ENTRY M0769 20240425 M131M076900000001 SUBENT M0769001 20240425 M131M076900100001 BIB 9 15 M076900100002 TITLE Splitting of the giant resonance in M076900100003 medium-heavy nuclei. M076900100004 AUTHOR (O.V.Bogdankevich,B.I.Goryachev,V.A.Zapevalov) M076900100005 REFERENCE (J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076900100006 English translation of ZET,42,1502,1962. M076900100007 (J,ZET,42,1502,1962) M076900100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSLEB) M076900100009 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M076900100010 FACILITY (SYNCH,4RUSLEB) M076900100011 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) M076900100012 DETECTOR (BF3) M076900100013 HISTORY (20090409C) M076900100014 (20131127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REFERENCE. M076900100015 (20240425A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: TITLE, M076900100016 REFERENCE, ANALYSIS, STATUS, lowercase. M076900100017 ENDBIB 15 0 M076900100018 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076900100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 M076900199999 SUBENT M0769002 20240425 M131M076900200001 BIB 6 10 M076900200002 REACTION (49-IN-115(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG,,BRS) M076900200003 Sum (g,n) + (g,np) + 2(g,2n). M076900200004 SAMPLE Metallic disc, 3.75 g/cm**2. M076900200005 ANALYSIS (PLA) 1.0 MeV analysis step Penfold-Leiss method M076900200006 for cross section unfolding from the reaction M076900200007 yield. M076900200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-square errors. M076900200009 STATUS (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076900200010 Data from Fig. 4 (circles). M076900200011 HISTORY (20240425A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: ANALYSIS, STATUS. M076900200012 ENDBIB 10 0 M076900200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076900200014 DATA 3 27 M076900200015 EN DATA DATA-ERR M076900200016 MEV MB MB M076900200017 10. 26.16 4.00 M076900200018 10.5 38.4 7. M076900200019 11. 52.86 8.16 M076900200020 11.5 67.2 9.6 M076900200021 12. 91.20 11.04 M076900200022 12.5 114.93 14.40 M076900200023 13. 146.40 17.04 M076900200024 13.5 205.12 21.31 M076900200025 14. 259.92 29.11 M076900200026 14.5 273.37 26.40 M076900200027 15. 268.80 28.32 M076900200028 15.5 278.4 31.2 M076900200029 16. 333.64 34.00 M076900200030 16.5 302.4 38.4 M076900200031 17. 242.16 38.96 M076900200032 17.5 228. 4. M076900200033 18. 204.1 4.0 M076900200034 18.5 182.4 4.0 M076900200035 19. 160. 4. M076900200036 19.5 156. 4. M076900200037 20. 156.1 4.0 M076900200038 20.5 136.7 4.0 M076900200039 21. 139.2 4.0 M076900200040 21.5 146.54 4.00 M076900200041 22. 108.1 4.0 M076900200042 22.5 122.16 4.00 M076900200043 23. 110.4 4.0 M076900200044 ENDDATA 29 0 M076900200045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 M076900299999 SUBENT M0769003 20240425 M131M076900300001 BIB 5 11 M076900300002 REACTION (49-IN-115(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG,,BRS,DERIV) M076900300003 Sum (g,n) + (g,np) + (g,2n). M076900300004 ANALYSIS Neutron multiplicity correction for (g,xn) reaction M076900300005 cross section using J.M.Blatt, V.F.Weisskopf M076900300006 statistical theory. M076900300007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-square errors. M076900300008 STATUS (DEP,M0769002) Cross section for (g,xn) reaction. M076900300009 (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076900300010 Data from Fig. 4 (triangles). M076900300011 HISTORY (20240425U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS, M076900300012 lowercase. M076900300013 ENDBIB 11 0 M076900300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076900300015 DATA 3 27 M076900300016 EN DATA DATA-ERR M076900300017 MEV MB MB M076900300018 10. 