ENTRY O0607 20230406 O095O060700000001 SUBENT O0607001 20230406 O095O060700100001 BIB 16 70 O060700100002 TITLE Experimental Results on the Nuclear Fission Produced O060700100003 By 600 MeV Protons O060700100004 AUTHOR (H.G.de Carvalho,G.Potenza,R.Rinzivillo, E.Sassi, O060700100005 G.Vanderhaeghe) O060700100006 INSTITUTE (2ZZZCER,2ITYNAP) O060700100007 REFERENCE (J,NC,25,880,1962) O060700100008 FACILITY (SYNCY,2ZZZCER) O060700100009 METHOD (EXTB,STTA,FISCT) O060700100010 DETECTOR (PLATE) Low sensitivity pellicles loaded with differentO060700100011 elements under study were prepared, starting from O060700100012 Ilford K0 emulsion in gel form. The loaded and unloadedO060700100013 pellicles were irradiated as stacks. Each stack O060700100014 consisted of 3 400-mumeter-thick pellicles, with each O060700100015 pellicle loaded with a different element. The beam O060700100016 direction was perpendicular to the stack surface for O060700100017 the fission cross section measurements. O060700100018 (IOCH) The ionization chamber was used for relative O060700100019 monitoring of the proton beam. O060700100020 SAMPLE Natural silver was a constituent of the emulsion. O060700100021 Uranium, thorium, bismuth and tungsten were loaded intoO060700100022 the emulsion pellicles. O060700100023 Comment by Compiler: the authors mentioned 238-U and O060700100024 184-W among the loaded nuclei. O060700100025 Most likely, 238 and 184 here mean not the pure O060700100026 isotopes but the average atomic mass for natural O060700100027 uranium and tungsten loaded. O060700100028 MONITOR ((MONIT)92-U-0(P,F),,SIG) O060700100029 MONIT-REF (,N.S.Ivanova,J,JET,4,365,1957) O060700100030 (O0632002,H.M.Steiner+,J,PR,101,807,1956) O060700100031 (C0297001,P.Kruger+,J,PR,99,1459,1955) O060700100032 (C0363001,L.G.Jodra+,J,PR,99,1470,1955) O060700100033 Total fission cross sections are not compiled in the O060700100034 two EXFOR entries given above. O060700100035 (,V.F.Biller,R,UCRL-2067,1957) O060700100036 (,N.A.Perfilov,J,ZET,41,871,1961) O060700100037 CORRECTION Performed: Incomplete scanning efficiency. O060700100038 Negligible: Fissions induced by secondary particles. O060700100039 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The uncertainty in the relative beam monitoringO060700100040 used for comparisons between different exposures. O060700100041 Indeed, this error on absolute proton flux at the stackO060700100042 location was estimated to be of the order of a factor O060700100043 2, so that we could not rely on it for absolute cross O060700100044 section measurements. - Comment by authors - O060700100045 (ERR-2) The uncertainty in the number of loaded nuclei O060700100046 comment by compiler: this uncertainty may be O060700100047 underestimated by authors. O060700100048 (MONIT-ERR) The uncertainty of the monitor cross sect. O060700100049 1(ERR-T) The quoted errors include the statistics of O060700100050 fission events, the uncertainty in the loading density O060700100051 and the uncertainty of the exposure doses. O060700100052 2(ERR-T) The quoted errors include the statistics of O060700100053 fission events, the uncertainty in the loading density,O060700100054 the uncertainty of the exposure doses and the O060700100055 uncertainty of the adopted monitor cross section. O060700100056 MISC-COL (MISC1) Loading density of the main sample. O060700100057 (MISC2) Loading density of the monitor sample. O060700100058 (MISC3) Number of observed events of the main sample. O060700100059 (MISC4) Number of observed events of the monitor sampleO060700100060 ADD-RES (ANGD) Angular distributions of fission fragments. O060700100061 STATUS (TABLE) Tabl. I from Nuovo Cim.,25(1962)880 O060700100062 HISTORY (19980216C) AP: By Khlopin's Institute O060700100063 (19980223A) Corrections of REACTION lines and O060700100064 ERR-ANALYS. O060700100065 (19980228A) AP: Corrections of REACTION lines and O060700100066 ERR-ANALYS. O060700100067 (19980424A) AP: MONIT-REF are corrected. O060700100068 (19980605A) AP: MONIT-REF are corrected. O060700100069 (20000420U) Last checking has been done. O060700100070 (20000424A) DATE is corrected O060700100071 (20230406A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. O060700100072 ENDBIB 70 0 O060700100073 COMMON 7 6 O060700100074 EN EN-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 MONIT MONIT-ERR O060700100075 MISC4 O060700100076 MEV MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT MB MB O060700100077 NO-DIM O060700100078 591. 