ENTRY M1045 20230919 M126M104500000001 SUBENT M1045001 20230919 M126M104500100001 BIB 11 28 M104500100002 TITLE Multiparticle nat-Se(gamma,xnyp) reactions induced M104500100003 with bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 20-80 MeV. M104500100004 AUTHOR (F.A.Rasulova,R.A.Aliev,S.S.Belyshev,M.A.Demichev, M104500100005 D.I.Demin,S.A.Evseev,N.J.Fursova,M.I.Gostkin, M104500100006 J.H.Khushvaktov,V.V.Kobets,A.A.Kuznetsov,S.V.Rozov, M104500100007 E.T.Ruziev,T.N.Tran,E.A.Yakushev,B.S.Yuldashev) M104500100008 REFERENCE (J,NIM/A,1054,168428,2023) M104500100009 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB,4UZ UZB,4RUSKUR,4RUSMOS) M104500100010 Faculty of Chemistry and Faculty of Physics M104500100011 of Lomonosov Moscow State University. M104500100012 FACILITY (LINAC,4ZZZDUB) Electron linear accelerator LUE-200 at M104500100013 JINR (Dubna). Electron energies were 20, 40, 60 and M104500100014 80 MeV. M104500100015 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M104500100016 METHOD (ACTIV) M104500100017 SAMPLE Natural selenium samples in metallic form. M104500100018 DETECTOR (HPGE) High purity HPGe detector. M104500100019 ANALYSIS The gamma-ray spectra were processed using the M104500100020 DEIMOS32 code. M104500100021 1The cross sections per equivalent photon for a natural M104500100022 mixture of isotopes included all possible channels of M104500100023 the final isotope production with account for the M104500100024 percentage of initial nuclei were computed using the M104500100025 expression (2) of the article. M104500100026 2The flux-weighted average cross sections were M104500100027 determined by the expression (4) of the article. M104500100028 HISTORY (20230919C) Data were compiled at the Russia MSU SINP M104500100029 CDFE by V.Varlamov. M104500100030 ENDBIB 28 0 M104500100031 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104500100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 M104500199999 SUBENT M1045002 20230919 M126M104500200001 BIB 5 11 M104500200002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-73-G,,SIG,,BRA) M104500200003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-73-G,,SIG,,BRA) M104500200004 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-73-G,7.15HR,DG,67.07,0.70, M104500200005 DG,361.2,0.97) M104500200006 Data from Table 3 of M104500200007 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104500200009 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104500200010 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104500200011 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104500200012 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500200013 ENDBIB 11 0 M104500200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104500200015 DATA 5 5 M104500200016 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104500200017 MEV MB MB MB MB M104500200018 20. 0.0131 0.0014 3.35 0.35 M104500200019 40. 0.0685 0.0070 M104500200020 55. 0.071 0.004 M104500200021 60. 0.0697 0.0070 M104500200022 80. 0.0950 0.0096 M104500200023 ENDDATA 7 0 M104500200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 M104500299999 SUBENT M1045003 20230919 M126M104500300001 BIB 5 10 M104500300002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-73-M,,SIG,,BRA) M104500300003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-73-M,,SIG,,BRA) M104500300004 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-73-M,39.8MIN,DG,253.07,0.0236) M104500300005 Data from Table 3 of M104500300006 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104500300008 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104500300009 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104500300010 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104500300011 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500300012 ENDBIB 10 0 M104500300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104500300014 DATA 5 5 M104500300015 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104500300016 MEV MB MB MB MB M104500300017 20. 0.154 0.002 39.35 1.43 M104500300018 40. 0.391 0.038 M104500300019 55. 0.358 0.040 M104500300020 60. 0.403 0.063 M104500300021 80. 0.43 0.06 M104500300022 ENDDATA 7 0 M104500300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 M104500399999 SUBENT M1045004 20230919 M126M104500400001 BIB 5 12 M104500400002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-73,,SIG,,BRA) M104500400003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-73,,SIG,,BRA) M104500400004 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-73-G,7.15HR,DG,67.07,0.70, M104500400005 DG,361.2,0.97) M104500400006 (34-SE-73-M,39.8MIN,DG,253.07,0.0236) M104500400007 Data from Table 3 of M104500400008 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500400009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104500400010 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104500400011 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104500400012 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104500400013 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500400014 ENDBIB 12 0 M104500400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104500400016 DATA 5 5 M104500400017 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104500400018 MEV MB MB MB MB M104500400019 20. 0.167 0.017 42.7 3.04 M104500400020 40. 0.459 0.076 M104500400021 55. 0.429 0.050 M104500400022 60. 0.472 0.090 M104500400023 80. 