ENTRY M0886 20250108 M135M0886 0 1 SUBENT M0886001 20250108 M135M0886 1 1 BIB 15 48 M0886 1 2 TITLE Dipole strength of 181Ta for the evaluation of the M0886 1 3 180Ta stellar neutron capture rate. M0886 1 4 AUTHOR (A.Makinaga,R.Massarczyk,R.Schwengner,M.Beard, M0886 1 5 F.Donau,M.Anders,D.Bemmerer,R.Beyer,R.Hannaske, M0886 1 6 A.R.Junghans,M.Kempe,T.Kogler,M.Roder,K.Schmidt, M0886 1 7 A.Wagner) M0886 1 8 INSTITUTE (2JPNHOK,2GERZFK,2GERDRE,1USANOT) M0886 1 9 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,90,044301,2014) M0886 1 10 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.90.044301 M0886 1 11 FACILITY (LINAC,2GERZFK) GammaELBE at the superconducting M0886 1 12 electron accelerator of the Helmholtz-Zentrum M0886 1 13 Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). M0886 1 14 INC-SOURCE (BRST) Bremsstrahlung with end-point energy 9.6 MeV. M0886 1 15 DETECTOR (HPGE) 4 high-purity germanium detectors of 100% M0886 1 16 efficiency at 1.3 MeV relative to a NAI detector of M0886 1 17 7.6 cm in length and 7.6 cm in diameter, 2 were M0886 1 18 placed at the angle 90 degree relative to the M0886 1 19 photon-beam direction and 2 - at the angle 127 M0886 1 20 degree. M0886 1 21 METHOD (GSPEC) M0886 1 22 ANALYSIS Spectra of gamma-ray cascades were obtained for M0886 1 23 groups of levels in 100 keV bins and used for M0886 1 24 determination of the intensity distribution of the M0886 1 25 ground state transitions and therefore branching M0886 1 26 ratio. By dividing the intensity of experimental M0886 1 27 intensity distribution of the ground-state M0886 1 28 transitions by corresponding branching ratio the M0886 1 29 absorption cross section was obtained. M0886 1 30 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) For uncertainty of the absorption cross M0886 1 31 section obtained a 1 sigma deviation from the mean M0886 1 32 has been taken. M0886 1 33 CORRECTION Cross section measured was corrected for inelastic M0886 1 34 transitions and branching ratios. M0886 1 35 MONITOR (5-B-11(G,INL),,ARE,,BRS) M0886 1 36 200.0 mg of boron enriched to 99.5% in 11B was used M0886 1 37 for the determination of the photon flux. M0886 1 38 REL-REF (R,,F.Ajzenberg-Selove,J,NP/A,506,1,1990) M0886 1 39 (R,,G.Rusev+,J,PR/C,79,047601,2009) M0886 1 40 Integrated scattering cross sections of states in M0886 1 41 11B. M0886 1 42 (N,,T.von Egidy+,J,PR/C,72,044311,2005) M0886 1 43 Experimental level densities. M0886 1 44 STATUS (APRVD) By A.Makinaga. M0886 1 45 HISTORY (20141223C) Compiled at the Russia MSU SINP CDFE by M0886 1 46 V.Varlamov. M0886 1 47 (20150804U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: dates. M0886 1 48 (20250108A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DOI, ANALYSIS, M0886 1 49 SAMPLE, STATUS, REACTION. M0886 1 50 ENDBIB 48 0 M0886 1 51 NOCOMMON 0 0 M0886 1 52 ENDSUBENT 51 0 M0886 199999 SUBENT M0886002 20250108 M135M0886 2 1 BIB 4 8 M0886 2 2 REACTION (73-TA-181(G,ABS),,SIG) M0886 2 3 SAMPLE (73-TA-181,NAT=0.99988) M0886 2 4 Natural Ta, sample weight 2166.6 mg. M0886 2 5 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Makinaga+,J,PR/C,90,044301,2014) M0886 2 6 Part of data for energies EN > 5 MeV is presented M0886 2 7 in Fig. 4. M0886 2 8 HISTORY (20250108U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, M0886 2 9 STATUS. M0886 2 10 ENDBIB 8 0 M0886 2 11 NOCOMMON 0 0 M0886 2 12 DATA 3 52 M0886 2 13 EN DATA DATA-ERR M0886 2 14 MEV MB MB M0886 2 15 2.4 0.20 0.09 M0886 2 16 2.5 0.22 0.04 M0886 2 17 2.6 0.24 0.08 M0886 2 18 2.7 0.26 0.06 M0886 2 19 2.8 0.28 0.10 M0886 2 20 2.9 0.30 0.06 M0886 2 21 3.0 0.32 0.10 M0886 2 22 3.1 0.35 0.08 M0886 2 23 3.2 0.37 0.08 M0886 2 24 3.3 0.40 0.10 M0886 2 25 3.4 0.43 0.08 M0886 2 26 3.5 0.46 0.10 M0886 2 27 3.6 0.49 0.17 M0886 2 28 3.7 0.52 0.17 M0886 2 29 3.8 0.55 0.11 M0886 2 30 3.9 0.58 0.09 M0886 2 31 4.0 0.62 0.18 M0886 2 32 4.1 0.66 0.26 M0886 2 33 4.2 0.70 0.21 M0886 2 34 4.3 0.74 0.24 M0886 2 35 4.4 0.78 0.45 M0886 2 36 4.5 0.83 0.19 M0886 2 37 4.6 0.87 0.23 M0886 2 38 4.7 0.92 0.29 M0886 2 39 4.8 0.97 0.92 M0886 2 40 4.9 1.02 0.34 M0886 2 41 5.0 1.08 0.86 M0886 2 42 5.1 1.14 0.49 M0886 2 43 5.2 1.20 0.55 M0886 2 44 5.3 0.19 0.07 M0886 2 45 5.4 1.01 0.30 M0886 2 46 5.5 3.14 2.64 M0886 2 47 5.6 2.09 1.32 M0886 2 48 5.7 1.86 1.12 M0886 2 49 5.8 5.60 5.22 M0886 2 50 5.9 4.45 2.59 M0886 2 51 6.0 6.00 4.82 M0886 2 52 6.1 5.45 3.10 M0886 2 53 6.2 7.28 4.54 M0886 2 54 6.3 7.63 3.10 M0886 2 55 6.4 10.77 2.79 M0886 2 56 6.5 14.01 5.63 M0886 2 57 6.6 14.35 3.74 M0886 2 58 6.7 19.15 5.00 M0886 2 59 6.8 20.95 5.48 M0886 2 60 6.9 21.18 5.53 M0886 2 61 7.0 25.76 6.75 M0886 2 62 7.1 28.80 7.55 M0886 2 63 7.2 30.09 7.90 M0886 2 64 7.3 36.06 9.50 M0886 2 65 7.4 42.51 11.22 M0886 2 66 7.5 38.34 10.10 M0886 2 67 ENDDATA 54 0 M0886 2 68 ENDSUBENT 67 0 M0886 299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M088699999999