ENTRY M0974 20190306 M100M097400000001 SUBENT M0974001 20190306 M100M097400100001 BIB 9 31 M097400100002 TITLE New photoneutron reaction cross section data for 153Eu M097400100003 and 165Ho. M097400100004 AUTHOR (V.V.Varlamov,A.I.Davydov) M097400100005 REFERENCE (C,2018VORNZH,,97,2018) M097400100006 INSTITUTE (4RUSMOS) M097400100007 INC-SOURCE (QMPH,ARAD) M097400100008 ANALYSIS The joint analysis of data for total (gamma,xn) and M097400100009 partial (gamma,n),(gamma,2n) and (gamma,3n) reactions M097400100010 obtained in various experiments was carried out. The M097400100011 new approach to analysis of systematic disagreements M097400100012 between data was proposed on the base of new M097400100013 criteria of systematic uncertainties presence - M097400100014 specially proposed transitional multiplicity M097400100015 functions M097400100016 Fi-theor = SIG(gamma,in)/SIG(gamma,xn). M097400100017 Using these functions calculated in the frame of M097400100018 combined photonuclear reaction model new reliable M097400100019 and free from problems of neutron multiplicity M097400100020 sorting data for photoneutron partial reactions M097400100021 cross sections M097400100022 SIG-eval(gamma,in) = Fi-theor x SIG-exp(gamma,xn) M097400100023 were evaluated using experimental neutron yield M097400100024 reaction cross sections SIG-exp(gamma,xn). M097400100025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-squared errors. M097400100026 STATUS (TABLE) M097400100027 (APRVD) Approved by V.Varlamov. M097400100028 HISTORY (20180823C) Data were compiled at the Russia MSU SINP M097400100029 CDFE by V.Varlamov. M097400100030 (20190306A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SUBENTS 010 - 017 M097400100031 deleted becaus of duplication with SUBENTS M0977005 - M097400100032 M0977008 and M0977012 - M0977015, correspondingly. M097400100033 ENDBIB 31 0 M097400100034 NOCOMMON 0 0 M097400100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 M097400199999 SUBENT M0974002 20180823 M098M097400200001 BIB 3 9 M097400200002 REACTION (63-EU-153(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG,,,EVAL) M097400200003 ANALYSIS The total neutron reaction cross section obtained as M097400200004 sum: SIG(g,sn) = SIG(g,1n) + SIG(g,2n) + SIG(g,3n). M097400200005 STATUS (DEP,M0974003) M097400200006 Evaluated (g,1n) reaction cross section. M097400200007 (DEP,M0974004) M097400200008 Evaluated (g,2n) reaction cross section. M097400200009 (DEP,M0974005) M097400200010 Evaluated (g,3n) reaction cross section. M097400200011 ENDBIB 9 0 M097400200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 M097400200013 DATA 3 66 M097400200014 EN DATA DATA-ERR M097400200015 MEV MB MB M097400200016 8.8 2.66 1.99 M097400200017 9.1 25.07 8.35 M097400200018 9.4 38.71 11.51 M097400200019 9.7 52.33 12.34 M097400200020 10.0 47.60 10.60 M097400200021 10.3 68.69 13.58 M097400200022 10.7 88.07 16.87 M097400200023 11.0 115.50 21.50 M097400200024 11.3 145.30 26.42 M097400200025 11.6 176.70 29.97 M097400200026 11.9 197.50 33.29 M097400200027 12.2 228.00 38.18 M097400200028 12.5 238.80 39.78 M097400200029 12.8 239.20 39.83 M097400200030 13.1 223.50 37.31 M097400200031 13.4 222.10 37.02 M097400200032 13.7 