0.525 0.091 M104500400024 ENDDATA 7 0 M104500400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 M104500499999 SUBENT M1045005 20230919 M126M104500500001 BIB 5 14 M104500500002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-75,,SIG,,BRA) M104500500003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-75,,SIG,,BRA) M104500500004 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-75,119.79D,DG,121.11,0.172, M104500500005 DG,136.00,0.585, M104500500006 DG,264.66,0.589, M104500500007 DG,279.54,0.2502, M104500500008 DG,400.66,0.1141) M104500500009 Data from Table 3 of M104500500010 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500500011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104500500012 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104500500013 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104500500014 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104500500015 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500500016 ENDBIB 14 0 M104500500017 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104500500018 DATA 5 5 M104500500019 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104500500020 MEV MB MB MB MB M104500500021 20. 2.49 0.17 51.94 2.90 M104500500022 40. 6.04 0.51 M104500500023 55. 7.28 0.70 M104500500024 60. 6.75 0.75 M104500500025 80. 7.37 0.83 M104500500026 ENDDATA 7 0 M104500500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 M104500599999 SUBENT M1045006 20230919 M126M104500600001 BIB 5 12 M104500600002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-81-G,,SIG,,BRA) M104500600003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-81-G,,SIG,,BRA) M104500600004 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-81-G,18.45MIN,DG,275.93,0.0068, M104500600005 DG,290.0,0.0056, M104500600006 DG,566.0,0.00224) M104500600007 Data from Table 3 of M104500600008 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500600009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104500600010 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104500600011 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104500600012 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104500600013 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500600014 ENDBIB 12 0 M104500600015 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104500600016 DATA 5 5 M104500600017 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104500600018 MEV MB MB MB MB M104500600019 20. 2.36 0.24 31.74 2.64 M104500600020 40. 2.70 0.25 19.13 1.60 M104500600021 55. 3.58 0.67 22.62 4.21 M104500600022 60. 3.63 0.68 21.68 4.09 M104500600023 80. 4.17 0.41 19.53 1.92 M104500600024 ENDDATA 7 0 M104500600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 M104500699999 SUBENT M1045007 20230919 M126M104500700001 BIB 5 10 M104500700002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-81-M,,SIG,,BRA) M104500700003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-81-M,,SIG,,BRA) M104500700004 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-81-M,57.28MIN,DG,103.01,0.128) M104500700005 Data from Table 3 of M104500700006 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500700007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104500700008 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104500700009 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104500700010 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104500700011 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500700012 ENDBIB 10 0 M104500700013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104500700014 DATA 5 5 M104500700015 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104500700016 MEV MB MB MB MB M104500700017 20. 1.39 0.20 18.92 1.52 M104500700018 40. 2.03 0.20 5.57 0.83 M104500700019 55. 1.63 0.20 10.33 1.01 M104500700020 60. 1.82 0.20 10.89 1.22 M104500700021 80. 2.23 0.22 10.45 1.01 M104500700022 ENDDATA 7 0 M104500700023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 M104500799999 SUBENT M1045008 20230919 M126M104500800001 BIB 5 13 M104500800002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-81,,SIG,,BRA) M104500800003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-81,,SIG,,BRA) M104500800004 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-81-G,18.45MIN,DG,275.93,0.0068, M104500800005 DG,290.0,0.0056, M104500800006 DG,566.0,0.00224) M104500800007 (34-SE-81-M,57.28MIN,DG,103.01,0.128) M104500800008 Data from Table 3 of M104500800009 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500800010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104500800011 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104500800012 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104500800013 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104500800014 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500800015 ENDBIB 13 0 M104500800016 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104500800017 DATA 5 5 M104500800018 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104500800019 MEV MB MB MB MB M104500800020 20. 3.77 0.36 50.69 4.22 M104500800021 40. 4.73 0.71 24.69 4.22 M104500800022 55. 5.21 0.97 32.95 6.14 M104500800023 60. 5.45 1.19 32.57 6.66 M104500800024 80. 6.41 0.88 29.98 6.80 M104500800025 ENDDATA 7 0 M104500800026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 M104500899999 SUBENT M1045009 20230919 M126M104500900001 BIB 5 10 M104500900002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-71,,SIG,,BRA) M104500900003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-71,,SIG,,BRA) M104500900004 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-71,2.72D,DG,174.95,0.824) M104500900005 Data from Table 3 of M104500900006 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500900007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104500900008 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104500900009 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104500900010 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104500900011 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104500900012 ENDBIB 10 0 M104500900013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104500900014 DATA 5 4 M104500900015 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104500900016 MEV MB MB MB MB M104500900017 40. 