26.16 4.00 M076900300019 10.5 38.4 7. M076900300020 11. 52.86 8.16 M076900300021 11.5 67.2 9.6 M076900300022 12. 91.20 11.04 M076900300023 12.5 114.93 14.40 M076900300024 13. 146.40 17.04 M076900300025 13.5 205.12 21.31 M076900300026 14. 259.92 29.11 M076900300027 14.5 273.37 26.40 M076900300028 15. 268.80 28.32 M076900300029 15.5 278.4 31.2 M076900300030 16. 333.64 34.00 M076900300031 16.5 302.4 38.4 M076900300032 17. 223.20 38.96 M076900300033 17.5 190.03 33.60 M076900300034 18. 156.14 37.92 M076900300035 18.5 136.8 33.6 M076900300036 19. 110.4 45.6 M076900300037 19.5 103.73 44.64 M076900300038 20. 101.4 55.4 M076900300039 20.5 82.41 43.20 M076900300040 21. 86.78 50.40 M076900300041 21.5 91.2 43.2 M076900300042 22. 68.83 52.80 M076900300043 22.5 76.8 49.2 M076900300044 23. 64.94 40.32 M076900300045 ENDDATA 29 0 M076900300046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 M076900399999 SUBENT M0769004 20240425 M131M076900400001 BIB 5 10 M076900400002 REACTION (49-IN-115(G,2N)49-IN-113,,SIG,,BRS,DERIV) M076900400003 ANALYSIS Result of subtraction SIG(g,xn)-SIG(g,sn), M076900400004 presented on Fig. 4, obtained by compiler. M076900400005 ERR-ANALYS No information. M076900400006 STATUS (DEP,M0769002) Cross section for (g,xn) reaction. M076900400007 (DEP,M0769003) Cross section for (g,sn) reaction. M076900400008 (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076900400009 Data from Fig. 4 (distances between circles and M076900400010 triangles). M076900400011 HISTORY (20240425U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M076900400012 ENDBIB 10 0 M076900400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076900400014 DATA 2 13 M076900400015 EN DATA M076900400016 MEV MB M076900400017 17. 18.96 M076900400018 17.5 37.97 M076900400019 18. 47.96 M076900400020 18.5 45.6 M076900400021 19. 49.6 M076900400022 19.5 52.27 M076900400023 20. 54.7 M076900400024 20.5 54.29 M076900400025 21. 52.42 M076900400026 21.5 55.34 M076900400027 22. 39.27 M076900400028 22.5 45.36 M076900400029 23. 45.46 M076900400030 ENDDATA 15 0 M076900400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 M076900499999 SUBENT M0769005 20240425 M131M076900500001 BIB 6 10 M076900500002 REACTION (45-RH-103(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG,,BRS) M076900500003 Sum (g,n) + (g,np) + 2(g,2n) M076900500004 SAMPLE Metallic disc, 0.347 g/cm**2. M076900500005 ANALYSIS (PLA) 1.0 MeV analysis step Penfold-Leiss method M076900500006 for cross section unfolding from the reaction M076900500007 yield. M076900500008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-square errors. M076900500009 STATUS (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076900500010 Data from Fig. 3 (circles). M076900500011 HISTORY (20240425A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: ANALYSIS, STATUS. M076900500012 ENDBIB 10 0 M076900500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076900500014 DATA 3 25 M076900500015 EN DATA DATA-ERR M076900500016 MEV MB MB M076900500017 10. 18.28 3.50 M076900500018 10.5 23.16 5.64 M076900500019 11. 