ENTRY            M0660   20050221                             0000M066000000001 
SUBENT        M0660001   20050221                             0000M066000100001 
BIB                 14         59                                 M066000100002 
TITLE      Laser transmutation of iodine-129.                     M066000100003 
           R.SAUERBREY)                                           M066000100005 
INSTITUTE  (2ZZZITU,2GERJEU)                                      M066000100006 
REFERENCE  (J,APPL/B,77,387,2003)                                 M066000100007 
FACILITY   (LASER,3DDRJNA) Jena   University   multi   TW  laser  M066000100008 
            system.                                               M066000100009 
INC-SOURCE (BRST) Very  high   intensity   near-infrared   laser  M066000100010 
            radiation generate relativistic plasma,  which emits  M066000100011 
            high-energy beams of photons,  neutrons,  electrons,  M066000100012 
            protons and ions. The ponderomotive force of intense  M066000100013 
            light  field,  which  is  the  light pressure of the  M066000100014 
            pulse,  accelerates the  electrons  to  relativistic  M066000100015 
            energies and  pulses  them  in the forward direction  M066000100016 
            into the target (iodine).  Whithin the solid  target  M066000100017 
            of  high  atomic number (tantalum) the hot electrons  M066000100018 
            are stopped and generate Bremsstrahlung.              M066000100019 
DETECTOR   (GE) Two germanium detectors.                          M066000100020 
METHOD     (ACTIV) After   irradiation,   gamma-radiation   from  M066000100021 
            short-lived  photoreaction  products  in  the iodine  M066000100022 
            (sample)   and   tantalum   (electron   source   and  M066000100023 
            electron-to-Bremsstrahlung converter) was detected.   M066000100024 
SAMPLE     The iodine  sample  (21 g of PbI-2 with 17%  of 129I)  M066000100025 
            was plased behind the tantalum converter.             M066000100026 
ANALYSIS   (DECAY) 129I  was  photo-excited  to  emit  a  single  M066000100027 
            neutron and   transmutate   to  128I,  which  has  a  M066000100028 
            half-life of 25 min.  7%  of the 128I nuclei capture  M066000100029 
            an electron  and  decay to 128Te.  The remaining 93%  M066000100030 
            undergo beta-decay  into  the  stable  126Xe.   This  M066000100031 
            beta-decay has  a  characteristic  g-line at 443 keV  M066000100032 
            with an emission probability of I-g =  17%,  and  is  M066000100033 
            used to   monitor  successful  photo  transmutation.  M066000100034 
           The procedure of  129I(g,n)128I  estimation  was  the  M066000100035 
            following. At  first the photon spectrum n(E) of the  M066000100036 
            laser in terms of  a  temperature  and  an  absolute  M066000100037 
            yield was  determined.  For this the additional data  M066000100038 
            on the   activation   of   the    thermoluminescence  M066000100039 
            spectrometers and  of  the  tantalum  Bremsstrahlung  M066000100040 
            converter were   used.   At   last    this    photon  M066000100041 
            distribution was used to calculate the maximum (g,n)  M066000100042 
            raction cross section value.                          M066000100043 
ERR-ANALYS The maximum cross section value for the 129I(g,n)128I  M066000100044 
            reaction was obtained to be accurate within a factor  M066000100045 
            of two.  For maximum cross  section  value  obtained  M066000100046 
            SIGMA  = 220 mb.  it means:  SIGMA = 110 - 440 mb.    M066000100047 
STATUS     (CURVE) The  data  from Fig.4  have been digitized at  M066000100048 
            the Russia MSU SINP CDFE by V.V.Varlamov.             M066000100049 
COMMENT    The first successful laser-induced  transmutation  of  M066000100050 
            129I, one  of  the  key radionuclides in the nuclear  M066000100051 
            fuel cycle is reported.  129 I with a  half-life  of  M066000100052 
            15.7 million years is transmutated into 128 I with a  M066000100053 
            half-life of 25 min trough a  (g,n)  reaction  using  M066000100054 
            laser-generated  Bremsstrahlung.  The integral cross  M066000100055 
            section value for the (g,n) reaction is  determined.  M066000100056 
            These  experiments  offer a new approach to studying  M066000100057 
            transmutation reactions  with  neutral  and  charged  M066000100058 
            particles  without  resiurce  to nuclear reactors or  M066000100059 
            particle accelerators.                                M066000100060 
HISTORY    (20041119C)                                            M066000100061 
ENDBIB              59          0                                 M066000100062 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M066000100063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 M066000199999 
SUBENT        M0660002   20050221                             0000M066000200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 M066000200002 
REACTION   (53-I-129(G,N)53-I-128,,SIG,,BRS)                      M066000200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 M066000200004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M066000200005 
DATA                 2         27                                 M066000200006 
EN         DATA                                                   M066000200007 
MEV        MB                                                     M066000200008 
     9.       25.56                                               M066000200009 
     9.5      36.92                                               M066000200010 
    10.       42.6                                                M066000200011 
    10.5      51.12                                               M066000200012 
    11.       61.91                                               M066000200013 
    11.5      73.84                                               M066000200014 
    12.       92.58                                               M066000200015 
    12.5     113.6                                                M066000200016 
    13.      138.88                                               M066000200017 
    13.5     170.4                                                M066000200018 
    14.      197.66                                               M066000200019 
    14.5     215.8                                                M066000200020 
    15.      229.                                                 M066000200021 
    15.5     206.8                                                M066000200022 
    16.      184.6                                                M066000200023 
    16.5     153.36                                               M066000200024 
    17.      125.                                                 M066000200025 
    17.5     102.24                                               M066000200026 
    18.       88.                                                 M066000200027 
    18.5      71.                                                 M066000200028 
    19.       59.64                                               M066000200029 
    19.5      50.                                                 M066000200030 
    20.       42.46                                               M066000200031 
    20.5      35.22                                               M066000200032 
    21.       31.24                                               M066000200033 
    21.5      27.26                                               M066000200034 
    22.       13.86                                               M066000200035 
ENDDATA             29          0                                 M066000200036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 M066000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 M066099999999