ENTRY            M0969   20181019                             M098M096900000001 
SUBENT        M0969001   20181019                             M098M096900100001 
BIB                 10         53                                 M096900100002 
TITLE      The analysis and evaluation by the method of reduction M096900100003 
            of  total  photoneutron  reaction  cross sections in  M096900100004 
            the range of giant dipole resonance.                  M096900100005 
AUTHOR     (V.V.Varlamov,N.G.Efimkin,B.S.Ishkhanov,V.V.Sapunenko, M096900100006 
           M.E.Stepanov)                                          M096900100007 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSMOS)                                              M096900100008 
REFERENCE  (R,MSU-INP-1993-8/300,1993)                            M096900100009 
           ((J,YK,,(1),52,1993)=(R,INDC(CCP)-371,52,1993))        M096900100010 
           (R,INDC(CCP)-393,1,1995)                               M096900100011 
            English translation of YK,,(1),52,1993.               M096900100012 
INC-SOURCE (BRST)                                                 M096900100013 
           (QMPH,ARAD)                                            M096900100014 
ANALYSIS   (REDUC) The method based on the method of reduction is M096900100015 
            proposed for  the  evaluation  of  the   photonuclear M096900100016 
            reaction cross   sections   have   been  obtained  at M096900100017 
            significant systematic    uncertainties    (different M096900100018 
            apparatus functions,  calibration  and  normalization M096900100019 
            uncertainties).                                       M096900100020 
           The main criterium used in  analysis was similarity of M096900100021 
            the generalized features of initial  cross  sections, M096900100022 
            such  as  integrated  cross  sections  and centres of M096900100023 
            gravity,  to their  weighted-mean  values.  The  main M096900100024 
            principle   used   for   analyzing  and  reducing  of M096900100025 
            systematic  discrepancies  between  the   results  of M096900100026 
            different   experiments   was   some   transformation M096900100027 
            (recalibration- correction of  the  scale  in  energy M096900100028 
            axis,  renormalization-correction  of  the  scale  in M096900100029 
            cross section axis)  of  initial  cross sections with M096900100030 
            that  aim   of   forming   the   best   agreement  of M096900100031 
            generalized characteristics.                          M096900100032 
           Initial cross sections whose generalized features were M096900100033 
            too different  from  the  weighted-mean  values  (the M096900100034 
            systematic  errors  were  too high) were rejected and M096900100035 
            the entire procedure was repeated.                    M096900100036 
           The set  of cross section values  that  have satisfied M096900100037 
            all the selection criteria,  was used to evaluate the M096900100038 
            cross sections and their errors by means of reduction M096900100039 
            method.                                               M096900100040 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean root-square errors are given.          M096900100041 
STATUS     (APRVD) By V.V.Varlamov.                               M096900100042 
COMMENT    The  evaluation  method  consists  of using  the  real M096900100043 
            apparatus function  (effective  photon  spectrum)  of M096900100044 
            each  individual  experiment  to reduce the data to a M096900100045 
            representation generated by an apparatus function  of M096900100046 
            better   quality.   The  most  reasonably  achievable M096900100047 
            monoenergetic representation of the information about M096900100048 
            cross   section  contained  in  different  experiment M096900100049 
            observables was founded with taking into account  the M096900100050 
            experimental   uncertainties   of   calibration   and M096900100051 
            normalization procedures.                             M096900100052 
HISTORY    (20180427C)  Data were compiled at the Russia MSU SINP M096900100053 
            CDFE by V.Varlamov.                                   M096900100054 
           (20181019A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS.           M096900100055 
ENDBIB              53          0                                 M096900100056 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M096900100057 
ENDSUBENT           56          0                                 M096900199999 
SUBENT        M0969002   20180427                             M096M096900200001 
BIB                  4         11                                 M096900200002 
REACTION   (14-SI-28(G,N)14-SI-27,,SIG,,,EVAL)                    M096900200003 
COMMENT    The total photonuclear cross section (gamma,xn) =      M096900200004 
            ((gamma,n) + (gamma,n+p) + 2 (gamma,2n)  +  ...) was  M096900200005 
            evaluated but the threshold of  reaction (gamma,n+p)  M096900200006 
            is 24.6 MeV and that of (gamma,2n) - 30.5 MeV.        M096900200007 
           Data were published in MSU INP preprint-93-8/300,1993. M096900200008 
REL-REF    (E,L0039018,A.Veyssiere+,J,NP/A,227,513,1974)          M096900200009 
           (E,L0004002,J.T.Caldwell+,J,PL,6,213,1963)             M096900200010 
           (E,L0055002,R.E.Pywell+,J,PR/C,27,960,1983)            M096900200011 
