ENTRY O0604 20230406 O095O060400000001 SUBENT O0604001 20230406 O095O060400100001 BIB 13 46 O060400100002 TITLE An analysis of gold fission induced by high-energy O060400100003 protons O060400100004 COMMENT - By Authors - The high-energy binary and ternary O060400100005 fission is defined as a decay of a nucleus into two andO060400100006 three fragments of comparable mass, respectively. O060400100007 AUTHOR (Z.Todorovic,R.Antanasijevic) O060400100008 INSTITUTE (3SRBBKB) O060400100009 FACILITY (SYNCY,1USAANL) 12.2 GeV O060400100010 (SYNCH,2ZZZCER) 14, 18 and 23 GeV O060400100011 REFERENCE (J,NC/A,33,546,1976) O060400100012 SAMPLE Layers of gold of a thickness of 200-500 Angstrom O060400100013 were evaporated in vacuum onto one of the detector O060400100014 foils on the inner side. O060400100015 The surface of the sample was parallel to the proton O060400100016 beam for the irradiation at 12.2 GeV and normal to the O060400100017 proton beam for irradiations at the other energies. O060400100018 METHOD (FISCT) O060400100019 DETECTOR (TRD) Makrofol polycarbonate detectors consisted of O060400100020 two sheets of a size of 3*4*0.02 cm forming a sandwich.O060400100021 Detector was sensitive to fragments with A>=16. Heavy O060400100022 reaction fragments were stopped inside the Makrofol O060400100023 sheets and could thus be detected in a 4pi geometry. O060400100024 CORRECTION Performed: Loss of events of about 2% due to removal O060400100025 of the detector material in the course of chemical O060400100026 treatment. O060400100027 Negligible: Casual coincidences between two individualO060400100028 tracks and an individual track with binary events. O060400100029 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistics of the fission events and the O060400100030 uncertainties in the flux determination and the target O060400100031 thickness. O060400100032 (ERR-1,,15.) Error in flux determination O060400100033 (ERR-2,,10.) Error in target thickness. O060400100034 (ERR-S) Statistics of the fission events. O060400100035 ADD-RES (RANGE) O060400100036 The range of the fragments and the distributions of O060400100037 the space angle between two tracks for two- and O060400100038 three-prong events. O060400100039 HISTORY (19971201C) AP: By Khlopin's Institute. O060400100040 (19971212A) Reactions, Reference and Data-Sections areO060400100041 Corrected. O060400100042 (19980211A) AP: Facility and Err-Analys corrected. O060400100043 (19980424A) AP: Rel-Ref are added. O060400100044 (19980605A) AP: Rel-Ref is corrected. O060400100045 (20000420U) Last checking has been done. O060400100046 (20000424A) DATE is corrected O060400100047 (20230406A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. O060400100048 ENDBIB 46 0 O060400100049 NOCOMMON 0 0 O060400100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 O060400199999 SUBENT O0604002 20230406 O095O060400200001 BIB 4 9 O060400200002 REACTION 1(79-AU-197(P,F),,SIG) O060400200003 2(79-AU-197(P,F),TER,SIG) O060400200004 3(79-AU-197(P,F),TER/BIN,SIG/RAT) O060400200005 REL-REF (N,O0643004,J.Hudis+,J,PR,180,1122,1969) Agrees for O060400200006 the binary fission cross sections but disagrees for O060400200007 the ternary ones. O060400200008 (A,O0605007,R.Brandt+,J,RPA,7,243,1972) O060400200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nuovo Cim.,A33(1976)546 O060400200010 HISTORY (20230406A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O060400200011 ENDBIB 9 0 O060400200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O060400200013 DATA 7 4 O060400200014 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 3O060400200015 ERR-S 3 O060400200016 GEV MB MB MB MB NO-DIM O060400200017 NO-DIM O060400200018 12.2 69. 12. 2.1 0.5 0.03O060400200019 0.006 O060400200020 14. 66. 14. 2.6 0.6 0.041O060400200021 0.008 O060400200022 18. 61. 14. 2.2 0.5 0.037O060400200023 0.007 O060400200024 23. 72. 16. 1.8 0.4 0.025O060400200025 0.006 O060400200026 ENDDATA 12 0 O060400200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 O060400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O060499999999