3. 5. 1. 1200. 100.O060700100079 8744. O060700100080 ENDCOMMON 6 0 O060700100081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 O060700199999 SUBENT O0607002 20230406 O095O060700200001 BIB 2 4 O060700200002 REACTION 1((90-TH-232(P,F),,SIG)/ O060700200003 (92-U-0(P,F),,SIG)) O060700200004 2(90-TH-232(P,F),,SIG) O060700200005 HISTORY (20230406A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O060700200006 ENDBIB 4 0 O060700200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 O060700200008 DATA 7 1 O060700200009 DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2MISC1 MISC2 O060700200010 MISC3 O060700200011 NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB ATOMS/B ATOMS/B O060700200012 NO-DIM O060700200013 0.607 0.016 730. 80. 4.99E-6 6.76E-6O060700200014 6294. O060700200015 ENDDATA 6 0 O060700200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 O060700299999 SUBENT O0607003 20230406 O095O060700300001 BIB 2 4 O060700300002 REACTION 1((83-BI-209(P,F),,SIG)/ O060700300003 (92-U-0(P,F),,SIG)) O060700300004 2(83-BI-209(P,F),,SIG) O060700300005 HISTORY (20230406A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O060700300006 ENDBIB 4 0 O060700300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 O060700300008 DATA 7 1 O060700300009 DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2MISC1 MISC2 O060700300010 MISC3 O060700300011 NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB ATOMS/B ATOMS/B O060700300012 NO-DIM O060700300013 0.184 0.009 220. 30. 4.94E-6 6.76E-6O060700300014 780. O060700300015 ENDDATA 6 0 O060700300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 O060700399999 SUBENT O0607004 20230406 O095O060700400001 BIB 2 4 O060700400002 REACTION 1((74-W-0(P,F),,SIG)/ O060700400003 (92-U-0(P,F),,SIG)) O060700400004 2(74-W-0(P,F),,SIG) O060700400005 HISTORY (20230406A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O060700400006 ENDBIB 4 0 O060700400007 NOCOMMON 0 0 O060700400008 DATA 7 1 O060700400009 DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2MISC1 MISC2 O060700400010 MISC3 O060700400011 NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB ATOMS/B ATOMS/B O060700400012 NO-DIM O060700400013 0.75E-2 0.14E-2 9.0 2.2 1.93E-6 6.76E-6O060700400014 49. O060700400015 ENDDATA 6 0 O060700400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 O060700499999 SUBENT O0607005 20230406 O095O060700500001 BIB 3 8 O060700500002 REACTION 1((47-AG-0(P,F),,SIG)/ O060700500003 (92-U-0(P,F),,SIG)) O060700500004 2(47-AG-0(P,F),,SIG) O060700500005 ASSUMED The data are obtained by supposing that all O060700500006 fissions observed in unloaded emulsions are the ones O060700500007 of silver nuclei. Thus the quoted values are given O060700500008 as upper limits. O060700500009 HISTORY (20230406A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O060700500010 ENDBIB 8 0 O060700500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 O060700500012 DATA 7 1 O060700500013 DATA-MAX 1ERR-T 1DATA-MAX 2ERR-T 2MISC1 MISC2 O060700500014 MISC3 O060700500015 NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB ATOMS/B ATOMS/B O060700500016 NO-DIM O060700500017 0.25E-3 0.03E-2 0.3 0.06 3.E-4 6.76E-6O060700500018 166. O060700500019 ENDDATA 6 0 O060700500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O060700599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 O060799999999