ENTRY M0989 20191113 M103M098900000001 SUBENT M0989001 20180330 M103M098900100001 BIB 14 26 M098900100002 TITLE Cross section for photoproton emission from copper. M098900100003 AUTHOR (B.S.Ratner) M098900100004 REFERENCE (J,ZET,46,1157,1964) M098900100005 (J,JET,19,783,1964) M098900100006 English translation of ZET,46,1157,1964. M098900100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSJIA) M098900100008 FACILITY (SYNCH,4RUSJIA) P.N.Lebedev Physics Institute M098900100009 synchrotron with maximum gamma energy 30 MeV. M098900100010 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M098900100011 SAMPLE The principal measurements were carried out with a M098900100012 target of natural copper 40 mg/cm**2 thick. M098900100013 Additional measurements of the yield of the M098900100014 photoprotons as a functions of the energy Eg-max, M098900100015 made with a target 13 mg/cm**2 thick have made it M098900100016 possible to introduce a correction for the target M098900100017 thickness. M098900100018 METHOD (EXTB,SITA) M098900100019 DETECTOR (CSICR) Cesium-Iodide crystal 0.9 mm thick and 30 mm M098900100020 in diameter. M098900100021 ANALYSIS (PLA) Unfolding of photonuclear cross section from M098900100022 the reaction yield using Penfold-Leiss method. M098900100023 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mean-root-squared uncertainties. M098900100024 MONITOR (28-NI-62(G,P)27-CO-61,,SIG) M098900100025 REL-REF (R,,J.H.Carver+,J,PPS,73,585,1959) M098900100026 HISTORY (20191113C) Data were compiled at the Russia MSU SINP M098900100027 CDFE by V.Varlamov. M098900100028 ENDBIB 26 0 M098900100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 M098900100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 M098900199999 SUBENT M0989002 20180330 M103M098900200001 BIB 2 2 M098900200002 REACTION (29-CU-0(G,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG,,BRS) M098900200003 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 4. M098900200004 ENDBIB 2 0 M098900200005 COMMON 1 3 M098900200006 E-MIN M098900200007 MEV M098900200008 5.0 M098900200009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M098900200010 DATA 3 16 M098900200011 EN DATA DATA-ERR M098900200012 MEV MB MB M098900200013 11.0 2.968 0.655 M098900200014 12.0 10.030 0.676 M098900200015 13.0 6.295 1.740 M098900200016 14.0 4.299 1.024 M098900200017 15.0 2.866 0.614 M098900200018 16.0 18.014 2.569 M098900200019 17.0 14.534 3.071 M098900200020 18.0 4.504 1.333 M098900200021 19.0 12.047 1.679 M098900200022 20.0 20.777 1.333 M098900200023 21.0 14.432 2.968 M098900200024 22.0 10.000 1.740 M098900200025 23.0 6.141 2.764 M098900200026 24.0 3.071 1.433 M098900200027 25.0 1.430 1.428 M098900200028 26.0 0.820 0.820 M098900200029 ENDDATA 18 0 M098900200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 M098900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M098999999999