ENTRY            M0894   20170327                             M088M089400000001 
SUBENT        M0894001   20170327                             M088M089400100001 
BIB                 15         38                                 M089400100002 
TITLE      Excitation function of the reaction (gamma,alpha) in   M089400100003 
            the region of a Giant Dipole Resonance.               M089400100004 
AUTHOR     (A.D.Antonov,N.P.Balabanov,Yu.P.Gangrsky,F.G.Kondev,   M089400100005 
            S.G.Marinova,A.P.Tonchev,Kh.G.Khristov)               M089400100006 
REFERENCE  (J,IZV,55,(11),2260,1991)                              M089400100007 
           (J,BAS,55,(11),176,1991)                               M089400100008 
           English translation of IZV,55,(11),2260,1991.          M089400100009 
           (J,YF,53,(1),14,1991)                                  M089400100010 
           (J,SNP,53,9,1991)                                      M089400100011 
            English translation of YF,53,(1),14,1991.             M089400100012 
           (C,91MINSK,284,1991)                                   M089400100013 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB,3BULPLV)                                      M089400100014 
FACILITY   (MICRT,4ZZZDUB) Microtron MT-25 of JINR.               M089400100015 
INC-SOURCE (BRST)                                                 M089400100016 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) 2.1 cm**3 with energy resolution 0.4  keV  for  M089400100017 
            122.1 keV line of 57Co.                               M089400100018 
           (GELI) 60 cm**3 with energy resolution  4.0  keV  for  M089400100019 
            1322 keV line og 60Co.                                M089400100020 
MONITOR    (29-CU-65(G,N)29-CU-64,,SIG,,BRS)                      M089400100021 
            Cross section for 65Cu(g,n) reaction.                 M089400100022 
METHOD     (ACTIV)  The reaction yelds obtained by comparison of  M089400100023 
            squares under g-lines in g-spectra.                   M089400100024 
ANALYSIS   (UNFLD) Unfolding  from  the reaction yields measured  M089400100025 
            for several Eg-max = 14 - 25 MeV.                     M089400100026 
CRITIQUE   Data were obtained for energy region 14 - 25 MeV but   M089400100027 
            not 16 - 25 MeV as is pointed out in Abstract and     M089400100028 
            Paragraph 1.                                          M089400100029 
REL-REF    (M,,V.Zhuchko,J,YF,25,299,1977)                        M089400100030 
            Method of unfolding.                                  M089400100031 
ERR-ANALYS No information. Uncertainties are smaller than 20%.    M089400100032 
COMMENT    Integrated cross sections for (g,a) reactions on       M089400100033 
            51V, 65Cu, 76Ge, 96Zr, 93Nb, 170Er (Table 2) are the  M089400100034 
            same  as those published in  J,YF,53,(1),14,1991 and  M089400100035 
            C,91MINSK,284,1991.                                   M089400100036 
HISTORY    (20150206C) Data  were compiled at the RUSSIA MSU INP  M089400100037 
            CDFE by V.Varlamov.                                   M089400100038 
           (20170327A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REFERENCR,        M089400100039 
            REACTION in SUBENT 002, STATUS.                       M089400100040 
ENDBIB              38          0                                 M089400100041 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M089400100042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 M089400199999 
SUBENT        M0894002   20170327                             M088M089400200001 
BIB                  4          6                                 M089400200002 
REACTION   (29-CU-65(G,A)27-CO-61,,SIG,,BRS)                      M089400200003 
SAMPLE     (29-CU-65,ENR=0.309) Natural copper.                   M089400200004 
STATUS     (CURVE)  Data  (curve 1) from  the  figure  on  page   M089400200005 
            2262 of IZV,55,(11),2260,1991.                        M089400200006 
HISTORY    (20170327A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION,         M089400200007 
            STATUS.                                               M089400200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 M089400200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M089400200010 
DATA                 2         47                                 M089400200011 
EN         DATA                                                   M089400200012 
MEV        MB                                                     M089400200013 
 15.0098     0.0010                                               M089400200014 
 15.1554     0.0013                                               M089400200015 
 15.2864     0.0016                                               M089400200016 
 15.4322     0.0020                                               M089400200017 
 15.5781     0.0027                                               M089400200018 
 15.6807     0.0034                                               M089400200019 
 15.8266     0.0044                                               M089400200020 
 15.9579     0.0056                                               M089400200021 
 16.0605     0.0071                                               M089400200022 
 16.1777     0.0092                                               M089400200023 
 16.2659     0.0116                                               M089400200024 
 16.3687     0.0149                                               M089400200025 
 16.4857     0.0189                                               M089400200026 
 16.5888     0.0252                                               M089400200027 
 16.6918     0.0332                                               M089400200028 
 16.7948     0.0438                                               M089400200029 
