ENTRY            O0016   20110130                             O043O001600000001 
SUBENT        O0016001   20110130                             O043O001600100001 
BIB                 11         31                                 O001600100002 
TITLE      Quadrupole and hexadecapole moments of Th-232 and      O001600100003 
           U-238 from inelastic scattering of 65 MeV polarized    O001600100004 
           protons.                                               O001600100005 
AUTHOR     (Y.Takeuchi, H.Sakaguchi, M.Nakamura, T.Ichihara,      O001600100006 
           M.Yosoi, M.Ieiri, S.Kobayashi)                         O001600100007 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNKTO)                                              O001600100008 
HISTORY    (19941010C)                                            O001600100009 
           (19950512A).Some cosmetic corrections.                 O001600100010 
           (20041013R) Data tables were sent by S.A.Dunaeva       O001600100011 
           (20041018A) Scanned data are changed by table data.    O001600100012 
           (20050202A) N.Otsuka'S remarks are included.           O001600100013 
           (20050202U) Last checking has been done.               O001600100014 
           (20110130D) SD: Entry deleted. Duplication with E1236  O001600100015 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,34,493,1986)                                   O001600100016 
ADD-RES    (POT).Deformed optical potential and charge densities. O001600100017 
           A new peak-fitting method.                             O001600100018 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) At the research center for nuclear     O001600100019 
            Physics, Osaka University.                            O001600100020 
METHOD     (SITA,EXTB)                                            O001600100021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The uncertainties of the peak sums were        O001600100022 
           calculated with the use of the error matrix of the     O001600100023 
           searched parameters in fitting.  Therefore, these      O001600100024 
           uncertainties also contain the ambiguities of the peak O001600100025 
           shape.                                                 O001600100026 
DETECTOR   (SCIN,SWPC,MWPC) At the focal plane of the spectro-    O001600100027 
           graph, protons were detected by a counter array        O001600100028 
           consisting of a two-dimensional position sensitive     O001600100029 
           proportional counter of 1.5 m length, a pair of        O001600100030 
           single wire proportional counters and a plastic        O001600100031 
           scintillator.                                          O001600100032 
STATUS     (TABLE) From authors.                                  O001600100033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 O001600100034 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O001600100035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 O001600199999 
NOSUBENT      O0016002   20110130                             O043O001600200001 
NOSUBENT      O0016003   20110130                             O043O001600300001 
NOSUBENT      O0016004   20110130                             O043O001600400001 
NOSUBENT      O0016005   20110130                             O043O001600500001 
NOSUBENT      O0016006   20110130                             O043O001600600001 
NOSUBENT      O0016007   20110130                             O043O001600700001 
NOSUBENT      O0016008   20110130                             O043O001600800001 
NOSUBENT      O0016009   20110130                             O043O001600900001 
NOSUBENT      O0016010   20110130                             O043O001601000001 
NOSUBENT      O0016011   20110130                             O043O001601100001 
NOSUBENT      O0016012   20110130                             O043O001601200001 
NOSUBENT      O0016013   20110130                             O043O001601300001 
NOSUBENT      O0016014   20110130                             O043O001601400001 
NOSUBENT      O0016015   20110130                             O043O001601500001 
NOSUBENT      O0016016   20110130                             O043O001601600001 
NOSUBENT      O0016017   20110130                             O043O001601700001 
ENDENTRY            17          0                                 O001699999999