ENTRY M0691 20231121 M127M069100000001 SUBENT M0691001 20231121 M127M069100100001 BIB 14 35 M069100100002 TITLE Photoproton cross section for 26Mg in the giant M069100100003 dipole resonance region. M069100100004 AUTHOR (V.V.Varlamov,B.S.Ishkhanov,I.M.Kapitonov, M069100100005 I.M.Piskarev,V.G.Shevchenko,O.P.Shevchenko) M069100100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,222,548,1974) M069100100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSMOS) M069100100008 FACILITY (BETAT,4RUSMOS) M069100100009 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M069100100010 SAMPLE Metallic foil 7.2 mg/cm**2 thick, with area 28 cm**2 M069100100011 and the following isotopic composition: M069100100012 Isotope Content (%) M069100100013 24Mg 11.4 M069100100014 25Mg 1.3 M069100100015 26Mg 87.3 M069100100016 DETECTOR (MWPC) Two pure gaseouss C02 filled multiwire M069100100017 proportional chambers. M069100100018 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) Experimental reaction yield measurement M069100100019 from 8 to 29 MeV with bin 0.1 MeV. M069100100020 ANALYSIS (PLA) The effective cross section was obtained M069100100021 with an analysis bin 1 MeV. Up to 25 MeV cross M069100100022 section was calculated from the yield curve on M069100100023 which the data point were spaced 200 keV apart and M069100100024 above 25 MeV - 500 keV. M069100100025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The mean-root-square errors. M069100100026 STATUS (APRVD) By V.V.Varlamov. M069100100027 COMMENT Using bremsstrahlung from the 35 MeV betatron the M069100100028 26Mg(g,xp) reaction cross section has been obtained M069100100029 in the excitation energy region up to 29 MeV. The M069100100030 data were used for discussion of the role of isospin M069100100031 splitting in the formation of 26Mg giant dipole M069100100032 resonance. M069100100033 HISTORY (20060524C) Data presented in Fig 2 were compiled at M069100100034 the MSU SINP CDFE by V.V.Varlamov. M069100100035 (20231121A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: lowercase, M069100100036 PART-DET, ANALYSIS, ERR-ANALYS, STATUS M069100100037 ENDBIB 35 0 M069100100038 NOCOMMON 0 0 M069100100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 M069100199999 SUBENT M0691002 20231121 M127M069100200001 BIB 3 6 M069100200002 REACTION (12-MG-26(G,X)1-H-1,,SIG,,BRS) M069100200003 Threshold of (g,pn) reaction is 23.156 MeV and that M069100200004 of (g,2p) reaction - 24.843 MeV. M069100200005 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in Fig.2 of M069100200006 Nucl.Phys.A,222,548,1974. M069100200007 HISTORY (20231121A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M069100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 M069100200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 M069100200010 DATA 3 59 M069100200011 EN DATA DATA-ERR M069100200012 MEV MB MB M069100200013 15. -0.43 .60 M069100200014 15.2 1.35 .63 M069100200015 15.4 -0.20 .52 M069100200016 15.6 .73 .60 M069100200017 15.8 1.02 .66 M069100200018 16. -0.86 .63 M069100200019 16.2 .06 .65 M069100200020 16.4 3.16 .72 M069100200021 16.6 1.28 .71 M069100200022 16.8 -0.85 .59 M069100200023 17. 1.34 .80 M069100200024 17.2 1.21 .86 M069100200025 17.4 -0.72 .78 M069100200026 17.6 2.58 1.00 M069100200027 17.8 5.93 1.02 M069100200028 18. 5.08 1.03 M069100200029 18.2 6.03 1.00 M069100200030 18.4 7.85 1.15 M069100200031 18.6 5.48 1.20 M069100200032 18.8 2.00 1.35 M069100200033 19. 1.72 1.20 M069100200034 19.2 2.87 1.50 M069100200035 19.4 2.86 1.57 M069100200036 19.6 4.09 1.72 M069100200037 19.8 7.28 1.74 M069100200038 20. 9.93 1.81 M069100200039 20.2 8.9 2.0 M069100200040 20.4 8.71 2.05 M069100200041 20.6 8.33 2.02 M069100200042 20.8 5.28 2.01 M069100200043 21. 5.15 2.04 M069100200044 21.2 7.61 2.25 M069100200045 21.4 6.06 2.06 M069100200046 21.6 7.59 2.98 M069100200047 21.8 12.98 2.44 M069100200048 22. 12.47 2.35 M069100200049 22.2 9.04 2.41 M069100200050 22.4 12.22 2.50 M069100200051 22.6 14.24 2.54 M069100200052 22.8 12.95 2.35 M069100200053 23. 15.49 2.58 M069100200054 23.2 19.31 2.93 M069100200055 23.4 16.65 2.87 M069100200056 23.6 14.67 3.33 M069100200057 23.8 16.29 3.17 M069100200058 24. 14.35 3.45 M069100200059 24.2 11.20 3.46 M069100200060 24.4 10.45 3.47 M069100200061 24.6 11.91 3.57 M069100200062 24.8 7.45 3.59 M069100200063 25. 10.21 3.53 M069100200064 25.5 16.18 3.73 M069100200065 26. 22.67 4.02 M069100200066 26.5 17.18 3.88 M069100200067 27. 10.44 4.02 M069100200068 27.5 16.65 4.16 M069100200069 28. 21.86 4.64 M069100200070 28.5 19.36 4.32 M069100200071 29. 14.35 5.33 M069100200072 ENDDATA 61 0 M069100200073 ENDSUBENT 72 0 M069100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M069199999999