           (E,M0397002,B.I.Goryachev+,J,YF,2,1168,1968)           M096900200012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in Fig. 15.                     M096900200013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 M096900200014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M096900200015 
DATA                 3        188                                 M096900200016 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    M096900200017 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M096900200018 
  16.73      -0.013      0.300                                    M096900200019 
  16.75       0.036      0.275                                    M096900200020 
  16.82       0.138      0.300                                    M096900200021 
  16.86       0.137      0.287                                    M096900200022 
  16.94       0.078      0.281                                    M096900200023 
  16.98       0.093      0.287                                    M096900200024 
  17.06       0.295      0.258                                    M096900200025 
  17.10       0.481      0.301                                    M096900200026 
  17.14       0.723      0.254                                    M096900200027 
  17.22       1.291      0.291                                    M096900200028 
  17.26       1.557      0.277                                    M096900200029 
  17.34       2.010      0.274                                    M096900200030 
  17.38       2.118      0.298                                    M096900200031 
  17.50       2.218      0.305                                    M096900200032 
  17.62       3.139      0.290                                    M096900200033 
  17.66       3.312      0.293                                    M096900200034 
  17.74       3.554      0.266                                    M096900200035 
  17.78       4.055      0.310                                    M096900200036 
  17.82       4.961      0.261                                    M096900200037 
  17.90       6.909      0.304                                    M096900200038 
  17.94       7.222      0.282                                    M096900200039 
  18.02       6.870      0.286                                    M096900200040 
  18.06       6.862      0.309                                    M096900200041 
  18.14       7.451      0.264                                    M096900200042 
  18.18       7.468      0.313                                    M096900200043 
  18.22       7.032      0.267                                    M096900200044 
  18.30       5.622      0.304                                    M096900200045 
  18.34       5.330      0.302                                    M096900200046 
  18.42       5.974      0.276                                    M096900200047 
  18.46       6.587      0.312                                    M096900200048 
  18.50       7.277      0.258                                    M096900200049 
  18.58       8.878      0.313                                    M096900200050 
  18.62       9.682      0.287                                    M096900200051 
  18.70      11.07       0.295                                    M096900200052 
  18.74      11.50       0.318                                    M096900200053 
  18.86      11.38       0.323                                    M096900200054 
  18.90      10.96       0.275                                    M096900200055 
  18.98       9.985      0.315                                    M096900200056 
  19.02       9.673      0.312                                    M096900200057 
  19.10       9.658      0.294                                    M096900200058 
  19.14       9.897      0.325                                    M096900200059 
  19.26      10.79       0.330                                    M096900200060 
  19.30      10.77       0.299                                    M096900200061 
  19.38      10.18       0.314                                    M096900200062 
  19.42       9.83       0.319                                    M096900200063 
  19.50       9.81       0.286                                    M096900200064 
  19.54      10.55       0.338                                    M096900200065 
  19.58      11.93       0.284                                    M096900200066 
  19.66      15.24       0.331                                    M096900200067 
  19.70      16.24       0.307                                    M096900200068 
  19.78      16.49       0.308                                    M096900200069 
  19.82      16.04       0.338                                    M096900200070 
  19.94      13.93       0.336                                    M096900200071 
  19.98      13.31       0.297                                    M096900200072 
  20.06      11.86       0.327                                    M096900200073 
  20.10      10.82       0.328                                    M096900200074 
  20.18       8.52       0.297                                    M096900200075 
  20.22       7.80       0.351                                    M096900200076 
  20.26       7.66       0.294                                    M096900200077 
  20.34       8.98       0.348                                    M096900200078 
  20.38      10.12       0.320                                    M096900200079 
  20.46      12.61       0.342                                    M096900200080 
  20.50      13.65       0.354                                    M096900200081 
  20.62      15.20       0.523                                    M096900200082 
  20.66      15.41       0.425                                    M096900200083 
  20.74      15.66       0.521                                    M096900200084 
  20.78      15.73       0.515                                    M096900200085 
