ENTRY M0580 20230614 M125M058000000001 SUBENT M0580001 20230614 M125M058000100001 BIB 12 46 M058000100002 TITLE Photon scattering from 206Pb. M058000100003 AUTHOR (A.M.Nathan,P.L.Cole,P.T.Debevec,S.D.Hoblit, M058000100004 S.F.LeBrun,D.H.Wright) M058000100005 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,34,480,1986) M058000100006 INSTITUTE (1USAUI) M058000100007 FACILITY (MICRT,1USAUI) University of Illinois MUSL-2 M058000100008 accelerator. M058000100009 INC-SOURCE (TAGD) M058000100010 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) M058000100011 DETECTOR (NAICR) High efficiency, good resolution NaI M058000100012 spectrometer (NaI(Tl) crystal, 25 cm in diameter M058000100013 and 30 cm long, surrounded by 11.4-cm-thick annulus M058000100014 and disk of NE102 plastic scintillator which served M058000100015 as an anticoincidence shield). M058000100016 SAMPLE (82-PB-206,ENR=0.993) The scattered target was M058000100017 metallic lead, containing 88.3% 206Pb, 9.0% 207Pb, M058000100018 and 2.7% 208Pb. Typical target thickness ranged M058000100019 from 3 to 7 g/cm**2. M058000100020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. M058000100021 (ERR-SYS) Systematic errors were estimated to be 5 %. M058000100022 COMMENT Differential cross sections for the elastic scattering M058000100023 of tagged, monochromatic photons have been measured M058000100024 on a separated target of 206 Pb between 12 and 30 M058000100025 MeV. M058000100026 The interpretation of these data implies that the M058000100027 total photoabsorption cross section in the region of M058000100028 the giant dipole resonance of 206Pb is nearly M058000100029 identical to that of 208Pb, except shifted slightly M058000100030 higher in energy. Fore-to-aft ratios of differential M058000100031 cross sections are ambiguous as to existence of giant M058000100032 quadrupole resonance between 20 and 30 MeV. This M058000100033 ambiguity is due in part to the influence of poorly M058000100034 known exchange effects and in part to uncertainties M058000100035 in the Delbruck amplitude. Upper limits are placed M058000100036 on the relative photon-decay branch of the giant M058000100037 dipole resonance and isovector giant quadrupole M058000100038 resonance to the lowest 2+ and 3- states, M058000100039 respectively. These limits are well above those M058000100040 predicted by current models for the coupling of giant M058000100041 resonances to surface vibrations. M058000100042 HISTORY (19990318C) data were compiled at the USA BNL NNDC by M058000100043 V.V.Varlamov. M058000100044 (20190625A) Corrected by SD and VV: ERR-ANALYS, M058000100045 STATUS, DATA, SUBENTS 002 - 004 merged, lowercase. M058000100046 (20230614A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: COMMON in SUBENT M058000100047 002. M058000100048 ENDBIB 46 0 M058000100049 COMMON 1 3 M058000100050 ERR-SYS M058000100051 PER-CENT M058000100052 5. M058000100053 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M058000100054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 M058000199999 SUBENT M0580002 20230614 M125M058000200001 BIB 3 6 M058000200002 REACTION (82-PB-206(G,EL)82-PB-206,,DA) M058000200003 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Phys.Rev.,C34(1986)480. M058000200004 HISTORY (20190625A) Corrected by SD and VV: DATA substituted, M058000200005 DATA-ERR -> ERR-S. M058000200006 (20230614A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: COMMON -> M058000200007 NOCOMMON. M058000200008 ENDBIB 6 0 M058000200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 M058000200010 DATA 4 69 M058000200011 ANG EN DATA ERR-S M058000200012 ADEG MEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR M058000200013 60. 20.9 265. 8. M058000200014 60. 22.22 205. 8. M058000200015 60. 22.35 238. 8. M058000200016 60. 22.80 185. 7. M058000200017 60. 23.42 198. 7. M058000200018 60. 23.95 201. 5. M058000200019 60. 24.09 183. 7. M058000200020 60. 24.77 167. 7. M058000200021 60. 25.53 161. 6. M058000200022 60. 25.80 180. 7. M058000200023 60. 26.20 176. 7. M058000200024 60. 26.31 172. 6. M058000200025 60. 27.15 149. 5. M058000200026 60. 27.25 158. 8. M058000200027 60. 28.95 162. 10. M058000200028 60. 29.80 147. 7. M058000200029 90. 13.82 720. 18. M058000200030 90. 14.17 759. 20. M058000200031 90. 14.54 742. 17. M058000200032 90. 14.94 676. 17. M058000200033 90. 15.35 614. 15. M058000200034 90. 15.80 525. 15. M058000200035 90. 16.27 444. 14. M058000200036 90. 16.77 361. 12. M058000200037 135. 12.49 461. 19. M058000200038 135. 12.79 591. 18. M058000200039 135. 13.12 701. 18. M058000200040 135. 13.47 855. 19. M058000200041 135. 13.82 986. 20. M058000200042 135. 13.86 1007. 18. M058000200043 135. 14.17 1011. 23. M058000200044 135. 14.24 1017. 17. M058000200045 135. 14.54 1041. 20. M058000200046 135. 14.64 1043. 19. M058000200047 135. 14.94 942. 18. M058000200048 135. 15.05 982. 33. M058000200049 135. 15.08 900. 22. M058000200050 135. 15.35 884. 18. M058000200051 135. 15.47 895. 31. M058000200052 135. 15.80 772. 17. M058000200053 135. 15.94 745. 27. M058000200054 135. 16.27 635. 16. M058000200055 135. 16.42 644. 24. M058000200056 135. 16.47 611. 15. M058000200057 135. 16.73 556. 15. M058000200058 135. 16.77 574. 15. M058000200059 135. 16.96 540. 20. M058000200060 135. 17.00 531. 15. M058000200061 135. 17.29 483. 14. M058000200062 135. 17.59 423. 14. M058000200063 135. 17.92 401. 14. M058000200064 135. 18.26 381. 14. M058000200065 135. 18.62 356. 12. M058000200066 135. 20.90 299. 6. M058000200067 135. 22.22 227. 10. M058000200068 135. 22.35 236. 5. M058000200069 135. 22.80 206. 11. M058000200070 135. 23.42 194. 9. M058000200071 135. 23.95 193. 4. M058000200072 135. 24.09 181. 9. M058000200073 135. 24.77 167. 8. M058000200074 135. 25.53 151. 7. M058000200075 135. 25.80 166. 3. M058000200076 135. 26.20 150. 4. M058000200077 135. 26.31 156. 9. M058000200078 135. 27.15 133. 7. M058000200079 135. 27.25 141. 4. M058000200080 135. 28.95 118. 3. M058000200081 135. 29.80 100. 3. M058000200082 ENDDATA 71 0 M058000200083 ENDSUBENT 82 0 M058000299999 NOSUBENT M0580003 20190625 M101M058000300001 NOSUBENT M0580004 20190625 M101M058000400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 M058099999999