ENTRY O0330 20230425 O096O033000000001 SUBENT O0330001 20230425 O096O033000100001 BIB 12 28 O033000100002 TITLE Proton total reaction cross sections for the doubly O033000100003 magic nuclei O-16, Ca-40 and Pb-208 in the energy rangeO033000100004 20-50 MeV O033000100005 AUTHOR (R.F.Carlson,A.J.Cox,J.R.Nimmo,N.E.Davison,S.A.Elbakr, O033000100006 J.L.Horton,A.Houdayer,A.M.Sourkes,W.T.H.van Oers, O033000100007 D.J.Margaziotis) O033000100008 INSTITUTE (1USARDL,1CANMNA,1USACST,1USARDL) O033000100009 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,12,1167,1975) O033000100010 ADD-RES (COMP) Optical model analysis. O033000100011 DETECTOR (TELES,CSICR,SCIN) Six detectors were used. O033000100012 INC-SOURCE *En-rsl-fw*.resolution energy. O033000100013 FACILITY (CYCLO,1CANMNA) O033000100014 METHOD (SITA) O033000100015 CORRECTION Elastic correction, charged particle reaction products O033000100016 correction-charged particle reaction products entering O033000100017 the stopping detector 6 with energies above the energy O033000100018 corresponding to the threshold of this detector are O033000100019 counted experimentally as non-attenuation events. O033000100020 Charged particle reaction products correction- O033000100021 all charged particle reaction products entering O033000100022 detector 5 are counted as non-attenuation events, O033000100023 correction for reactions in the stopping detector, O033000100024 corrections for reactions in gas cell nickel foil. O033000100025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O033000100026 HISTORY (19970415C) O033000100027 (19970421U) Last checking has been done. O033000100028 (20230425A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. O033000100029 Corrections in all Subents. O033000100030 ENDBIB 28 0 O033000100031 COMMON 1 3 O033000100032 EN-ERR O033000100033 MEV O033000100034 0.1 O033000100035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O033000100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 O033000199999 SUBENT O0330002 20230425 O096O033000200001 BIB 6 14 O033000200002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,NON),,SIG) O033000200003 SAMPLE The oxygen gas was contained in a 3.8 cm thick gas O033000200004 cell with nickel foil entrance and exit windows. O033000200005 Pressures up to 20 atm were used. The oxygen was O033000200006 natural oxygen gas with a purity of 99.999%. The O033000200007 quartz and Si targets had areal densities of 61.6 and O033000200008 78.0 mg/cm2, respectively. O033000200009 FLAG (1.) Gas target. O033000200010 (2.) Quartz target. O033000200011 MISC-COL (MISC) Uncorrected proton total reaction cross section.O033000200012 (MISC-ERR).'MISC' uncertainty (mb). O033000200013 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.I from Phys.Rev.,C12(1975)1167 O033000200014 HISTORY (20230425A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O033000200015 BIB updated. ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O033000200016 ENDBIB 14 0 O033000200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 O033000200018 DATA 6 74 O033000200019 EN DATA DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR FLAG O033000200020 MEV MB MB MB MB NO-DIM O033000200021 47.7 418. 12. 590.5 7. 1.O033000200022 46.3 418. 13. 465.3 11. 2.O033000200023 46.1 432. 12. 620.8 7. 1.O033000200024 46.1 418. 12. 590.5 7. 1.O033000200025 43.2 432. 12. 464.5 9. 2.O033000200026 43.1 426. 13. 633.0 7. 1.O033000200027 43.1 444. 13. 657.8 7. 1.O033000200028 40.2 453. 15. 690.5 7. 1.O033000200029 39.8 451. 12. 491.6 9. 2.O033000200030 39.8 446. 15. 688.2 7. 1.O033000200031 39.6 464. 11. 508.4 10. 2.O033000200032 39.4 450. 14. 691.9 7. 1.O033000200033 39.4 443. 15. 689.5 7. 1.O033000200034 39.0 441. 15. 693.4 7. 1.O033000200035 38.7 446. 11. 493.3 10. 2.O033000200036 38.6 453. 15. 711.4 7. 1.O033000200037 38.2 445. 14. 709.0 7. 1.O033000200038 37.8 451. 15. 720.2 7. 1.O033000200039 37.8 461. 11. 511.9 10. 2.O033000200040 37.4 461. 15. 736.0 7. 1.O033000200041 37.0 451. 15. 731.4 7. 1.O033000200042 36.9 452. 13. 502.7 10. 2.O033000200043 36.8 445. 12. 498.9 10. 2.O033000200044 36.6 459. 17. 743.2 7. 1.O033000200045 36.2 471. 17. 759.1 7. 1.O033000200046 35.9 466. 12. 522.8 10. 2.O033000200047 35.8 462. 17. 752.6 7. 1.O033000200048 35.4 464. 17. 757.7 7. 1.O033000200049 35.0 477. 17. 773.4 7. 1.O033000200050 34.9 468. 12. 528.8 10. 2.O033000200051 34.8 481. 13. 538.7 10. 2.O033000200052 34.6 494. 17. 794.1 7. 1.O033000200053 34.2 462. 