  20.86      15.61       0.483                                    M096900200086 
  20.90      15.29       0.542                                    M096900200087 
  21.02      14.18       0.547                                    M096900200088 
  21.06      14.33       0.500                                    M096900200089 
  21.14      15.01       0.507                                    M096900200090 
  21.18      14.92       0.534                                    M096900200091 
  21.30      13.08       0.560                                    M096900200092 
  21.34      12.78       0.468                                    M096900200093 
  21.42      12.71       0.547                                    M096900200094 
  21.46      12.52       0.542                                    M096900200095 
  21.54      11.70       0.508                                    M096900200096 
  21.58      11.37       0.570                                    M096900200097 
  21.70      10.96       0.579                                    M096900200098 
  21.74      10.63       0.524                                    M096900200099 
  21.82       9.379      0.551                                    M096900200100 
  21.86       8.633      0.565                                    M096900200101 
  21.98       7.378      0.598                                    M096900200102 
  22.02       7.635      0.499                                    M096900200103 
  22.10       8.708      0.588                                    M096900200104 
  22.14       9.087      0.546                                    M096900200105 
  22.22       9.148      0.546                                    M096900200106 
  22.26       8.936      0.603                                    M096900200107 
  22.38       8.479      0.612                                    M096900200108 
  22.42       8.652      0.519                                    M096900200109 
  22.50       9.118      0.587                                    M096900200110 
  22.54       9.100      0.594                                    M096900200111 
  22.62       8.453      0.530                                    M096900200112 
  22.66       8.068      0.614                                    M096900200113 
  22.66       8.159      0.328                                    M096900200114 
  22.74       7.742      0.315                                    M096900200115 
  22.82       7.596      0.317                                    M096900200116 
  22.90       7.594      0.322                                    M096900200117 
  22.98       7.598      0.320                                    M096900200118 
  23.06       7.628      0.336                                    M096900200119 
  23.14       7.715      0.307                                    M096900200120 
  23.22       7.736      0.339                                    M096900200121 
  23.30       7.595      0.333                                    M096900200122 
  23.38       7.402      0.314                                    M096900200123 
  23.46       7.314      0.345                                    M096900200124 
  23.54       7.278      0.322                                    M096900200125 
  23.62       7.061      0.346                                    M096900200126 
  23.70       6.654      0.330                                    M096900200127 
  23.78       6.421      0.337                                    M096900200128 
  23.86       6.596      0.347                                    M096900200129 
  23.94       6.848      0.331                                    M096900200130 
  24.02       6.621      0.359                                    M096900200131 
  24.10       6.076      0.325                                    M096900200132 
  24.18       6.102      0.361                                    M096900200133 
  24.26       6.684      0.363                                    M096900200134 
  24.34       6.799      0.363                                    M096900200135 
  24.42       6.498      0.491                                    M096900200136 
  24.50       6.488      0.452                                    M096900200137 
  24.58       6.376      0.486                                    M096900200138 
  24.66       5.977      0.468                                    M096900200139 
  24.74       6.089      0.483                                    M096900200140 
  24.82       6.364      0.506                                    M096900200141 
  24.90       5.903      0.452                                    M096900200142 
  24.98       5.653      0.516                                    M096900200143 
  25.06       6.359      0.491                                    M096900200144 
  25.14       6.631      0.483                                    M096900200145 
  25.22       5.905      0.513                                    M096900200146 
  25.30       5.499      0.487                                    M096900200147 
  25.38       5.802      0.526                                    M096900200148 
  25.46       5.912      0.500                                    M096900200149 
  25.54       5.586      0.508                                    M096900200150 
  25.62       5.404      0.518                                    M096900200151 
  25.70       5.648      0.505                                    M096900200152 
  25.78       5.918      0.548                                    M096900200153 
  25.86       5.771      0.476                                    M096900200154 
  25.94       5.371      0.560                                    M096900200155 
  26.02       5.196      0.538                                    M096900200156 
  26.10       5.414      0.503                                    M096900200157 
  26.18       5.717      0.549                                    M096900200158 
