ENTRY M0717 20240425 M131M071700000001 SUBENT M0717001 20240425 M131M071700100001 BIB 13 24 M071700100002 TITLE Investigation of the (gamma,p) reaction in silicon. M071700100003 AUTHOR (B.I.Goryachev,B.S.Ishkhanov,I.M.Kapitonov, M071700100004 Zh.L.Seliverstova,V.G.Shevchenko,B.A.Yuryev) M071700100005 INSTITUTE (4RUSMOS) M071700100006 REFERENCE (J,SNP,4,359,1967) M071700100007 English translation of YF,4,(3),505,1966. M071700100008 (J,YF,4,(3),505,1966) M071700100009 FACILITY (BETAT,4RUSMOS) M071700100010 SAMPLE Natural silicon (37 mg/cm**2) M071700100011 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M071700100012 DETECTOR (SIBAR) M071700100013 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) The multichannel method of the reaction M071700100014 yield measurement was used in which the M071700100015 bremsstrahlung end-point energy has been changed M071700100016 automatically in each cycle of electron acceleration M071700100017 in betatron with 50 Hz frequency. M071700100018 ANALYSIS (PLA) 1 MeV step analysis by Penfold-Leiss method. M071700100019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-square uncertainties. M071700100020 STATUS (APRVD) by I.M.Kapitonov. M071700100021 HISTORY (20070709C) M071700100022 (20140225A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REFERENCE. M071700100023 (20240425A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: TITLE, AUTHOR, M071700100024 (Shevchenko), REFERENCE, ANALYSIS, SUBENTs 002 and M071700100025 003 merged, STATUS. M071700100026 ENDBIB 24 0 M071700100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 M071700100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 M071700199999 SUBENT M0717002 20240425 M131M071700200001 BIB 3 5 M071700200002 REACTION (14-SI-28(G,P)13-AL-27,PAR,SIG,,BRS) M071700200003 STATUS (TABLE,,B.I.Goryachev+,J,SNP,4,359,1967) M071700200004 Data presented in Fig. 1a. M071700200005 HISTORY (20240425A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: COMMON, DATA, M071700200006 STATUS. M071700200007 ENDBIB 5 0 M071700200008 COMMON 1 3 M071700200009 ANAL-STEP M071700200010 MEV M071700200011 1. M071700200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M071700200013 DATA 4 56 M071700200014 E-MIN EN DATA DATA-ERR M071700200015 MEV MEV MB MB M071700200016 1. 14. .75 3.0 M071700200017 1. 14.5 3.15 3.15 M071700200018 1. 15. 8.18 3.00 M071700200019 1. 15.5 4.28 3.00 M071700200020 1. 16. 1.05 3.10 M071700200021 1. 16.5 -0.75 2.70 M071700200022 1. 17. 8.85 3.53 M071700200023 1. 17.5 23.93 3.75 M071700200024 1. 18. 13.80 2.75 M071700200025 1. 18.5 13.5 2.8 M071700200026 1. 19. 20.03 3.30 M071700200027 1. 19.5 27.68 2.78 M071700200028 1. 20. 34.73 3.60 M071700200029 1. 20.5 25.28 3.68 M071700200030 1. 21. 29.93 3.91 M071700200031 1. 21.5 31.50 4.43 M071700200032 1. 22. 23.92 5.17 M071700200033 1. 22.5 27.00 5.55 M071700200034 1. 23. 27.83 5.83 M071700200035 1. 23.5 10.5 5.26 M071700200036 1. 24. 18.83 6.68 M071700200037 1. 24.5 47.18 6.25 M071700200038 1. 25. 34.50 7.05 M071700200039 1. 25.5 23.8 7.0 M071700200040 1. 26. 47.08 7.20 M071700200041 1. 26.5 54.38 7.42 M071700200042 1. 27. 34.4 6.6 M071700200043 1. 27.5 23.68 6.75 M071700200044 1. 28. 27.7 6.8 M071700200045 1. 28.5 -1.2 6.0 M071700200046 6. 17. .6 .6 M071700200047 6. 17.5 1.88 .62 M071700200048 6. 18. 1.23 .64 M071700200049 6. 18.5 2.92 .67 M071700200050 6. 19. 2.60 .87 M071700200051 6. 19.5 4.17 .96 M071700200052 6. 20. 13.12 1.23 M071700200053 6. 20.5 11.83 1.37 M071700200054 6. 21. 5.60 1.58 M071700200055 6. 21.5 6.46 1.42 M071700200056 6. 22. 11.46 2.2 M071700200057 6. 22.5 5.82 2.07 M071700200058 6. 23. 3.12 2.55 M071700200059 6. 23.5 12.48 2.70 M071700200060 6. 24. 11.33 2.93 M071700200061 6. 24.5 5.18 2.98 M071700200062 6. 25. 1.23 3.38 M071700200063 6. 25.5 -0.28 3.12 M071700200064 6. 26. 6.44 3.54 M071700200065 6. 26.5 9.17 3.42 M071700200066 6. 27. 8.02 3.96 M071700200067 6. 27.5 1.15 3.75 M071700200068 6. 28. 2.92 4.17 M071700200069 6. 28.5 11.10 4.19 M071700200070 6. 29. 2.94 4.58 M071700200071 6. 29.5 5.29 4.42 M071700200072 ENDDATA 58 0 M071700200073 ENDSUBENT 72 0 M071700299999 NOSUBENT M0717003 20240425 M131M071700300001 ENDENTRY 3 0 M071799999999