ENTRY            M0777   20111117                             M061M077700000001 
SUBENT        M0777001   20111117                             M061M077700100001 
BIB                 12         32                                 M077700100002 
TITLE      Photon scattering  experiments  of  176Hf   and   the  M077700100003 
            systematics of  low-lying dipole modes in the stable  M077700100004 
            even-even Hf isotopes 176,178,180Hf                   M077700100005 
AUTHOR     (M.Scheck,D.Belic,P.Von Brentano,J.J.Caroll,           M077700100006 
            C.Fransen,A.Gade,H.Von Garell,U.Kneissl,C.Kohstall,   M077700100007 
            A.Linnemann,N.Pietralla,H.H.Pitz,F.Stedile,R.Toman,   M077700100008 
            V.Werner)                                             M077700100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,67,064313,2003)                                M077700100010 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.67.064313                        M077700100011 
INSTITUTE  (2GERIFS,2GERKLN)                                      M077700100012 
           (1USAUSA) Department  of   Physics   and   Astronomy,  M077700100013 
            Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio, USA.   M077700100014 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2GERIFS) Stuttgart Dynamitron accelerator.      M077700100015 
INC-SOURCE (BRST) Bremsstrahlung  with  end-point  energy of 4.0  M077700100016 
            and 2.4 MeV.                                          M077700100017 
           Two measurements  were  carried  out  to  achieve  an  M077700100018 
            optimal sensitivity over a broad range of excitation  M077700100019 
            energies, and to  enable  the  detection  of  weaker  M077700100020 
            decay branchings.                                     M077700100021 
SAMPLE     The scattering target  consisted  of  a  87Rb-2(CO-3)  M077700100022 
            sample of   2.507  g  total  mass  with  a  relative  M077700100023 
            enrichment of 99.2 in 87Rb.                           M077700100024 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) 3 high-resolution  Ge-detectors   with  energy  M077700100025 
            resolution about 2 keV at a photon energy of 1.3 MeV  M077700100026 
            and about 3 keV at 3  MeV  installed  at  angles  of  M077700100027 
            about 90, 127 and 150 degree.                         M077700100028 
METHOD     (GSPEC)                                                M077700100029 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information.                             M077700100030 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Tab. 1  were compiled at the Russia  M077700100031 
            MSU SINP CDFE by V.Varlamov.                          M077700100032 
HISTORY    (20090617C)                                            M077700100033 
           (20111117A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: AUTHOR, doi.      M077700100034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 M077700100035 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M077700100036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 M077700199999 
SUBENT        M0777002   20090617                             M050M077700200001 
BIB                  1          3                                 M077700200002 
REACTION  1(72-HF-176(G,0),,EN) Excitation energy Ex.             M077700200003 
          2(72-HF-176(G,EL),,ARE) Integrated cross section Is.    M077700200004 
          3(72-HF-176(G,EL),,WID)                                 M077700200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 M077700200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M077700200007 
DATA                 7         57                                 M077700200008 
DATA      1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2DATA      3DATA-ERR  3SPIN J     M077700200009 
PARITY                                                            M077700200010 
KEV        B*EV       B*EV       MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   NO-DIM     M077700200011 
NO-DIM                                                            M077700200012 
 1643.       13.          .9         7.5        .4       1.       M077700200013 
   -1.                                                            M077700200014 
 1721.        3.          .4         1.5        .2       1.       M077700200015 
   -1.                                                            M077700200016 
 1978.        3.1         .3         1.1        .1       1.       M077700200017 
 2044.        7.5         .6         4.3        .3       1.       M077700200019 
    1.                                                            M077700200020 
 2361.        3.8         .7         1.1        .2       1.       M077700200021 
 2405.        4.          .6         2.         .3       1.       M077700200023 
 2484.        2.6         .6          .8        .2       1.       M077700200025 
 2514.       12.6        1.2         9.2        .8       1.       M077700200027 
    1.                                                            M077700200028 
 2530.        4.6         .6         4.7        .5       1.       M077700200029 
 2548.        3.8         .7         4.6        .6       1.       M077700200031 
 2690.        8.9         .9        10.8        .8       1.       M077700200033 
 2722.       43.3        3.3        39.2       2.3       1.       M077700200035 