 16.9262     0.0561                                               M089400200030 
 17.1013     0.0777                                               M089400200031 
 17.2764     0.1077                                               M089400200032 
 17.4652     0.1391                                               M089400200033 
 17.6540     0.1798                                               M089400200034 
 17.8428     0.2324                                               M089400200035 
 18.0459     0.3003                                               M089400200036 
 18.2486     0.3730                                               M089400200037 
 18.4944     0.4678                                               M089400200038 
 18.7111     0.5640                                               M089400200039 
 18.9274     0.6471                                               M089400200040 
 19.2297     0.7496                                               M089400200041 
 19.4312     0.8268                                               M089400200042 
 19.7188     0.9207                                               M089400200043 
 20.0061     0.9952                                               M089400200044 
 20.3076     1.0651                                               M089400200045 
 20.6810     1.1623                                               M089400200046 
 21.1400     1.2307                                               M089400200047 
 21.4841     1.2533                                               M089400200048 
 21.8136     1.2513                                               M089400200049 
 22.1428     1.2129                                               M089400200050 
 22.4431     1.1527                                               M089400200051 
 22.7433     1.0740                                               M089400200052 
 22.9863     1.0109                                               M089400200053 
 23.2579     0.9514                                               M089400200054 
 23.5582     0.8953                                               M089400200055 
 23.8441     0.8426                                               M089400200056 
 24.1299     0.7851                                               M089400200057 
 24.4876     0.7459                                               M089400200058 
 24.7309     0.7233                                               M089400200059 
 24.9600     0.7154                                               M089400200060 
ENDDATA             49          0                                 M089400200061 
ENDSUBENT           60          0                                 M089400299999 
SUBENT        M0894003   20170327                             M088M089400300001 
BIB                  4          5                                 M089400300002 
REACTION   (23-V-51(G,A)21-SC-47,,SIG,,BRS)                       M089400300003 
SAMPLE     (23-V-51,ENR=0.9975) V2O5.                             M089400300004 
STATUS     (CURVE)  Data  (curve 2) from  the  figure  on  page   M089400300005 
            2262 of IZV,55,(11),2260,1991.                        M089400300006 
HISTORY    (20170327A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS.           M089400300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 M089400300008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M089400300009 
DATA                 2         46                                 M089400300010 
EN         DATA                                                   M089400300011 
MEV        MB                                                     M089400300012 
 15.5254     0.0010                                               M089400300013 
 15.6137     0.0013                                               M089400300014 
 15.7307     0.0016                                               M089400300015 
 15.8338     0.0021                                               M089400300016 
 15.9367     0.0028                                               M089400300017 
 16.0398     0.0037                                               M089400300018 
 16.1568     0.0047                                               M089400300019 
 16.2449     0.0058                                               M089400300020 
 16.3623     0.0078                                               M089400300021 
 16.4507     0.0100                                               M089400300022 
 16.5680     0.0131                                               M089400300023 
 16.6707     0.0168                                               M089400300024 
 16.7883     0.0226                                               M089400300025 
 16.9057     0.0301                                               M089400300026 
 17.0373     0.0393                                               M089400300027 
 17.1690     0.0523                                               M089400300028 
 17.3150     0.0690                                               M089400300029 
 17.4754     0.0918                                               M089400300030 
 17.6212     0.1187                                               M089400300031 
 17.7672     0.1565                                               M089400300032 
 17.9274     0.2022                                               M089400300033 
 18.0872     0.2537                                               M089400300034 
 18.2901     0.3215                                               M089400300035 
 18.5071     0.3992                                               M089400300036 
 18.6951     0.4767                                               M089400300037 
 18.9115     0.5524                                               M089400300038 
 19.1277     0.6338                                               M089400300039 
 19.4012     0.7199                                               M089400300040 