28.13 8.46 M076900500020 11.5 39.84 9.38 M076900500021 12. 65.63 11.74 M076900500022 12.5 89.06 13.60 M076900500023 13. 119.77 15.00 M076900500024 13.5 150.00 16.41 M076900500025 14. 182.82 18.75 M076900500026 14.5 201.57 21.09 M076900500027 15. 194.72 22.52 M076900500028 15.5 169.22 25.55 M076900500029 16. 182.24 28.13 M076900500030 16.5 243.75 31.64 M076900500031 17. 283.6 3.5 M076900500032 17.5 312.47 3.50 M076900500033 18. 283.6 3.5 M076900500034 18.5 265.13 3.50 M076900500035 19. 250.08 3.50 M076900500036 19.5 229.69 3.50 M076900500037 20. 210.93 3.50 M076900500038 20.5 176.86 3.50 M076900500039 21. 128.91 3.50 M076900500040 21.5 142.17 3.50 M076900500041 22. 93.75 3.50 M076900500042 ENDDATA 27 0 M076900500043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 M076900599999 SUBENT M0769006 20240425 M131M076900600001 BIB 5 10 M076900600002 REACTION (45-RH-103(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG,,BRS,DERIV) M076900600003 Sum (g,n) + (g,np) + (g,2n) M076900600004 ANALYSIS Neutron multiplicity correction for (g,xn) reaction M076900600005 cross section using J.M.Blatt, V.F.Weisskopf M076900600006 statistical theory. M076900600007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-square errors. M076900600008 STATUS (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076900600009 Data from Fig. 3 (triangles). M076900600010 HISTORY (20240425U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS, M076900600011 lowercase. M076900600012 ENDBIB 10 0 M076900600013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076900600014 DATA 3 25 M076900600015 EN DATA DATA-ERR M076900600016 MEV MB MB M076900600017 10. 18.28 3.47 M076900600018 10.5 23.16 5.64 M076900600019 11. 28.13 8.46 M076900600020 11.5 39.84 9.38 M076900600021 12. 65.63 11.74 M076900600022 12.5 89.06 13.60 M076900600023 13. 119.77 15.00 M076900600024 13.5 150.00 16.41 M076900600025 14. 182.82 18.75 M076900600026 14.5 201.57 21.09 M076900600027 15. 194.72 22.52 M076900600028 15.5 169.22 25.55 M076900600029 16. 182.24 28.13 M076900600030 16.5 243.75 31.64 M076900600031 17. 269.53 30.47 M076900600032 17.5 268.52 29.00 M076900600033 18. 223.0 28.6 M076900600034 18.5 203.58 25.80 M076900600035 19. 173.44 42.18 M076900600036 19.5 147.66 22.03 M076900600037 20. 135.93 60.94 M076900600038 20.5 103.13 53.90 M076900600039 21. 87.41 70.30 M076900600040 21.5 89.07 65.63 M076900600041 22. 56.25 77.34 M076900600042 ENDDATA 27 0 M076900600043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 M076900699999 SUBENT M0769007 20240425 M131M076900700001 BIB 5 10 M076900700002 REACTION (45-RH-103(G,2N)45-RH-101,,SIG,,BRS,DERIV) M076900700003 ANALYSIS Result of subtraction SIG(g,xn)-SIG(g,sn), M076900700004 presented on Fig. 3, obtained by compiler. M076900700005 ERR-ANALYS No information. M076900700006 STATUS (DEP,M0769005) Cross section for (g,xn) reaction. M076900700007 (DEP,M0769006) Cross section for (g,sn) reaction. M076900700008 (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076900700009 Data from Fig. 3 (distances between circles and M076900700010 triangles). M076900700011 HISTORY (20240425U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M076900700012 ENDBIB 10 0 M076900700013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076900700014 DATA 2 11 M076900700015 EN DATA M076900700016 MEV MB M076900700017 17. 14.07 M076900700018 17.5 43.95 M076900700019 18. 60.6 M076900700020 18.5 61.55 M076900700021 19. 76.64 M076900700022 19.5 82.03 M076900700023 20. 