224.90 37.42 M097400200033 14.1 214.60 36.12 M097400200034 14.4 232.00 40.27 M097400200035 14.7 245.50 44.90 M097400200036 15.0 241.40 40.83 M097400200037 15.3 245.10 41.51 M097400200038 15.6 249.40 42.65 M097400200039 15.9 224.40 39.83 M097400200040 16.2 221.90 42.38 M097400200041 16.5 204.00 40.50 M097400200042 16.8 204.80 41.79 M097400200043 17.1 181.50 37.76 M097400200044 17.5 173.90 36.75 M097400200045 17.8 168.00 35.97 M097400200046 18.1 145.50 31.67 M097400200047 18.4 129.40 28.53 M097400200048 18.7 122.90 27.57 M097400200049 19.0 112.60 25.74 M097400200050 19.3 106.50 24.70 M097400200051 19.6 91.52 21.59 M097400200052 19.9 86.84 20.77 M097400200053 20.2 83.20 20.14 M097400200054 20.6 80.73 19.74 M097400200055 20.9 78.27 19.38 M097400200056 21.2 75.17 18.77 M097400200057 21.5 63.30 16.59 M097400200058 21.8 57.31 15.08 M097400200059 22.1 50.83 13.90 M097400200060 22.4 58.81 15.62 M097400200061 22.7 56.21 13.97 M097400200062 23.0 55.05 16.11 M097400200063 23.3 51.82 16.48 M097400200064 23.6 40.01 13.48 M097400200065 24.0 48.52 15.20 M097400200066 24.3 51.00 16.32 M097400200067 24.6 38.41 14.65 M097400200068 24.9 27.67 11.85 M097400200069 25.2 40.36 16.21 M097400200070 25.5 45.13 18.93 M097400200071 25.8 33.86 13.99 M097400200072 26.1 24.33 14.26 M097400200073 26.4 29.05 13.42 M097400200074 26.8 23.14 14.03 M097400200075 27.1 22.50 11.93 M097400200076 27.4 28.78 16.66 M097400200077 27.7 26.09 13.62 M097400200078 28.0 23.46 14.97 M097400200079 28.3 33.14 16.17 M097400200080 28.6 36.15 19.02 M097400200081 28.9 40.94 20.77 M097400200082 ENDDATA 68 0 M097400200083 ENDSUBENT 82 0 M097400299999 SUBENT M0974003 20180823 M098M097400300001 BIB 4 22 M097400300002 REACTION ((63-EU-153(G,N)63-EU-152,,SIG,,,EVAL)+ M097400300003 (63-EU-153(G,N+P)62-SM-151,,SIG,,,EVAL)) M097400300004 ANALYSIS The contribution of partial reaction (g,n) cross M097400300005 section into the experimental total neutron yield M097400300006 reaction (g,xn) cross section obtained using M097400300007 quasimonoenergetic annihilation photons at Saclay M097400300008 was evaluated using specially theoretically M097400300009 calculated transitional multiplicity function - M097400300010 ratio M097400300011 F1-theor = SIG-theor(g,n)/SIG-theor(g,xn) M097400300012 by the way M097400300013 SIG-eval(g,n) = (F1-theor)x(SIG-exp(g,xn)). M097400300014 The neutron yield cross section was obtained at M097400300015 Livermore. M097400300016 REL-REF (R,L0016002,B.L.Berman+,J,PR,185,1576,1969) M097400300017 Experimental data for the total neutron yield M097400300018 reaction (g,xn) cross section. M097400300019 (E,,B.S.Ishkhanov+,J,YF,71,517,2008) M097400300020 Theoretical preequilibrium model of photonuclear M097400300021 reactions based on the Fermi gas densities. M097400300022 STATUS (DEP,L0016002) M097400300023 The neutron yield reaction (g,xn) cross section. M097400300024 ENDBIB 22 0 M097400300025 NOCOMMON 0 0 M097400300026 DATA 3 66 M097400300027 EN DATA DATA-ERR M097400300028 MEV MB MB M097400300029 8.8 2.66 1.82 M097400300030 9.1 25.07 7.79 M097400300031 9.4 38.71 10.77 M097400300032 9.7 52.33 11.34 M097400300033 10.0 47.60 9.68 M097400300034 10.3 68.69 12.27 M097400300035 10.7 88.07 15.19 M097400300036 