ENTRY            M0547   20180301                             M095M054700000001 
SUBENT        M0547001   20180301                             M095M054700100001 
BIB                 11         44                                 M054700100002 
TITLE      Photofission cross   section   and    fissility    of  M054700100003 
            pre-actinide and intermediate-mass nuclei by 120 and  M054700100004 
            145 Compton backscattered photons.                    M054700100005 
AUTHOR     (M.L.Terranova,G.Ya.Kezerashvili,A.M.Milov,            M054700100006 
            S.I.Mishnev,N.Yu.Muchnoi,A.I.Naumenkov,               M054700100007 
            I.Ya.Protopopov,E.A.Simonov,D.N.Shatilov,             M054700100008 
            O.A.P.Tavares,E.De Paiva,E.L.Moreira)                 M054700100009 
REFERENCE  (J,JP/G,24,205,1998)                                   M054700100010 
INSTITUTE  (2ITYITY) Departimento di Scienze e Technologie        M054700100011 
            Chimiche, Universita' di Roma 'Tor Vergata' and       M054700100012 
            Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare-INFN, Sezione  M054700100013 
            di Roma, Italy.                                       M054700100014 
           (4RUSSIB,3BZLRIO)                                      M054700100015 
FACILITY   (ESTRG,4RUSSIB) VEPP-4M electron storage ring          M054700100016 
INC-SOURCE (LCS)  Quasi-monochromatic photon  beam  produced  by  M054700100017 
            Compton  backscattering of laser light (2.34 or 2.41  M054700100018 
            eV) against high-energy (2.0 or 2.2  GeV)  electrons  M054700100019 
            circulating in the VEPP-4m storage ring.              M054700100020 
DETECTOR   (SOLST) 100  mu-m  or   145   mu-m   thick   Makrofol  M054700100021 
            polycarbonate sheets.                                 M054700100022 
METHOD     (EXTB,STTA) The stacks  of  the  various  target  and  M054700100023 
            detector  materials  were exposed perpendicularly to  M054700100024 
            photon beam.                                          M054700100025 
ANALYSIS   Direct track  number counting after the usual etching  M054700100026 
            procedure.                                            M054700100027 
COMMENT    Cross section measurements for  photofission  induced  M054700100028 
            in 209Bi,  nat.Pt, 197Au, nat.Pt, nat.W, 181Ta, 51V,  M054700100029 
            nat.Ti by 120 and 145 MeV quasimonochromatic  photon  M054700100030 
            beams  have  been  performed at the ROKK-1M facility  M054700100031 
            (BINP,  Novosibirsk).  The fission yields have  been  M054700100032 
            obtained   using   Makrofol  sheets  as  solid-state  M054700100033 
            fission track detectors.  Nuclear  fissility  values  M054700100034 
            have   been  deduced  on  the  basis  of  Levinger's  M054700100035 
            modified  quasi-deuteron   model   of   photonuclear  M054700100036 
            interaction,  and  compare with available literature  M054700100037 
            data.  The trend of fissility in the 60  -  145  MeV  M054700100038 
            energy  range  has  been analysed for various target  M054700100039 
            nuclei as a function of  energy  and  the  parameter  M054700100040 
            Z**2/A.                                               M054700100041 
HISTORY    (19990226C) Data were compiled at the USA BNL NNDC by  M054700100042 
            V.V.Varlamov.                                         M054700100043 
           (20180301U) Corrected  by  SD and VV:  Updated to new  M054700100044 
            date formats, lower case, SAMPLE, INC-SOURCE, STATUS, M054700100045 
            ERR-ANALYS moved to SUBENTs 002 - 025.                M054700100046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 M054700100047 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054700100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 M054700199999 
SUBENT        M0547002   20180301                             M095M054700200001 
BIB                  5         14                                 M054700200002 
REACTION   (22-TI-0(G,F),,SIG)                                    M054700200003 
SAMPLE     Eight high-purity  metallic  foils  of  Ti of natural  M054700200004 
            isotopic composition were  used.  Nominal  thickness  M054700200005 
            was 24. mu-m.                                         M054700200006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,21.,28.) Statistical error:  21. - 25% at Eg =  M054700200007 
            120 MeV and 26 - 28% at Eg = 145. MeV.                M054700200008 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic error mainly  come  from  M054700200009 
            the  uncertainties  related  to the determination of  M054700200010 
            effective  target  thickness  and  total   detection  M054700200011 
            efficiency.                                           M054700200012 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054700200013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054700200014 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054700200015 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054700200016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 M054700200017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054700200018 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054700200019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054700200020 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054700200021 
   120.         1.0E-1     3.0E-2                                 M054700200022 
   145.         1.2E-1     3.0E-2                                 M054700200023 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054700200024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 M054700299999 
SUBENT        M0547003   20180301                             M095M054700300001 
BIB                  5         14                                 M054700300002 
REACTION   (22-TI-0(G,ABS),,SIG)                                  M054700300003 
SAMPLE     Eight high-purity  metallic  foils  of  Ti of natural  M054700300004 
            isotopic composition were  used.  Nominal  thickness  M054700300005 
            was 24. mu-m.                                         M054700300006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,21.,28.) Statistical error:  21. - 25% at Eg =  M054700300007 
            120 MeV and 26 - 28% at Eg = 145. MeV.                M054700300008 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic  error  mainly come from  M054700300009 
            the uncertainties related to  the  determination  of  M054700300010 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054700300011 
