ENTRY            M0821   20210306                             M111M082100000001 
SUBENT        M0821001   20210306                             M111M082100100001 
BIB                 11         30                                 M082100100002 
TITLE      The photoresponse of stable N = 82  nuclei  below  10  M082100100003 
            MeV.                                                  M082100100004 
AUTHOR     (S.Volz,N.Tsoneva,M.Babilon,M.Elvers,J.Hasper,         M082100100005 
           R.-D.Herzberg,H.Lenske,K.Lindenberg,D.Savran,          M082100100006 
           A.Zilges)                                              M082100100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,779,1,2006)                                    M082100100008 
           #doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2006.08.012                   M082100100009 
INSTITUTE  (2GERTHD,2GERJLU,3BULBLA,2UK LVP)                      M082100100010 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2GERTHD) Superconducting    linear    electron  M082100100011 
            accelerator  S-DALINAC  at  Darmstadt  University of  M082100100012 
            Technology (TU Darmstadt).                            M082100100013 
INC-SOURCE (BRST) Bremsstrahlung  facility with end-point energy  M082100100014 
            6.8 MeV.                                              M082100100015 
SAMPLE     Targets consist  typically of 1 - 3 g of isotopically  M082100100016 
            enriched material:                                    M082100100017 
              Target     Enrichment, Mass,       Neutron          M082100100018 
                              %       mg  separation energy, MeV  M082100100019 
              (138Ba-2)CO-3  99.5   3011            8.6           M082100100020 
              140CeO-2       88.5   3160            9.2           M082100100021 
              (142Nd-2)O-3   95.7    865            9.8           M082100100022 
              (144Sm-2)O-3   96.5    726           10.5           M082100100023 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) Two   high-purity   germanium  detectors  with  M082100100024 
            efficiences of 100 %  relative  to  a  standard  NaI  M082100100025 
            detector (a  cylinder with a length of 7.62 cm and a  M082100100026 
            diameter of 7.62  mm),  positioned  at  90  and  130  M082100100027 
            degree relative to the incoming photon beam.          M082100100028 
METHOD     (GSPEC)                                                M082100100029 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information.                             M082100100030 
HISTORY    (20110622C)                                            M082100100031 
           (20210306A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: COMMENT, STATUS.  M082100100032 
ENDBIB              30          0                                 M082100100033 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M082100100034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 M082100199999 
SUBENT        M0821002   20210306                             M111M082100200001 
BIB                  4         10                                 M082100200002 
REACTION  1(56-BA-138(G,0),,EN) Excitation energy Ex.             M082100200003 
          2(56-BA-138(G,EL),,WID/STR,,MSC)                        M082100200004 
           MSC means elastic scattering resonance strenght        M082100200005 
            divided by the statistical factor.                    M082100200006 
CRITIQUE   Authors  say  (page 7, 10-th line from  the top)  that M082100200007 
            integrated cross sections I-0 are presented  in  the  M082100200008 
            Table 2 but that is not in case.                      M082100200009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 2 of Nucl.Phys.A779(2006)1.    M082100200010 
HISTORY    (20210306A) Corrected by V.Varlamolv: REACTION -       M082100200011 
            denominator deleted, COMMENT, STATUS, DATA-UNITS2.    M082100200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 M082100200013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M082100200014 
DATA                 4         63                                 M082100200015 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2                      M082100200016 
KEV        KEV        MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         M082100200017 
 4025.6       .5        394.        60.                           M082100200018 
 4323.        .7        101.        18.                           M082100200019 
 4535.1       .6        183.        31.                           M082100200020 
 4705.6       .9         61.        14.                           M082100200021 
 4854.7      1.4        521.        80.                           M082100200022 
 5145.4       .6        541.        85.                           M082100200023 
 5283.9       .7        276.        45.                           M082100200024 
 5390.7       .6        660.       124.                           M082100200025 
 5475.7       .6        316.        52.                           M082100200026 
 5511.3      1.        1918.       290.                           M082100200027 
 5582.1       .7        333.        55.                           M082100200028 
 5644.6       .5       1528.       242.                           M082100200029 
 5655.3       .7        542.       113.                           M082100200030 
 5694.5       .7        354.        60.                           M082100200031 
 5742.9       .7        432.        70.                           M082100200032 
