ENTRY M0926 20230405 M123M092600000001 SUBENT M0926001 20230405 M123M092600100001 BIB 10 17 M092600100002 TITLE Structure in the giant resonance of 59Co. M092600100003 AUTHOR (G.Baciu,D.Catana,C.Deberth,C.Iliescu,B.Carstoiu) M092600100004 INSTITUTE (3RUMBUC) Institute for Atomic Physics, Bucharest, M092600100005 Romania. M092600100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,167,177,1971) M092600100007 FACILITY (BETAT,3RUMBUC) 25-MeV betatron. M092600100008 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M092600100009 SAMPLE Cylindrical in shape sample of cobalt, 5.72 g/cm**2. M092600100010 DETECTOR (BF3) 4PI Halpern-type detector made of crude oil and M092600100011 six BF3 counters. M092600100012 CRITIQUE Data for integrated cross sections should be 644.8 M092600100013 MeV*mb for (g,xn) reaction and 598.7 MeV*mb for (g,sn)M092600100014 reaction but not mixed as in the article. M092600100015 HISTORY (20161213C) Data were compiled at the Russia MSU SINP M092600100016 CDFE by V.V.Varlamov. M092600100017 (20230405) Corrected by V.Varlamov: RECTION in SUBENTs M092600100018 003-006, STATUS. M0926 1 18 M092600100019 ENDBIB 17 0 M092600100020 NOCOMMON 0 0 M092600100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 M092600199999 SUBENT M0926002 20230405 M123M092600200001 BIB 6 10 M092600200002 REACTION (27-CO-59(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG,,BRS) M092600200003 The sum of the (g,n), (g,np), and 2(g,2n) reaction M092600200004 cross sections. M092600200005 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) The reaction yield curve measurement. M092600200006 ANALYSIS (UNFLD,LEAST) The least-structure method for M092600200007 unfolding of cross section from the yield curve. M092600200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-squared uncertainties. M092600200009 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 1 M092600200010 of Nucl.Phys.A,167,177,1971. M092600200011 HISTORY (20230405U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M092600200012 ENDBIB 10 0 M092600200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M092600200014 DATA 3 45 M092600200015 EN DATA DATA-ERR M092600200016 MEV MB MB M092600200017 10.852 2.994 M092600200018 11.0 4.79 M092600200019 11.221 3.523 M092600200020 11.428 5.988 M092600200021 11.738 10.18 M092600200022 12.0 9.58 M092600200023 12.185 13.772 M092600200024 12.27 13.174 M092600200025 12.369 13.772 M092600200026 12.554 13.174 M092600200027 12.812 17.366 M092600200028 13.0 15.725 M092600200029 13.048 22.527 2.036 M092600200030 14.0 28.743 M092600200031 14.487 41.916 M092600200032 15.0 62.874 3.473 M092600200033 16.0 65.928 M092600200034 16.482 79.042 M092600200035 17.0 102.994 M092600200036 17.295 119.760 3.593 M092600200037 18.0 98.802 M092600200038 18.561 77.413 M092600200039 19.0 92.216 M092600200040 19.148 102.994 5.629 M092600200041 19.406 98.802 M092600200042 19.554 94.61 M092600200043 19.701 87.425 M092600200044 19.849 82.635 M092600200045 20. 82.635 M092600200046 20.070 88.622 M092600200047 20.255 91.908 6.467 M092600200048 20.329 91.928 M092600200049 20.477 89.82 M092600200050 20.587 83.832 M092600200051 20.624 73.653 M092600200052 20.735 65.868 M092600200053 21. 62.275 M092600200054 21.148 53.892 M092600200055 21.258 50.898 M092600200056 21.424 52.096 8.144 M092600200057 21.554 51.497 M092600200058 21.709 49.7 M092600200059 21.820 47.904 M092600200060 21.924 45.509 M092600200061 22. 44.311 M092600200062 ENDDATA 47 0 M092600200063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 M092600299999 SUBENT M0926003 20230405 M123M092600300001 BIB 5 11 M092600300002 REACTION (27-CO-59(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG,,BRS) M092600300003 The sum of the (g,n), (g,np), and (g,2n) reaction M092600300004 cross sections. M092600300005 ANALYSIS Correction of (g,xn) reaction cross section for the M092600300006 neutron multiplicity using the statistical M092600300007 neutron-evaporation theory. M092600300008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-squared uncertainties. M092600300009 STATUS (DEP,M0926002) Cross section of the (g,xn) reaction. M092600300010 (CURVE) Data from Fig. 1 M092600300011 of Nucl.Phys.A,167,177,1971. M092600300012 HISTORY (20230405U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M092600300013 