11.0 115.50 19.29 M097400300037 11.3 145.30 23.65 M097400300038 11.6 176.70 26.60 M097400300039 11.9 197.50 29.53 M097400300040 12.2 228.00 33.83 M097400300041 12.5 238.80 35.22 M097400300042 12.8 239.20 35.26 M097400300043 13.1 223.50 33.04 M097400300044 13.4 222.10 32.77 M097400300045 13.7 224.90 33.11 M097400300046 14.1 214.60 32.00 M097400300047 14.4 232.00 35.80 M097400300048 14.7 245.40 39.85 M097400300049 15.0 239.30 36.19 M097400300050 15.3 234.50 35.72 M097400300051 15.6 215.50 33.81 M097400300052 15.9 166.50 28.68 M097400300053 16.2 139.00 27.89 M097400300054 16.5 108.30 24.71 M097400300055 16.8 93.56 24.01 M097400300056 17.1 72.80 20.72 M097400300057 17.5 62.59 19.47 M097400300058 17.8 55.37 18.55 M097400300059 18.1 44.67 15.95 M097400300060 18.4 37.61 14.11 M097400300061 18.7 34.24 13.40 M097400300062 19.0 30.36 12.31 M097400300063 19.3 28.02 11.67 M097400300064 19.6 23.58 10.07 M097400300065 19.9 21.94 9.58 M097400300066 20.2 20.68 9.20 M097400300067 20.6 19.76 8.94 M097400300068 20.9 18.88 8.69 M097400300069 21.2 17.87 8.36 M097400300070 21.5 14.85 7.20 M097400300071 21.8 13.31 6.52 M097400300072 22.1 11.71 5.89 M097400300073 22.4 13.47 6.70 M097400300074 22.7 12.79 6.18 M097400300075 23.0 12.49 6.60 M097400300076 23.3 11.76 6.52 M097400300077 23.6 9.07 5.22 M097400300078 24.0 10.98 6.11 M097400300079 24.3 11.51 6.57 M097400300080 24.6 8.63 5.78 M097400300081 24.9 6.20 4.44 M097400300082 25.2 9.05 6.70 M097400300083 25.5 10.13 8.03 M097400300084 25.8 7.66 5.59 M097400300085 26.1 5.56 5.69 M097400300086 26.4 6.73 5.26 M097400300087 26.8 5.42 5.63 M097400300088 27.1 5.26 4.52 M097400300089 27.4 6.70 6.87 M097400300090 27.7 5.97 5.25 M097400300091 28.0 5.31 5.89 M097400300092 28.3 7.32 6.49 M097400300093 28.6 7.89 8.12 M097400300094 28.9 8.72 8.30 M097400300095 ENDDATA 68 0 M097400300096 ENDSUBENT 95 0 M097400399999 SUBENT M0974004 20180823 M098M097400400001 BIB 4 21 M097400400002 REACTION (63-EU-153(G,2N)63-EU-151,,SIG,,,EVAL) M097400400003 ANALYSIS The contribution of partial reaction (g,2n) cross M097400400004 section into the experimental total neutron yield M097400400005 reaction (g,xn) cross section obtained using M097400400006 quasimonoenergetic annihilation photons at Saclay M097400400007 was evaluated using specially theoretically M097400400008 calculated transitional multiplicity function - M097400400009 ratio M097400400010 F2-theor = SIG-theor(g,2n)/SIG-theor(g,xn) M097400400011 by the way M097400400012 SIG-eval(g,2n) = (F2-theor)x(SIG-exp(g,xn)). M097400400013 The neutron yield cross section was obtained at M097400400014 Livermore. M097400400015 REL-REF (R,L0016002,B.L.Berman+,J,PR,185,1576,1969) M097400400016 Experimental data for the total neutron yield M097400400017 reaction (g,xn) cross section. M097400400018 (E,,B.S.Ishkhanov+,J,YF,71,517,2008) M097400400019 Theoretical preequilibrium model of photonuclear M097400400020 reactions based on the Fermi gas densities. M097400400021 STATUS (DEP,L0016002) M097400400022 The neutron yield reaction (g,xn) cross section. M097400400023 ENDBIB 21 0 M097400400024 NOCOMMON 0 0 M097400400025 DATA 3 48 M097400400026 EN DATA DATA-ERR M097400400027 MEV MB MB M097400400028 14.4 0.00 4.32 M097400400029 