 5766.3       .6        578.        93.                           M082100200033 
 5815.        .7        419.        71.                           M082100200034 
 5873.6       .6       1036.       160.                           M082100200035 
 5963.5       .6        824.       130.                           M082100200036 
 6102.2       .7       1049.       600.                           M082100200037 
 6114.5       .9        629.       185.                           M082100200038 
 6192.9       .5       1775.       271.                           M082100200039 
 6244.6       .8        558.        92.                           M082100200040 
 6347.9       .8        809.       129.                           M082100200041 
 6361.6       .6       1310.       203.                           M082100200042 
 6410.1       .6       2366.       363.                           M082100200043 
 6434.3       .6       2301.       353.                           M082100200044 
 6465.8       .7        603.       104.                           M082100200045 
 6486.3       .9        246.        54.                           M082100200046 
 6552.6       .8        614.       108.                           M082100200047 
 6557.3       .8        687.       120.                           M082100200048 
 6612.7       .6       2758.       424.                           M082100200049 
 6635.1       .8        484.        91.                           M082100200050 
 6663.7       .7        730.       121.                           M082100200051 
 6678.6       .5       2565.       393.                           M082100200052 
 6693.4       .5       2717.       415.                           M082100200053 
 6703.5       .6       1059.       170.                           M082100200054 
 6801.9       .8        622.       110.                           M082100200055 
 6813.4       .6       2247.       352.                           M082100200056 
 6821.6      1.1        457.       100.                           M082100200057 
 6839.1       .8        697.       122.                           M082100200058 
 6848.3       .7       1366.       217.                           M082100200059 
 6862.        .6       1767.       278.                           M082100200060 
 6870.4       .7       1146.       186.                           M082100200061 
 6894.8       .6       2790.       428.                           M082100200062 
 6922.1       .8       1096.       182.                           M082100200063 
 6966.8      1.2        734.       154.                           M082100200064 
 6980.9       .8        616.       111.                           M082100200065 
 7040.1       .9        566.       105.                           M082100200066 
 7105.9      1.5        604.       111.                           M082100200067 
 7143.8       .9        471.        95.                           M082100200068 
 7211.6       .8       1673.       268.                           M082100200069 
 7275.8      1.        2481.       399.                           M082100200070 
 7334.1      1.         894.       160.                           M082100200071 
 7376.6       .9       1029.       180.                           M082100200072 
 7546.7      2.2        608.       135.                           M082100200073 
 7705.6      1.2       1207.       222.                           M082100200074 
 7774.        .7       2328.       376.                           M082100200075 
 7805.3       .8       1368.       239.                           M082100200076 
 7819.7       .8       1469.       256.                           M082100200077 
 7871.1      1.        1415.       267.                           M082100200078 
 8075.6       .8       2996.       490.                           M082100200079 
 8433.2      1.4        871.       230.                           M082100200080 
ENDDATA             65          0                                 M082100200081 
ENDSUBENT           80          0                                 M082100299999 
SUBENT        M0821003   20210306                             M111M082100300001 
BIB                  3          6                                 M082100300002 
REACTION  1(58-CE-140(G,0),,EN) Excitation energy Ex.             M082100300003 
          2(58-CE-140(G,EL),,WID/STR,,MSC)                        M082100300004 
           MSC means elastic scattering resonance strenght        M082100300005 
            divided by the statistical factor.                    M082100300006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 3 of Nucl.Phys.A779(2006)1.    M082100300007 
HISTORY    (20210306A) Corrected by V.Varlamolv: COMMENT, STATUS. M082100300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 M082100300009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M082100300010 
DATA                 4         42                                 M082100300011 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2                      M082100300012 
KEV        KEV        MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         M082100300013 
 3643.8       .6        367.        56.                           M082100300014 
 4173.6       .8        128.        25.                           M082100300015 
 4354.9       .7        122.        26.                           M082100300016 
 4514.9       .9        168.        31.                           M082100300017 
 4787.8       .9        199.        38.                           M082100300018 
 5157.3      1.2        177.        31.                           M082100300019 
 5190.2      1.         222.        46.                           M082100300020 