 19.6600     0.7939                                               M089400300041 
 19.9473     0.8581                                               M089400300042 
 20.2776     0.9274                                               M089400300043 
 20.5930     0.9445                                               M089400300044 
 20.8938     0.9339                                               M089400300045 
 21.2231     0.9142                                               M089400300046 
 21.5379     0.8774                                               M089400300047 
 21.8382     0.8339                                               M089400300048 
 22.1817     0.8002                                               M089400300049 
 22.4818     0.7456                                               M089400300050 
 22.8109     0.7085                                               M089400300051 
 23.1542     0.6732                                               M089400300052 
 23.4689     0.6398                                               M089400300053 
 23.8122     0.6079                                               M089400300054 
 24.1555     0.5719                                               M089400300055 
 24.4701     0.5381                                               M089400300056 
 24.7989     0.5014                                               M089400300057 
 25.1278     0.4717                                               M089400300058 
ENDDATA             48          0                                 M089400300059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 M089400399999 
SUBENT        M0894004   20170327                             M088M089400400001 
BIB                  4          5                                 M089400400002 
REACTION   (41-NB-93(G,A)39-Y-89-M,,SIG,,BRS)                     M089400400003 
SAMPLE     (41-NB-93,NAT=1.00) NBO.                               M089400400004 
STATUS     (CURVE)  Data  (curve 3) from  the  figure  on  page   M089400400005 
            2262 of IZV,55,(11),2260,1991.                        M089400400006 
HISTORY    (20170327A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SAMPLE, STATUS.   M089400400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 M089400400008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M089400400009 
DATA                 2         45                                 M089400400010 
EN         DATA                                                   M089400400011 
MEV        MB                                                     M089400400012 
 14.0068     0.0010                                               M089400400013 
 14.1946     0.0012                                               M089400400014 
 14.3827     0.0014                                               M089400400015 
 14.5708     0.0017                                               M089400400016 
 14.8025     0.0022                                               M089400400017 
 14.9909     0.0027                                               M089400400018 
 15.1792     0.0033                                               M089400400019 
 15.3672     0.0040                                               M089400400020 
 15.5704     0.0052                                               M089400400021 
 15.8165     0.0068                                               M089400400022 
 16.0194     0.0086                                               M089400400023 
 16.2369     0.0111                                               M089400400024 
 16.3965     0.0137                                               M089400400025 
 16.5416     0.0165                                               M089400400026 
 16.7445     0.0209                                               M089400400027 
 16.9042     0.0257                                               M089400400028 
 17.1071     0.0325                                               M089400400029 
 17.2952     0.0396                                               M089400400030 
 17.4834     0.0483                                               M089400400031 
 17.6859     0.0582                                               M089400400032 
 17.8736     0.0674                                               M089400400033 
 18.0756     0.0781                                               M089400400034 
 18.2776     0.0906                                               M089400400035 
 18.5655     0.1039                                               M089400400036 
 18.8102     0.1169                                               M089400400037 
 19.0835     0.1301                                               M089400400038 
 19.4282     0.1420                                               M089400400039 
 19.7871     0.1535                                               M089400400040 
 20.0452     0.1563                                               M089400400041 
 20.3603     0.1546                                               M089400400042 
 20.5893     0.1514                                               M089400400043 
 20.9612     0.1424                                               M089400400044 
 21.2616     0.1353                                               M089400400045 
 21.5334     0.1299                                               M089400400046 
 21.9052     0.1210                                               M089400400047 
 22.1483     0.1162                                               M089400400048 
 22.5203     0.1104                                               M089400400049 
 22.8922     0.1038                                               M089400400050 
 23.2642     0.0986                                               M089400400051 
 23.6077     0.0947                                               M089400400052 
 23.9225     0.0909                                               M089400400053 
 24.2226     0.0847                                               M089400400054 
