ENTRY M0595 20230614 M125M059500000001 SUBENT M0595001 20230614 M125M059500100001 BIB 14 47 M059500100002 TITLE 40Ca(gamma,p0)39K reaction for Egamma = 100 - 300 MeV. M059500100003 AUTHOR (M.J.Leitch,F.C.Lin,J.L.Matthews,W.W.Sapp,C.P.Sargent, M059500100004 D.J.S.Findlay,R.O.Owens,B.L.Roberts) M059500100005 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,33,1511,1986) M059500100006 INSTITUTE (1USAMIT,2UK GLS,1USABST) M059500100007 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAMIT) M059500100008 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M059500100009 METHOD (MAGFR) 900 MeV/C magnetic spectrometer. M059500100010 DETECTOR (COIN,MWDC,SCIN) M059500100011 ANALYSIS The (gamma,p) cross sections leading to the 39K ground M059500100012 state were extracted by fitting the measured M059500100013 photoproton energy spectra with a calculated spectrum M059500100014 containing the (unknown) cross sections and the M059500100015 (known) bremsstrahlung spectrum. M059500100016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors quoted are the statistical M059500100017 uncertainties combined with those systematic errors M059500100018 which vary from run to run. These include M059500100019 * uncertainty in the dead time correction and an M059500100020 energy dependent error, which varies from 1.7% M059500100021 for Egamma < 151 MeV to 5.4 % at Egamma = 302 M059500100022 MeV, M059500100023 * uncertainty in the correction for nuclear M059500100024 interactions of the protons in the detector M059500100025 system. M059500100026 (ERR-1) systematic uncertainty of about 4% arising M059500100027 from the uncertainty in the incident photon flux. M059500100028 CORRECTION The corrections for dead time and for nuclear M059500100029 interactions of the protons in the detector system. M059500100030 REL-REF (R,,M.J.Leitch+,J,PR/C,31,1633,1985) M059500100031 COMMENT The experiment features were taken from the paper of M059500100032 REL-REF. M059500100033 The differential cross section of the M059500100034 40Ca(gamma,p0)39K process has been measured in the M059500100035 energy range Egamma = 100 - 300 MeV at laboratory M059500100036 angles of 45, 90, and 135 degree. The cross section M059500100037 for the (gamma,p) reactions leaving 39K in its ground M059500100038 state was extracted from the tip region of the proton M059500100039 spectra measured at a series of bremsstrahlung M059500100040 end-point energies. The data were compared with a M059500100041 distorted-wave impulse-approximation calculation M059500100042 based on a direct,single-particle knockout mechanism. M059500100043 HISTORY (19990408C) Data were compiled at the USA BNL NNDC by M059500100044 V.V.Varlamov. M059500100045 (20190626A) Corrected by SD and VV: INSTITUTE, M059500100046 ERR-ANALYS, STATUS, COMMON, SUBENTS 002 - 004 merged. M059500100047 (20230614A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: COMMON in SUBENT M059500100048 002. M059500100049 ENDBIB 47 0 M059500100050 COMMON 1 3 M059500100051 ERR-1 M059500100052 PER-CENT M059500100053 4. M059500100054 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M059500100055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 M059500199999 SUBENT M0595002 20230614 M125M059500200001 BIB 3 6 M059500200002 REACTION (20-CA-40(G,P)19-K-39,PAR,DA,,BRS) M059500200003 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table I of Phys.Rev.,C33(1986)1511. M059500200004 HISTORY (20190626A) Corrected by SD and VV: COMMON (E-EXC -> M059500200005 E-LVL), DATA-ERR -> ERR-S, DATA-MIN -> DATA-MAX, DATA M059500200006 substituted. M059500200007 (20230614A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: COMMON. M059500200008 ENDBIB 6 0 M059500200009 COMMON 1 3 M059500200010 E-LVL M059500200011 MEV M059500200012 0.0 M059500200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M059500200014 DATA 5 22 M059500200015 ANG EN DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX M059500200016 ADEG MEV NB/SR NB/SR NB/SR M059500200017 45. 101.5 349. 25. M059500200018 45. 126.4 77. 9. M059500200019 45. 151.3 63. 9. M059500200020 45. 176.2 29.7 4.4 M059500200021 45. 201.2 27.7 4.5 M059500200022 45. 221.2 22.4 3.7 M059500200023 45. 241.2 8.6 4.1 M059500200024 45. 271.2 7.0 1.8 M059500200025 45. 301.4 3.2 1.2 M059500200026 90. 101.5 93. 11. M059500200027 90. 126.4 35.9 4.8 M059500200028 90. 151.3 5.0 1.4 M059500200029 90. 176.2 1.3 .7 M059500200030 90. 201.2 .36 .36 M059500200031 90. 241.2 .54 .46 M059500200032 90. 281.3 .29 .24 M059500200033 135. 101.5 10.2 1.8 M059500200034 135. 126.4 2.6 .7 M059500200035 135. 151.3 .77 .39 M059500200036 135. 176.2 .52 .26 M059500200037 135. 201.2 .13 .09 M059500200038 135. 221.2 0.035 M059500200039 ENDDATA 24 0 M059500200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 M059500299999 NOSUBENT M0595003 20190626 M101M059500300001 NOSUBENT M0595004 20190626 M101M059500400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 M059599999999