ENTRY            M1010   20200109                             M104M101000000001 
SUBENT        M1010001   20200109                             M104M101000100001 
BIB                 13         21                                 M101000100002 
TITLE      Curves for the photoproton yield from the 12C nucleus. M101000100003 
AUTHOR     (E.B.Bazhanov)                                         M101000100004 
REFERENCE  (J,ZET,38,267,1959)                                    M101000100005 
           (J,JET,11,193,1960)                                    M101000100006 
            English translation of ZET,38,267,1959.               M101000100007 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSFTI)                                              M101000100008 
FACILITY   (SYNCH,4RUSFTI) 100 MeV synchrotron of the             M101000100009 
            Physico-Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences,     M101000100010 
            USSR.                                                 M101000100011 
REL-REF    (M,,E.B.Bazhanov+,J,JET,8,224,1958)                    M101000100012 
            General description of the method.                    M101000100013 
INC-SOURCE (BRST)                                                 M101000100014 
SAMPLE     150 mg/cm**2 thick carbon.                             M101000100015 
METHOD     (EDE) Telescope consisted of two counters.             M101000100016 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Two scintillation telescopes, each consisting   M101000100017 
            of two counters.                                      M101000100018 
ANALYSIS   (PLA) The Penfold-Leiss method was used to convert     M101000100019 
            reaction yields into cross sections.                  M101000100020 
ERR-ANALYS No information.                                        M101000100021 
HISTORY    (20200109C) Data were compiled at the Russia MSU SINP  M101000100022 
            CDFE by V.Varlamov.                                   M101000100023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 M101000100024 
COMMON               1          3                                 M101000100025 
ANG                                                               M101000100026 
ADEG                                                              M101000100027 
   57.5                                                           M101000100028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 M101000100029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 M101000199999 
SUBENT        M1010002   20200109                             M104M101000200001 
BIB                  2          3                                 M101000200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(G,X)1-H-1,,DA/DE,,BRS)                         M101000200003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data from Fig. 1.                              M101000200004 
            Digitization from continuous curve.                   M101000200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 M101000200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 M101000200007 
DATA                 4         36                                 M101000200008 
E-MIN      E-MAX      EN         DATA                             M101000200009 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MUB/SR/MEV                       M101000200010 
   18.6      24.2         35.0      0.454                         M101000200011 
   18.6      24.2         40.0      5.297                         M101000200012 
   18.6      24.2         42.5     10.973                         M101000200013 
   18.6      24.2         45.0      9.535                         M101000200014 
   18.6      24.2         50.0      6.508                         M101000200015 
   18.6      24.2         55.0      3.481                         M101000200016 
   18.6      24.2         60.0      1.286                         M101000200017 
   18.6      24.2         62.5      1.135                         M101000200018 
   18.6      24.2         65.0      1.741                         M101000200019 
   18.6      24.2         67.5      2.573                         M101000200020 
   18.6      24.2         70.0      3.708                         M101000200021 
   18.6      24.2         72.5      3.935                         M101000200022 
   18.6      24.2         75.0      3.178                         M101000200023 
   18.6      24.2         80.0      1.362                         M101000200024 
   18.6      24.2         82.5      0.908                         M101000200025 
   24.2      29.9         40.0      0.075                         M101000200026 
   24.2      29.9         45.0      5.584                         M101000200027 
   24.2      29.9         47.5      8.226                         M101000200028 
   24.2      29.9         50.0      5.585                         M101000200029 
   24.2      29.9         55.0      3.547                         M101000200030 
   24.2      29.9         60.0      2.113                         M101000200031 
   24.2      29.9         65.0      1.207                         M101000200032 
   24.2      29.9         70.0      1.962                         M101000200033 
   24.2      29.9         75.0      2.113                         M101000200034 
   24.2      29.9         80.0      2.792                         M101000200035 
   24.2      29.9         85.0      3.396                         M101000200036 
   29.9      38.7         47.5      1.568                         M101000200037 
   29.9      38.7         50.0      2.588                         M101000200038 
   29.9      38.7         55.0      4.078                         M101000200039 
   29.9      38.7         57.5      4.392                         M101000200040 
   29.9      38.7         60.0      4.003                         M101000200041 
   29.9      38.7         65.0      3.137                         M101000200042 
   29.9      38.7         70.0      2.353                         M101000200043 
   29.9      38.7         75.0      1.725                         M101000200044 
   29.9      38.7         80.0      1.333                         M101000200045 
   29.9      38.7         85.0      0.941                         M101000200046 
ENDDATA             38          0                                 M101000200047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 M101000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 M101099999999