  26.26       5.761      0.498                                    M096900200159 
  26.34       5.552      0.568                                    M096900200160 
  26.42       5.368      0.442                                    M096900200161 
  26.50       5.325      0.666                                    M096900200162 
  26.59       5.373      0.669                                    M096900200163 
  26.68       5.426      0.449                                    M096900200164 
  26.74       5.423      0.487                                    M096900200165 
  26.81       5.342      0.419                                    M096900200166 
  26.90       5.195      0.369                                    M096900200167 
  26.98       5.043      0.472                                    M096900200168 
  27.06       4.896      0.443                                    M096900200169 
  27.14       4.706      0.348                                    M096900200170 
  27.23       4.530      0.440                                    M096900200171 
  27.30       4.464      0.480                                    M096900200172 
  27.37       4.501      0.372                                    M096900200173 
  27.47       4.589      0.396                                    M096900200174 
  27.54       4.660      0.492                                    M096900200175 
  27.61       4.707      0.421                                    M096900200176 
  27.70       4.749      0.362                                    M096900200177 
  27.78       4.780      0.476                                    M096900200178 
  27.86       4.790      0.471                                    M096900200179 
  27.94       4.781      0.361                                    M096900200180 
  28.03       4.753      0.434                                    M096900200181 
  28.10       4.690      0.501                                    M096900200182 
  28.17       4.559      0.400                                    M096900200183 
  28.26       4.373      0.380                                    M096900200184 
  28.34       4.249      0.496                                    M096900200185 
  28.41       4.247      0.463                                    M096900200186 
  28.50       4.342      0.364                                    M096900200187 
  28.59       4.468      0.463                                    M096900200188 
  28.66       4.567      0.507                                    M096900200189 
  28.74       4.657      0.394                                    M096900200190 
  28.82       4.742      0.416                                    M096900200191 
  28.90       4.785      0.519                                    M096900200192 
  28.97       4.765      0.446                                    M096900200193 
  29.06       4.696      0.379                                    M096900200194 
  29.14       4.607      0.497                                    M096900200195 
  29.22       4.500      0.499                                    M096900200196 
  29.30       4.343      0.381                                    M096900200197 
  29.39       4.178      0.444                                    M096900200198 
  29.46       4.095      0.529                                    M096900200199 
  29.53       4.108      0.434                                    M096900200200 
  29.61       4.184      0.396                                    M096900200201 
  29.69       4.266      0.520                                    M096900200202 
  29.78       4.324      0.496                                    M096900200203 
  29.89       4.368      0.374                                    M096900200204 
  29.98       4.399      0.453                                    M096900200205 
  30.02       4.415      0.530                                    M096900200206 
ENDDATA            190          0                                 M096900200207 
ENDSUBENT          206          0                                 M096900299999 
SUBENT        M0969003   20181019                             M098M096900300001 
BIB                  5         18                                 M096900300002 
REACTION   ((59-PR-141(G,N)59-PR-140,,SIG,,,EVAL)+                M096900300003 
           (59-PR-141(G,N+P)58-CE-139,,SIG,,,EVAL))               M096900300004 
COMMENT    The total photonuclear cross section (gamma,xn) =      M096900300005 
            ((gamma,n) + (gamma,n+p) + 2 (gamma,2n)  +  ...)  was M096900300006 
            evaluated   but  the   threshold  of   (gamma,n+p) is M096900300007 
            14.4 MeV and that of reaction (gamma,2n) - 17.3 MeV.  M096900300008 
           Data were published in MSU INP preprint-93-8/300,1993. M096900300009 
REL-REF    (E,L0009005,R.L.Bramblett+,J,PR,148,1198,1966)         M096900300010 
           (E,L0020002,R.E.Sund+,J,PR/C,2,1129,1970)              M096900300011 
           (E,L0024011,H.Beil+,J,NP/A,172,426,1971)               M096900300012 
           (E,L0057008,B.L.Berman+,J,PR/C,36,1286,1987)           M096900300013 
           (E,L0059003,L.M.Young,T,YOUNG,1972)                    M096900300014 
           (E,M0398002,T.K.Deague+,J,NP/A,191,305,1972)           M096900300015 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in Fig. 16.                     M096900300016 
           (SPSDD,M0938003) Data evaluated by new method based    M096900300017 
            on using the objective physical criteria of data      M096900300018 
            reliability (F-ratios).                               M096900300019 
HISTORY    (20181019A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS.           M096900300020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 M096900300021 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M096900300022 
