.0      16.67     40.71                                       M049900200090 
   0.0      16.81     38.69                                       M049900200091 
   0.0      16.95     41.09                                       M049900200092 
   0.0      16.99     43.81                                       M049900200093 
   0.0      17.13     41.79                                       M049900200094 
   0.0      17.14     40.09                                       M049900200095 
   0.0      17.32     41.48                                       M049900200096 
   0.0      17.47     38.09                                       M049900200097 
   0.0      17.56     39.47                                       M049900200098 
   0.0      17.6      40.49                                       M049900200099 
   0.0      17.75     38.47                                       M049900200100 
   0.0      17.89     36.79                                       M049900200101 
   0.0      17.96     46.32                                       M049900200102 
   0.0      18.11     44.64                                       M049900200103 
   0.0      18.19     48.05                                       M049900200104 
   0.0      18.34     43.99                                       M049900200105 
   0.0      18.44     41.62                                       M049900200106 
   0.0      18.68     40.29                                       M049900200107 
   0.0      18.71     45.74                                       M049900200108 
   0.0      18.79     49.83                                       M049900200109 
   0.0      18.95     43.39                                       M049900200110 
   0.0      19.14     43.41                                       M049900200111 
   0.0      19.17     46.82                                       M049900200112 
   0.0      19.33     42.42                                       M049900200113 
   0.0      19.52     41.42                                       M049900200114 
   0.0      19.69     44.51                                       M049900200115 
   0.0      19.85     39.08                                       M049900200116 
   0.0      19.97     45.22                                       M049900200117 
   0.0      20.03     42.51                                       M049900200118 
   0.0      20.12     44.56                                       M049900200119 
   0.0      20.3      45.27                                       M049900200120 
   0.0      20.45     41.88                                       M049900200121 
   0.0      20.6      37.48                                       M049900200122 
   0.0      20.81     44.99                                       M049900200123 
   0.0      20.91     43.64                                       M049900200124 
   0.0      21.14     47.75                                       M049900200125 
   0.0      21.36     51.78                                       M049900200126 
   0.0      21.5      52.22                                       M049900200127 
   0.0      21.7      44.77                                       M049900200128 
   0.0      21.93     45.82                                       M049900200129 
   0.0      22.07     48.22                                       M049900200130 
   0.0      22.2      52.65                                       M049900200131 
   0.0      22.46     42.82                                       M049900200132 
   0.0      22.68     45.91                                       M049900200133 
   0.0      22.78     43.55                                       M049900200134 
   0.0      23.06     42.9                                        M049900200135 
   0.0      23.48     44.32                                       M049900200136 
   0.0      23.81     43.34                                       M049900200137 
   0.0      23.91     40.97                                       M049900200138 
   0.0      24.1      38.28                                       M049900200139 
   0.0      24.12     37.94                                       M049900200140 
   0.0      24.29     40.                                         M049900200141 
   0.0      24.37     45.11                                       M049900200142 
   0.0      24.62     38.                                         M049900200143 
   0.0      24.85     36.67                                       M049900200144 
   0.0      25.03     42.48                                       M049900200145 
   0.0      25.21     42.84                                       M049900200146 
   0.0      25.39     48.31                                       M049900200147 
   2.185    10.41     10.64                                       M049900200148 
   2.185    10.7      24.54                                       M049900200149 
   2.185    10.79     24.89                                       M049900200150 
   2.185    11.02     26.27                                       M049900200151 
   2.185    11.3      25.64                                       M049900200152 
   2.185    11.61     30.75                                       M049900200153 
   2.185    12.3      32.55                                       M049900200154 
   2.185    12.63     30.91                                       M049900200155 
   2.185    12.87     31.28                                       M049900200156 
   2.185    13.24     31.67                                       M049900200157 
   2.185    13.58     24.29                                       M049900200158 
   2.185    13.88     18.93                                       M049900200159 
   2.185    14.22     11.89                                       M049900200160 
   2.185    14.46      9.89                                       M049900200161 
   2.185    14.69      9.93                                       M049900200162 
   2.185    14.93      9.96                                       M049900200163 
   2.185    15.06      9.98                                       M049900200164 
   2.185    15.38     14.76                                       M049900200165 
   2.185    15.56     15.13                                       M049900200166 
   2.185    15.71     13.46                                       M049900200167 
   2.185    16.03     15.19                                       M049900200168 
   2.185    16.17     14.88                                       M049900200169 
   2.185    16.4      13.9                                        M049900200170 
   2.185    16.67     19.34                                       M049900200171 
   2.185    16.87     14.64                                       M049900200172 
   2.185    17.05     14.33                                       M049900200173 
   2.185    17.35      9.31                                       M049900200174 
   2.185    17.6      18.47                                       M049900200175 
   2.185    17.98     14.13                                       M049900200176 
   2.185    18.25     17.22                                       M049900200177 
   2.185    18.57     19.97                                       M049900200178 
   2.185    18.79     24.39                                       M049900200179 
   2.185    18.98     24.42                                       M049900200180 
   2.185    19.19     14.99                                       M049900200181 
   2.185    19.57     13.02                                       M049900200182 
   2.185    19.75     14.74                                       M049900200183 
   2.185    20.04     26.6                                        M049900200184 
   2.185    20.23     25.96                                       M049900200185 
   2.185    20.43     21.59                                       M049900200186 
   2.185    20.61     22.3                                        M049900200187 
   2.185    20.79     25.7                                        M049900200188 
   2.185    21.11     10.55                                       M049900200189 
   2.185    21.3      24.43                                       M049900200190 
   2.185    21.68      7.93                                       M049900200191 
   2.185    21.88     19.44                                       M049900200192 
   2.185    22.10     22.51                                       M049900200193 
   2.185    22.5      12.44                                       M049900200194 
   2.185    22.77     15.52                                       M049900200195 
   2.185    23.17      6.46                                       M049900200196 
   2.185    23.55      3.14                                       M049900200197 
   2.185    23.83      2.51                                       M049900200198 
   2.185    24.06      2.2                                        M049900200199 
ENDDATA            185          0                                 M049900200200 
ENDSUBENT          199          0                                 M049900299999 
NOSUBENT      M0499003   20220130                             M119M049900300001 
SUBENT        M0499004   20220130                             M119M049900400001 
BIB                  5         11                                 M049900400002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(G,N)3-LI-6,PAR,INT/DA,,4PI/BRS)                M049900400003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties.  M049900400004 
ANALYSIS   Total integrated cross section was obtained from the   M049900400005 
            90-degrees differential cross sections.               M049900400006 
STATUS     (DEP,M0499003) Reaction cross section.                 M049900400007 
           (TABLE) Data from text                                 M049900400008 
            of Can.J.Phys.,55(1977)428.                           M049900400009 
HISTORY    (20130627A) Corrected  by  V.Varlamov: ERR-ANALYS.     M049900400010 
           (20220130A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: EN-SEC, ANALYSIS, M049900400011 
            NOCOMMON, STATUS, DATA (SUBENTs 004 and 005) merged,  M049900400012 
            REACTION.                                             M049900400013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 M049900400014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M049900400015 
DATA                 5          2                                 M049900400016 
E-LVL      EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA       DATA-ERR              M049900400017 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MB*MEV     MB*MEV                M049900400018 
  2.185       7.3        23.       17.2        3.4                M049900400019 
  0.0         7.3       23.        38.7        3.9                M049900400020 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M049900400021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 M049900499999 
NOSUBENT      M0499005   20220130                             M119M049900500001 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 M049999999999