0.0060 0.0006 0.95 0.29 M104500900018 55. 1.09E-2 0.08E-2 M104500900019 60. 0.0069 0.0016 M104500900020 80. 0.0117 0.0019 M104500900021 ENDDATA 6 0 M104500900022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 M104500999999 SUBENT M1045010 20230919 M126M104501000001 BIB 5 11 M104501000002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-72,,SIG,,BRA) M104501000003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-72,,SIG,,BRA) M104501000004 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-72,1.08D,DG,629.95,0.0807, M104501000005 DG,833.99,0.81) M104501000006 Data from Table 3 of M104501000007 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501000008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104501000009 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104501000010 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104501000011 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104501000012 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501000013 ENDBIB 11 0 M104501000014 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104501000015 DATA 5 4 M104501000016 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104501000017 MEV MB MB MB MB M104501000018 40. 0.0218 0.0030 2.96 0.75 M104501000019 55. 0.040 0.003 M104501000020 60. 0.0270 0.0028 M104501000021 80. 0.053 0.006 M104501000022 ENDDATA 6 0 M104501000023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 M104501099999 SUBENT M1045011 20230919 M126M104501100001 BIB 5 10 M104501100002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-73,,SIG,,BRA) M104501100003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-73,,SIG,,BRA) M104501100004 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-73,80.3D,DG,53.437,0.106) M104501100005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104501100006 Data from Table 3 of M104501100007 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501100008 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104501100009 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104501100010 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104501100011 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501100012 ENDBIB 10 0 M104501100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104501100014 DATA 5 5 M104501100015 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104501100016 MEV MB MB MB MB M104501100017 20. 0.109 0.014 12.46 1.65 M104501100018 40. 0.22 0.03 M104501100019 55. 0.390 0.042 M104501100020 60. 0.409 0.045 M104501100021 80. 0.448 0.049 M104501100022 ENDDATA 7 0 M104501100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 M104501199999 SUBENT M1045012 20230919 M126M104501200001 BIB 4 9 M104501200002 REACTION (34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-74,,SIG,,BRA) M104501200003 The cross section per equivalent photon. M104501200004 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-74,17.77D,DG,595.83,0.59, M104501200005 DG,634.78,0.154) M104501200006 Data from Table 3 of M104501200007 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104501200009 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104501200010 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501200011 ENDBIB 9 0 M104501200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104501200013 DATA 3 4 M104501200014 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S M104501200015 MEV MB MB M104501200016 40. 0.142 0.011 M104501200017 55. 0.21 0.02 M104501200018 60. 0.161 0.018 M104501200019 80. 0.235 0.027 M104501200020 ENDDATA 6 0 M104501200021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 M104501299999 SUBENT M1045013 20230919 M126M104501300001 BIB 5 12 M104501300002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-76,,SIG,,BRA) M104501300003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-76,,SIG,,BRA) M104501300004 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-76,1.08D,DG,559.1,0.45, M104501300005 DG,657.05,0.062, M104501300006 DG,1216.08,0.0342) M104501300007 Data from Table 3 of M104501300008 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501300009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104501300010 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104501300011 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104501300012 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104501300013 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501300014 ENDBIB 12 0 M104501300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104501300016 DATA 5 5 M104501300017 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104501300018 MEV MB MB MB MB M104501300019 20. 0.061 0.006 0.99 0.05 M104501300020 40. 0.524 0.055 M104501300021 55. 0.65 0.05 M104501300022 60. 0.988 0.113 M104501300023 80. 