ENTRY M0741 20231123 M127M074100000001 SUBENT M0741001 20231123 M127M074100100001 BIB 8 16 M074100100002 AUTHOR (D.Brajnik,D.Jamnik,G.Kernel,M.Korun,U.Miklavzic, M074100100003 B.Pucelj,A.Stanovnik) M074100100004 TITLE Photonuclear reactions in 90Zr. M074100100005 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,13,1852,1976) M074100100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.13.1852 M074100100007 INSTITUTE (3SLNIJS) M074100100008 FACILITY (BETAT,3SLNIJS) M074100100009 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M074100100010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-squared uncertainties. M074100100011 HISTORY (20080306C) M074100100012 (20101209A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REFERENCE, data M074100100013 sets in SUBENTS 009 and 0010 substituted, DATA-ERR M074100100014 added. M074100100015 (20231123A) Corrected by V. Varlamov: lowercase, M074100100016 DETECTOR, SAMPLE, ANALYSIS, ERR-ANALYS, EN-SEC, M074100100017 STATUS, SUBENTS 004-006 merged. M074100100018 ENDBIB 16 0 M074100100019 NOCOMMON 0 0 M074100100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 M074100199999 SUBENT M0741002 20231123 M127M074100200001 BIB 7 18 M074100200002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(G,P)39-Y-89,PAR,SIG,,BRS) M074100200003 SAMPLE (40-ZR-90,ENR=0.975) Enriched to 97.5% of 90Zr, M074100200004 8.4 mg/cm**2. M074100200005 DETECTOR (SOLST) M074100200006 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) Direct proton detection. M074100200007 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Integration of angular distributions of M074100200008 photoprotons detected at angles 30, 81.4, 98.6 and M074100200009 150 degrees. M074100200010 Cross sections for different proton reaction channels M074100200011 were obtained by the least-squares-fit analysis of M074100200012 proton spectra resulting from series of irradiation M074100200013 with bremsstrahlung of different end-point energies M074100200014 14.8, 16.3, 17.9, 19.4, 21.2, 22.4, and 23.9 MeV. M074100200015 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 3 of M074100200016 Phys.Rev.C,13,1852,1976. M074100200017 HISTORY (20231123A) Corrected by V. Varlamov: DETECTOR - M074100200018 free text, ERR-ANALYS, EN-SEC deleted, STATUS, M074100200019 COMMON. M074100200020 ENDBIB 18 0 M074100200021 COMMON 1 3 M074100200022 E-LVL M074100200023 MEV M074100200024 0.0 M074100200025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M074100200026 DATA 3 52 M074100200027 EN DATA DATA-ERR M074100200028 MEV MB MB M074100200029 12.4 16.82 9.87 M074100200030 12.8 18.365 7.295 M074100200031 13. 12.873 2.575 M074100200032 13.2 13.945 2.317 M074100200033 13.4 14.160 2.789 M074100200034 13.6 11.156 2.514 M074100200035 13.8 10.47 2.66 M074100200036 14. 11.585 2.150 M074100200037 14.2 10.659 3.000 M074100200038 14.4 15.600 2.145 M074100200039 14.6 17.078 1.287 M074100200040 14.8 12.392 1.800 M074100200041 15. 8.582 .944 M074100200042 15.2 9.00 1.03 M074100200043 15.4 11.096 1.073 M074100200044 15.6 11.611 .772 M074100200045 15.8 14.992 3.558 M074100200046 16. 23.25 4.70 M074100200047 16.2 27.910 3.947 M074100200048 16.4 15.447 .900 M074100200049 16.6 8.500 .472 M074100200050 16.8 9.097 .515 M074100200051 17. 9.440 .858 M074100200052 17.2 8.573 .687 M074100200053 17.4 8.668 .520 M074100200054 17.6 7.706 .858 M074100200055 17.8 7.723 .532 M074100200056 18. 