ENTRY O0325 20230422 O096O032500000001 SUBENT O0325001 20230422 O096O032500100001 BIB 13 31 O032500100002 TITLE Measurements of the proton total reaction cross O032500100003 section for light nuclei between 20 and 48 MeV O032500100004 AUTHOR (W.F.McGill,R.E.Carlson,T.H.Short,J.M.Cameron, O032500100005 J.Reginald Richardson,I.Slaus,W.T.H.Van OErs,J.W.Verba,O032500100006 D.J.Margaziotis,P.Doherty) O032500100007 INSTITUTE (1USACLA,1USACST,1USALOY,1USARDL) O032500100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,10,2237,1974) O032500100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USACLA) O032500100010 SAMPLE Only solid targets were used. O032500100011 DETECTOR (TELES,SCIN,SCIN) The stopping detector telescope, O032500100012 composed of the small plastic disk detector and the O032500100013 CsI(Na) stopping detector. O032500100014 METHOD (SITA) The experiment consisted of a series target 'in'O032500100015 and target 'out' measurement at each energy. O032500100016 CORRECTION The corrections for elastic scattering events, charged O032500100017 particle reactions products, and reactions in the O032500100018 CsI(Na) scintillator. O032500100019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The error in the areal density measurements. O032500100020 (ERR-T) The error due to the uncertainty in the target O032500100021 areal density, the statistical uncertainty in the O032500100022 attenuation effect and the uncertainties in the O032500100023 various corrections. O032500100024 MISC-COL (MISC) The uncorrected cross section. O032500100025 (MISC-ERR) The uncertainty in 'MISC'. O032500100026 ADD-RES (COMP) The cross sections are compared with various O032500100027 theoretical predictions. O032500100028 HISTORY (19970403C) O032500100029 (19970406A) Correction of data. O032500100030 (19970407U) Last checking has been done. O032500100031 (20230422A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. O032500100032 Corrections in all Subents. O032500100033 ENDBIB 31 0 O032500100034 COMMON 3 3 O032500100035 EN-RSL-FW EN-ERR ERR-1 O032500100036 KEV MEV PER-CENT O032500100037 150. 1. 1. O032500100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O032500100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 O032500199999 SUBENT O0325002 20230422 O096O032500200001 BIB 4 6 O032500200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(P,NON),,SIG) O032500200003 SAMPLE The beryllium target was fabricated from stock O032500200004 specified to be 99.99% pure or better. O032500200005 Areal density of 80.99 mg/cm2. O032500200006 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.III from Phys.Rev.,C10(1974)2237 O032500200007 HISTORY (20230422A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O032500200008 ENDBIB 6 0 O032500200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O032500200010 DATA 5 12 O032500200011 EN DATA ERR-T MISC MISC-ERR O032500200012 MEV MB MB MB MB O032500200013 46.2 367. 12. 353. 5. O032500200014 43.1 375. 12. 356. 5. O032500200015 39.7 398. 12. 382. 5. O032500200016 36.8 410. 12. 398. 5. O032500200017 34.2 421. 13. 410. 5. O032500200018 32.2 442. 13. 430. 5. O032500200019 30.2 454. 13. 452. 5. O032500200020 27.3 474. 14. 481. 6. O032500200021 25.1 489. 16. 493. 7. O032500200022 24.5 497. 14. 510. 6. O032500200023 22.1 523. 18. 535. 7. O032500200024 20.1 547. 19. 565. 8. O032500200025 ENDDATA 14 0 O032500200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 O032500299999 SUBENT O0325003 20230422 O096O032500300001 BIB 4 6 O032500300002 REACTION (13-AL-27(P,NON),,SIG) O032500300003 SAMPLE The aluminium target was fabricated from stock O032500300004 specified to be 99.99% pure or better. O032500300005 Areal density of 67.27 mg/cm2. O032500300006 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.VI from Phys.Rev.,C10(1974)2237 O032500300007 HISTORY (20230422A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O032500300008 ENDBIB 6 0 O032500300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O032500300010 DATA 5 8 O032500300011 EN DATA ERR-T MISC MISC-ERR O032500300012 MEV MB MB MB MB O032500300013 46.3 600. 