75. M076900700024 20.5 73.73 M076900700025 21. 41.5 M076900700026 21.5 53.11 M076900700027 22. 37.5 M076900700028 ENDDATA 13 0 M076900700029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 M076900799999 SUBENT M0769008 20240425 M131M076900800001 BIB 6 11 M076900800002 REACTION (73-TA-181(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG,,BRS) M076900800003 Sum (g,n) + (g,np) + 2(g,2n) M076900800004 SAMPLE Metallic disc, 1.78 g/cm**2. M076900800005 ANALYSIS (PLA) 1.0 MeV analysis step Penfold-Leiss method M076900800006 for cross section unfolding from the reaction M076900800007 yield. M076900800008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-square errors. M076900800009 STATUS (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076900800010 Data from Fig. 4 (circles). M076900800011 HISTORY (20240425A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: ANALYSIS, M076900800012 STATUS. M076900800013 ENDBIB 11 0 M076900800014 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076900800015 DATA 3 30 M076900800016 EN DATA DATA-ERR M076900800017 MEV MB MB M076900800018 8.5 41.67 9.58 M076900800019 9. 55.5 10.0 M076900800020 9.5 74. 10. M076900800021 10. 90.92 10.80 M076900800022 10.5 129.58 15.92 M076900800023 11. 202.00 16.67 M076900800024 11.5 271.0 19.7 M076900800025 12. 370.33 20.83 M076900800026 12.5 450. 24. M076900800027 13. 453.75 31.67 M076900800028 13.5 400.00 33.33 M076900800029 14. 379.5 35.0 M076900800030 14.5 437.67 10.00 M076900800031 15. 496.58 10.00 M076900800032 15.5 687.5 10.0 M076900800033 16. 654.17 10.00 M076900800034 16.5 479.17 10.00 M076900800035 17. 429.25 10.00 M076900800036 17.5 358.33 10.00 M076900800037 18. 258.33 10.00 M076900800038 18.5 214.58 10.00 M076900800039 19. 183.33 10.00 M076900800040 19.5 141.67 10.00 M076900800041 20. 112.75 10.00 M076900800042 20.5 208.33 10.00 M076900800043 21. 283.35 10.00 M076900800044 21.5 271. 10. M076900800045 22. 250. 10. M076900800046 22.5 266.67 10.00 M076900800047 23. 283.33 10.00 M076900800048 ENDDATA 32 0 M076900800049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 M076900899999 SUBENT M0769009 20240425 M131M076900900001 BIB 6 13 M076900900002 REACTION (73-TA-181(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG,,BRS,DERIV) M076900900003 Sum (g,n) + (g,np) + (g,2n). M076900900004 ANALYSIS Neutron multiplicity correction for (g,xn) reaction M076900900005 cross section using experimental data for (g,2n) M076900900006 reaction cross section. M076900900007 REL-REF (R,,J.H.Carver,J,PPS,71,613,1958) M076900900008 Experimental data for (g,2n) reaction cross section. M076900900009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-square errors. M076900900010 STATUS (DEP,M0769008) Cross section for (g,xn) reaction. M076900900011 (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076900900012 Data from Fig. 5 (triangles). M076900900013 HISTORY (20240425U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS, M076900900014 lowercase. M076900900015 ENDBIB 13 0 M076900900016 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076900900017 DATA 3 30 M076900900018 EN DATA DATA-ERR M076900900019 MEV MB MB M076900900020 8.5 41.67 9.58 M076900900021 9. 55.5 10.0 M076900900022 9.5 74. 10. M076900900023 10. 90.92 10.80 M076900900024 10.5 129.58 15.92 M076900900025 11. 202.00 16.67 M076900900026 11.5 271.0 19.7 M076900900027 12. 370.33 20.83 M076900900028 12.5 450. 24. M076900900029 13. 