4.762 1.116 M074100200057 18.25 4.500 1.287 M074100200058 18.5 3.433 .472 M074100200059 18.75 4.290 .875 M074100200060 19. 3.029 .644 M074100200061 19.2 4.865 .940 M074100200062 19.4 6.865 .471 M074100200063 19.6 4.730 .429 M074100200064 19.8 3.373 .400 M074100200065 20. 3.61 .42 M074100200066 20.2 3.381 .858 M074100200067 20.4 4.334 .455 M074100200068 20.6 4.291 .386 M074100200069 20.8 3.433 .800 M074100200070 21. 3.00 .43 M074100200071 21.2 3.115 .456 M074100200072 21.4 2.575 .378 M074100200073 21.6 2.145 .370 M074100200074 21.8 .944 .300 M074100200075 22. .875 .350 M074100200076 22.2 .78 .33 M074100200077 22.4 1.296 .300 M074100200078 22.6 1.124 .280 M074100200079 22.8 .858 .300 M074100200080 23. .644 .300 M074100200081 ENDDATA 54 0 M074100200082 ENDSUBENT 81 0 M074100299999 SUBENT M0741003 20231123 M127M074100300001 BIB 8 10 M074100300002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(G,P)39-Y-89-M,,SIG,,BRS) M074100300003 SAMPLE Natural Zr sample. M074100300004 METHOD (ACTIV) M074100300005 DETECTOR (GELI) M074100300006 ANALYSIS (DECAY,PLA) M074100300007 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-89-M,,DG,909.) M074100300008 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 7 of M074100300009 Phys.Rev.C,13,1852,1976. M074100300010 HISTORY (20231123A) Corrected by V. Varlamov: DETECTOR - M074100300011 free text, ANALYSIS, ERR-ANALYS, STATUS. M074100300012 ENDBIB 10 0 M074100300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M074100300014 DATA 3 26 M074100300015 EN DATA DATA-ERR M074100300016 MEV MB MB M074100300017 14.5 .349 .317 M074100300018 15. .522 .191 M074100300019 15.5 .944 .313 M074100300020 16. .772 .316 M074100300021 16.5 .510 .493 M074100300022 17. 1.351 .576 M074100300023 17.5 2.130 .516 M074100300024 18. 2.424 .749 M074100300025 18.5 2.16 .61 M074100300026 19. .790 .695 M074100300027 19.5 2.159 .860 M074100300028 20. 3.41 .82 M074100300029 20.5 2.811 1.043 M074100300030 21. 3.775 1.030 M074100300031 21.5 3.861 1.060 M074100300032 22. 3.39 1.30 M074100300033 22.4 3.610 1.133 M074100300034 22.8 2.174 1.358 M074100300035 23.8 2.391 .910 M074100300036 24.8 3.516 1.287 M074100300037 25.8 1.043 1.569 M074100300038 26.8 1.216 1.483 M074100300039 27.8 3.043 1.304 M074100300040 28.8 2.580 1.537 M074100300041 29.8 1.077 1.513 M074100300042 30.8 3.318 1.472 M074100300043 ENDDATA 28 0 M074100300044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 M074100399999 SUBENT M0741004 20231123 M127M074100400001 BIB 7 18 M074100400002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(G,P)39-Y-89,PAR,SIG,,BRS) M074100400003 SAMPLE (40-ZR-90,ENR=0.975) Enriched to 97.5% of 90Zr, M074100400004 8.4 mg/cm**2. M074100400005 DETECTOR (SOLST) M074100400006 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) Direct proton detection. M074100400007 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Integration of angular distributions of M074100400008 photoprotons detected at angles 30, 81.4, 98.6 and M074100400009 150 degrees. M074100400010 Cross sections for different proton reaction channels M074100400011 were obtained by the least-squares-fit analysis of M074100400012 proton spectra resulting from series of irradiation M074100400013 with bremsstrahlung of different end-point energies M074100400014 14.8, 16.3, 17.9, 19.4, 21.2, 22.4, and 23.9 MeV. M074100400015 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 3 of M074100400016 Phys.Rev.C,13,1852,1976. M074100400017 HISTORY (20231123A) Corrected by V. Varlamov: SAMPLE, M074100400018 DETECTOR - free text, ERR-ANALYS, EN-SEC deleted, M074100400019 DATA substituted, NOCOMMON, STATUS. M074100400020 ENDBIB 18 0 M074100400021 NOCOMMON 0 0 M074100400022 DATA 5 98 M074100400023 E-EXC-MIN E-EXC-MAX EN DATA DATA-ERR M074100400024 MEV MEV MEV MB MB M074100400025 0.9 3. 