            efficiency.                                           M054700300012 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054700300013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054700300014 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054700300015 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054700300016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 M054700300017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054700300018 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054700300019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054700300020 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054700300021 
   120.       3.8        1.1                                      M054700300022 
   145.       3.6        1.0                                      M054700300023 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054700300024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 M054700399999 
SUBENT        M0547004   20180301                             M095M054700400001 
BIB                  4          9                                 M054700400002 
REACTION   ((22-TI-0(G,F),,SIG)/(22-TI-0(G,ABS),,SIG))            M054700400003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical plus systematic errors.         M054700400004 
STATUS     (DEP,M0547002)                                         M054700400005 
            Ti(gamma,f) cross section.                            M054700400006 
           (DEP,M0547003)                                         M054700400007 
            Ti(gamma,abs) cross sections.                         M054700400008 
           (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054700400009 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected   by   SD   and   VV:   STATUS,  M054700400010 
            ERR-ANALYS.                                           M054700400011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 M054700400012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054700400013 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054700400014 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    M054700400015 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      M054700400016 
   120.         2.6E-2     1.0E-2                                 M054700400017 
   145.         3.3E-2     1.2E-2                                 M054700400018 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054700400019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 M054700499999 
SUBENT        M0547005   20180301                             M095M054700500001 
BIB                  5         13                                 M054700500002 
REACTION   (23-V-51(G,F),,SIG)                                    M054700500003 
SAMPLE     Eight high-purity metallic  foils  of  V  of  natural  M054700500004 
            isotopic  composition  were used.  Nominal thickness  M054700500005 
            was 15. mu-m.                                         M054700500006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors.                            M054700500007 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic  error  mainly come from  M054700500008 
            the uncertainties related to  the  determination  of  M054700500009 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054700500010 
            efficiency                                            M054700500011 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054700500012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054700500013 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054700500014 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054700500015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 M054700500016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054700500017 
DATA                 4          2                                 M054700500018 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-S                            M054700500019 
MEV        MB         MB         PER-CENT                         M054700500020 
   120.         7.6E-2     2.5E-2   30.                           M054700500021 
   145.         7.8E-2     2.9E-2   36.                           M054700500022 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054700500023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 M054700599999 
SUBENT        M0547006   20180301                             M095M054700600001 
BIB                  5         13                                 M054700600002 
REACTION   (23-V-51(G,ABS),,SIG)                                  M054700600003 
SAMPLE     Eight high-purity  metallic  foils  of  V  of natural  M054700600004 
            isotopic composition were  used.  Nominal  thickness  M054700600005 
            was 15. mu-m.                                         M054700600006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors.                            M054700600007 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic error mainly  come  from  M054700600008 
            the  uncertainties  related  to the determination of  M054700600009 
            effective  target  thickness  and  total   detection  M054700600010 
            efficiency.                                           M054700600011 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054700600012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054700600013 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054700600014 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054700600015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 M054700600016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054700600017 
DATA                 4          2                                 M054700600018 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-S                            M054700600019 
MEV        MB         MB         PER-CENT                         M054700600020 
   120.       4.1        1.2        30.0                          M054700600021 
   145.       3.8        1.1        36.0                          M054700600022 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054700600023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 M054700699999 
SUBENT        M0547007   20180301                             M095M054700700001 
BIB                  4          9                                 M054700700002 
REACTION   ((23-V-51(G,F),,SIG)/(23-V-51(G,ABS),,SIG))            M054700700003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical plus systematic errors.         M054700700004 
STATUS     (DEP,M0547002)                                         M054700700005 
            V-51(gamma,f) cross section.                          M054700700006 
           (DEP,M0547003)                                         M054700700007 
            V-51(gamma,abs) cross section.                        M054700700008 