453.75 31.67 M076900900030 13.5 400.00 33.33 M076900900031 14. 379.5 35.0 M076900900032 14.5 391.67 10.00 M076900900033 15. 408.33 10.00 M076900900034 15.5 516.67 10.00 M076900900035 16. 458.33 10.00 M076900900036 16.5 314.42 10.00 M076900900037 17. 266.67 10.00 M076900900038 17.5 216.67 10.00 M076900900039 18. 154.17 10.00 M076900900040 18.5 137.5 10.0 M076900900041 19. 108.33 10.00 M076900900042 19.5 79.07 10.00 M076900900043 20. 62.5 10.0 M076900900044 20.5 129.13 10.00 M076900900045 21. 175. 10. M076900900046 21.5 163.2 10.0 M076900900047 22. 150. 10. M076900900048 22.5 166.67 10.00 M076900900049 23. 180.92 10.00 M076900900050 ENDDATA 32 0 M076900900051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 M076900999999 SUBENT M0769010 20240425 M131M076901000001 BIB 6 11 M076901000002 REACTION (47-AG-107(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG,,BRS) M076901000003 Sum (g,n) + (g,np) + 2(g,2n) M076901000004 SAMPLE Enriched (97.14 %) metallic disc, 1.74 g/cm**2. M076901000005 ANALYSIS (PLA) 1.0 MeV analysis step Penfold-Leiss method M076901000006 for cross section unfolding from the reaction M076901000007 yield. M076901000008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-square errors. M076901000009 STATUS (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076901000010 Data from Fig. 8 (circles). M076901000011 HISTORY (20240425A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: ANALYSIS, M076901000012 STATUS. M076901000013 ENDBIB 11 0 M076901000014 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076901000015 DATA 3 44 M076901000016 EN DATA DATA-ERR M076901000017 MEV MB MB M076901000018 10. 25.96 4.62 M076901000019 10.25 28.85 5.19 M076901000020 10.5 28.86 5.40 M076901000021 10.75 40.38 6.35 M076901000022 11. 51.93 7.46 M076901000023 11.25 51.35 8.65 M076901000024 11.5 65.84 8.94 M076901000025 11.75 63.46 10.38 M076901000026 12. 96.63 10.34 M076901000027 12.25 75.0 9.8 M076901000028 12.5 86.56 11.06 M076901000029 12.75 115.38 10.96 M076901000030 13. 109.62 11.25 M076901000031 13.25 141.58 12.69 M076901000032 13.5 172.62 13.27 M076901000033 13.75 146.83 14.42 M076901000034 14. 197.54 14.54 M076901000035 14.25 225.52 14.71 M076901000036 14.5 216.17 15.29 M076901000037 14.75 236.54 16.15 M076901000038 15. 230.77 16.15 M076901000039 15.25 220.62 16.73 M076901000040 15.5 230.77 17.88 M076901000041 15.75 222.12 15.87 M076901000042 16. 250.96 19.03 M076901000043 16.25 235.1 19.21 M076901000044 16.5 236.19 19.24 M076901000045 16.75 233.88 19.62 M076901000046 17. 213.46 20.25 M076901000047 17.25 216.35 20.00 M076901000048 17.5 198.12 22.73 M076901000049 17.75 185.94 23.08 M076901000050 18. 210.60 23.31 M076901000051 18.25 181.90 22.67 M076901000052 18.5 167.3 23.5 M076901000053 18.75 167.30 24.81 M076901000054 19. 121.18 25.38 M076901000055 19.25 173.07 26.00 M076901000056 19.5 138.46 26.50 M076901000057 19.75 151.5 26.5 M076901000058 20. 163.13 28.50 M076901000059 20.25 106.73 30.30 M076901000060 20.75 107.00 28.85 M076901000061 21. 