 24.5516     0.0796                                               M089400400055 
 24.7659     0.0750                                               M089400400056 
 24.9940     0.0672                                               M089400400057 
ENDDATA             47          0                                 M089400400058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 M089400499999 
SUBENT        M0894005   20170327                             M088M089400500001 
BIB                  4          5                                 M089400500002 
REACTION   (32-GE-76(G,A)30-ZN-72,,SIG,,BRS)                      M089400500003 
SAMPLE     (32-GE-76,ENR=0.76) GEO.                               M089400500004 
STATUS     (CURVE)  Data  (curve 4) from  the  figure  on  page   M089400500005 
            2262 of IZV,55,(11),2260,1991.                        M089400500006 
HISTORY    (20170327A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS.           M089400500007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 M089400500008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M089400500009 
DATA                 2         36                                 M089400500010 
EN         DATA                                                   M089400500011 
MEV        MB                                                     M089400500012 
 16.0270     0.0010                                               M089400500013 
 16.1435     0.0012                                               M089400500014 
 16.3180     0.0016                                               M089400500015 
 16.4922     0.0020                                               M089400500016 
 16.6523     0.0026                                               M089400500017 
 16.8267     0.0033                                               M089400500018 
 17.0160     0.0045                                               M089400500019 
 17.1910     0.0062                                               M089400500020 
 17.3653     0.0079                                               M089400500021 
 17.5257     0.0105                                               M089400500022 
 17.7142     0.0132                                               M089400500023 
 17.8884     0.0165                                               M089400500024 
 18.1345     0.0214                                               M089400500025 
 18.3518     0.0273                                               M089400500026 
 18.6117     0.0336                                               M089400500027 
 18.8425     0.0393                                               M089400500028 
 19.0444     0.0451                                               M089400500029 
 19.3182     0.0528                                               M089400500030 
 19.5915     0.0594                                               M089400500031 
 19.8648     0.0661                                               M089400500032 
 20.1957     0.0759                                               M089400500033 
 20.4832     0.0836                                               M089400500034 
 20.7419     0.0913                                               M089400500035 
 21.0292     0.0987                                               M089400500036 
 21.3163     0.1046                                               M089400500037 
 21.7610     0.1108                                               M089400500038 
 22.1193     0.1117                                               M089400500039 
 22.5203     0.1104                                               M089400500040 
 22.9073     0.1124                                               M089400500041 
 23.2366     0.1089                                               M089400500042 
 23.5374     0.1088                                               M089400500043 
 23.8524     0.1065                                               M089400500044 
 24.1530     0.1042                                               M089400500045 
 24.4681     0.1031                                               M089400500046 
 24.7974     0.1009                                               M089400500047 
 25.0694     0.0988                                               M089400500048 
ENDDATA             38          0                                 M089400500049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 M089400599999 
SUBENT        M0894006   20170327                             M088M089400600001 
BIB                  4          5                                 M089400600002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-96(G,A)38-SR-92,,SIG,,BRS)                      M089400600003 
SAMPLE     (40-ZR-96,ENR=0.596) NBO.                              M089400600004 
STATUS     (CURVE)  Data )curve 5) from  the  figure  on  page    M089400600005 
            2262 of IZV,55,(11),2260,1991.                        M089400600006 
HISTORY    (20170327A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS.           M089400600007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 M089400600008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M089400600009 
DATA                 2         38                                 M089400600010 
EN         DATA                                                   M089400600011 
MEV        MB                                                     M089400600012 
 16.5284     0.0010                                               M089400600013 
 16.6157     0.0011                                               M089400600014 
 16.7608     0.0014                                               M089400600015 
 16.9060     0.0017                                               M089400600016 
 17.0513     0.0021                                               M089400600017 
 17.2111     0.0026                                               M089400600018 
 17.3710     0.0033                                               M089400600019 