           (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054700700009 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected   by   SD   and   VV:   STATUS,  M054700700010 
            ERR-ANALYS.                                           M054700700011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 M054700700012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054700700013 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054700700014 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    M054700700015 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      M054700700016 
   120.         1.8E-2     0.8E-2                                 M054700700017 
   145.         2.0E-2     1.0E-2                                 M054700700018 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054700700019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 M054700799999 
SUBENT        M0547008   20180301                             M095M054700800001 
BIB                  5         14                                 M054700800002 
REACTION   (73-TA-181(G,F),,SIG)                                  M054700800003 
SAMPLE     Twenty four  high-purity  metallic  foils  of  Ta  of  M054700800004 
            natural  isotopic  composition  were  used.  Nominal  M054700800005 
            thicknesses were 26. or 50. mu-m.                     M054700800006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,21.,28.) Statistical error:  21. - 25% at Eg =  M054700800007 
            120 MeV and 26 - 28% at Eg = 145. MeV.                M054700800008 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic  error  mainly come from  M054700800009 
            the uncertainties related to  the  determination  of  M054700800010 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054700800011 
            efficiency.                                           M054700800012 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054700800013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054700800014 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054700800015 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054700800016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 M054700800017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054700800018 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054700800019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054700800020 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054700800021 
   120.         1.3E-2     4.0E-3                                 M054700800022 
   145.         9.7E-3     3.0E-3                                 M054700800023 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054700800024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 M054700899999 
SUBENT        M0547009   20180301                             M095M054700900001 
BIB                  5         14                                 M054700900002 
REACTION   (73-TA-181(G,ABS),,SIG)                                M054700900003 
SAMPLE     Twenty four  high-purity  metallic  foils  of  Ta  of  M054700900004 
            natural  isotopic  composition  were  used.  Nominal  M054700900005 
            thicknesses were 26. or 50. mu-m.                     M054700900006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,21.,28.) Statistical error:  21. - 25% at Eg =  M054700900007 
            120 MeV and 26 - 28% at Eg = 145. MeV.                M054700900008 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic  error  mainly come from  M054700900009 
            the uncertainties related to  the  determination  of  M054700900010 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054700900011 
            efficiency.                                           M054700900012 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054700900013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054700900014 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected  SD  and  VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054700900015 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054700900016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 M054700900017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054700900018 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054700900019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054700900020 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054700900021 
   120.      11.6        1.5                                      M054700900022 
   145.      11.3        1.4                                      M054700900023 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054700900024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 M054700999999 
SUBENT        M0547010   20180301                             M095M054701000001 
BIB                  4          8                                 M054701000002 
REACTION   ((73-TA-181(G,F),,SIG)/(73-TA-181(G,ABS),,SIG))        M054701000003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical plus systematic errors.         M054701000004 
STATUS     (DEP,M0547008)                                         M054701000005 
            Ta-181(gamma,f) cross section.                        M054701000006 
           (DEP,M0547009)                                         M054701000007 
            Ta-181(gamma,abs) cross section.                      M054701000008 
           (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054701000009 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected SD and VV: STATUS, ERR-ANALYS    M054701000010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 M054701000011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054701000012 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054701000013 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    M054701000014 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      M054701000015 
   120.         1.1E-3     0.4E-3                                 M054701000016 
   145.         8.6E-4     2.8E-4                                 M054701000017 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054701000018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 M054701099999 
SUBENT        M0547011   20180301                             M095M054701100001 
BIB                  5         14                                 M054701100002 
REACTION   (74-W-0(G,F),,SIG)                                     M054701100003 
SAMPLE     Twenty five   high-purity  metallic  foils  of  W  of  M054701100004 
            natural  isotopic  composition  were  used.  Nominal  M054701100005 
            thickness was 50. mu-m.                               M054701100006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,20.,25.) Statistical error:  21. - 25% at Eg =  M054701100007 
            120 MeV and 20 - 22% at Eg = 145. MeV.                M054701100008 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic error mainly come from    M054701100009 