155.7 30.5 M076901000062 ENDDATA 46 0 M076901000063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 M076901099999 SUBENT M0769011 20240425 M131M076901100001 BIB 5 11 M076901100002 REACTION (47-AG-107(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG,,BRS,DERIV) M076901100003 Sum (g,n) + (g,np) + (g,2n). M076901100004 ANALYSIS Neutron multiplicity correction for (g,xn) reaction M076901100005 cross section using J.M.Blatt, V.F.Weisskopf M076901100006 statistical theory. M076901100007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-square errors. M076901100008 STATUS (DEP,M0769010) Cross section for (g,xn) reaction. M076901100009 (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076901100010 Data from Fig. 8 (line). M076901100011 HISTORY (20240425U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS, M076901100012 lowercase. M076901100013 ENDBIB 11 0 M076901100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076901100015 DATA 3 44 M076901100016 EN DATA DATA-ERR M076901100017 MEV MB MB M076901100018 10. 25.96 4.62 M076901100019 10.25 28.85 5.19 M076901100020 10.5 28.86 5.40 M076901100021 10.75 40.38 6.35 M076901100022 11. 51.93 7.46 M076901100023 11.25 51.35 8.65 M076901100024 11.5 65.84 8.94 M076901100025 11.75 63.46 10.38 M076901100026 12. 96.63 10.34 M076901100027 12.25 75. 9.8 M076901100028 12.5 86.56 11.06 M076901100029 12.75 115.38 10.96 M076901100030 13. 109.62 11.25 M076901100031 13.25 141.58 12.69 M076901100032 13.5 172.62 13.27 M076901100033 13.75 146.83 14.42 M076901100034 14. 197.54 14.54 M076901100035 14.25 225.52 14.71 M076901100036 14.5 216.17 15.29 M076901100037 14.75 236.54 16.15 M076901100038 15. 230.77 16.15 M076901100039 15.25 220.62 16.73 M076901100040 15.5 230.77 17.88 M076901100041 15.75 222.12 15.87 M076901100042 16. 250.96 19.03 M076901100043 16.25 235.1 19.21 M076901100044 16.5 236.19 19.24 M076901100045 16.75 233.88 19.62 M076901100046 17. 213.46 20.25 M076901100047 17.25 211.5 M076901100048 17.5 196.15 M076901100049 17.75 181.74 M076901100050 18. 161.6 M076901100051 18.25 147.11 M076901100052 18.5 135.58 M076901100053 18.75 126.9 M076901100054 19. 115.38 M076901100055 19.25 106.73 M076901100056 19.5 100.96 M076901100057 19.75 95.19 M076901100058 20. 89.43 M076901100059 20.25 86.53 M076901100060 20.75 80.76 M076901100061 21. 77.88 M076901100062 ENDDATA 46 0 M076901100063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 M076901199999 SUBENT M0769012 20240425 M131M076901200001 BIB 5 10 M076901200002 REACTION (47-AG-107(G,2N)47-AG-105,,SIG,,BRS,DERIV) M076901200003 ANALYSIS Result of subtraction SIG(g,xn) - SIG(g,sn), M076901200004 presented on Fig. 8, obtained by compiler. M076901200005 ERR-ANALYS No information. M076901200006 STATUS (DEP,M0769010) Cross section for (g,xn) reaction. M076901200007 (DEP,M0769011) Cross section for (g,sn) reaction. M076901200008 (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076901200009 Data from Fig. 8 (distances between circles M076901200010 and line). M076901200011 HISTORY (20240425U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M076901200012 ENDBIB 10 0 M076901200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076901200014 DATA 2 15 M076901200015 EN DATA M076901200016 MEV MB M076901200017 17.25 4.85 M076901200018 17.5 1.97 M076901200019 17.75 4.2 M076901200020 18. 49. M076901200021 18.25 34.79 M076901200022 18.5 31.72 M076901200023 18.75 40.4 M076901200024 19. 5.8 M076901200025 19.25 66.34 M076901200026 19.5 37.5 M076901200027 19.75 56.31 M076901200028 20. 73.7 M076901200029 20.25 20.2 M076901200030 20.75 26.24 M076901200031 21. 