ENTRY M0964 20250108 M135M0964 0 1 SUBENT M0964001 20250108 M135M0964 1 1 BIB 11 35 M0964 1 2 TITLE Photodisintegration of 6Li into 3He and 3H by M0964 1 3 linearly polarized photons. M0964 1 4 AUTHOR (N.A.Burkova,Yu.V.Vladimirov,V.B.Ganenko, M0964 1 5 V.A.Gushchin,I.G.Evseev,Yu.V.Zhebrovskij, M0964 1 6 M.A.Zhusupov,L.Ya.Kolesnikov,V.P.Likhachev, M0964 1 7 S.A.Pashchuk,A.L.Rubashkin,G.A.Savitskij, M0964 1 8 P.V.Sorokin,V.M.Khvastunov,R.A.Ehramzhyan) M0964 1 9 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,223,136,1989) M0964 1 10 #doi:10.1016/0370-2693(89)90228-1 M0964 1 11 INSTITUTE (4UKRKFT) M0964 1 12 FACILITY (LINAC,4UKRKFT) 2000 MeV electron linac of the M0964 1 13 Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology. M0964 1 14 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) M0964 1 15 INC-SOURCE (BRST) The linearly polarized photons were produced M0964 1 16 by coherent bremsstrahlung of 600 MeV electrons in a M0964 1 17 diamond crystal, 0.3 mm and 2 mm thick. M0964 1 18 DETECTOR (COIN,SIBAR) In the two-arm experiment the reaction M0964 1 19 products were registered in coincidence by two M0964 1 20 silicon surface barrier detectors (SBD) located M0964 1 21 on both sides. M0964 1 22 (TELES,SIBAR) In the one-arm measurements, the M0964 1 23 particles were detected by a telescope consisting of M0964 1 24 two SBD operating in deltaE x E regime. M0964 1 25 SAMPLE (3-LI-6,ENR=0.90) Target consists of self-supporting M0964 1 26 isotopically enriched (90%) foils of 6LI that was M0964 1 27 40 micron thick. M0964 1 28 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors are presented. M0964 1 29 (ERR-1,0.,5.) The systematic error in A value M0964 1 30 dependent on the accuracy of polarization Pc in the M0964 1 31 coherent part of the photon spectrum was better than M0964 1 32 5%. M0964 1 33 HISTORY (20171211C) Data were compiled at the Russia MSU SINP M0964 1 34 CDFE by V.Varlamov. M0964 1 35 (20250108A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DOI, SAMPLE, M0964 1 36 STATUS. M0964 1 37 ENDBIB 35 0 M0964 1 38 COMMON 1 3 M0964 1 39 ANG M0964 1 40 ADEG M0964 1 41 90.0 M0964 1 42 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M0964 1 43 ENDSUBENT 42 0 M0964 199999 SUBENT M0964002 20250108 M135M0964 2 1 BIB 4 6 M0964 2 2 REACTION (3-LI-6(G,T)2-HE-3,,POL/DA,,ASY/PP) M0964 2 3 Polarized photon single-arm measurements. M0964 2 4 FLAG (1.) Two-arm measurements. M0964 2 5 STATUS (CURVE,,N.A.Burkova+,J,PL/B,223,136,1989) M0964 2 6 Data from Fig. 3. M0964 2 7 HISTORY (20250108U) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS. M0964 2 8 ENDBIB 6 0 M0964 2 9 NOCOMMON 0 0 M0964 2 10 DATA 5 12 M0964 2 11 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-S FLAG M0964 2 12 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM M0964 2 13 22.571 28.143 -0.874 0.090 1. M0964 2 14 27.929 35.429 -0.979 0.144 1. M0964 2 15 35.000 42.286 -0.977 0.047 1. M0964 2 16 36.071 40.050 -1.058 0.199 M0964 2 17 40.353 42.928 -0.808 0.090 M0964 2 18 42.286 45.286 -0.905 0.111 M0964 2 19 44.643 47.000 -0.742 0.134 M0964 2 20 47.429 50.429 -0.842 0.105 M0964 2 21 50.214 53.214 -0.611 0.107 M0964 2 22 52.786 56.264 -0.436 0.136 M0964 2 23 57.286 61.785 -0.621 0.142 M0964 2 24 61.785 70.357 -0.911 0.328 M0964 2 25 ENDDATA 14 0 M0964 2 26 ENDSUBENT 25 0 M0964 299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M096499999999