DATA                 3        284                                 M096900300023 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    M096900300024 
MEV        MB         MB                                          M096900300025 
   9.214      2.083      2.920                                    M096900300026 
   9.227      1.223      2.176                                    M096900300027 
   9.233      1.143      2.174                                    M096900300028 
   9.240      1.319      2.034                                    M096900300029 
   9.253      1.675      1.780                                    M096900300030 
   9.272      2.276      1.452                                    M096900300031 
   9.301      3.243      1.243                                    M096900300032 
   9.340      4.713      1.506                                    M096900300033 
   9.387      6.760      2.021                                    M096900300034 
   9.433      9.276      2.229                                    M096900300035 
   9.470     11.970      1.949                                    M096900300036 
   9.497     14.470      1.663                                    M096900300037 
   9.518     16.490      1.908                                    M096900300038 
   9.538     17.810      2.201                                    M096900300039 
   9.561     18.430      2.091                                    M096900300040 
   9.590     18.530      1.714                                    M096900300041 
   9.623     18.380      1.681                                    M096900300042 
   9.659     18.350      2.098                                    M096900300043 
   9.693     18.740      2.301                                    M096900300044 
   9.725     19.710      2.036                                    M096900300045 
   9.755     21.190      1.721                                    M096900300046 
   9.783     23.010      1.950                                    M096900300047 
   9.810     24.940      2.313                                    M096900300048 
   9.838     26.850      2.255                                    M096900300049 
   9.867     28.660      1.872                                    M096900300050 
   9.898     30.240      1.833                                    M096900300051 
   9.930     31.330      2.271                                    M096900300052 
   9.961     31.710      2.462                                    M096900300053 
   9.991     31.360      2.135                                    M096900300054 
   10.02     30.610      1.760                                    M096900300055 
   10.05     29.980      2.031                                    M096900300056 
   10.08     30.080      2.476                                    M096900300057 
   10.11     31.220      2.447                                    M096900300058 
   10.14     33.320      2.023                                    M096900300059 
   10.17     35.800      1.911                                    M096900300060 
   10.20     37.880      2.315                                    M096900300061 
   10.23     38.930      2.520                                    M096900300062 
   10.26     38.770      2.240                                    M096900300063 
   10.29     37.750      1.902                                    M096900300064 
   10.32     36.520      2.161                                    M096900300065 
   10.35     35.870      2.586                                    M096900300066 
   10.38     36.290      2.530                                    M096900300067 
   10.41     37.750      2.057                                    M096900300068 
   10.44     39.780      1.928                                    M096900300069 
   10.47     41.680      2.425                                    M096900300070 
   10.50     42.800      2.735                                    M096900300071 
   10.53     42.860      2.483                                    M096900300072 
   10.56     42.090      2.109                                    M096900300073 
   10.59     41.140      2.355                                    M096900300074 
   10.62     40.760      2.791                                    M096900300075 
   10.65     41.440      2.713                                    M096900300076 
   10.68     43.200      2.305                                    M096900300077 
   10.71     45.570      2.512                                    M096900300078 
   10.74     47.780      3.181                                    M096900300079 
   10.77     49.040      3.202                                    M096900300080 
   10.80     48.950      2.588                                    M096900300081 
   10.83     47.900      3.027                                    M096900300082 
   10.86     46.830      4.056                                    M096900300083 
   10.89     46.660      4.045                                    M096900300084 
   10.92     47.690      3.741                                    M096900300085 
   10.95     49.340      4.239                                    M096900300086 
   10.98     50.780      4.065                                    M096900300087 
   11.01     51.600      3.670                                    M096900300088 
   11.04     51.970      4.762                                    M096900300089 
   11.07     52.320      5.274                                    M096900300090 
   11.10     52.840      4.525                                    M096900300091 
   11.13     53.470      4.451                                    M096900300092 
   11.16     54.060      5.109                                    M096900300093 
   11.19     54.530      4.938                                    M096900300094 
   11.22     54.830      4.264                                    M096900300095 