14.7 0.05 4.87 M097400400030 15.0 2.07 4.48 M097400400031 15.3 10.59 5.62 M097400400032 15.6 33.87 8.66 M097400400033 15.9 57.99 10.97 M097400400034 16.2 82.94 14.29 M097400400035 16.5 95.68 15.59 M097400400036 16.8 111.30 17.57 M097400400037 17.1 108.70 16.86 M097400400038 17.5 111.30 17.10 M097400400039 17.8 112.60 17.24 M097400400040 18.1 100.80 15.56 M097400400041 18.4 91.81 14.27 M097400400042 18.7 88.70 14.03 M097400400043 19.0 82.20 13.30 M097400400044 19.3 78.47 12.91 M097400400045 19.6 67.94 11.42 M097400400046 19.9 64.89 11.09 M097400400047 20.2 62.52 10.85 M097400400048 20.6 60.96 10.70 M097400400049 20.9 59.39 10.59 M097400400050 21.2 57.30 10.32 M097400400051 21.5 48.45 9.31 M097400400052 21.8 44.00 8.49 M097400400053 22.1 39.12 7.94 M097400400054 22.4 45.34 8.84 M097400400055 22.7 43.42 7.72 M097400400056 23.0 42.54 9.43 M097400400057 23.3 39.87 9.85 M097400400058 23.6 30.35 8.07 M097400400059 24.0 35.67 8.66 M097400400060 24.3 35.59 8.89 M097400400061 24.6 25.22 7.67 M097400400062 24.9 16.36 5.85 M097400400063 25.2 21.31 7.05 M097400400064 25.5 21.68 7.53 M097400400065 25.8 14.44 5.27 M097400400066 26.1 9.14 4.91 M097400400067 26.4 9.83 4.31 M097400400068 26.8 7.07 4.20 M097400400069 27.1 6.20 3.33 M097400400070 27.4 7.32 4.46 M097400400071 27.7 6.01 3.39 M097400400072 28.0 5.08 3.63 M097400400073 28.3 6.55 3.74 M097400400074 28.6 6.83 4.42 M097400400075 28.9 7.12 4.52 M097400400076 ENDDATA 50 0 M097400400077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 M097400499999 SUBENT M0974005 20180823 M098M097400500001 BIB 4 21 M097400500002 REACTION (63-EU-153(G,3N)63-EU-150,,SIG,,,EVAL) M097400500003 ANALYSIS The contribution of partial reaction (g,2n) cross M097400500004 section into the experimental total neutron yield M097400500005 reaction (g,xn) cross section obtained using M097400500006 quasimonoenergetic annihilation photons at Saclay M097400500007 was evaluated using specially theoretically M097400500008 calculated transitional multiplicity function - M097400500009 ratio M097400500010 F3-theor = SIG-theor(g,3n)/SIG-theor(g,xn) M097400500011 by the way M097400500012 SIG-eval(g,3n) = (F3-theor)x(SIG-exp(g,xn)). M097400500013 The neutron yield cross section was obtained at M097400500014 Livermore. M097400500015 REL-REF (R,L0016002,B.L.Berman+,J,PR,185,1576,1969) M097400500016 Experimental data for the total neutron yield M097400500017 reaction (g,xn) cross section. M097400500018 (E,,B.S.Ishkhanov+,J,YF,71,517,2008) M097400500019 Theoretical preequilibrium model of photonuclear M097400500020 reactions based on the Fermi gas densities. M097400500021 STATUS (DEP,L0016002) M097400500022 The neutron yield reaction (g,xn) cross section. M097400500023 ENDBIB 21 0 M097400500024 NOCOMMON 0 0 M097400500025 DATA 3 21 M097400500026 EN DATA DATA-ERR M097400500027 MEV MB MB M097400500028 22.7 0.00 0.06 M097400500029 23.0 0.02 0.06 M097400500030 23.3 0.18 0.09 M097400500031 23.6 0.59 0.17 M097400500032 24.0 1.87 0.42 M097400500033 24.3 3.90 0.85 M097400500034 24.6 4.54 1.19 M097400500035 24.9 5.09 1.55 M097400500036 25.2 10.00 2.44 M097400500037 25.5 13.32 3.35 M097400500038 25.8 11.75 3.12 M097400500039 26.1 9.62 3.65 M097400500040 26.4 12.48 3.84 