ENTRY O0305 20221114 O093O030500000001 SUBENT O0305001 20221114 O093O030500100001 BIB 12 34 O030500100002 TITLE Tritium production by 6-Bev protons O030500100003 AUTHOR (L.A.Currie) O030500100004 INSTITUTE (1USAPSU) O030500100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,114,878,1959) O030500100006 Re-normalized data at 2.05 GeV were added to O030500100007 C0836 (see REL-REF).O030500100008 SAMPLE Targets, with areas of about 2 x 2 cm and thicknesses O030500100009 varying from 0.41 g/cm**2 to 4.8 g/cm**2, included pureO030500100010 metals as well as organic materials. Included with the O030500100011 target material itself were monitoring foils consistingO030500100012 of 0.003 in. or 0.005 in. aluminium and usually O030500100013 1 mg/cm**2 or 0.002 in. gold. O030500100014 REL-REF (R,C0836001,L.A.Currie+,J,PR,101,1557,1956) The cross O030500100015 sections for tritium production in various substances O030500100016 by 2.05 GeV proton have been measured. Re-normalized O030500100017 data were added. O030500100018 DETECTOR (GEMUC) A Geiger Counter. O030500100019 FACILITY (SYNCY,1USAUSA) The Bevatron was used. O030500100020 METHOD (ACTIV,CHSEP,STTA,REC) O030500100021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,,5.) Statistical counting errors. O030500100022 (ERR-1) Uncertainties in target analysis. O030500100023 (MONIT-ERR,,10.) Error in the monitor cross sections. O030500100024 (ERR-T) Over-all errors O030500100025 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 1 from Phys.Rev. 114,878,1959 O030500100026 HISTORY (19960306C) O030500100027 (19970309U) Last checking has been done. O030500100028 (20101002A) SD: Cosmetic corrections: O030500100029 ref. on old standard added; digits of the year updatedO030500100030 two digits => four digits in REF., MONIT-REF, HISTORY O030500100031 SF9=EXP in all REACTIONs deleted O030500100032 (20220104A) SD: Correction in Subent 114. O030500100033 (20221114A) SD: Correction in several Subents. O030500100034 Subents 009-011 deleted - data moved to C0836 (values O030500100035 at E=2.05 GeV was not measured in current experiment) O030500100036 ENDBIB 34 0 O030500100037 COMMON 2 3 O030500100038 ERR-T ERR-1 O030500100039 PER-CENT PER-CENT O030500100040 20. 5. O030500100041 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O030500100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 O030500199999 SUBENT O0305002 20221114 O093O030500200001 BIB 6 9 O030500200002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)1-H-3,,SIG) O030500200003 SAMPLE Polyethylene (CH2) was used as target. O030500200004 MONITOR ((MONIT)13-AL-27(P,X)9-F-18,,SIG) O030500200005 MISC-COL (MISC) Thickness of the target O030500200006 MONIT-REF (C0257001,H.G.Hicks+,J,PR,102,1390,1956) For Na-24 O030500200007 (C0286001,A.A.Caretto+,J,PR,110,1130,1958) For F-18 O030500200008 HISTORY (20221114A) SD: Value at E=2.05 GeV (not measured in O030500200009 current experiment) moved to C0836. O030500200010 THICKNESS -> MISC (not independent variable). O030500200011 ENDBIB 9 0 O030500200012 COMMON 1 3 O030500200013 MONIT O030500200014 MB O030500200015 7.4 O030500200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O030500200017 DATA 3 2 O030500200018 EN DATA MISC O030500200019 GEV MB G/CM-SQ O030500200020 5.7 18. 0.75 O030500200021 6.2 20. 0.45 O030500200022 ENDDATA 4 0 O030500200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 O030500299999 SUBENT O0305003 20221114 O093O030500300001 BIB 6 9 O030500300002 REACTION (7-N-0(P,X)1-H-3,,SIG) O030500300003 SAMPLE Melamine (C3N6H6) was used as target. O030500300004 MONITOR ((MONIT)13-AL-27(P,X)9-F-18,,SIG) O030500300005 MONIT-REF (C0257001,H.G.Hicks+,J,PR,102,1390,1956) For Na-24 O030500300006 (C0286001,A.A.Caretto+,J,PR,110,1130,1958) For F-18 O030500300007 MISC-COL (MISC) Thickness of the target O030500300008 HISTORY (20221114A) SD: Value at E=2.05 GeV (not measured in O030500300009 current experiment) moved to C0836. O030500300010 THICKNESS -> MISC (not independent variable). O030500300011 ENDBIB 9 0 O030500300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O030500300013 DATA 4 1 O030500300014 EN DATA MISC MONIT O030500300015 GEV MB G/CM-SQ MB O030500300016 6.2 35. 