17. 639. 10. O032500300014 43.2 615. 16. 658. 9. O032500300015 39.8 633. 16. 679. 10. O032500300016 36.9 651. 16. 705. 10. O032500300017 33.7 668. 17. 732. 11. O032500300018 30.4 709. 18. 785. 11. O032500300019 27.4 731. 19. 829. 12. O032500300020 24.8 733. 20. 850. 12. O032500300021 ENDDATA 10 0 O032500300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O032500399999 SUBENT O0325004 20230422 O096O032500400001 BIB 4 5 O032500400002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,NON),,SIG) O032500400003 SAMPLE The carbon target was made from reactor grade graphite.O032500400004 Areal density of 78.87 mg/cm2. O032500400005 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.IV from Phys.Rev.,C10(1974)2237 O032500400006 HISTORY (20230422A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O032500400007 ENDBIB 5 0 O032500400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O032500400009 DATA 5 14 O032500400010 EN DATA ERR-T MISC MISC-ERR O032500400011 MEV MB MB MB MB O032500400012 47.7 341. 7. 345. 4. O032500400013 46.1 344. 8. 362. 6. O032500400014 44.6 351. 8. 357. 4. O032500400015 43. 356. 9. 364. 5. O032500400016 39.5 361. 8. 384. 5. O032500400017 35.2 365. 12. 391. 7. O032500400018 34.4 378. 9. 418. 5. O032500400019 33. 381. 9. 430. 6. O032500400020 31. 399. 11. 437. 6. O032500400021 29.8 413. 11. 456. 6. O032500400022 27.9 405. 11. 484. 6. O032500400023 26.1 432. 11. 514. 7. O032500400024 24.7 432. 12. 504. 7. O032500400025 23.2 452. 13. 540. 6. O032500400026 ENDDATA 16 0 O032500400027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 O032500499999 SUBENT O0325005 20230422 O096O032500500001 BIB 5 7 O032500500002 REACTION (9-F-19(P,NON),,SIG) O032500500003 SAMPLE The C(2)F(4) target of the 55.83 mg/cm2 areal density. O032500500004 ANALYSIS Fluorine cross section was computed using the O032500500005 expression sigma=0.25(sigma(teflon) - 2*sigma(carbon)) O032500500006 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.V from Phys.Rev.,C10(1974)2237 O032500500007 (DEP,O0325004) O032500500008 HISTORY (20230422A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O032500500009 ENDBIB 7 0 O032500500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 O032500500011 DATA 5 8 O032500500012 EN DATA ERR-T MISC MISC-ERR O032500500013 MEV MB MB MB MB O032500500014 46.3 2773. 80. 2900. 47. O032500500015 43.3 2838. 71. 2969. 44. O032500500016 39.9 2928. 73. 3124. 45. O032500500017 36.9 3044. 69. 3258. 47. O032500500018 34.3 3139. 69. 3401. 48. O032500500019 30.4 3318. 75. 3630. 48. O032500500020 27.4 3438. 78. 3851. 53. O032500500021 24.9 3562. 86. 4023. 57. O032500500022 ENDDATA 10 0 O032500500023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 O032500599999 SUBENT O0325006 20230422 O096O032500600001 BIB 4 4 O032500600002 REACTION (14-SI-0(P,NON),,SIG) O032500600003 SAMPLE The silicon target of the 78.03 mg/cm2 areal density. O032500600004 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.VII from Phys.Rev.,C10(1974)2237 O032500600005 HISTORY (20230422A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O032500600006 ENDBIB 4 0 O032500600007 NOCOMMON 0 0 O032500600008 DATA 5 9 O032500600009 EN DATA ERR-T MISC MISC-ERR O032500600010 MEV MB MB MB MB O032500600011 47.8 626. 19. 627. 8. O032500600012 46.2 615. 20. 624. 11. O032500600013 43.2 643. 19. 653. 9. O032500600014 39.6 653. 19. 676. 9. O032500600015 36.8 685. 20. 714. 10. O032500600016 34. 694. 20. 733. 10. O032500600017 30.5 720. 22. 778. 11. O032500600018 27.5 745. 22. 819. 11. O032500600019 24.7 771. 24. 862. 12. O032500600020 ENDDATA 11 0 O032500600021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 O032500699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 O032599999999