ENTRY O0050 20230404 O095O005000000001 SUBENT O0050001 20230404 O095O005000100001 BIB 14 27 O005000100002 TITLE Production of Ar-38 and Ar-39 in the interaction of O005000100003 gold and thorium with 1,2.5 and 24 GeV protons O005000100004 AUTHOR (H.Sauvageon,S.Regnier) O005000100005 INSTITUTE (2FR GRA) O005000100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,24,2667,1981) O005000100007 (T,REGNIER,1977) O005000100008 FACILITY (SYNCY,2FR SAC) At Saturne I and Saturne II. For 1.05 O005000100009 and 2.5 GeV. O005000100010 (SYNCY,2ZZZCER) For 24 GeV. O005000100011 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O005000100012 MONIT-REF (,J.Tobailem+,R,CEA-N-1466,(1),1,1971) O005000100013 METHOD (STTA,EXTB,ASEP) O005000100014 ADD-RES (RANGE) Mean kinetic energy. Ratio F/B. O005000100015 FLAG (1.) Data from thesis O005000100016 REL-REF (M,O0012001,H.Sauvageon+,J,PR/C,25,466,1982) - method O005000100017 and error analysis O005000100018 (M,O0095001,S.Regnier,J,PR/C,20,1517,1979) - - method O005000100019 and error analysis O005000100020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,10.,20.) The total uncertainty of cross section O005000100021 measurements is generally from 10 to 20%. O005000100022 (ERR-S) Standard deviation from the mean of the O005000100023 independent measurements O005000100024 STATUS (TABLE,,H.Sauvageon+,J,PR/C,24,2667,1981) Table I O005000100025 HISTORY (19941101C) O005000100026 (19941209A) The correction of data. O005000100027 (20230404A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. O005000100028 Corrections in all Subents. Subents 002,003 were split.O005000100029 ENDBIB 27 0 O005000100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 O005000100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 O005000199999 SUBENT O0050002 20230404 O095O005000200001 BIB 3 5 O005000200002 REACTION (79-AU-197(P,X)18-AR-38,CUM,SIG) O005000200003 SAMPLE The gold target was used. O005000200004 HISTORY (20230404A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O005000200005 DATA-ERR -> ERR-S. Data of REACTION (2) moved to O005000200006 Subent 004. O005000200007 ENDBIB 5 0 O005000200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O005000200009 DATA 4 3 O005000200010 EN DATA ERR-S FLAG O005000200011 GEV MB MB NO-DIM O005000200012 1. 0.43 0.03 1. O005000200013 2.5 4.3 1.1 O005000200014 24. 6.5 0.8 1. O005000200015 ENDDATA 5 0 O005000200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 O005000299999 SUBENT O0050003 20230404 O095O005000300001 BIB 3 10 O005000300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,X)18-AR-38,CUM,SIG) O005000300003 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted of 50 um thorium foil, O005000300004 sandwiched between two pairs of 50 um aluminium foils. O005000300005 The first pair served as recoil catchers and the O005000300006 second pair as guard foils. Several Al foils were addedO005000300007 at different locations in the stack to serve as beam O005000300008 monitors. O005000300009 HISTORY (20230404A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O005000300010 DATA-ERR -> ERR-S. Data of REACTION (2) moved to O005000300011 Subent 005. O005000300012 ENDBIB 10 0 O005000300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 O005000300014 DATA 4 3 O005000300015 EN DATA ERR-S FLAG O005000300016 GEV MB MB NO-DIM O005000300017 1. 0.56 0.06 1. O005000300018 2.5 9.3 1.8 O005000300019 24. 13.0 2.6 O005000300020 ENDDATA 5 0 O005000300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 O005000399999 SUBENT O0050004 20230404 O095O005000400001 BIB 3 3 O005000400002 REACTION (79-AU-197(P,X)18-AR-39,CUM,SIG) O005000400003 SAMPLE The gold target was used. O005000400004 HISTORY (20230404T) SD: Part of Subent 002. O005000400005 ENDBIB 3 0 O005000400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O005000400007 DATA 4 3 O005000400008 EN DATA ERR-S FLAG O005000400009 GEV MB MB NO-DIM O005000400010 1. 0.43 0.07 1. O005000400011 2.5 4.0 0.9 O005000400012 24. 5.3 0.7 1. O005000400013 ENDDATA 5 0 O005000400014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 O005000499999 SUBENT O0050005 20230404 O095O005000500001 BIB 3 8 O005000500002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,X)18-AR-39,CUM,SIG) O005000500003 SAMPLE The target stacks consisted of 50 um thorium foil, O005000500004 sandwiched between two pairs of 50 um aluminium foils. O005000500005 The first pair served as recoil catchers and the O005000500006 second pair as guard foils. Several Al foils were addedO005000500007 at different locations in the stack to serve as beam O005000500008 monitors. O005000500009 HISTORY (20230404T) SD: Part of Subent 003. O005000500010 ENDBIB 8 0 O005000500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 O005000500012 DATA 4 3 O005000500013 EN DATA ERR-S FLAG O005000500014 GEV MB MB NO-DIM O005000500015 1. 0.51 0.06 1. O005000500016 2.5 8.6 1.5 O005000500017 24. 11.5 1.9 O005000500018 ENDDATA 5 0 O005000500019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 O005000599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 O005099999999