14.4 6.098 4.245 M074100400026 0.9 3. 14.6 9.314 4.327 M074100400027 0.9 3. 14.8 6.939 5.306 M074100400028 0.9 3. 15. 3. 3. M074100400029 0.9 3. 15.2 10.200 4.323 M074100400030 0.9 3. 15.4 11.624 4.865 M074100400031 0.9 3. 15.6 10.139 3.143 M074100400032 0.9 3. 15.8 11.045 5.714 M074100400033 0.9 3. 16. 6.343 4.900 M074100400034 0.9 3. 16.25 6.10 2.43 M074100400035 0.9 3. 16.5 17.800 4.327 M074100400036 0.9 3. 16.75 19.184 1.673 M074100400037 0.9 3. 17. 15.935 2.857 M074100400038 0.9 3. 17.2 14.286 2.526 M074100400039 0.9 3. 17.4 16.326 2.710 M074100400040 0.9 3. 17.6 11.429 5.800 M074100400041 0.9 3. 17.8 7.829 3.265 M074100400042 0.9 3. 18. 3.297 2.470 M074100400043 0.9 3. 18.25 9.316 2.450 M074100400044 0.9 3. 18.5 10.555 2.122 M074100400045 0.9 3. 18.75 6.759 1.470 M074100400046 0.9 3. 19. 9.000 1.635 M074100400047 0.9 3. 19.25 6.53 1.26 M074100400048 0.9 3. 19.5 5.273 2.392 M074100400049 0.9 3. 19.75 8.571 2.286 M074100400050 0.9 3. 20. 12.2 4.9 M074100400051 0.9 3. 20.2 10.200 2.743 M074100400052 0.9 3. 20.4 11.51 1.65 M074100400053 0.9 3. 20.6 11.429 .900 M074100400054 0.9 3. 20.8 15.494 2.690 M074100400055 0.9 3. 21. 15.11 1.88 M074100400056 0.9 3. 21.2 11.541 1.633 M074100400057 0.9 3. 21.4 15.412 1.249 M074100400058 0.9 3. 21.6 14.286 1.478 M074100400059 0.9 3. 21.8 13.061 1.633 M074100400060 0.9 3. 22. 8.57 3.30 M074100400061 0.9 3. 22.2 4.450 1.233 M074100400062 0.9 3. 22.4 3.951 .777 M074100400063 0.9 3. 22.6 4.90 .65 M074100400064 0.9 3. 22.8 6.124 .980 M074100400065 0.9 3. 23. 2.72 .60 M074100400066 0.9 3. 23.2 1.633 1.100 M074100400067 0.9 3. 23.4 2.449 1.470 M074100400068 3. 5. 16.4 -3.706 2.939 M074100400069 3. 5. 16.6 -0.612 3.208 M074100400070 3. 5. 16.8 -0.082 4.900 M074100400071 3. 5. 17. 5.714 4.490 M074100400072 3. 5. 17.2 -0.988 3.673 M074100400073 3. 5. 17.4 -0.004 5.918 M074100400074 3. 5. 17.6 -2.000 2.857 M074100400075 3. 5. 17.8 3.208 7.249 M074100400076 3. 5. 18. 2.86 5.30 M074100400077 3. 5. 18.2 5.26 4.65 M074100400078 3. 5. 18.4 -4.857 4.900 M074100400079 3. 5. 18.6 -2.449 2.857 M074100400080 3. 5. 18.8 3.673 4.490 M074100400081 3. 5. 19. 3.127 4.490 M074100400082 3. 5. 19.2 .49 3.673 M074100400083 3. 5. 19.4 -1.429 6.600 M074100400084 3. 5. 19.6 4.033 4.857 M074100400085 3. 5. 19.8 9.800 8.571 M074100400086 3. 5. 20. 7.347 2.860 M074100400087 3. 5. 20.2 5.306 2.473 M074100400088 3. 5. 20.4 3.5 3.3 M074100400089 3. 5. 20.6 3.183 3.300 M074100400090 3. 5. 20.8 3.265 2.286 M074100400091 3. 5. 21. 4.897 2.030 M074100400092 3. 5. 21.2 9.980 4.946 M074100400093 3. 5. 21.4 3.200 3.429 M074100400094 3. 5. 21.6 2.449 6.939 M074100400095 3. 5. 21.8 -1.02 3.30 M074100400096 3. 5. 22. -1.429 2.530 M074100400097 3. 5. 22.2 -0.367 1.710 M074100400098 3. 5. 22.4 -1.233 4.490 M074100400099 3. 5. 22.6 -2.857 3.710 M074100400100 3. 5. 22.8 .816 3.208 M074100400101 5. 7. 18.6 2.718 4.900 M074100400102 5. 7. 18.8 -0.367 2.000 M074100400103 5. 7. 19. 3.679 3.500 M074100400104 5. 7. 19.2 3.8 3.8 M074100400105 5. 7. 19.4 7.331 2.900 M074100400106 5. 7. 19.6 7.249 4.440 M074100400107 5. 7. 19.8 10.555 2.449 M074100400108 5. 7. 20. 