   11.25     54.850      4.348                                    M096900300096 
   11.28     54.510      4.550                                    M096900300097 
   11.31     53.810      4.090                                    M096900300098 
   11.34     52.970      3.649                                    M096900300099 
   11.37     52.500      4.078                                    M096900300100 
   11.40     53.100      4.565                                    M096900300101 
   11.43     55.290      4.374                                    M096900300102 
   11.46     59.030      4.162                                    M096900300103 
   11.49     63.200      4.834                                    M096900300104 
   11.52     66.280      5.309                                    M096900300105 
   11.55     67.710      4.740                                    M096900300106 
   11.58     67.890      3.885                                    M096900300107 
   11.61     67.360      4.110                                    M096900300108 
   11.64     66.380      4.912                                    M096900300109 
   11.67     64.830      5.071                                    M096900300110 
   11.70     62.680      4.558                                    M096900300111 
   11.74     60.830      4.623                                    M096900300112 
   11.77     60.890      5.234                                    M096900300113 
   11.79     63.950      5.234                                    M096900300114 
   11.81     70.260      4.646                                    M096900300115 
   11.84     78.460      4.600                                    M096900300116 
   11.87     84.320      5.375                                    M096900300117 
   11.91     83.150      5.338                                    M096900300118 
   11.94     74.850      4.230                                    M096900300119 
   11.97     64.200      3.892                                    M096900300120 
   12.00     57.370      4.676                                    M096900300121 
   12.03     58.830      4.829                                    M096900300122 
   12.06     68.490      4.434                                    M096900300123 
   12.09     80.710      4.453                                    M096900300124 
   12.12     89.460      4.162                                    M096900300125 
   12.15     93.320      3.613                                    M096900300126 
   12.18     94.530      4.383                                    M096900300127 
   12.21     96.250      5.350                                    M096900300128 
   12.24     100.300     4.975                                    M096900300129 
   12.27     106.100     4.260                                    M096900300130 
   12.30     111.600     4.636                                    M096900300131 
   12.33     115.300     4.847                                    M096900300132 
   12.36     117.000     4.264                                    M096900300133 
   12.39     117.300     4.085                                    M096900300134 
   12.42     117.100     4.582                                    M096900300135 
   12.45     116.900     4.579                                    M096900300136 
   12.48     117.000     3.966                                    M096900300137 
   12.51     117.500     3.883                                    M096900300138 
   12.54     118.600     4.514                                    M096900300139 
   12.57     120.800     4.753                                    M096900300140 
   12.60     124.800     4.250                                    M096900300141 
   12.63     130.200     3.759                                    M096900300142 
   12.67     135.100     4.184                                    M096900300143 
   12.69     137.400     4.769                                    M096900300144 
   12.72     136.100     4.734                                    M096900300145 
   12.75     131.000     4.077                                    M096900300146 
   12.78     123.100     3.649                                    M096900300147 
   12.82     116.100     4.124                                    M096900300148 
   12.84     113.100     4.608                                    M096900300149 
   12.86     114.800     4.525                                    M096900300150 
   12.89     121.700     4.063                                    M096900300151 
   12.92     133.000     4.226                                    M096900300152 
   12.96     144.300     5.194                                    M096900300153 
   12.99     151.700     5.607                                    M096900300154 
   13.02     155.200     5.031                                    M096900300155 
   13.05     156.500     4.189                                    M096900300156 
   13.08     157.200     4.324                                    M096900300157 
   13.11     158.400     5.049                                    M096900300158 
   13.14     161.400     5.247                                    M096900300159 
   13.17     166.800     5.562                                    M096900300160 
   13.21     173.500     7.109                                    M096900300161 
   13.24     179.500     7.854                                    M096900300162 
   13.26     184.200     6.378                                    M096900300163 
   13.28     188.000     9.818                                    M096900300164 
   13.32     191.500    19.987                                    M096900300165 
   13.35     193.400    24.670                                    M096900300166 
   13.38     192.300    15.673                                    M096900300167 