            the uncertainties related to the determination of     M054701100010 
            effective target thickness and total detection        M054701100011 
            efficiency.                                           M054701100012 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054701100013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054701100014 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054701100015 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054701100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 M054701100017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054701100018 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054701100019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054701100020 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054701100021 
   120.         2.3E-2     6.0E-3                                 M054701100022 
   145.         2.0E-2     6.0E-3                                 M054701100023 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054701100024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 M054701199999 
SUBENT        M0547012   20180301                             M095M054701200001 
BIB                  5         14                                 M054701200002 
REACTION   (74-W-0(G,ABS),,SIG)                                   M054701200003 
SAMPLE     Twenty five   high-purity  metallic  foils  of  W  of  M054701200004 
            natural  isotopic  composition  were  used.  Nominal  M054701200005 
            thickness was 50. mu-m.                               M054701200006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,20.,25.) Statistical error:  21. - 25% at Eg =  M054701200007 
            120 MeV and 20 - 22% at Eg = 145. MeV.                M054701200008 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic  error  mainly come from  M054701200009 
            the uncertainties related to  the  determination  of  M054701200010 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054701200011 
            efficiency.                                           M054701200012 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054701200013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054701200014 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054701200015 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054701200016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 M054701200017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054701200018 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054701200019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054701200020 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054701200021 
   120.      11.7        1.5                                      M054701200022 
   145.      11.4        1.4                                      M054701200023 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054701200024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 M054701299999 
SUBENT        M0547013   20180301                             M095M054701300001 
BIB                  4          9                                 M054701300002 
REACTION   ((74-W-0(G,F),,SIG)/(74-W-0(G,ABS),,SIG))              M054701300003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical plus systematic errors.         M054701300004 
STATUS     (DEP,M0547011)                                         M054701300005 
            W(gamma,f) cross section.                             M054701300006 
           (DEP,M0547012)                                         M054701300007 
            W(gamma,abs) cross section.                           M054701300008 
           (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054701300009 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected   by   SD   and   VV:   STATUS,  M054701300010 
            ERR-ANALYS.                                           M054701300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 M054701300012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054701300013 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054701300014 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    M054701300015 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      M054701300016 
   120.         2.0E-3     0.6E-3                                 M054701300017 
   145.         1.7E-3     0.6E-3                                 M054701300018 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054701300019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 M054701399999 
SUBENT        M0547014   20180301                             M095M054701400001 
BIB                  5         14                                 M054701400002 
REACTION   (78-PT-0(G,F),,SIG)                                    M054701400003 
SAMPLE     Nineteen high-purity  metallic foils of Pt of natural  M054701400004 
            isotopic composition were  used.  Nominal  thickness  M054701400005 
            was 26. mu-m.                                         M054701400006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,20.,25.) Statistical error:  21. - 25% at Eg =  M054701400007 
            120 MeV and 17% at Eg = 145. MeV.                     M054701400008 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic  error  mainly come from  M054701400009 
            the uncertainties related to  the  determination  of  M054701400010 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054701400011 
            efficiency.                                           M054701400012 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054701400013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054701400014 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054701400015 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054701400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 M054701400017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054701400018 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054701400019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054701400020 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054701400021 
   120.         2.7E-2     7.0E-3                                 M054701400022 
   145.         5.7E-2     1.3E-2                                 M054701400023 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054701400024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 M054701499999 
SUBENT        M0547015   20180301                             M095M054701500001 
BIB                  5         14                                 M054701500002 
REACTION   (78-PT-0(G,ABS),,SIG)                                  M054701500003 
SAMPLE     Nineteen high-purity  metallic foils of Pt of natural  M054701500004 
            isotopic composition were  used.  Nominal  thickness  M054701500005 