 5211.6      1.4        132.        35.                           M082100300021 
 5337.3       .9        253.        51.                           M082100300022 
 5548.4       .7        470.        80.                           M082100300023 
 5573.8      1.4        271.        59.                           M082100300024 
 5659.9       .6       1646.       254.                           M082100300025 
 5928.6      1.         391.        80.                           M082100300026 
 6119.1      1.5        655.       112.                           M082100300027 
 6130.6      1.2        302.        62.                           M082100300028 
 6161.7      1.4        421.        97.                           M082100300029 
 6273.6      1.         434.        81.                           M082100300030 
 6295.3       .8        989.       176.                           M082100300031 
 6327.8      1.2        350.       129.                           M082100300032 
 6343.3      1.1        583.       113.                           M082100300033 
 6352.7      1.         664.       123.                           M082100300034 
 6397.2       .8       1588.       257.                           M082100300035 
 6439.9      1.4        852.       146.                           M082100300036 
 6449.9      1.5        502.        99.                           M082100300037 
 6458.5      1.5        454.        94.                           M082100300038 
 6484.8      1.         447.        91.                           M082100300039 
 6497.        .7       1370.       228.                           M082100300040 
 6535.8       .6       2059.       321.                           M082100300041 
 6549.1      1.1        358.        75.                           M082100300042 
 6574.9      1.5        392.        77.                           M082100300043 
 6605.       1.         658.       113.                           M082100300044 
 6616.2      1.         610.       106.                           M082100300045 
 6781.9      1.5        531.       116.                           M082100300046 
 6841.8      1.2        575.       158.                           M082100300047 
 6862.4       .7       1863.       321.                           M082100300048 
 6905.9      1.5       1009.       220.                           M082100300049 
 6932.6      1.4        876.       189.                           M082100300050 
 6960.4      1.2        962.       199.                           M082100300051 
 7206.       1.4       1434.       244.                           M082100300052 
 7214.8      1.5       1322.       227.                           M082100300053 
 7341.5      1.4        507.       197.                           M082100300054 
 7673.4      1.2        599.       140.                           M082100300055 
ENDDATA             44          0                                 M082100300056 
ENDSUBENT           55          0                                 M082100399999 
SUBENT        M0821004   20210306                             M111M082100400001 
BIB                  3          6                                 M082100400002 
REACTION  1(60-ND-142(G,0),,EN) Excitation energy Ex.             M082100400003 
          2(60-ND-142(G,EL),,WID/STR,,MSC)                        M082100400004 
           MSC means elastic scattering resonance strenght        M082100400005 
            divided by the statistical factor.                    M082100400006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 4 of Nucl.Phys.A779(2006)1.    M082100400007 
HISTORY    (20210306A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: COPMMENT, STATUS. M082100400008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 M082100400009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M082100400010 
DATA                 4         42                                 M082100400011 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2                      M082100400012 
KEV        KEV        MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         M082100400013 
 3424.2       .5        295.        44.                           M082100400014 
 4093.7       .6        112.        17.                           M082100400015 
 4144.9       .6        136.        21.                           M082100400016 
 4625.6       .7         97.        16.                           M082100400017 
 4901.4      1.          78.        14.                           M082100400018 
 5164.4       .9         62.        12.                           M082100400019 
 5219.5       .8        208.        34.                           M082100400020 
 5381.6      1.          69.        16.                           M082100400021 
 5421.7       .7        141.        24.                           M082100400022 
 5432.7       .7        139.        23.                           M082100400023 
 5523.2       .7        459.        71.                           M082100400024 
 5551.1       .8        156.        28.                           M082100400025 
 5586.7      1.2        107.        22.                           M082100400026 
 5660.6      1.3        150.        28.                           M082100400027 
 5713.8      1.4        124.        25.                           M082100400028 
 5733.       1.1        135.        26.                           M082100400029 
 5824.5       .8        237.        40.                           M082100400030 
 5862.6      1.3        136.        27.                           M082100400031 
 5912.2       .7        518.        82.                           M082100400032 