0.688 0.073 M104501300024 ENDDATA 7 0 M104501300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 M104501399999 SUBENT M1045014 20230919 M126M104501400001 BIB 5 12 M104501400002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-77,,SIG,,BRA) M104501400003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-77,,SIG,,BRA) M104501400004 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-77,1.62D,DG,239.01,0.0159, M104501400005 DG,249.80,0.0039, M104501400006 DG,520.65,0.00562) M104501400007 Data from Table 3 of M104501400008 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501400009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104501400010 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104501400011 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104501400012 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104501400013 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501400014 ENDBIB 12 0 M104501400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104501400016 DATA 5 5 M104501400017 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104501400018 MEV MB MB MB MB M104501400019 20. 0.130 0.015 0.86 0.06 M104501400020 40. 1.41 0.016 M104501400021 55. 1.50 0.19 M104501400022 60. 2.40 0.33 M104501400023 80. 1.85 0.20 M104501400024 ENDDATA 7 0 M104501400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 M104501499999 SUBENT M1045015 20230919 M126M104501500001 BIB 5 15 M104501500002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-78,,SIG,,BRA) M104501500003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-78,,SIG,,BRA) M104501500004 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-78,1.51HR,DG,613.72,0.54, M104501500005 DG,694.91,0.167, M104501500006 DG,828.1,0.081, M104501500007 DG,1240.3,0.059, M104501500008 DG,1308.59,0.13, M104501500009 DG,1373.48,0.048) M104501500010 Data from Table 3 of M104501500011 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501500012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104501500013 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104501500014 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104501500015 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104501500016 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501500017 ENDBIB 15 0 M104501500018 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104501500019 DATA 5 4 M104501500020 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104501500021 MEV MB MB MB MB M104501500022 40. 0.262 0.024 0.61 0.07 M104501500023 55. 0.32 0.04 0.76 0.10 M104501500024 60. 0.44 0.06 1.24 0.18 M104501500025 80. 0.46 0.06 1.01 0.13 M104501500026 ENDDATA 6 0 M104501500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 M104501599999 SUBENT M1045016 20230919 M126M104501600001 BIB 5 12 M104501600002 REACTION 1(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-79,,SIG,,BRA) M104501600003 2(34-SE-0(G,X)33-AS-79,,SIG,,BRA) M104501600004 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-79,9.01MIN,DG,95.73,0.093, M104501600005 DG,365.0,0.0186, M104501600006 DG,432.1,0.0149) M104501600007 Data from Table 3 of M104501600008 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501600009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104501600010 ANALYSIS 1The cross section per equivalent photon. M104501600011 2The flux-weighted average cross section. M104501600012 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Tables 4a and 5a of M104501600013 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501600014 ENDBIB 12 0 M104501600015 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104501600016 DATA 5 5 M104501600017 EN-MAX DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 M104501600018 MEV MB MB MB MB M104501600019 20. 0.21 0.05 0.81 0.06 M104501600020 40. 2.56 0.37 1.53 0.27 M104501600021 55. 2.75 0.30 3.56 0.39 M104501600022 60. 1.99 0.20 3.89 0.39 M104501600023 80. 2.13 0.22 2.51 0.26 M104501600024 ENDDATA 7 0 M104501600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 M104501699999 SUBENT M1045017 20230919 M126M104501700001 BIB 4 7 M104501700002 REACTION (34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-73-G/M,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M104501700003 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-73-G,7.15HR,DG,67.07,0.70, M104501700004 DG,361.2,0.97) M104501700005 (34-SE-73-M,39.8MIN,DG,253.07,0.0236) M104501700006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104501700007 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table 6 of M104501700008 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501700009 ENDBIB 7 0 M104501700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104501700011 DATA 3 5 M104501700012 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S M104501700013 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM M104501700014 20. 0.085 0.009 M104501700015 40. 0.175 0.015 M104501700016 55. 0.198 0.025 M104501700017 60. 0.173 0.018 M104501700018 80. 0.221 0.038 M104501700019 ENDDATA 7 0 M104501700020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 M104501799999 SUBENT M1045018 20230919 M126M104501800001 BIB 4 8 M104501800002 REACTION (34-SE-0(G,X)34-SE-81-G/M,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) M104501800003 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-81-G,18.45MIN,DG,275.93,0.0068, M104501800004 DG,290.0,0.0056, M104501800005 DG,566.0,0.00224) M104501800006 (34-SE-81-M,57.28MIN,DG,103.01,0.128) M104501800007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors given. M104501800008 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table 6 of M104501800009 Nucl.Instr.Meth.A,1054,168428,2023. M104501800010 ENDBIB 8 0 M104501800011 NOCOMMON 0 0 M104501800012 DATA 3 5 M104501800013 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S M104501800014 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM M104501800015 20. 0.588 0.059 M104501800016 40. 0.751 0.077 M104501800017 55. 0.455 0.085 M104501800018 60. 0.503 0.078 M104501800019 80. 0.535 0.074 M104501800020 ENDDATA 7 0 M104501800021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 M104501899999 ENDENTRY 18 0 M104599999999