   13.41     189.200     8.530                                    M096900300168 
   13.44     186.800    21.353                                    M096900300169 
   13.47     188.500    16.556                                    M096900300170 
   13.50     194.500     6.086                                    M096900300171 
   13.53     201.500    21.033                                    M096900300172 
   13.56     207.400    17.112                                    M096900300173 
   13.59     212.500     6.551                                    M096900300174 
   13.63     218.600    16.612                                    M096900300175 
   13.66     225.400    14.927                                    M096900300176 
   13.68     231.300     6.856                                    M096900300177 
   13.71     235.400    10.503                                    M096900300178 
   13.73     237.300    15.058                                    M096900300179 
   13.77     237.200    13.349                                    M096900300180 
   13.80     236.300     8.849                                    M096900300181 
   13.83     236.300     6.994                                    M096900300182 
   13.86     237.800     6.456                                    M096900300183 
   13.88     240.900     5.424                                    M096900300184 
   13.92     245.200     4.632                                    M096900300185 
   13.95     250.000     5.211                                    M096900300186 
   13.98     254.300     6.152                                    M096900300187 
   14.01     258.100     6.163                                    M096900300188 
   14.05     261.900     5.320                                    M096900300189 
   14.08     265.500     5.160                                    M096900300190 
   14.11     268.400     5.921                                    M096900300191 
   14.13     270.800     6.285                                    M096900300192 
   14.15     273.700     5.815                                    M096900300193 
   14.19     277.900     4.882                                    M096900300194 
   14.22     282.900     4.742                                    M096900300195 
   14.26     287.100     5.525                                    M096900300196 
   14.28     289.800     5.999                                    M096900300197 
   14.30     291.800     5.705                                    M096900300198 
   14.34     293.900     4.924                                    M096900300199 
   14.38     296.400     4.927                                    M096900300200 
   14.41     298.500     5.916                                    M096900300201 
   14.44     300.100     6.616                                    M096900300202 
   14.45     302.200     6.628                                    M096900300203 
   14.47     306.200     6.004                                    M096900300204 
   14.51     313.200     5.566                                    M096900300205 
   14.55     321.000     6.577                                    M096900300206 
   14.58     325.800     7.520                                    M096900300207 
   14.61     326.700     7.187                                    M096900300208 
   14.64     324.800     6.027                                    M096900300209 
   14.67     321.300     5.535                                    M096900300210 
   14.70     317.000     6.580                                    M096900300211 
   14.73     312.600     7.549                                    M096900300212 
   14.76     308.000     8.141                                    M096900300213 
   14.79     303.500    11.281                                    M096900300214 
   14.83     302.300    15.200                                    M096900300215 
   14.86     308.200    13.835                                    M096900300216 
   14.88     321.300     7.621                                    M096900300217 
   14.90     336.800    11.979                                    M096900300218 
   14.94     344.900    18.159                                    M096900300219 
   14.97     336.300    12.749                                    M096900300220 
   15.00     314.300     6.121                                    M096900300221 
   15.03     292.400    17.121                                    M096900300222 
   15.05     282.500    18.955                                    M096900300223 
   15.09     287.700    12.477                                    M096900300224 
   15.12     301.900    10.036                                    M096900300225 
   15.15     316.800    10.851                                    M096900300226 
   15.18     328.100     9.300                                    M096900300227 
   15.21     335.300     9.419                                    M096900300228 
   15.24     339.300    10.937                                    M096900300229 
   15.27     340.800    10.422                                    M096900300230 
   15.31     340.700     8.524                                    M096900300231 
   15.34     340.200     8.287                                    M096900300232 
   15.36     340.200     9.061                                    M096900300233 
   15.38     341.300     9.167                                    M096900300234 
   15.41     344.500     8.221                                    M096900300235 
   15.44     350.300     7.096                                    M096900300236 
   15.49     356.400     7.765                                    M096900300237 
   15.52     359.500     9.005                                    M096900300238 
   15.54     358.500     9.235                                    M096900300239 