 17.5310     0.0042                                               M089400600020 
 17.6909     0.0053                                               M089400600021 
 17.8796     0.0068                                               M089400600022 
 18.0687     0.0090                                               M089400600023 
 18.2575     0.0117                                               M089400600024 
 18.4172     0.0145                                               M089400600025 
 18.5915     0.0186                                               M089400600026 
 18.8377     0.0242                                               M089400600027 
 19.0690     0.0298                                               M089400600028 
 19.2714     0.0359                                               M089400600029 
 19.5168     0.0433                                               M089400600030 
 19.7476     0.0507                                               M089400600031 
 19.9782     0.0581                                               M089400600032 
 20.2230     0.0660                                               M089400600033 
 20.4674     0.0721                                               M089400600034 
 20.6832     0.0787                                               M089400600035 
 20.9275     0.0851                                               M089400600036 
 21.2290     0.0911                                               M089400600037 
 21.5014     0.0928                                               M089400600038 
 21.7878     0.0918                                               M089400600039 
 22.0454     0.0890                                               M089400600040 
 22.3027     0.0837                                               M089400600041 
 22.5744     0.0796                                               M089400600042 
 22.9464     0.0756                                               M089400600043 
 23.2470     0.0733                                               M089400600044 
 23.5475     0.0711                                               M089400600045 
 23.8769     0.0696                                               M089400600046 
 24.1776     0.0688                                               M089400600047 
 24.4354     0.0680                                               M089400600048 
 24.7218     0.0673                                               M089400600049 
 24.9940     0.0672                                               M089400600050 
ENDDATA             40          0                                 M089400600051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 M089400699999 
SUBENT        M0894007   20170327                             M088M089400700001 
BIB                  4          5                                 M089400700002 
REACTION   (68-ER-170(G,A)66-DY-166,,SIG,,BRS)                    M089400700003 
SAMPLE     (68-ER-170,ENR=0.98) ER2O3.                            M089400700004 
STATUS     (CURVE)  Data (curve 6) from  the  figure  on  page    M089400700005 
            2262 of IZV,55,(11),2260,1991.                        M089400700006 
HISTORY    (20170327A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS.           M089400700007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 M089400700008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M089400700009 
DATA                 2         26                                 M089400700010 
EN         DATA                                                   M089400700011 
MEV        MB                                                     M089400700012 
 19.5413     0.0010                                               M089400700013 
 19.7113     0.0013                                               M089400700014 
 19.8564     0.0015                                               M089400700015 
 20.0015     0.0018                                               M089400700016 
 20.1179     0.0022                                               M089400700017 
 20.2633     0.0028                                               M089400700018 
 20.3796     0.0033                                               M089400700019 
 20.4961     0.0039                                               M089400700020 
 20.6418     0.0050                                               M089400700021 
 20.7728     0.0062                                               M089400700022 
 20.9469     0.0078                                               M089400700023 
 21.0919     0.0093                                               M089400700024 
 21.2370     0.0112                                               M089400700025 
 21.4393     0.0133                                               M089400700026 
 21.6562     0.0162                                               M089400700027 
 21.9304     0.0200                                               M089400700028 
 22.1614     0.0238                                               M089400700029 
 22.4350     0.0274                                               M089400700030 
 22.7087     0.0320                                               M089400700031 
 22.9820     0.0356                                               M089400700032 
 23.2513     0.0397                                               M089400700033 
 23.6027     0.0430                                               M089400700034 
 23.9540     0.0454                                               M089400700035 
 24.2882     0.0464                                               M089400700036 
 24.6888     0.0458                                               M089400700037 
 24.9559     0.0452                                               M089400700038 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 M089400700039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 M089400799999 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 M089499999999