77.82 M076901200032 ENDDATA 17 0 M076901200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 M076901299999 SUBENT M0769013 20240425 M131M076901300001 BIB 6 11 M076901300002 REACTION (65-TB-159(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG,,BRS) M076901300003 Sum (g,n) + (g,np) + 2(g,2n). M076901300004 SAMPLE Oxide (Tb-4)(O-7), 4 g. M076901300005 ANALYSIS (PLA) 1.0 MeV analysis step Penfold-Leiss method M076901300006 for (g,xn) reaction cross section unfolding M076901300007 from the reaction yield. M076901300008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-square errors. M076901300009 STATUS (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076901300010 Data from Fig. 9 (both circles and triangles). M076901300011 HISTORY (20240425A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: ANALYSIS, M076901300012 STATUS. M076901300013 ENDBIB 11 0 M076901300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076901300015 DATA 3 79 M076901300016 EN DATA DATA-ERR M076901300017 MEV MB MB M076901300018 8.75 28.96 2.40 M076901300019 8.875 32.7 2.6 M076901300020 9. 34.783 3.480 M076901300021 9.125 39.13 5.22 M076901300022 9.25 43.478 5.220 M076901300023 9.375 50.00 6.39 M076901300024 9.5 64.520 6.522 M076901300025 9.625 80.434 7.000 M076901300026 9.75 85.174 7.391 M076901300027 9.875 100.00 8.26 M076901300028 10. 114.174 8.700 M076901300029 10.125 119.565 8.348 M076901300030 10.25 126.09 8.78 M076901300031 10.375 121.739 9.652 M076901300032 10.5 130.440 10.783 M076901300033 10.625 143.478 11.300 M076901300034 10.75 143.48 10.44 M076901300035 10.875 154.347 10.870 M076901300036 11. 169.565 11.739 M076901300037 11.125 186.957 13.043 M076901300038 11.25 221.522 13.100 M076901300039 11.375 230.565 13.913 M076901300040 11.5 236.957 14.348 M076901300041 11.625 243.739 15.000 M076901300042 11.75 269.565 14.120 M076901300043 11.875 269.174 15.300 M076901300044 12. 291.130 16.087 M076901300045 12.125 310.000 14.783 M076901300046 12.25 286.957 18.043 M076901300047 12.375 318.391 19.565 M076901300048 12.5 323.783 19.600 M076901300049 12.625 328.043 20.000 M076901300050 12.75 319.0 21.3 M076901300051 12.875 309.870 19.565 M076901300052 13. 284.61 23.00 M076901300053 13.125 285.043 23.000 M076901300054 13.25 265.04 23.913 M076901300055 13.375 254.26 23.174 M076901300056 13.5 243.478 24.030 M076901300057 13.625 208.696 34.130 M076901300058 13.75 228.348 25.870 M076901300059 13.875 260.652 26.957 M076901300060 14. 270.696 27.391 M076901300061 14.125 239.13 28.26 M076901300062 14.25 260.87 28.30 M076901300063 14.375 256.913 28.700 M076901300064 14.5 265.26 29.13 M076901300065 14.625 308.700 29.565 M076901300066 14.75 310.739 30.435 M076901300067 14.875 286.957 32.600 M076901300068 15. 301.260 31.304 M076901300069 15.125 343.478 32.600 M076901300070 15.25 328.565 33.478 M076901300071 15.375 346.913 35.000 M076901300072 15.5 386.696 36.100 M076901300073 15.625 350.444 36.100 M076901300074 15.75 367.565 36.957 M076901300075 15.875 391.304 37.39 M076901300076 16. 422.040 37.826 M076901300077 16.125 389.13 39.13 M076901300078 16.25 458.478 40.434 M076901300079 16.375 521.739 36.957 M076901300080 16.5 504.348 39.130 M076901300081 16.625 534.783 40.435 M076901300082 16.75 552. 41. M076901300083 16.875 584.782 43.478 M076901300084 17. 600.000 36.957 M076901300085 17.25 584.491 45.652 M076901300086 17.5 434.35 50.00 M076901300087 17.75 371.739 55.652 M076901300088 18. 213.043 60.000 M076901300089 18.25 91.30 65.22 M076901300090 18.5 149.696 70.261 M076901300091 18.75 89.348 76.090 M076901300092 19. 147.522 82.609 M076901300093 19.25 202.435 87.000 M076901300094 19.5 304.348 93.130 M076901300095 19.75 396.478 96.600 M076901300096 20. 