    1.                                                            M077700200036 
 2831.        3.3         .6         2.3        .4       1.       M077700200037 
 2885.        7.8         .8         9.7        .8       1.       M077700200039 
    1.                                                            M077700200040 
 2940.       13.7        1.2        14.        1.        1.       M077700200041 
    1.                                                            M077700200042 
 2994.        6.8         .7         8.5        .7       1.       M077700200043 
    1.                                                            M077700200044 
 3044.        6.2         .8        15.9       1.2       1.       M077700200045 
   -1.                                                            M077700200046 
 3059.        3.9         .6         3.2        .5       1.       M077700200047 
 3098.        3.5         .6         2.9        .5       1.       M077700200049 
 3107.       12.4        1.1        15.5       1.2       1.       M077700200051 
    1.                                                            M077700200052 
 3115.       11.8        1.1        27.6       1.7       1.       M077700200053 
   -1.                                                            M077700200054 
 3159.       11.8        1.1        15.4       1.2       1.       M077700200055 
    1.                                                            M077700200056 
 3200.        5.3         .7         4.7        .6       1.       M077700200057 
 3218.        7.6         .9         6.8        .8       1.       M077700200059 
 3222.        4.1         .7         6.         .8       1.       M077700200061 
    1.                                                            M077700200062 
 3232.        4.8         .6         7.         .8       1.       M077700200063 
    1.                                                            M077700200064 
 3261.       33.1        2.6        52.2       2.9       1.       M077700200065 
    1.                                                            M077700200066 
 3306.        2.9         .7         2.8        .7       1.       M077700200067 
 3322.       18.         1.7        17.3       1.7       1.       M077700200069 
 3343.        7.          .9        13.7       1.4       1.       M077700200071 
 3361.        7.8        1.         21.7       1.6       1.       M077700200073 
   -1.                                                            M077700200074 
 3372.        4.2         .7        10.9       1.1       1.       M077700200075 
   -1.                                                            M077700200076 
 3385.        4.5         .8         7.8       1.        1.       M077700200077 
 3406.        5.3         .9         5.4        .9       1.       M077700200079 
 3438.        8.5        1.          8.7       1.1       1.       M077700200081 
 3454.       10.4        1.2        10.8       1.2       1.       M077700200083 
 3485.       11.5        1.6        27.9       3.1       1.       M077700200085 
 3490.        4.3        1.1         4.5       1.1       1.       M077700200087 
 3519.        4.2        1.3         4.5       1.4       1.       M077700200089 
 3550.       19.         2.3        30.1       2.8       1.       M077700200091 
    1.                                                            M077700200092 
 3580.       11.         1.5        12.2       1.7       1.       M077700200093 
 3602.        8.1        1.2        15.6       1.8       1.       M077700200095 
 3608.        4.9        1.1         5.5       1.2       1.       M077700200097 
 3627.        7.         1.         12.6       1.4       1.       M077700200099 
    1.                                                            M077700200100 
 3662.       30.         3.4        45.3       4.2       1.       M077700200101 
    1.                                                            M077700200102 
 3689.        7.3        1.3         8.6       1.5       1.       M077700200103 
 3722.        5.2        1.          6.3       1.2       1.       M077700200105 
 3746.       13.4        1.8        28.9       3.8       1.       M077700200107 
 3767.       18.3        1.9        35.        2.9       1.       M077700200109 
    1.                                                            M077700200110 
 3774.        9.2        1.2        11.4       1.5       1.       M077700200111 
 3805.       10.3        1.3        19.2       2.1       1.       M077700200113 
    1.                                                            M077700200114 
 3816.       27.9        2.6        47.9       3.9       1.       M077700200115 
    1.                                                            M077700200116 
 3824.        5.9        1.1         7.5       1.4       1.       M077700200117 
 3838.       10.6        1.5        33.9       3.5       1.       M077700200119 
   -1.                                                            M077700200120 
 3844.        6.3        1.2         8.1       1.6       1.       M077700200121 
 3856.        8.8        1.6        11.4       2.1       1.       M077700200123 
 3916.       11.5        1.9        15.2       2.6       1.       M077700200125 
ENDDATA            118          0                                 M077700200127 
ENDSUBENT          126          0                                 M077700299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 M077799999999