            was 26. mu-m.                                         M054701500006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,20.,25.) Statistical error:  21. - 25% at Eg =  M054701500007 
            120 MeV and 17% at Eg = 145. MeV.                     M054701500008 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic  error  mainly come from  M054701500009 
            the uncertainties related to  the  determination  of  M054701500010 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054701500011 
            efficiency.                                           M054701500012 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054701500013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054701500014 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD  and VV: SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054701500015 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054701500016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 M054701500017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054701500018 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054701500019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054701500020 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054701500021 
   120.      12.2        1.6                                      M054701500022 
   145.      11.9        1.5                                      M054701500023 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054701500024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 M054701599999 
SUBENT        M0547016   20180301                             M095M054701600001 
BIB                  4          9                                 M054701600002 
REACTION   ((78-PT-0(G,F),,SIG)/(78-PT-0(G,ABS),,SIG))            M054701600003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical plus systematic errors.         M054701600004 
STATUS     (DEP,M0547014)                                         M054701600005 
            Pt(gamma,f) cross section.                            M054701600006 
           (DEP,M0547015)                                         M054701600007 
            Pt(gamma,abs) cross section.                          M054701600008 
           (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054701600009 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected   by   SD   and   VV:   STATUS,  M054701600010 
            ERR-ANALYS.                                           M054701600011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 M054701600012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054701600013 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054701600014 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    M054701600015 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      M054701600016 
   120.         2.2E-3     0.6E-3                                 M054701600017 
   145.         4.8E-3     1.2E-3                                 M054701600018 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054701600019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 M054701699999 
SUBENT        M0547017   20180301                             M095M054701700001 
BIB                  5         15                                 M054701700002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(G,F),,SIG)                                  M054701700003 
SAMPLE     Eight of  Au  high-purity  metal  films  prepared  by  M054701700004 
            vacuum evaporation on 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm foils of  1.72  M054701700005 
            mg/cm2 thick Mylar as supports. Average value of the  M054701700006 
            thickness over 24 metal films was 0.70 +-0.12 mu-m.   M054701700007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,26.,60.) Statistical  error:  60%  at Eg = 120  M054701700008 
             MeV and 26. - 28.% at Eg = 145. MeV.                 M054701700009 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic  error  mainly come from  M054701700010 
            the uncertainties related to  the  determination  of  M054701700011 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054701700012 
            efficiency.                                           M054701700013 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054701700014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054701700015 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected  SD  and  VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054701700016 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054701700017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 M054701700018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054701700019 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054701700020 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054701700021 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054701700022 
   120.         5.9E-2     3.8E-2                                 M054701700023 
   145.         1.1E-1     4.0E-2                                 M054701700024 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054701700025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 M054701799999 
SUBENT        M0547018   20180301                             M095M054701800001 
BIB                  5         15                                 M054701800002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(G,ABS),,SIG)                                M054701800003 
SAMPLE     Eight of  Au  high-purity  metal  films  prepared  by  M054701800004 
            vacuum  evaporation on 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm foils of 1.72  M054701800005 
            mg/cm2 thick Mylar as supports. Average value of the  M054701800006 
            thickness over 24 metal films was 0.70 +-0.12 mu-m.   M054701800007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,26.,60.) Statistical error:  60%  at Eg =  120  M054701800008 
            MeV and 26. - 28.% at Eg = 145. MeV.                  M054701800009 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic  error  mainly come from  M054701800010 
            the uncertainties related to  the  determination  of  M054701800011 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054701800012 
            efficiency.                                           M054701800013 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054701800014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054701800015 
HISTORY    (20180301U)SD+VV: SAMPLE,     STATUS,     ERR-ANALYS,  M054701800016 
            DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                                    M054701800017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 M054701800018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054701800019 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054701800020 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054701800021 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054701800022 