348.174 104.350 M076901300097 ENDDATA 81 0 M076901300098 ENDSUBENT 97 0 M076901399999 SUBENT M0769014 20240425 M131M076901400001 BIB 6 13 M076901400002 REACTION (65-TB-159(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG,,BRS) M076901400003 Sum (g,n) + (g,np) + (g,2n). M076901400004 ANALYSIS Neutron multiplicity correction for (g,xn) reaction M076901400005 cross section using experimental data for (g,2n) M076901400006 reaction cross section. M076901400007 REL-REF (R,,J.H.Carver,J,PPS,71,613,1958) M076901400008 Experimental data for (g,2n) reaction cross section. M076901400009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-square errors. M076901400010 STATUS (DEP,M0769013) Cross section for (g,xn) reaction. M076901400011 (CURVE,,O.V.Bogdankevich+,J,JET,15,1044,1962) M076901400012 Data from Fig. 10. M076901400013 HISTORY (20240425U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS, M076901400014 lowercase. M076901400015 ENDBIB 13 0 M076901400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 M076901400017 DATA 3 85 M076901400018 EN DATA DATA-ERR M076901400019 MEV MB MB M076901400020 8. 38.23 M076901400021 8.125 40.81 M076901400022 8.25 46.81 M076901400023 8.375 52.85 M076901400024 8.5 65.96 M076901400025 8.625 31.91 M076901400026 8.75 35.23 M076901400027 8.875 38.29 M076901400028 9. 39.23 M076901400029 9.125 40.81 M076901400030 9.25 46.81 M076901400031 9.375 52.85 M076901400032 9.5 65.96 M076901400033 9.625 82.94 M076901400034 9.75 89.36 M076901400035 9.875 104.26 M076901400036 10. 116.89 7.23 M076901400037 10.125 122.89 M076901400038 10.25 129.79 M076901400039 10.375 125.19 M076901400040 10.5 135.02 M076901400041 10.625 146.82 M076901400042 10.75 146.8 M076901400043 10.875 157.28 M076901400044 11. 172.34 9.37 M076901400045 11.125 189.36 M076901400046 11.25 223.4 M076901400047 11.375 233.83 M076901400048 11.5 240.21 M076901400049 11.625 246.81 M076901400050 11.75 272.16 M076901400051 11.875 270.21 M076901400052 12. 289.36 15.32 M076901400053 12.125 310.64 M076901400054 12.25 289.36 M076901400055 12.375 319.15 M076901400056 12.5 324.1 M076901400057 12.625 331.79 M076901400058 12.75 321.28 M076901400059 12.875 310.64 M076901400060 13. 286.68 21.25 M076901400061 13.125 289.36 M076901400062 13.25 265.95 M076901400063 13.375 255.32 M076901400064 13.5 244.62 M076901400065 13.625 208.51 M076901400066 13.75 229.48 M076901400067 13.875 261.32 M076901400068 14. 272.34 25.54 M076901400069 14.125 240.43 M076901400070 14.25 263.42 M076901400071 14.375 257.45 M076901400072 14.5 265.62 M076901400073 14.625 310.64 M076901400074 14.75 309.44 M076901400075 14.875 282.98 M076901400076 15. 282.37 28.95 M076901400077 15.125 320.64 M076901400078 15.25 297.72 M076901400079 15.375 304.26 M076901400080 15.5 327.47 M076901400081 15.625 295.28 M076901400082 15.75 300. M076901400083 15.875 313.74 M076901400084 16. 330.96 29.36 M076901400085 16.125 299.87 M076901400086 16.25 342.47 M076901400087 16.375 385.11 M076901400088 16.5 363.79 M076901400089 16.625 378.72 M076901400090 16.75 383.38 M076901400091 16.875 401.87 M076901400092 17. 404.68 31.78 M076901400093 17.25 385.11 M076901400094 17.5 280.21 M076901400095 17.75 235.94 M076901400096 18. 136.16 38.3 M076901400097 18.25 59.27 M076901400098 18.5 93.7 M076901400099 18.75 57.45 M076901400100 19. 92.38 51.91 M076901400101 19.25 127.32 M076901400102 19.5 187.24 M076901400103 19.75 244.68 M076901400104 20. 214.89 63.83 M076901400105 ENDDATA 87 0 M076901400106 ENDSUBENT 105 0 M076901499999 ENDENTRY 14 0 M076999999999