12. 522.2 10. 2.O033000200054 34.2 475. 17. 778.3 7. 1.O033000200055 34.2 481. 16. 770.7 7. 1.O033000200056 34.0 461. 12. 525.7 10. 2.O033000200057 33.8 479. 17. 786.7 6. 1.O033000200058 33.4 486. 18. 797.6 7. 1.O033000200059 33.0 480. 18. 798.0 7. 1.O033000200060 32.9 483. 13. 551.4 11. 2.O033000200061 32.6 487. 18. 811.7 7. 1.O033000200062 32.2 490. 18. 819.7 7. 1.O033000200063 31.8 490. 18. 824.8 7. 1.O033000200064 31.4 491. 19. 831.7 8. 1.O033000200065 31.1 490. 13. 565.4 10. 2.O033000200066 31.0 490. 19. 837.2 8. 1.O033000200067 30.6 487. 14. 566.9 12. 2.O033000200068 30.6 498. 19. 850.7 8. 1.O033000200069 30.4 492. 12. 569.9 9. 2.O033000200070 30.2 499. 20. 857.8 8. 1.O033000200071 29.8 507. 20. 871.9 8. 1.O033000200072 29.7 509. 19. 852.6 8. 1.O033000200073 29.7 503. 19. 853.6 8. 1.O033000200074 29.5 507. 20. 876.1 8. 1.O033000200075 29.0 499. 20. 875.6 8. 1.O033000200076 28.6 508. 21. 889.1 8. 1.O033000200077 28.2 506. 21. 892.9 8. 1.O033000200078 27.6 503. 14. 600.1 11. 2.O033000200079 27.6 505. 18. 601.8 15. 2.O033000200080 27.5 521. 21. 915.8 8. 1.O033000200081 26.6 517. 14. 616.7 11. 2.O033000200082 25.6 524. 18. 625.6 16. 2.O033000200083 24.8 552. 15. 656.2 11. 2.O033000200084 24.8 536. 15. 643.2 12. 2.O033000200085 24.7 548. 17. 624.2 10. 2.O033000200086 24.7 550. 21. 960.1 8. 1.O033000200087 24.1 553. 14. 665.0 12. 2.O033000200088 23.9 530. 15. 645.9 12. 2.O033000200089 22.8 524. 15. 655.8 12. 2.O033000200090 22.8 547. 15. 669.8 12. 2.O033000200091 22.0 535. 15. 679.9 12. 2.O033000200092 20.9 524. 16. 687.9 13. 2.O033000200093 19.9 529. 17. 710.2 13. 2.O033000200094 18.8 531. 18. 750.2 13. 2.O033000200095 ENDDATA 76 0 O033000200096 ENDSUBENT 95 0 O033000299999 SUBENT O0330003 20230425 O096O033000300001 BIB 5 9 O033000300002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,NON),,SIG) O033000300003 SAMPLE The Ca-40 target was isotopically enriched to 99.97% O033000300004 with areal densities of 41.3 mg/cm2. O033000300005 MISC-COL (MISC) Uncorrected proton total reaction cross section.O033000300006 (MISC-ERR).'MISC' uncertainty (mb). O033000300007 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.II from Phys.Rev.,C12(1975)1167 O033000300008 HISTORY (20230425A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. BIBO033000300009 updated. ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. MISC2 deleted (calculated O033000300010 data not in EXFOR scope). MISC2 -> MISC. O033000300011 ENDBIB 9 0 O033000300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O033000300013 DATA 5 6 O033000300014 EN DATA DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR O033000300015 MEV MB MB MB MB O033000300016 48. 768.9 22. 771.9 13. O033000300017 45. 778.1 23. 791.1 14. O033000300018 40. 807.3 24. 837.6 15. O033000300019 35. 853.7 25. 922.9 16. O033000300020 30. 879.8 26. 987.6 17. O033000300021 24.9 876.4 33. 1033.5 25. O033000300022 ENDDATA 8 0 O033000300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 O033000399999 SUBENT O0330004 20230425 O096O033000400001 BIB 5 9 O033000400002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,NON),,SIG) O033000400003 SAMPLE The Pb-208 target was isotopically enriched to 99.3% O033000400004 with areal densities of 54.6 mg/cm2. O033000400005 MISC-COL (MISC) Uncorrected proton total reaction cross section.O033000400006 (MISC-ERR).'MISC' uncertainty (mb). O033000400007 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.III from Phys.Rev.,C12(1975)1167 O033000400008 HISTORY (20230425A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. BIBO033000400009 updated. ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. MISC2 deleted (calculated O033000400010 data not in EXFOR scope). MISC2 -> MISC. O033000400011 ENDBIB 9 0 O033000400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O033000400013 DATA 5 9 O033000400014 EN DATA DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR O033000400015 MEV MB MB MB MB O033000400016 48.0 2026. 48. 2235.8 44. O033000400017 46.7 2023. 37. 2250.7 29. O033000400018 45.1 1979. 41. 2216.8 35. O033000400019 40.1 2012. 37. 2293.9 29. O033000400020 35.1 1974. 38. 2342.3 28. O033000400021 30.3 1862. 41. 2317.9 29. O033000400022 26.4 1751. 49. 2382.5 32. O033000400023 24.2 1706. 52. 2423.1 33. O033000400024 21.1 1511. 64. 2486.1 36. O033000400025 ENDDATA 11 0 O033000400026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 O033000499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 O033099999999