   120.      12.3        1.6                                      M054701800023 
   145.      12.0        1.5                                      M054701800024 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054701800025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 M054701899999 
SUBENT        M0547019   20180301                             M095M054701900001 
BIB                  4          9                                 M054701900002 
REACTION   ((79-AU-197(G,F),,SIG)/(79-AU-197(G,ABS),,SIG))        M054701900003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical plus systematic errors.         M054701900004 
STATUS     (DEP,M0547017)                                         M054701900005 
            Au-197(gamma,f) cross section.                        M054701900006 
           (DEP,M0547018)                                         M054701900007 
            Au-197(gamma,abs) cross section.                      M054701900008 
           (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054701900009 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected   by   SD   and   VV:   STATUS,  M054701900010 
            ERR-ANALYS.                                           M054701900011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 M054701900012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054701900013 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054701900014 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    M054701900015 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      M054701900016 
   120.         4.8E-3     3.1E-3                                 M054701900017 
   145.         9.2E-3     3.5E-3                                 M054701900018 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054701900019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 M054701999999 
SUBENT        M0547020   20180301                             M095M054702000001 
BIB                  5         15                                 M054702000002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(G,F),,SIG)                                    M054702000003 
SAMPLE     Eight of  Pb  high-purity  metal  films  prepared  by  M054702000004 
            vacuum  evaporation on 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm foils of 1.72  M054702000005 
            mg/cm2 thick Mylar as supports. Average value of the  M054702000006 
            thickness over 24 metal films was 3.1 +-0.4 mu-m.     M054702000007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,20.,28.) Statistical error:  21.-25.%  at Eg =  M054702000008 
            120 MeV and 20. - 22.% at Eg = 145. MeV.              M054702000009 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic  error  mainly come from  M054702000010 
            the uncertainties related to  the  determination  of  M054702000011 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054702000012 
            efficiency.                                           M054702000013 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054702000014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054702000015 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054702000016 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054702000017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 M054702000018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054702000019 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054702000020 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054702000021 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054702000022 
   120.        0.19        0.06                                   M054702000023 
   145.        0.26        0.07                                   M054702000024 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054702000025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 M054702099999 
SUBENT        M0547021   20180301                             M095M054702100001 
BIB                  5         15                                 M054702100002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(G,ABS),,SIG)                                  M054702100003 
SAMPLE     Eight of  Pb  high-purity  metal  films  prepared  by  M054702100004 
            vacuum evaporation on 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm foils of  1.72  M054702100005 
            mg/cm2 thick Mylar as supports. Average value of the  M054702100006 
            thickness over 24 metal films was 3.1 +-0.4 mu-m.     M054702100007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,20.,28.) Statistical error:  21.-25.%  at Eg =  M054702100008 
            120 MeV and 20. - 22.% at Eg = 145. MeV.              M054702100009 
           (ERR-SYS,13.,16.) Systematic error mainly  come  from  M054702100010 
            the  uncertainties  related  to the determination of  M054702100011 
            effective  target  thickness  and  total   detection  M054702100012 
            efficiency.                                           M054702100013 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054702100014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054702100015 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054702100016 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054702100017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 M054702100018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054702100019 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054702100020 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054702100021 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054702100022 
   120.      12.7        1.6                                      M054702100023 
   145.      12.4        1.5                                      M054702100024 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054702100025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 M054702199999 
SUBENT        M0547022   20180301                             M095M054702200001 
BIB                  4          8                                 M054702200002 
REACTION   ((82-PB-0(G,F),,SIG)/(82-PB-0(G,ABS),,SIG))            M054702200003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical plus systematic errors.         M054702200004 
STATUS     (DEP,M0547020)                                         M054702200005 
            Pb(gamma,f) cross section.                            M054702200006 
           (DEP,M0547021)                                         M054702200007 
            Pb(gamma,abs) cross section.                          M054702200008 