ENDBIB 11 0 M092600300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 M092600300015 DATA 3 44 M092600300016 EN DATA DATA-ERR M092600300017 MEV MB MB M092600300018 10.852 2.994 M092600300019 11.0 4.79 M092600300020 11.221 3.523 M092600300021 11.428 5.988 M092600300022 11.738 10.18 M092600300023 12.0 9.58 M092600300024 12.185 13.772 M092600300025 12.27 13.174 M092600300026 12.369 13.772 M092600300027 12.554 13.174 M092600300028 12.812 17.366 M092600300029 13.0 15.725 M092600300030 13.048 22.527 2.036 M092600300031 14.0 28.743 M092600300032 14.487 41.916 M092600300033 15.0 62.874 3.473 M092600300034 16.0 65.928 M092600300035 16.482 79.042 M092600300036 17.0 102.994 M092600300037 17.295 119.760 3.593 M092600300038 18.0 98.802 M092600300039 18.561 77.413 M092600300040 19.0 92.216 M092600300041 19.148 102.994 5.629 M092600300042 19.406 96.407 M092600300043 19.554 87.425 M092600300044 19.701 78.443 M092600300045 19.849 71.856 M092600300046 20.070 71.86 M092600300047 20.255 72.455 M092600300048 20.329 69.162 M092600300049 20.477 67.066 M092600300050 20.587 59.281 M092600300051 20.624 53.222 M092600300052 20.735 45.509 M092600300053 21. 38.946 M092600300054 21.148 35.928 M092600300055 21.258 31.449 M092600300056 21.424 32.934 M092600300057 21.554 30.563 M092600300058 21.709 29.868 M092600300059 21.820 27.545 M092600300060 21.924 25.15 M092600300061 22. 23.353 M092600300062 ENDDATA 46 0 M092600300063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 M092600399999 SUBENT M0926004 20230405 M123M092600400001 BIB 4 8 M092600400002 REACTION (27-CO-59(G,X)0-NN-1,,INT,,BRS) M092600400003 The sum of the (g,n), (g,np), and 2(g,2n) reaction M092600400004 cross sections. M092600400005 ERR-ANALYS No information. M092600400006 STATUS (DEP,M0926002) Cross section of (g,xn) reaction. M092600400007 (TABLE) Data from the text M092600400008 of Nucl.Phys.A,167,177,1971. M092600400009 HISTORY (20230405U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, STATUS. M092600400010 ENDBIB 8 0 M092600400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 M092600400012 DATA 2 1 M092600400013 EN-MAX DATA M092600400014 MEV MB*MEV M092600400015 22.0 644.8 M092600400016 ENDDATA 3 0 M092600400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 M092600499999 SUBENT M0926005 20230405 M123M092600500001 BIB 4 8 M092600500002 REACTION (27-CO-59(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,INT,,BRS) M092600500003 The sum of the (g,n), (g,np), and (g,2n) reaction M092600500004 cross sections. M092600500005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-squared uncertainties. M092600500006 STATUS (DEP,M0926003) Cross section of (g,sn) reaction. M092600500007 (TABLE) Data from the text M092600500008 of Nucl.Phys.A,167,177,1971. M092600500009 HISTORY (20230405U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, STATUS. M092600500010 ENDBIB 8 0 M092600500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 M092600500012 DATA 3 1 M092600500013 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR M092600500014 MEV MB*MEV MB*MEV M092600500015 22.0 598.7 .9 M092600500016 ENDDATA 3 0 M092600500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 M092600599999 SUBENT M0926006 20230405 M123M092600600001 BIB 6 12 M092600600002 REACTION (27-CO-59(G,2N)27-CO-57,,INT,,BRS) M092600600003 ANALYSIS Correction of (g,xn) reaction cross section for the M092600600004 neutron multiplicity using the statistical M092600600005 neutron-evaporation theory. M092600600006 COMMENT Really this is the difference between (g,xn) and (g,sn)M092600600007 reactions integrated cross section data. M092600600008 ERR-ANALYS No information. M092600600009 STATUS (DEP,M0926002) Cross section of (g,xn) reaction. M092600600010 (DEP,M0926003) Cross section of (g,sn) reaction M092600600011 (TABLE) Data from the text M092600600012 of Nucl.Phys.A,167,177,1971. M092600600013 HISTORY (20230405U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, STATUS. M092600600014 ENDBIB 12 0 M092600600015 NOCOMMON 0 0 M092600600016 DATA 2 1 M092600600017 EN-MAX DATA M092600600018 MEV MB*MEV M092600600019 22.0 46.1 M092600600020 ENDDATA 3 0 M092600600021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 M092600699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 M092699999999