 5965.1       .9        101.        23.                           M082100400033 
 5995.8       .8        305.        49.                           M082100400034 
 6016.        .8        315.        51.                           M082100400035 
 6034.8       .7        510.        79.                           M082100400036 
 6047.        .8        308.        50.                           M082100400037 
 6149.6       .7        869.       133.                           M082100400038 
 6171.4       .7        874.       134.                           M082100400039 
 6223.7       .8        538.        85.                           M082100400040 
 6322.2       .6       1272.       194.                           M082100400041 
 6363.8      1.1        891.       139.                           M082100400042 
 6555.1      1.         233.        44.                           M082100400043 
 6562.2       .7        427.        72.                           M082100400044 
 6586.7      1.1        374.        69.                           M082100400045 
 6596.3      1.1        386.        70.                           M082100400046 
 6615.3      1.3        261.        53.                           M082100400047 
 6625.8      1.         476.        82.                           M082100400048 
 6652.7      1.2        209.        46.                           M082100400049 
 6678.        .9        372.        65.                           M082100400050 
 6733.4      1.         512.        86.                           M082100400051 
 6802.4      1.         372.        68.                           M082100400052 
 6931.8      1.3        283.        59.                           M082100400053 
 7068.5       .8       1075.       172.                           M082100400054 
 7113.6       .9        820.       135.                           M082100400055 
ENDDATA             44          0                                 M082100400056 
ENDSUBENT           55          0                                 M082100499999 
SUBENT        M0821005   20210306                             M111M082100500001 
BIB                  3          6                                 M082100500002 
REACTION  1(62-SM-144(G,0),,EN) Excitation energy Ex.             M082100500003 
          2(62-SM-144(G,EL),,WID/STR,,MSC)                        M082100500004 
           MSC means elastic scattering resonance strenght        M082100500005 
            divided by the statistical factor.                    M082100500006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Table 5 of Nucl.Phys.A779(2006)1.    M082100500007 
HISTORY    (20210306A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: COMMENT, STATUS.  M082100500008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 M082100500009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M082100500010 
DATA                 4         29                                 M082100500011 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2                      M082100500012 
KEV        KEV        MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         M082100500013 
 3225.7       .6        289.        44.                           M082100500014 
 3817.9      1.1         64.        12.                           M082100500015 
 3890.4       .6        258.        39.                           M082100500016 
 3965.3       .8        107.        18.                           M082100500017 
 4261.2       .7        270.        43.                           M082100500018 
 4840.2       .8        198.        34.                           M082100500019 
 5103.5       .9        171.        30.                           M082100500020 
 5149.6      1.         381.        61.                           M082100500021 
 5284.9      1.         172.        32.                           M082100500022 
 5483.1      1.1        258.        46.                           M082100500023 
 5644.9       .8        470.        76.                           M082100500024 
 5848.6       .7       1252.       191.                           M082100500025 
 5911.2      1.1        343.        58.                           M082100500026 
 5926.1       .7        869.       135.                           M082100500027 
 5944.9       .6       1566.       240.                           M082100500028 
 5994.1       .8        634.       104.                           M082100500029 
 6018.1       .8        227.        47.                           M082100500030 
 6051.6      1.1        231.        50.                           M082100500031 
 6068.4       .9        393.        70.                           M082100500032 
 6112.5       .9        705.       116.                           M082100500033 
 6172.       1.1        292.        60.                           M082100500034 
 6245.       1.3        725.       127.                           M082100500035 
 6259.7      1.3        498.        97.                           M082100500036 
 6317.2      1.        1191.       189.                           M082100500037 
 6366.1       .9        425.        80.                           M082100500038 
 6451.4       .8        657.       114.                           M082100500039 
 6470.4      1.2        721.       139.                           M082100500040 
 6484.2      1.7        381.        80.                           M082100500041 
 6987.6      1.2        691.       143.                           M082100500042 
ENDDATA             31          0                                 M082100500043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 M082100599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 M082199999999