ENTRY M0794 20151226 M081M079400000001 SUBENT M0794001 20151226 M081M079400100001 BIB 13 34 M079400100002 TITLE A convenient method for experimental determination of M079400100003 yields and isomeric ratios in photonuclear reactions M079400100004 measured by the activation technique. M079400100005 AUTHOR (D.Kolev,E.Dobreva,N.Nenov,V.Todorov) M079400100006 REFERENCE (J,NIM/A,356,390,1995) M079400100007 #doi:10.1016/0168-9002(94)01319-5 M079400100008 INSTITUTE (3BULSOF) M079400100009 (3BULBUL) A Higher Institute of Medicine, Sofia. M079400100010 FACILITY (BETAT,3BULBUL) The betatron of the Medical Academy of M079400100011 Bulgaria with the end-point energy of 43 MeV. M079400100012 SAMPLE A natural indium target was used for the production of M079400100013 ll0m,gIn, enriched to 80-95% 118Sn, 119Sn (purity M079400100014 93.5%) and l2lSb (purity 97.5%) for the production of M079400100015 117m,gIn. The samples had a cylindrical form as close M079400100016 as possible to a point source. They were contained in M079400100017 thin walled PVC capsules (10 mm in diameter, 0.5 mm M079400100018 thick) and shielded with a 1 mm thick cadmium foil to M079400100019 reduce the neutron interactions. The capsulated M079400100020 samples were closed in another plexiglass container M079400100021 with 6 mm thick walls. M079400100022 DETECTOR (GELI) Different high-resolution Ge(Li) spectrometers M079400100023 (FWHM < 3 keV at 1.3 MeV) with maximal absolute M079400100024 photopeak efficiency 3-6%. For low energy gamma-ray M079400100025 measurements a "thin" detector was used. M079400100026 METHOD (ACTIV) The induced activity measurements were made M079400100027 observing the gamma-ray spectra. M079400100028 ANALYSIS (DECAY) M079400100029 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information M079400100030 STATUS (TABLE) Data published in the Table 2 were compiled at M079400100031 the Russia MSU SINP CDFE by V.Varlamov. M079400100032 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M079400100033 HISTORY (20100901C) M079400100034 (20151226A) Corrected by SD and VV: ANALYSIS, M079400100035 DECAY-DATA corrected in Subent 002. M079400100036 ENDBIB 34 0 M079400100037 COMMON 1 3 M079400100038 EN-MAX M079400100039 MEV M079400100040 43. M079400100041 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M079400100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 M079400199999 SUBENT M0794002 20151226 M081M079400200001 BIB 3 5 M079400200002 REACTION (49-IN-113(G,3N)49-IN-110-G/M,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M079400200003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-110-G,4.9HR,DG,657.7,.985) M079400200004 (49-IN-110-M,69.1MIN,DG,657.7,.979) M079400200005 HISTORY (20151226A) SD: In-110m/g were swapped in DECAY-DATA; M079400200006 SF4 = In-110m/g -> In-110g/m in REACTION. M079400200007 ENDBIB 5 0 M079400200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 M079400200009 DATA 2 1 M079400200010 DATA DATA-ERR M079400200011 NO-DIM NO-DIM M079400200012 .75 .03 M079400200013 ENDDATA 3 0 M079400200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 M079400299999 SUBENT M0794003 20100901 M054M079400300001 BIB 2 3 M079400300002 REACTION (50-SN-118(G,P)49-IN-117-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M079400300003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-117-M,1.93HR,DG,315.3,.188) M079400300004 (49-IN-117-G,42.3MIN,DG,552.9,.997) M079400300005 ENDBIB 3 0 M079400300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 M079400300007 DATA 2 1 M079400300008 DATA DATA-ERR M079400300009 NO-DIM NO-DIM M079400300010 1.09 .01 M079400300011 ENDDATA 3 0 M079400300012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 M079400399999 SUBENT M0794004 20100901 M054M079400400001 BIB 2 3 M079400400002 REACTION (50-SN-119(G,X)49-IN-117-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M079400400003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-117-M,1.93HR,DG,315.3,.188) M079400400004 (49-IN-117-G,42.3MIN,DG,552.9,.997) M079400400005 ENDBIB 3 0 M079400400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 M079400400007 DATA 2 1 M079400400008 DATA DATA-ERR M079400400009 NO-DIM NO-DIM M079400400010 1.75 .06 M079400400011 ENDDATA 3 0 M079400400012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 M079400499999 SUBENT M0794005 20100901 M054M079400500001 BIB 3 4 M079400500002 REACTION (51-SB-121(G,X)49-IN-117-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M079400500003 COMMENT Reaction (G,X) means (G,2N+2P) or (G,A) M079400500004 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-117-M,1.93HR,DG,315.3,.188) M079400500005 (49-IN-117-G,42.3MIN,DG,552.9,.997) M079400500006 ENDBIB 4 0 M079400500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 M079400500008 DATA 2 1 M079400500009 DATA DATA-ERR M079400500010 NO-DIM NO-DIM M079400500011 3.1 .2 M079400500012 ENDDATA 3 0 M079400500013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 M079400599999 SUBENT M0794006 20100901 M054M079400600001 BIB 2 4 M079400600002 REACTION (67-HO-165(G,N)67-HO-164-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M079400600003 DECAY-DATA (67-HO-164-M,37.5MIN,DG,37.3,.114) M079400600004 (67-HO-164-G,29.MIN,DG,73.4,.0178, M079400600005 DG,91.4,.0248) M079400600006 ENDBIB 4 0 M079400600007 NOCOMMON 0 0 M079400600008 DATA 2 1 M079400600009 DATA DATA-ERR M079400600010 NO-DIM NO-DIM M079400600011 .33 .03 M079400600012 ENDDATA 3 0 M079400600013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 M079400699999 SUBENT M0794007 20100901 M054M079400700001 BIB 2 3 M079400700002 REACTION (67-HO-165(G,3N)67-HO-162-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M079400700003 DECAY-DATA (67-HO-162-M,68.MIN,DG,80.7,.115) M079400700004 (67-HO-162-G,15.MIN,DG,80.7,.078) M079400700005 ENDBIB 3 0 M079400700006 NOCOMMON 0 0 M079400700007 DATA 2 1 M079400700008 DATA DATA-ERR M079400700009 NO-DIM NO-DIM M079400700010 1.79 .04 M079400700011 ENDDATA 3 0 M079400700012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 M079400799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 M079499999999