   15.56     352.700     8.337                                    M096900300240 
   15.59     341.700     6.920                                    M096900300241 
   15.63     327.800     6.776                                    M096900300242 
   15.67     316.200     8.030                                    M096900300243 
   15.69     308.600     8.874                                    M096900300244 
   15.71     302.700     8.611                                    M096900300245 
   15.75     295.700     7.289                                    M096900300246 
   15.79     286.800     6.336                                    M096900300247 
   15.83     279.300     7.107                                    M096900300248 
   15.85     275.300     8.050                                    M096900300249 
   15.86     274.200     8.404                                    M096900300250 
   15.88     275.500     8.153                                    M096900300251 
   15.91     280.900     7.180                                    M096900300252 
   15.96     291.600     6.461                                    M096900300253 
   16.01     302.300     7.662                                    M096900300254 
   16.04     307.700     8.785                                    M096900300255 
   16.06     308.700     9.003                                    M096900300256 
   16.07     307.000     8.506                                    M096900300257 
   16.09     301.900     7.438                                    M096900300258 
   16.13     293.400     6.910                                    M096900300259 
   16.17     284.500     8.138                                    M096900300260 
   16.20     279.000     9.216                                    M096900300261 
   16.23     277.900     8.841                                    M096900300262 
   16.26     279.800     7.612                                    M096900300263 
   16.29     282.900     7.600                                    M096900300264 
   16.32     284.700     9.347                                    M096900300265 
   16.35     281.900    10.512                                    M096900300266 
   16.38     272.300    10.086                                    M096900300267 
   16.41     256.600     9.695                                    M096900300268 
   16.44     242.300    10.924                                    M096900300269 
   16.47     239.500    11.033                                    M096900300270 
   16.50     251.500     9.282                                    M096900300271 
   16.53     271.900    10.682                                    M096900300272 
   16.56     286.100    13.850                                    M096900300273 
   16.59     279.300    11.762                                    M096900300274 
   16.62     252.200     6.354                                    M096900300275 
   16.65     221.100     9.911                                    M096900300276 
   16.68     204.300    12.547                                    M096900300277 
   16.71     207.300    10.003                                    M096900300278 
   16.74     221.300     8.409                                    M096900300279 
   16.77     234.600     9.801                                    M096900300280 
   16.80     241.500     9.544                                    M096900300281 
   16.84     242.300     8.082                                    M096900300282 
   16.87     239.800     8.174                                    M096900300283 
   16.89     236.300     8.918                                    M096900300284 
   16.91     231.000     8.652                                    M096900300285 
   16.95     222.500     7.268                                    M096900300286 
   16.99     211.800     6.445                                    M096900300287 
   17.02     203.200     7.251                                    M096900300288 
   17.04     198.700     8.034                                    M096900300289 
   17.06     197.500     7.986                                    M096900300290 
   17.09     198.900     7.046                                    M096900300291 
   17.13     202.500     6.026                                    M096900300292 
   17.17     206.400     6.597                                    M096900300293 
   17.20     208.900     7.733                                    M096900300294 
   17.22     209.400     8.216                                    M096900300295 
   17.24     207.700     7.926                                    M096900300296 
   17.27     202.700     6.839                                    M096900300297 
   17.31     194.000     5.864                                    M096900300298 
   17.36     185.300     6.568                                    M096900300299 
   17.39     180.200     7.564                                    M096900300300 
   17.40     177.600     7.892                                    M096900300301 
   17.42     175.600     7.544                                    M096900300302 
   17.44     172.200     6.464                                    M096900300303 
   17.49     166.700     5.408                                    M096900300304 
   17.54     161.300     5.899                                    M096900300305 
   17.57     158.200     6.780                                    M096900300306 
   17.58     156.800     7.127                                    M096900300307 
   17.59     156.200     6.936                                    M096900300308 
   17.62     155.500     6.124                                    M096900300309 
ENDDATA            286          0                                 M096900300310 
ENDSUBENT          309          0                                 M096900399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 M096999999999