ENTRY M0531 20240119 M128M053100000001 SUBENT M0531001 20240119 M128M053100100001 BIB 13 31 M053100100002 TITLE Isomeric yield ratios of the 90Zr(gamma,n)89m,gZr M053100100003 reaction up to the giant dipole resonance. M053100100004 AUTHOR (I.V.Bodrov,M.G.Davydov,I.B.Rakhmanov,A.V.Trukhov) M053100100005 INSTITUTE (4RUSRGU) M053100100006 REFERENCE (J,PAN,57,1277,1994) M053100100007 Eng.trans.of YF,57,(8),1347,1994. M053100100008 (J,YF,57,(8),1347,1994) M053100100009 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M053100100010 FACILITY (BETAT,4RUSRGU) M053100100011 SAMPLE The samples of natural zirconium. M053100100012 METHOD (ACTIV) Induced gamma-activity was measured. M053100100013 DETECTOR (GELI) Ge(Li)-detector. M053100100014 ANALYSIS (AREA) Isomer yield and ratio measurement using the M053100100015 gamma-quanta energy spectrum lines data. M053100100016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors are given. M053100100017 COMMENT The isomeric yield ratios Y-m/Y-g were measured for M053100100018 reaction Zr-90(gamma,n)Zr-89-m,g using the M053100100019 bremsstrshlung in the energy region 13 - 21 MeV with M053100100020 step 0.5 MeV. Experimental isomeric ratios were M053100100021 compared with the values reported by other authors M053100100022 and results of calculations within the framework M053100100023 of statistical theory and on model of the M053100100024 "semidirect" decay of giant dipole resonance. M053100100025 HISTORY (19980319C) Data were prepared in the MSU INP CDFE M053100100026 by V.V.Varlamov. M053100100027 (20121104A) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.M053100100028 Corrected according last EXFOR rules and Dict. M053100100029 Ref. on transl. was added. M053100100030 VV: ERR-ANALYS, STATUS, HISTORY. M053100100031 (20240119A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: TITLE, REFERENCE, M053100100032 STATUS. M053100100033 ENDBIB 31 0 M053100100034 NOCOMMON 0 0 M053100100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 M053100199999 SUBENT M0531002 20240119 M128M053100200001 BIB 3 4 M053100200002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(G,N)40-ZR-89-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M053100200003 STATUS (TABLE,,I.V.Bodrov+,J,PAN,57,1277,1994) M053100200004 Data from Table 2. M053100200005 HISTORY (20240119U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M053100200006 ENDBIB 4 0 M053100200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 M053100200008 DATA 3 15 M053100200009 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S M053100200010 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM M053100200011 13. 2.13 .38 M053100200012 13.5 2.23 .24 M053100200013 14. 2.07 .18 M053100200014 14.5 1.71 .09 M053100200015 15. 1.47 .07 M053100200016 15.5 1.38 .07 M053100200017 16. 1.49 .06 M053100200018 16.5 1.32 .02 M053100200019 17. 1.15 .02 M053100200020 17.5 1.14 .02 M053100200021 18. .92 .01 M053100200022 18.5 .97 .01 M053100200023 19. 1.05 .01 M053100200024 20. 1.50 .08 M053100200025 21. 1.09 .03 M053100200026 ENDDATA 17 0 M053100200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 M053100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M053199999999