ENTRY M0812 20110401 M058M081200000001 SUBENT M0812001 20110401 M058M081200100001 BIB 15 34 M081200100002 TITLE Isomeric yield ratios for the reactions of (gamma,n) M081200100003 and (n,2n) on 110Pd, 142Nd and 144Sm. M081200100004 AUTHOR (S.R.Palvanov,Zh.Rakhmonov,M.Kayumov, M081200100005 M.I.Mamayusupova,O.Zhuraev) M081200100006 REFERENCE (J,IZV,75,(2),239,2011) M081200100007 (J,BAS,75,(2),222,2011) English translation of M081200100008 IZV,75,(2),239 M081200100009 #doi:10.3103/S1062873811020262 M081200100010 INSTITUTE (4UZ UZ) Research Institute of Applied Physics, M081200100011 National University of Uzbekistan. M081200100012 (4UZ UZB) M081200100013 FACILITY (BETAT,4UZ UZ) The SB-50 betatron of National M081200100014 University of Uzbekistan Research Institute of M081200100015 Applied Physics. M081200100016 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M081200100017 SAMPLE Natural mixtures of palladium, neodymium and samarium M081200100018 isotopes. M081200100019 DETECTOR (HPGE) Germanium detector with efficiency 15% and M081200100020 energy resolution 1.8 keV for gamma-line 1332 keV M081200100021 (60Co). M081200100022 METHOD (ACTIV) Induced gamma-activity measured. M081200100023 ANALYSIS (AREA) M081200100024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. M081200100025 STATUS (CURVE) Data from the figure (with taking into M081200100026 account some values from Table 2) have been compiled M081200100027 at the Russia MSU SINP CDFE by V.Varlamov. M081200100028 CRITIQUE In the Table 1 product nuclei 109m,gPd by mistake are M081200100029 presented as 95m,gPd. M081200100030 In the Table 3 (data for (n,2n) reactions) the ones M081200100031 144Sm(n,2n)143m,g,Sm by mistake are presented as M081200100032 144Sm(g,n)143m,gSm. M081200100033 COMMENT NODATA is used for SUBENT 3 because data are the same M081200100034 as in M0743002. M081200100035 HISTORY (20110401C) M081200100036 ENDBIB 34 0 M081200100037 NOCOMMON 0 0 M081200100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 M081200199999 SUBENT M0812002 20110401 M058M081200200001 BIB 3 4 M081200200002 REACTION (46-PD-110(G,N)46-PD-109-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M081200200003 DECAY-DATA (46-PD-109-M,4.69MIN,DG,188.9,.58) M081200200004 (46-PD-109-G,13.47HR,DG,88.1,.05) M081200200005 FLAG (1.) Data from the Table 2. M081200200006 ENDBIB 4 0 M081200200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 M081200200008 DATA 4 22 M081200200009 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S FLAG M081200200010 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM M081200200011 12. .0185 .0019 M081200200012 14. .0284 .0021 M081200200013 15. .0438 .003 M081200200014 16. .0581 .0031 M081200200015 17. .0625 .003 M081200200016 18. .0646 .003 M081200200017 19. .0633 .0029 M081200200018 20. .0655 .003 M081200200019 21. .0643 .0032 M081200200020 22. .0655 .0028 M081200200021 23. .0644 .0031 M081200200022 24. .0652 .0031 M081200200023 25. .065 .003 1. M081200200024 26. .065 .0033 M081200200025 27. .0643 .0032 M081200200026 28. .0657 .0033 M081200200027 29. .0655 .0032 M081200200028 30. .063 .003 1. M081200200029 31. .0655 .0031 M081200200030 32. .0644 .003 M081200200031 33. .0655 .003 M081200200032 34. .0665 .0020 M081200200033 ENDDATA 24 0 M081200200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 M081200299999 SUBENT M0812003 20110401 M058M081200300001 BIB 3 11 M081200300002 REACTION (60-ND-142(G,N)60-ND-141-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M081200300003 DECAY-DATA (60-ND-141-M,60.3SEC,DG,756.5,.91) M081200300004 (60-ND-141-G,2.6HR,DG,91.1,.283, M081200300005 DG,120.5,.0039, M081200300006 DG,275.4,.01, M081200300007 DG,319.4,.0219, M081200300008 DG,398.2,.009, M081200300009 DG,439.8,.0119, M081200300010 DG,531.,.135, M081200300011 DG,685.9,.0079) M081200300012 STATUS (SPSDD,M0743002) M081200300013 ENDBIB 11 0 M081200300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 M081200300015 NODATA 0 0 M081200300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 M081200399999 SUBENT M0812004 20110401 M058M081200400001 BIB 3 7 M081200400002 REACTION (62-SM-144(G,N)62-SM-143-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M081200400003 DECAY-DATA (62-SM-143-M,65.SEC,DG,690.,.0167, M081200400004 DG,754.4,1., M081200400005 DG,963.,0.0113) M081200400006 (62-SM-143-G,8.83MIN,DG,511.,1., M081200400007 DG,1056.6,.026) M081200400008 FLAG (1.) Data from the Table 2. M081200400009 ENDBIB 7 0 M081200400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 M081200400011 DATA 4 23 M081200400012 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S FLAG M081200400013 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM M081200400014 13. .0094 .0046 M081200400015 14. .0142 .0046 M081200400016 15. .0252 .0039 M081200400017 16. .027 .003 M081200400018 17. .038 .0033 M081200400019 18. .04 .003 M081200400020 19. .0421 .003 M081200400021 20. .0433 .0029 M081200400022 21. .0424 .0027 M081200400023 22. .0444 .0029 M081200400024 23. .0433 .003 M081200400025 24. .0424 .0029 M081200400026 25. .041 .002 1. M081200400027 26. .0442 .003 M081200400028 27. .0424 .0028 M081200400029 28. .043 .0029 M081200400030 29. .0423 .003 M081200400031 30. .0443 .0031 M081200400032 31. .0422 .0031 M081200400033 32. .0435 .0028 M081200400034 33. .0424 .0028 M081200400035 34. .0442 .0032 M081200400036 35. .0422 .0029 M081200400037 ENDDATA 25 0 M081200400038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 M081200499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 M081299999999