ENTRY M0627 20240329 M130M062700000001 SUBENT M0627001 20240329 M130M062700100001 BIB 14 69 M062700100002 TITLE High Resolution Measurement of the M062700100003 16O(gamma,pn)14N(0,1,2,...) Reaction. M062700100004 AUTHOR (K.R.Garrow,F.Adimi,N.R.Kolb,J.Lu,R.E.Piwell, M062700100005 D.M.Scopik, J.M.Vogt,J.W.Jury,A.Kuzin,M.N.Thompson, M062700100006 J.Ryckebusch) M062700100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,64,064602,2001) M062700100008 INSTITUTE (3AULAML,2BLGGHT) M062700100009 (1CANSAS) Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, M062700100010 Canada. M062700100011 FACILITY (ESTRG,1CANSAS) SAL pulse stretcher ring with duty M062700100012 factor of approximately 80%. M062700100013 INC-SOURCE (TAGD) Tagged photon spectrometer: E(G) = 98.5 - 141.0 M062700100014 MeV, efficiency about 53%. M062700100015 SAMPLE 1 mm thick Al frames with 7.6 micron Kapton windows M062700100016 contained heavy water (93% D2O, 7% DO. M062700100017 PART-DET (N,P) M062700100018 DETECTOR (SCIN,CSICR) M062700100019 Protons were detected in high resolution E-dE M062700100020 telescopes. The dE detectors consisted of 2.0 mm M062700100021 thick NE102A plastic scintillators. The E detectors M062700100022 were CsI(Tl) scintillation crystals 7.61 cm in M062700100023 diameter and 7.61 cm in length. M062700100024 The neutron energy was measured by a time-of-flight M062700100025 (TOF) method where the typical flight distances were M062700100026 about 7 m. The neutron detector consisted of an array M062700100027 of ten BC400 plastic scintillator bars, with M062700100028 dimensions 1.5 m x 0.15 m x 76 mm (thick), which were M062700100029 METHOD (COINC,EDE,TOF) M062700100030 ANALYSIS Direct measurement. M062700100031 COMMENT The exclusive 16O(G,PN)14N-0,1,2,... reaction was M062700100032 measured for the photon energy range E(G) = 98.5 - M062700100033 141.0 MeV with an excitation energy resolution of 2.8 M062700100034 MeV. Protons were detected at 76 and 82 degrees and M062700100035 coincident neutrons were detected at the opening M062700100036 angle for quasifree deuteron photodisintegration. M062700100037 Only the T = 0, 1+, 3.95 MeV state in the residual M062700100038 14N nucleus was significantly populated. This M062700100039 corresponds to a preferred l = 0 angular momentum M062700100040 transfer to the recoil as is expected for quasifree M062700100041 kinematics. The absence of significant population to M062700100042 other discrete states is evidence that absorption on M062700100043 correlated proton-neutron pairs with an angular M062700100044 momentum transfer of l >= 2 is largely suppressed for M062700100045 the low recoil momentum range of the current M062700100046 measurement. As a consequence of this fact, and the M062700100047 absence of unnatural parity states, only absorption M062700100048 on proton-neutron pairs in relative motion l = 0, 2 M062700100049 is expected for all possible shell model coupling. No M062700100050 significant population of the T = 1 state at 2.31 MeV M062700100051 is consistent with previous measurement demonstrating M062700100052 that absorption on proton-neutron pairs in an isospin M062700100053 triplet is suppressed. The results of the measurement M062700100054 to discrete states in the residual 14N nucleus are M062700100055 compared to microscopic calculations which include M062700100056 contributions above that the mean field due to the M062700100057 short range and tensor parts of the nuclear M062700100058 potential. Clear separation in the contribution of M062700100059 (1p)**-2 and (1p)**-1 (1s)**-1 continuum above 20 MeV M062700100060 indicates that absorption on l = 1 nucleon pairs is M062700100061 also important near quasifree kinematics. M062700100062 CRITIQUE Data for ANG1 and ANG2 are slightly different in M062700100063 Table 2 and Table in Fig. 1 (insert). M062700100064 HISTORY (20020404C) M062700100065 (20040811A) Energy added to subentry 1 COMMON. Angle M062700100066 headings corrected. ERR-ANALYS moved to subentry 2. M062700100067 (20240329A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: TITLE, lowercase, M062700100068 INSTITUTE, INC-SOURCE, PART-DET, DETECTOR, ERR-ANALYS,M062700100069 REACTION, DATA-UNITS in SUBENTs 003 and 004, DATA, M062700100070 STATUS. M062700100071 ENDBIB 69 0 M062700100072 COMMON 3 3 M062700100073 EN-MIN EN-MAX EN-RSL-FW M062700100074 MEV MEV MEV M062700100075 98.5 141. 