           (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054702200009 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected SD and VV: STATUS.               M054702200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 M054702200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054702200012 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054702200013 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    M054702200014 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      M054702200015 
   120.         1.5E-2     0.5E-2                                 M054702200016 
   145.         2.1E-2     0.6E-2                                 M054702200017 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054702200018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 M054702299999 
SUBENT        M0547023   20180301                             M095M054702300001 
BIB                  5         14                                 M054702300002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(G,F),,SIG)                                  M054702300003 
SAMPLE     Eight of  Bi  high-purity  metal  films  prepared  by  M054702300004 
            vacuum  evaporation on 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm foils of 1.72  M054702300005 
            mg/cm2 thick Mylar as supports. Average value of the  M054702300006 
            thickness over 24 metal films was 5.2 +-1.0 mu-m.     M054702300007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors.                            M054702300008 
           (ERR-SYS) Systematic   error  mainly  come  from  the  M054702300009 
            uncertainties  related  to  the   determination   of  M054702300010 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054702300011 
            efficiency.                                           M054702300012 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054702300013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054702300014 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054702300015 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054702300016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 M054702300017 
COMMON               2          3                                 M054702300018 
ERR-S      ERR-SYS                                                M054702300019 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               M054702300020 
  18.        24.                                                  M054702300021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M054702300022 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054702300023 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054702300024 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054702300025 
   120.        0.20        0.06                                   M054702300026 
   145.        0.31        0.08                                   M054702300027 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054702300028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 M054702399999 
SUBENT        M0547024   20180301                             M095M054702400001 
BIB                  5         14                                 M054702400002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(G,ABS),,SIG)                                M054702400003 
SAMPLE     Eight of  Bi  high-purity  metal  films  prepared  by  M054702400004 
            vacuum  evaporation on 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm foils of 1.72  M054702400005 
            mg/cm2 thick Mylar as supports. Average value of the  M054702400006 
            thickness over 24 metal films was 5.2 +-1.0 mu-m.     M054702400007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error.                             M054702400008 
           (ERR-SYS) Systematic   error  mainly  come  from  the  M054702400009 
            uncertainties  related  to  the   determination   of  M054702400010 
            effective   target  thickness  and  total  detection  M054702400011 
            efficiency.                                           M054702400012 
           (ERR-T) Statistical plus systematic errors.            M054702400013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054702400014 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected by SD and VV:  SAMPLE,  STATUS,  M054702400015 
            ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                        M054702400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 M054702400017 
COMMON               2          3                                 M054702400018 
ERR-S      ERR-SYS                                                M054702400019 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               M054702400020 
  18.        24.                                                  M054702400021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M054702400022 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054702400023 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       M054702400024 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M054702400025 
   120.      12.8        1.7                                      M054702400026 
   145.      12.5        1.6                                      M054702400027 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054702400028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 M054702499999 
SUBENT        M0547025   20180301                             M095M054702500001 
BIB                  4          9                                 M054702500002 
REACTION   ((83-BI-209(G,F),,SIG)/(83-BI-209(G,ABS),,SIG))        M054702500003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical plus systematic errors.         M054702500004 
STATUS     (DEP,M0547023)                                         M054702500005 
            Bi-209(gamma,f) cross section.                        M054702500006 
           (DEP,M0547024)                                         M054702500007 
            Bi-209(gamma,abs) cross section.                      M054702500008 
           (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of JP/G,24,205,1998.         M054702500009 
HISTORY    (20180301U) Corrected   by   SD   and   VV:   STATUS,  M054702500010 
            ERR-ANALYS,                                           M054702500011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 M054702500012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M054702500013 
DATA                 3          2                                 M054702500014 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    M054702500015 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      M054702500016 
   120.         1.6E-2     0.5E-2                                 M054702500017 
   145.         2.5E-2     0.7E-2                                 M054702500018 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 M054702500019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 M054702599999 
ENDENTRY            25          0                                 M054799999999