ENTRY M1052 20240809 M133M105200000001 SUBENT M1052001 20240809 M133M105200100001 BIB 13 46 M105200100002 TITLE Photoactivation of the 391.79 keV isomer state of M105200100003 113mIn by the (gamma,2n) reaction. M105200100004 AUTHOR (Z.Medic,M.Krmar,N.Jovancevic,D.Maletic,Y.Teterev, M105200100005 S.Mitrofanov) M105200100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,109,034607,2024) M105200100007 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) M105200100008 (3SRBSRB) Institute of Physics, Belgrade 11000, M105200100009 Republic of Serbia. M105200100010 Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University M105200100011 of Novi Sad 21000, Republic of Serbia. M105200100012 FACILITY (MICRT,4ZZZDUB) MT25 Microtron located in Flerov M105200100013 Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR, Dubna. M105200100014 INC-SOURCE (BRST) M105200100015 SAMPLE Natural indium targets: M105200100016 Eg-max, MeV Mass, mg M105200100017 9.0 0.7711 M105200100018 10.0 0.7317 M105200100019 11.0 0.7813 M105200100020 12.0 0.7545 M105200100021 13.0 0.7533 M105200100022 14.0 0.7317 M105200100023 15.0 0.7785 M105200100024 17.0 0.7785 M105200100025 17.0 0.7813 M105200100026 18.0 0.7531 M105200100027 19.0 0.7758 M105200100028 20.0 0.7233 M105200100029 21.0 0.7194 M105200100030 22.0 0.7778 M105200100031 23.0 0.7202 M105200100032 DETECTOR (HPGE) HPGe detector with a relative efficiency of M105200100033 25%. M105200100034 METHOD (GSPEC) M105200100035 ANALYSIS (UNFLD) The cross-section of the reaction M105200100036 115In(g,2n)113mIn was determined using experimentally M105200100037 measured the yield ratios of Y(113mIn)/Y(115mIn) M105200100038 expressed as in equation (3) of article using the M105200100039 unfolding procedure employed the MAXED algorithm. M105200100040 REL-REF (R,,M.Reginatto+,J,HP,77,579,1999) M105200100041 Unfolding procedure of the MAXED algorithm. M105200100042 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Corridor of uncertainty was calculated by M105200100043 MAXED algorithm and included influence of M105200100044 uncertainty of activity values A (equation (5) of M105200100045 article) to final cross-section values. M105200100046 HISTORY (20240809C) Data compiled at the Russia MSU SINP CDFE M105200100047 by V.Varlamov. M105200100048 ENDBIB 46 0 M105200100049 NOCOMMON 0 0 M105200100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 M105200199999 SUBENT M1052002 20101201 M133M105200200001 BIB 4 8 M105200200002 REACTION (49-IN-115(G,2N)49-IN-113-M,,SIG,,BRS) M105200200003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-113-M,1.758HR,DG,391.79) M105200200004 STATUS (CURVE,,Z.Medic+,J,PR/C,109,034607,2024) M105200200005 Digitization from a continuous curve. M105200200006 Data from Fig 10. M105200200007 CRITIQUE The reaction studied is 115In(g,2n)113mIn, not M105200200008 115In(g,2n')115mIn as presented in the caption M105200200009 for Fig. 10. M105200200010 ENDBIB 8 0 M105200200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 M105200200012 DATA 3 61 M105200200013 EN DATA DATA-ERR M105200200014 MEV MB MB M105200200015 16.8 0.637 M105200200016 16.9 0.972 M105200200017 17.0 1.274 M105200200018 17.1 3.117 0.033 M105200200019 17.2 4.089 0.050 M105200200020 17.3 4.894 0.060 M105200200021 17.4 5.497 0.101 M105200200022 17.5 5.430 0.094 M105200200023 17.6 6.536 0.168 M105200200024 17.7 6.268 0.166 M105200200025 17.8 7.006 0.201 M105200200026 17.9 7.274 0.161 M105200200027 18.0 7.341 0.101 M105200200028 18.1 7.240 0.127 M105200200029 18.2 7.911 0.141 M105200200030 18.3 8.480 0.201 M105200200031 18.4 8.749 0.141 M105200200032 18.5 9.184 0.101 M105200200033 18.6 9.462 0.161 M105200200034 18.7 9.620 0.154 M105200200035 18.8 9.788 0.169 M105200200036 18.9 10.056 0.149 M105200200037 19.0 10.257 0.088 M105200200038 19.1 10.280 0.114 M105200200039 19.2 10.391 0.147 M105200200040 19.3 10.458 0.141 M105200200041 19.4 10.457 0.127 M105200200042 19.5 10.391 0.074 M105200200043 19.6 10.371 0.076 M105200200044 19.7 10.425 0.121 M105200200045 19.8 10.458 0.134 M105200200046 19.9 10.364 0.101 M105200200047 20.0 10.291 0.050 M105200200048 20.1 10.156 0.034 M105200200049 20.2 10.170 0.047 M105200200050 20.3 10.022 0.081 M105200200051 20.4 9.821 0.079 M105200200052 20.5 9.831 0.040 M105200200053 20.6 9.754 0.027 M105200200054 20.7 9.587 0.023 M105200200055 20.8 9.547 0.020 M105200200056 20.9 9.345 M105200200057 21.0 9.285 M105200200058 21.1 9.184 M105200200059 21.2 9.023 M105200200060 21.3 8.916 M105200200061 21.4 8.849 M105200200062 21.5 8.762 M105200200063 21.6 8.682 M105200200064 21.7 8.581 M105200200065 21.8 8.514 M105200200066 21.9 8.415 M105200200067 22.0 8.313 M105200200068 22.1 8.212 M105200200069 22.2 8.111 M105200200070 22.3 8.045 M105200200071 22.4 7.911 M105200200072 22.5 7.855 M105200200073 22.6 7.766 M105200200074 22.7 7.696 M105200200075 22.8 7.609 M105200200076 ENDDATA 63 0 M105200200077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 M105200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 M105299999999