2.8 M062700100076 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M062700100077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 M062700199999 SUBENT M0627002 20240329 M130M062700200001 BIB 7 18 M062700200002 REACTION (8-O-16(G,N+P)7-N-14,PAR,DA/DA,N/P) M062700200003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,7-N-14) M062700200004 ANG-SEC (ANG1,N) M062700200005 (ANG2,P) M062700200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors stated with the measured cross M062700200007 sections are statistical in nature and are also meant M062700200008 to reflect the error in the peak fitting procedure M062700200009 and the error in the random background subtraction. M062700200010 FLAG (1.) Angle of neutron TOF detector is 77 degree and M062700200011 that of proton E-dE detector is 82 degree. M062700200012 (2.) Angle of neutron TOF detector is 83 degree and M062700200013 that of proton E-dE detector is 76 degree. M062700200014 STATUS (TABLE,,K.R.Garrow+,J,PR/C,64,064602,2001) M062700200015 Data from the Table 2. M062700200016 HISTORY (20240329A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: EN-SEC (E-EXC -> M062700200017 E-LVL), ERR-ANALYS, DATA-HEAD, FLAG, DATA substituted M062700200018 (76 -> 77) and (82 -> 83) in accordance with DATA of M062700200019 Table in Fig. 1 (insert), STATUS. M062700200020 ENDBIB 18 0 M062700200021 COMMON 1 3 M062700200022 E-LVL M062700200023 MEV M062700200024 3.95 M062700200025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M062700200026 DATA 5 2 M062700200027 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR FLAG M062700200028 ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2 MUB/SR2 NO-DIM M062700200029 77. 82. 6.89 .64 1. M062700200030 83. 76. 8.82 .74 2. M062700200031 ENDDATA 4 0 M062700200032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 M062700299999 SUBENT M0627003 20240329 M130M062700300001 BIB 7 17 M062700300002 REACTION (8-O-16(G,N+P)7-N-14,PAR,DA/DA,N/P) M062700300003 EN-SEC (E-EXC,7-N-14) M062700300004 ANG-SEC (ANG1,N) M062700300005 (ANG2,P) M062700300006 ERR-ANALYS No information. M062700300007 FLAG (1.) Angle of neutron TOF detector is 77 degree and M062700300008 that of proton E-dE detector is 82 degree. M062700300009 (2.) Angle of neutron TOF detector is 83 degree and M062700300010 that of proton E-dE detector is 76 degree. M062700300011 STATUS (TABLE,,K.R.Garrow+,J,PR/C,64,064602,2001) M062700300012 Data from the Table 2. M062700300013 HISTORY (20040811A) REACTION, energy headings corrected. M062700300014 (20240329A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, EN-SEC, M062700300015 ERR-ANALYS, DATA-UNIT, FLAG, SUBENTs 003 and 004 M062700300016 merged, DATA substituted, angle data (82->83) and M062700300017 (76->77) substituted in accordance with DATA of Table M062700300018 in Fig. 1 (insert), STATUS. M062700300019 ENDBIB 17 0 M062700300020 NOCOMMON 0 0 M062700300021 DATA 6 6 M062700300022 E-EXC-MIN E-EXC-MAX ANG1 ANG2 DATA FLAG M062700300023 MEV MEV ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2 NO-DIM M062700300024 0. 20. 77. 82. 682. 1. M062700300025 0. 20. 83. 76. 563. 2. M062700300026 20. 45. 77. 82. 2329. 1. M062700300027 20. 45. 83. 76. 2143. 2. M062700300028 45. 70. 77. 82. 1601. 1. M062700300029 45. 70. 83. 76. 1648. 2. M062700300030 ENDDATA 8 0 M062700300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 M062700399999 NOSUBENT M0627004 20240329 M130M062700400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 M062799999999