ENTRY M1053 20250113 M135M1053 0 1 SUBENT M1053001 20250113 M135M1053 1 1 BIB 14 49 M1053 1 2 TITLE Measurement of flux-weighted average M1053 1 3 cross-section in the photo-neutron reactions of Nb M1053 1 4 at the bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 20 and M1053 1 5 67 MeV. M1053 1 6 AUTHOR (R.V.Avetisyan,A.G.Barseghyan,Yu.A.Gharibyan, M1053 1 7 A.V.Gyurjinyan,H.A.Mkrtchyan,A.Yu.Petrosyan, M1053 1 8 I.A.Kerobyan) M1053 1 9 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,557,165557,2024) M1053 1 10 #doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2024.165557 M1053 1 11 INSTITUTE (4ARMJER) M1053 1 12 FACILITY (LINAC,4ARMJER) Electron linear accelerator LUE-75 at M1053 1 13 the A.I.Alikhanian National Science Laboratory M1053 1 14 (AANL), Yerevan, Armenia. M1053 1 15 INC-SOURCE (BRST) Bremsstrahlung with end-point energies 20 and M1053 1 16 67 MeV. M1053 1 17 SAMPLE (41-NB-93,NAT=0.999) 150 micron thick niobium target M1053 1 18 with 2.3 cm x 2.4 cm dimensions. M1053 1 19 DETECTOR (HPGE) The ORTEC high-purity germanium detector M1053 1 20 detector. M1053 1 21 METHOD (GSPEC) M1053 1 22 ANALYSIS The MAESTRO soft ware package was used for measured M1053 1 23 spectra processing. M1053 1 24 The flux-weighted average reaction cross sections M1053 1 25 were obtained using equation (1) of the article. M1053 1 26 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) M1053 1 27 The total errors of the experimental data are the M1053 1 28 quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic M1053 1 29 errors: M1053 1 30 (ERR-S) statistical errors are associated with the M1053 1 31 measurement of the activity of the irradiated M1053 1 32 material (about 7 %) M1053 1 33 (ERR-1) systematic errors, photon flux (about 7 %) M1053 1 34 (ERR-2) systematic errors, irradiation time (2 %) M1053 1 35 (ERR-3) systematic errors, determination of the M1053 1 36 detector efficiency (about 2 %). M1053 1 37 MONITOR (29-CU-65(G,N)29-CU-64,,SIG) M1053 1 38 The monitor reaction was used to measure the M1053 1 39 bremsstrahlung flux. M1053 1 40 The flux-weighted average cross section for M1053 1 41 65Cu(g,n)64Cu monitor reaction was obtained using M1053 1 42 formulas (2) and (3) of the article. M1053 1 43 Two possible gamma lines are available for monitor M1053 1 44 reaction are 511 keV and 1345.77 keV. M1053 1 45 CRITIQUE Gamma line energies of monitor reaction should be M1053 1 46 presented in keV as in Table 1 of article, not in M1053 1 47 MeV as in the text on page 2 (left column, 11-12 M1053 1 48 lines from the top). M1053 1 49 HISTORY (20250113C) Data were compiled at the Russia MSU SINP M1053 1 50 CDFE by V.Varlamov. M1053 1 51 ENDBIB 49 0 M1053 1 52 COMMON 4 3 M1053 1 53 ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 M1053 1 54 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT M1053 1 55 7.0 7.0 2.0 2.0 M1053 1 56 ENDCOMMON 3 0 M1053 1 57 ENDSUBENT 56 0 M1053 199999 SUBENT M1053002 20250113 M135M1053 2 1 BIB 3 5 M1053 2 2 REACTION (41-NB-93(G,N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG,,BRA) M1053 2 3 The flux-weighted average reaction cross sections. M1053 2 4 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-92-M,10.15D,DG,933.44,0.9915) M1053 2 5 STATUS (TABLE,,R.V.Avetisyan+,J,NIM/B,557,165557,2024) M1053 2 6 Data from Table 3. M1053 2 7 ENDBIB 5 0 M1053 2 8 NOCOMMON 0 0 M1053 2 9 DATA 3 2 M1053 2 10 EN-MAX DATA ERR-T M1053 2 11 MEV MB MB M1053 2 12 20. 38.51 4.30 M1053 2 13 67. 17.07 1.95 M1053 2 14 ENDDATA 4 0 M1053 2 15 ENDSUBENT 14 0 M1053 299999 SUBENT M1053003 20250113 M135M1053 3 1 BIB 3 6 M1053 3 2 REACTION (41-NB-93(G,3N)41-NB-90-G,,SIG,,BRA) M1053 3 3 The flux-weighted average reaction cross sections. M1053 3 4 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-90-G,14.6HR,DG,141.18,0.668, M1053 3 5 DG,1129.2,0.0927) M1053 3 6 STATUS (TABLE,,R.V.Avetisyan+,J,NIM/B,557,165557,2024) M1053 3 7 Data from Table 3. M1053 3 8 ENDBIB 6 0 M1053 3 9 NOCOMMON 0 0 M1053 3 10 DATA 3 1 M1053 3 11 EN-MAX DATA ERR-T M1053 3 12 MEV MB MB M1053 3 13 67. 2.41 0.20 M1053 3 14 ENDDATA 3 0 M1053 3 15 ENDSUBENT 14 0 M1053 399999 SUBENT M1053004 20250113 M135M1053 4 1 BIB 3 6 M1053 4 2 REACTION (41-NB-93(G,4N)41-NB-89-M,,SIG,,BRA) M1053 4 3 The flux-weighted average reaction cross sections. M1053 4 4 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-89-M,1.1HR,DG,588.0,0.9557, M1053 4 5 DG,769.6,0.6270) M1053 4 6 STATUS (TABLE,,R.V.Avetisyan+,J,NIM/B,557,165557,2024) M1053 4 7 Data from Table 3. M1053 4 8 ENDBIB 6 0 M1053 4 9 NOCOMMON 0 0 M1053 4 10 DATA 3 1 M1053 4 11 EN-MAX DATA ERR-T M1053 4 12 MEV MB MB M1053 4 13 67. 0.140 0.015 M1053 4 14 ENDDATA 3 0 M1053 4 15 ENDSUBENT 14 0 M1053 499999 SUBENT M1053005 20250113 M135M1053 5 1 BIB 3 7 M1053 5 2 REACTION (41-NB-93(G,4N)41-NB-89-G,,SIG,,BRA) M1053 5 3 The flux-weighted average reaction cross sections. M1053 5 4 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-89-G,2.03HR,DG,920.0,0.014, M1053 5 5 DG,1127.2,0.021, M1053 5 6 DG,1627.2,0.0352) M1053 5 7 STATUS (TABLE,,R.V.Avetisyan+,J,NIM/B,557,165557,2024) M1053 5 8 Data from Table 3. M1053 5 9 ENDBIB 7 0 M1053 5 10 NOCOMMON 0 0 M1053 5 11 DATA 3 1 M1053 5 12 EN-MAX DATA ERR-T M1053 5 13 MEV MB MB M1053 5 14 67. 0.540 0.062 M1053 5 15 ENDDATA 3 0 M1053 5 16 ENDSUBENT 15 0 M1053 599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 M105399999999