M097400500041 26.8 10.65 4.18 M097400500042 27.1 11.04 4.07 M097400500043 27.4 14.75 5.32 M097400500044 27.7 14.10 4.97 M097400500045 28.0 13.06 5.43 M097400500046 28.3 19.26 5.93 M097400500047 28.6 21.43 6.46 M097400500048 28.9 25.10 7.94 M097400500049 ENDDATA 23 0 M097400500050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 M097400599999 SUBENT M0974006 20180823 M098M097400600001 BIB 3 3 M097400600002 REACTION (63-EU-153(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,INT,,,EVAL) M097400600003 ANALYSIS Integration of evaluated cross section. M097400600004 STATUS (DEP,M0974002) Evaluated cross section. M097400600005 ENDBIB 3 0 M097400600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 M097400600007 DATA 3 3 M097400600008 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR M097400600009 MEV MB*MEV MB*MEV M097400600010 14.9 955.1 48.2 M097400600011 22.3 1990.3 72.2 M097400600012 29.0 2245.6 76.7 M097400600013 ENDDATA 5 0 M097400600014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 M097400699999 SUBENT M0974007 20180823 M098M097400700001 BIB 3 4 M097400700002 REACTION ((63-EU-153(G,N)63-EU-152,,INT,,,EVAL)+ M097400700003 (63-EU-153(G,N+P)62-SM-151,,INT,,,EVAL)) M097400700004 ANALYSIS Integration of evaluated cross section. M097400700005 STATUS (DEP,M0974003) Evaluated cross section. M097400700006 ENDBIB 4 0 M097400700007 NOCOMMON 0 0 M097400700008 DATA 3 3 M097400700009 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR M097400700010 MEV MB*MEV MB*MEV M097400700011 14.9 954.7 42.8 M097400700012 22.3 1471.7 54.5 M097400700013 29.0 1529.3 55.5 M097400700014 ENDDATA 5 0 M097400700015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 M097400799999 SUBENT M0974008 20180823 M098M097400800001 BIB 3 3 M097400800002 REACTION (63-EU-153(G,2N)63-EU-151,,INT,,,EVAL) M097400800003 ANALYSIS Integration of evaluated cross section. M097400800004 STATUS (DEP,M0974004) Evaluated cross section. M097400800005 ENDBIB 3 0 M097400800006 NOCOMMON 0 0 M097400800007 DATA 3 2 M097400800008 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR M097400800009 MEV MB*MEV MB*MEV M097400800010 22.3 518.6 22.6 M097400800011 29.0 655.1 25.1 M097400800012 ENDDATA 4 0 M097400800013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 M097400899999 SUBENT M0974009 20180823 M098M097400900001 BIB 3 3 M097400900002 REACTION (63-EU-153(G,3N)63-EU-150,,INT,,,EVAL) M097400900003 ANALYSIS Integration of evaluated cross section. M097400900004 STATUS (DEP,M0974004) Evaluated cross section. M097400900005 ENDBIB 3 0 M097400900006 NOCOMMON 0 0 M097400900007 DATA 3 1 M097400900008 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR M097400900009 MEV MB*MEV MB*MEV M097400900010 29.0 68.1 3.6 M097400900011 ENDDATA 3 0 M097400900012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 M097400999999 NOSUBENT M0974010 20181010 M100M097401000001 NOSUBENT M0974011 20181010 M100M097401100001 NOSUBENT M0974012 20181010 M100M097401200001 NOSUBENT M0974013 20181010 M100M097401300001 NOSUBENT M0974014 20181010 M100M097401400001 NOSUBENT M0974015 20181010 M100M097401500001 NOSUBENT M0974016 20181010 M100M097401600001 NOSUBENT M0974017 20181010 M100M097401700001 ENDENTRY 17 0 M097499999999