6.53 4.90 M074100400109 5. 7. 20.2 11.428 5.714 M074100400110 5. 7. 20.4 9.800 4.857 M074100400111 5. 7. 20.6 15.853 6.700 M074100400112 5. 7. 20.8 11.845 3.143 M074100400113 5. 7. 21. 2.449 3.673 M074100400114 5. 7. 21.2 6.60 4.08 M074100400115 5. 7. 21.4 3.208 4.050 M074100400116 5. 7. 21.6 6.122 7.745 M074100400117 5. 7. 21.8 3.673 4.865 M074100400118 5. 7. 22. -3.673 2.857 M074100400119 5. 7. 22.2 2.9 2.9 M074100400120 5. 7. 22.4 -0.391 2.473 M074100400121 5. 7. 22.6 1.224 3.000 M074100400122 5. 7. 22.8 -3.30 3.33 M074100400123 ENDDATA 100 0 M074100400124 ENDSUBENT 123 0 M074100499999 NOSUBENT M0741005 20231123 M127M074100500001 NOSUBENT M0741006 20231123 M127M074100600001 SUBENT M0741007 20231123 M127M074100700001 BIB 7 17 M074100700002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(G,P)39-Y-89,,SIG,,BRS) M074100700003 SAMPLE (40-ZR-90,ENR=0.975) Enriched to 97.5% of 90Zr, M074100700004 8.4 mg/cm**2. M074100700005 DETECTOR (SOLST) M074100700006 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) Direct proton detection. M074100700007 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Integration of angular distributions of M074100700008 photoprotons detected at angles 30, 81.4, 98.6 and M074100700009 150 degrees. M074100700010 Cross sections for different proton reaction channels M074100700011 were obtained by the least-squares-fit analysis of M074100700012 proton spectra resulting from series of irradiation M074100700013 with bremsstrahlung with different end-point energies M074100700014 14.8, 16.3, 17.9, 19.4, 21.2, 22.4, and 23.9 MeV. M074100700015 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 11 of M074100700016 Phys.Rev.C,13,1852,1976. M074100700017 HISTORY (20231123A) Corrected by V. Varlamov: DETECTOR - M074100700018 free text, ERR-ANALYS, STATUS. M074100700019 ENDBIB 17 0 M074100700020 NOCOMMON 0 0 M074100700021 DATA 3 24 M074100700022 EN DATA DATA-ERR M074100700023 MEV MB MB M074100700024 13. 14.000 2.954 M074100700025 13.4 12.280 2.477 M074100700026 13.8 10.246 .925 M074100700027 14.2 13.985 2.154 M074100700028 14.6 16.923 1.544 M074100700029 15. 25.680 3.846 M074100700030 15.5 23.538 2.326 M074100700031 16. 24.23 2.00 M074100700032 16.5 36.210 2.769 M074100700033 17. 24.385 4.536 M074100700034 17.4 16.923 4.154 M074100700035 17.8 10.769 3.569 M074100700036 18.2 16.924 2.000 M074100700037 18.6 15.385 1.925 M074100700038 19. 20.769 3.000 M074100700039 19.4 18.462 3.846 M074100700040 19.8 31.615 3.750 M074100700041 20.2 29.046 4.615 M074100700042 20.6 33.723 3.462 M074100700043 21. 28.0 2.3 M074100700044 21.5 28.461 2.300 M074100700045 22. 14.62 2.28 M074100700046 22.5 6.52 3.83 M074100700047 23. 4. 4. M074100700048 ENDDATA 26 0 M074100700049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 M074100799999 SUBENT M0741008 20231123 M127M074100800001 BIB 8 10 M074100800002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(G,N)40-ZR-89-M,,SIG,,BRS) M074100800003 SAMPLE Natural Zr sample. M074100800004 METHOD (ACTIV) M074100800005 DETECTOR (GELI) M074100800006 ANALYSIS (DECAY,PLA) M074100800007 DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-89-M,4.18MIN,DG,588.) M074100800008 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 12 of M074100800009 Phys.Rev.C,13,1852,1976. M074100800010 HISTORY (20231123A) Corrected by V. Varlamov: DETECTOR - M074100800011 free text, ANALYSIS, ERR-ANALYS, STATUS. M074100800012 ENDBIB 10 0 M074100800013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M074100800014 DATA 3 27 M074100800015 EN DATA DATA-ERR M074100800016 MEV MB MB M074100800017 14. 