1.3 7.4 O030500300017 ENDDATA 3 0 O030500300018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 O030500399999 SUBENT O0305004 20221114 O093O030500400001 BIB 6 9 O030500400002 REACTION (8-O-0(P,X)1-H-3,,SIG) O030500400003 SAMPLE Lucite (C5O2H8) was used as target. O030500400004 MONITOR ((MONIT)13-AL-27(P,X)9-F-18,,SIG) O030500400005 MONIT-REF (C0257001,H.G.Hicks+,J,PR,102,1390,1956) For Na-24 O030500400006 (C0286001,A.A.Caretto+,J,PR,110,1130,1958) For F-18 O030500400007 MISC-COL (MISC) Thickness of the target O030500400008 HISTORY (20221114A) SD: Value at E=2.05 GeV (not measured in O030500400009 current experiment) moved to C0836. O030500400010 THICKNESS -> MISC (not independent variable). O030500400011 ENDBIB 9 0 O030500400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O030500400013 DATA 4 1 O030500400014 EN DATA MISC MONIT O030500400015 GEV MB G/CM-SQ MB O030500400016 6.2 38. 1.3 7.4 O030500400017 ENDDATA 3 0 O030500400018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 O030500499999 SUBENT O0305005 20221114 O093O030500500001 BIB 6 10 O030500500002 REACTION (13-AL-27(P,X)1-H-3,,SIG) O030500500003 SAMPLE Aluminium was used as target. O030500500004 MONITOR ((MONIT1)13-AL-27(P,X)9-F-18,,SIG) O030500500005 ((MONIT2)13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O030500500006 MONIT-REF (C0257001,H.G.Hicks+,J,PR,102,1390,1956) For Na-24 O030500500007 (C0286001,A.A.Caretto+,J,PR,110,1130,1958) For F-18 O030500500008 MISC-COL (MISC) Thickness of the target O030500500009 HISTORY (20221114A) SD: Value at E=2.05 GeV (not measured in O030500500010 current experiment) moved to C0836. O030500500011 THICKNESS -> MISC (not independent variable). O030500500012 ENDBIB 10 0 O030500500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 O030500500014 DATA 5 2 O030500500015 EN DATA MISC MONIT1 MONIT2 O030500500016 GEV MB G/CM-SQ MB MB O030500500017 0.12 8. 2.5 10. O030500500018 5.7 50. 0.41 7.4 O030500500019 ENDDATA 4 0 O030500500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O030500599999 SUBENT O0305006 20221114 O093O030500600001 BIB 6 9 O030500600002 REACTION (26-FE-0(P,X)1-H-3,,SIG) O030500600003 SAMPLE Iron was used as target. O030500600004 MONITOR ((MONIT)13-AL-27(P,X)9-F-18,,SIG) O030500600005 MONIT-REF (C0257001,H.G.Hicks+,J,PR,102,1390,1956) For Na-24 O030500600006 (C0286001,A.A.Caretto+,J,PR,110,1130,1958) For F-18 O030500600007 MISC-COL (MISC) Thickness of the target O030500600008 HISTORY (20221114A) SD: Value at E=2.05 GeV (not measured in O030500600009 current experiment) moved to C0836. O030500600010 THICKNESS -> MISC (not independent variable). O030500600011 ENDBIB 9 0 O030500600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O030500600013 DATA 4 1 O030500600014 EN DATA MISC MONIT O030500600015 GEV MB G/CM-SQ MB O030500600016 6.2 57. 4.8 7.4 O030500600017 ENDDATA 3 0 O030500600018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 O030500699999 SUBENT O0305007 20101202 O043O030500700001 BIB 4 4 O030500700002 REACTION (50-SN-0(P,X)1-H-3,,SIG) O030500700003 SAMPLE Tin was used as target. O030500700004 MONITOR ((MONIT)13-AL-27(P,X)9-F-18,,SIG) O030500700005 MONIT-REF (C0286001,A.Caretto+,J,PR,110,1130,1958) O030500700006 ENDBIB 4 0 O030500700007 NOCOMMON 0 0 O030500700008 DATA 4 1 O030500700009 EN DATA THICKNESS MONIT O030500700010 GEV MB G/CM-SQ MB O030500700011 6.2 440. 2.5 7.4 O030500700012 ENDDATA 3 0 O030500700013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 O030500799999 SUBENT O0305008 20221114 O093O030500800001 BIB 7 13 O030500800002 REACTION (82-PB-0(P,X)1-H-3,,SIG) O030500800003 SAMPLE Lead targets were used (see col.THICKNESS) O030500800004 MONITOR ((MONIT)13-AL-27(P,X)9-F-18,,SIG) O030500800005 MONIT-REF (C0257001,H.G.Hicks+,J,PR,102,1390,1956) For Na-24 O030500800006 (C0286001,A.A.Caretto+,J,PR,110,1130,1958) For F-18 O030500800007 MISC-COL (MISC) Thickness of the target O030500800008 FLAG (2.) Result of a 25% correction for loss of tritium O030500800009 from the thin lead target due to recoil. O030500800010 HISTORY (20101202A) SD: ERR-S deleted. Description moved O030500800011 to the FLAG (2.) O030500800012 (20221114A) SD: Value at E=2.05 GeV (not measured in O030500800013 current experiment) moved to C0836. O030500800014 THICKNESS -> MISC (not independent variable). O030500800015 ENDBIB 13 0 O030500800016 NOCOMMON 0 0 O030500800017 DATA 5 2 O030500800018 EN DATA MISC MONIT FLAG O030500800019 GEV MB G/CM-SQ MB NO-DIM O030500800020 6.2 510. 0.45 7.4 2. O030500800021 6.2 450. 2.6 7.4 O030500800022 ENDDATA 4 0 O030500800023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 O030500899999 NOSUBENT O0305009 20221114 O093O030500900001 NOSUBENT O0305010 20221114 O093O030501000001 NOSUBENT O0305011 20221114 O093O030501100001 ENDENTRY 11 0 O030599999999