ENTRY M1040 20221223 M122M104000000001 SUBENT M1040001 20221223 M122M104000100001 BIB 13 48 M104000100002 TITLE Measurement of the tenzor analyzing power component M104000100003 T20 for incoherent neutral-pion photoproduction on a M104000100004 deuteron M104000100005 AUTHOR (B.I.Vasilishin,A.I.Fix,V.V.Gauzshtein,E.M.Darwish, M104000100006 M.Ya.Kuzin,M.I.Levchuk,A.Yu.Loginov,D.M.Nikolenko, M104000100007 I.A.Rachek,Yu.V.Shestakov,D.K.Toporkov,A.V.Yurchenko, M104000100008 S.A.Zevakov,A.V.Bogomyagkov,A.N.Zhuravlev,S.E.Karnaev, M104000100009 V.A.Kiselev,E.B.Levichev,O.I.Meshkov,S.I.Mishnev, M104000100010 I.N.Okunev,P.A.Piminov,E.A.Simonov,S.V.Sinyatkin, M104000100011 E.V.Starostina) M104000100012 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,106,024003,2022) M104000100013 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.106.024003 M104000100014 INSTITUTE (4RUSTPI,4BLRIFB,4RUSSIB) M104000100015 (4RUSRUS) Institute of High Current Electronics, M104000100016 634055 Tomsk, Russia, M104000100017 Tomsk State University of Control Systems M104000100018 and Radioelectronics,634050, Russia, M104000100019 Novosibirsk State University, 630090 M104000100020 Novosibirsk, Russia. M104000100021 (3SARSAR) Physics Department, Faculty of Science, M104000100022 Taibah University, Medina, 41411, Saudi M104000100023 Arabia. M104000100024 (3EGYEGY) Physics Department, Faculty of Science, M104000100025 Sohag University, Sohag, 82524, Egypt. M104000100026 FACILITY (ESTRG,4RUSSIB) Electron storage ring VEPP-3. M104000100027 INC-SOURCE (POLTR) Tenzor-polarized deuterium target. M104000100028 SAMPLE Tenzor-polarized deuterium target: cryogenic source M104000100029 of polarized atoms. M104000100030 DETECTOR (MWPC,SCIN) Wire chambers and plastic scintillation M104000100031 counters - NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl) blocks. M104000100032 PART-DET (P,G) M104000100033 REL-REF (M,M0919001,S.A.Zevakov+,J,BAS,79,864,2015) M104000100034 Decription of the detaolesx of experiment. M104000100035 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. M104000100036 Systematics error was estimated as < 10%. M104000100037 COMMENT In the present study the experimental statistics M104000100038 for the reaction d(g,PI0pn) accumulated at VEPP-3 M104000100039 in 2013 was used. Unlike the previous measurements, M104000100040 the main goal of the last experiment was to study M104000100041 the coherent PI0 photoproduction on a M104000100042 tenzor-polarized deuterium target using an M104000100043 unpolarized photon beam. In contrast to the M104000100044 experiment of 2003, in which only two final nucleons M104000100045 were detected, in the present case the proton and two M104000100046 g-quanta from the PI0 decay were detected in M104000100047 coincidence. M104000100048 HISTORY (20221223C) Data were compiled at Russia MSU SINP M104000100049 CDFE by V.Varlamov. M104000100050 ENDBIB 48 0 M104000100051 COMMON 2 3 M104000100052 ANG-MIN ANG-MAX M104000100053 ADEG ADEG M104000100054 54.7 180. M104000100055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M104000100056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 M104000199999 SUBENT M1040002 20221223 M122M104000200001 BIB 2 3 M104000200002 REACTION (1-H-2(G,PI0+N)1-H-1,20,POL/DA,,TAP/AV) M104000200003 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 4 of M104000200004 Phys.Rev.C,106,024003,2022. M104000200005 ENDBIB 3 0 M104000200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104000200007 DATA 4 5 M104000200008 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-S M104000200009 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM M104000200010 300. 360. 0.042 0.051 M104000200011 360. 420. 0.050 0.036 M104000200012 420. 480. -0.024 0.033 M104000200013 480. 540. -0.040 0.032 M104000200014 540. 600. -0.027 0.035 M104000200015 ENDDATA 7 0 M104000200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 M104000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M104099999999