37.526 .825 M074100800018 14.5 41.649 1.237 M074100800019 15. 62.680 1.444 M074100800020 15.5 98.144 5.361 M074100800021 16. 134.103 4.536 M074100800022 16.5 139.381 3.093 M074100800023 17. 134.021 6.186 M074100800024 17.5 140.206 4.536 M074100800025 18. 119.585 10.309 M074100800026 18.5 82.474 4.948 M074100800027 19. 84.742 16.495 M074100800028 19.5 76.619 8.660 M074100800029 20. 63.96 17.32 M074100800030 20.5 63.711 12.784 M074100800031 21. 33.732 14.300 M074100800032 21.5 61.610 14.639 M074100800033 22. 76.206 22.680 M074100800034 22.4 17.072 14.433 M074100800035 22.8 18.144 15.258 M074100800036 23.8 25.00 13.61 M074100800037 24.8 9.56 10.00 M074100800038 25.8 23.711 9.900 M074100800039 26.8 4.165 14.433 M074100800040 27.8 0.0 13.4 M074100800041 28.8 22.887 13.000 M074100800042 29.8 -4.577 14.430 M074100800043 30.8 39.380 16.206 M074100800044 ENDDATA 29 0 M074100800045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 M074100899999 SUBENT M0741009 20231123 M127M074100900001 BIB 8 10 M074100900002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(G,2N)40-ZR-88,,SIG,,BRS) M074100900003 SAMPLE Natural Zr sample. M074100900004 METHOD (ACTIV) M074100900005 DETECTOR (GELI) M074100900006 ANALYSIS (DECAY,PLA) M074100900007 DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-88,83.4D,DG,394.) M074100900008 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 13 of M074100900009 Phys.Rev.C,13,1852,1976. M074100900010 HISTORY (20231123A) Corrected by V. Varlamov: DETECTOR - M074100900011 free text, ANALYSIS, ERR-ANALYS, STATUS. M074100900012 ENDBIB 10 0 M074100900013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M074100900014 DATA 3 11 M074100900015 EN DATA DATA-ERR M074100900016 MEV MB MB M074100900017 20.4 0.0 0.4 M074100900018 21.4 0.7 0.4 M074100900019 22.4 7.0 0.4 M074100900020 23.4 13.6 0.4 M074100900021 24.4 17.0 0.6 M074100900022 25.4 18.7 0.6 M074100900023 26.4 17.0 0.6 M074100900024 27.4 17.1 0.6 M074100900025 28.4 17.2 0.7 M074100900026 29.4 17.6 0.7 M074100900027 30.4 14.1 0.7 M074100900028 ENDDATA 13 0 M074100900029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 M074100999999 SUBENT M0741010 20231123 M127M074101000001 BIB 8 10 M074101000002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(G,X)39-Y-88,,SIG,,BRS) M074101000003 SAMPLE Natural Zr sample. M074101000004 METHOD (ACTIV) M074101000005 DETECTOR (GELI) M074101000006 ANALYSIS (DECAY,PLA) M074101000007 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-88,106.6D,DG,1836.) M074101000008 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 13 of M074101000009 Phys.Rev.C,13,1852,1976. M074101000010 HISTORY (20231123A) Corrected by V. Varlamov: DETECTOR - M074101000011 free text, ANALYSIS, ERR-ANALYS, STATUS. M074101000012 ENDBIB 10 0 M074101000013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M074101000014 DATA 3 9 M074101000015 EN DATA DATA-ERR M074101000016 MEV MB MB M074101000017 22.4 0.4 0.4 M074101000018 23.4 0.5 0.4 M074101000019 24.4 0.6 0.4 M074101000020 25.4 0.7 0.4 M074101000021 26.4 2.2 0.6 M074101000022 27.4 1.0 0.6 M074101000023 28.4 3.1 0.7 M074101000024 29.4 1.8 0.7 M074101000025 30.4 2.7 0.8 M074101000026 ENDDATA 11 0 M074101000027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 M074101099999 ENDENTRY 10 0 M074199999999